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November 16, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-16

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One hundred ten yearsf di~trfreedom


November 16, 2000

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ecount requests t
The Associated Press State Katherine
recounts "pending
In dueling televised appearances, Al Gore the process was p
ade a surprise proposal for a statewide hand Bush's camp
recount of Florida's 6 million ballots yesterday seeking to consol
and George W Bush swiftly rejected it, calling tions under one st
the effort under way in several Democratic- The high court
leaning counties "arbitrary and chaotic." final word, gave
With their futures tied up in a knot of legal ballot-by-ballot
battles, the presidential rivals called for a quick lead in the state. C
end to the contested election but disagreed on Beach counties h
how to do it. ating hand count
"Our goal," the vice president said at his offi- Even as they di
al mansion, "must be what is right for Ameri- state set the stag
announcing she
Their evening addresses capped a whirlwind counted ballots, c
day of legal activity that gave both weary "insufficient." Ha
camps a taste of victory and defeat - but no da election resul
clear road to completion. recount totals.
The Florida Supreme Court opened the Gore's lawyers
action by rejecting a request from Secretary of decision in state c
Basketball Butting in
*cket sales
plunge 40
By Mark Francescutti
Daily Sports Editor
The Michigan Athletic Depart-
ment has sold just 598 men's bas-
ketball season-ticket packages this
season, a decrease of more than 40
percent from last season when the
Wolverines sold 1,023. This season
is anticipating the worst ticket sales
more than a decade.
Michigan also raised the student
package price $4 for three less
But price wasn't an issue for
hockey tickets. Men's basketball
was outsold more than 2-to-1 by
hockey, which sold 1,385 despite a
hockey package that carried a price
tag more than double that of bas-
etball - $195 for hockey, $104
r hoops.
One reason for choosing hockey over
basketball is the crowd at Yost Ice
Arena, exciting compared to the docile
Crisler Arena student section.
"Crisler is the most tame arena to
watch a sports event," said Business LSA senior Julie Blaszl
student Mike Miller, who chose not stop smoking during T
to purchase season tickets.
"I think that one of the things
was that the students really rallied

votes to decide

e ection

denied, final ballots due tomorrow

Harris to block any manual
g final resolution" of whether
roper under Florida law.
had intervened in the case,
lidate the tangle of legal peti-
ate court.
's ruling, though far from the
Democrats new vigor in their
bid to trim Bush's 300-vote
Officials in Broward and Palm
unkered down for an excruci-
of 1 million ballots.
id, the Republican secretary of
ge for another legal clash by
would not accept the hand-
calling the counties' reasoning
rris vowed to certify the Flori-
ts Saturday without the hand
said they will challenged her
circuit court today.

The fight careening out of Florida, a federal
appeals court in Atlanta agreed to consider
Bush's bid to shut down the recounts. The
Texas governor lost a round on that question in
federal court earlier this week in Miami.
In a 182-page brief, Bush's attorneys argued
that granting the injunction to stop the hand
counting in Florida would "not substantially
injure the rights of the defendants. ... and will
clearly advance the public interest."
The appeal seeks to stop the hand counting
in- Palm Beach, Miami-Dade, Broward and
Volusia counties in Florida.
There was no word from the court when it
would hear the appeal.
There were many legal issues left unre-
solved. Gore's lawyers had asked the high court
justices to uphold the validity of the manual
recounts and extend the deadline for complet-
ing them. There was no immediate answer on
those questions from the Florida Supreme

Court, whose members were all chosen by
Democratic governors.
Republicans accused Gore of using the
courts in an attempt to overtake Bush by manu-
al recounts after the state had already reviewed
6 million ballots by machine.
"Five days ago ... I cautioned that there
would be no reasonable end to the election
process in Florida if it should dissolve into
multiple recounts and court cases," said James
A. Baker III, a former secretary of state work-
ing for Bush. "I'm afraid to say that's exactly
what's happened."
Warren Christopher, the former secretary of
state overseeing the case for Gore, pledged to
do what he must to "protect the rights of the
vice president" - holding open the prospect of
a protracted legal fight that could go to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
In the latest public relations salvo, Gore
See FLORIDA, Page 8A

Another busy day
® 10:00 a.m. The Florida Supreme Court
allows hand recounts to continue.
® 2:00 p.m. Three counties submit requests
to the Secretary of State to continue hand
6:30 p.m. Vice President Al Gore proposes
a final solution: Allow hand recounts in every
Florida county, certify those results, avoid all
legal challenges.
® 9:00 p.m. Fla. Secretary of State
Katherine Harris says the ongoing hand
recounts will not be certified, the absentee
ballots will be the final votes tallied.
10:15 Bushrejects Gore's proposal for a
statewide hand count, says the final results
should be certified this weekend.

Arguments to
start in lawsuit

By Jon Fish
Daily Staff Reporter

After three years of legal wrangling
and almost endless speculation, there
is a very slim chance that the lawsuits
challenging the use of race as a factor
in University admissions could actual-
ly end today.
Oral arguments for
summary judgment in
the lawsuit challenging
the College of Litera-
ture, Sciences and the ON
Arts will be heard in_
federal district court for ~I
in Detroit today.
Judge Patrick Duggan
will preside over the
case, which has seen an array of
delays since its initial filing more
than three years ago by the Wash-
ington, D.C.-based Center for Indi-
vidual Rights on behalf of rejected
white applicants Patrick Hamacher
and Jennifer Gratz.
Last spring, the University and the
Center for Individual Rights submitted
motions for summary judgment, ask-
ing the judge to make a decision based
on evidence presented without going
to trial
In effect, both sides are asking the
judge to rule in their favor because
their interpretation of the evidence is

so compelling, a trial is unnecessary.
If a summary judgment is not grant-
ed, the case will go to trial, possibly as
soon as December.
"This is sort of like the last stop
before the train goes express," Uni-
versity Deputy General Counsel Liz
Barry said.

- I1 -1

at the judge's discretion
today is the decision to
issue a summary judg-
ment on a motion filed
by the University's
lawyers to have former
University President
James Duderstadt and
current President Lee
Bollinger dismissed as
defendants in the case

on the grounds of qualified immu-
This doctrine basically allows
government officials to be immune
from suits "when they act in good
faith in reliance of the law," Barry
More simply, because Duderstadt
and Bollinger executed their duties
according to the law, they should not
be subject to suit.
If summary judgment is granted on
the case as a whole, it would essential-
ly be over, but only at the district level.
It has been made reasonably clear that

alc - dressed as "Mr. Butt" - and LSA junior Tamarah Gipprieh try to convince students to
he Great American Smokeout on the Diag yesterday.

Lidates for MSA battle voter apathy

Basketball ticket sales
The sales figures for men's
basketball student season ticket
packages, along with Michigan's Big'
Ten and overall record.
Year Sale Recordt
1992-93 4,542 (15-3, 31-5)
1993-94 4,267 (13-5, 24-8)
1994-95 3,905 (11-7, 17-14)
1995-96 3,830 (10-8, 20-12)
@996-97 2,796 (9-9, 24-11)
1997-98 2,200 (11-5, 25-9)
1998-99 712 (5-11, 12-19)
1999-00 1023 (6-10, 15-14)
I0O-01 598
Death sp
By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
The Washtenaw County Coroner's
Office officially ruled this week that
Engineering sophomore Byung Soo
,im died of acute ethanol intoxica-
n, or alcohol poisoning, 6 a.m.
According to the Ann Arbor Police
Department, Kim ingested 20 shots of
Scotch whisky in 90 minutes at his
21st birthday party Friday night, which
caused him to stop breathing. He was

\r~ C,1.1

By Jane Krull
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly fall elec-
tions kicked off yesterday to a mediocre start.
As of 6:30 yesterday evening, 2,728 votes
were cast, which is comparable to fall elec-
tions in previous years, Elections Director
Steve Lund said.
Music sophomores David Jones and Joe
McEachern voted yesterday because a friend of a
write-in candidate reminded them to. "I think it is
interesting that I wouldn't have voted if this dude

wouldn't have reminded me," McEachern said. "I
don't pay attention to posters and didn't know
that elections were today."
With hectic schedules including classes,
jobs and activities, many students simply for-
got to vote. "I've been busy all day and didn't
even think of it - I intend to vote, though,"
Kinesiology freshman Erica Watts said.
Some students feel that the assembly
doesn't effect their University lives and
choose not to vote, Engineering freshman
Paul Kammer said. "I'm tired of all these people
coming to door asking me to vote for them," Kam-

mer said. "I'm not going to vote cause I really
don't care."
As the election comes to an end tonight,
candidates continue to campaign and urge
students to vote.
Independent candidate Dan Barrera is
focusing his campaigning in the classroom
setting. "In every class I write the Web
address on where to vote and give a general
overview of my campaign," said Barrera, who
is running for an LSA seat.
The Blue Party election day plans are to make
themselves visible around campus during the

election. "We're out to meet people so they vote
for us and not our posters - we need to put sub-
stance behind our name," said Alex McDonough.
who is running for an LSA seat.
Members of the Defend Affirmative
Action Party were out in the Diag yesterday
informing students about their party and the
election, DAAP member Erika Dowdell said.
"We are reminding people to tell their
friends and we're telling people to vote," said
Dowdell, who is hoping to be reelected to
LSA seat on the assembly.
See MSA, Page 5A

arks new

Author to address
winter graduates


to his parents, he was not a heavy
Seldom a weekend passes without a
student being transported from a resi-
dence hall to the emergency. room for
dangerous levels of intoxication.
"It would be fair to say that we're
probably coming close to a couple a
week, or more than that," Department
of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane
Brown said. Fourteen such incidents
were recorded between Sept. 2 and
Nov. 5.
Those numbers are not necessarily

By Rachel Green
Daily Staff Reporter
Elmore Leonard, acclaimed author
of 36 novels, including "Out of Sight"
and "Get Shorty," has been selected as
winter commence-
ment speaker.
The ceremony,
held in Crisler
Arena, is sched-
uled for Dec. 17.
"I'm looking
forward to the

Leonard said he hopes to include
memories from his commencement
ceremony 50 years ago at the Univer-
sity of Detroit.
In addition to making him com-
mencement speaker, the University
will bestow an honorary doctor of arts
degree on Leonard.
This is his third honorary degree
from a major university, his first two
awarded by the University of Detroit
and Florida Atlantic University.
Born in New Orleans in 1925,
Leonard and his family moved to

Students across campus are lining up drinking trophies, but University officials, in
the wake of a drinking death, are saying we're not doing enough.

to bring down to DPS base, which
would mean a blood alcohol content
between .08 (percent) arnd .2 (per-

Kim's BAC was .39 percent.
"What it shows is that we haven't
done enough; not me, you, the institu-


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