2 - The Michigan Daily -- Wednesday, November 15, 2000 N ATION! WORLD- I REGENTS Continued from Page 1 .doctor of, Scienice, ad J.ohniTislh- mlan. CI;{() of-'I sh nan Reality anid l'onstruction, for ia doctor of'cngi- uacering degree. Other items on the regents iagenda include it number of con- structioni projects. herregents will consider giving aluthorization to appoint an aci arh-c for the building of' the new Science Instruction ( enter, part of' the 1.i11e ScIences Inlst it ole, which is being conIstrutcted ,along Wa)Sht- enaw Avenuec across Ironi PIliner Field. The regents approved the Ccnter during their September meeting. There will also be aj proposal presented to build at facility for thc Michigan women's gymnastic tlarnria r the Varsity '[cnn is ('enter on South State Street past the University (iol F Course. Another proposal on the agenda is aii agrecenlent o f cooperatOin between the University and M ich- ig~an State University to (d0 a resea rech proj eet called "FIail Iy St udy of' Neuiropsycho logn~iealIfrisk for- Alcohol ismi' Tomorrow's mieetinig coincides with the first heari ri r,1 of the lawsuit challIen g ing the ('olleac of Lit1era- ture, Scienices and the Arts' use of race as a (actor in admiissionis. White said she is coricerned A bout the local e Ifc is of'thle law- suit. "We have to make sure- the atnio- sphere ai the University is Conl- geri ia and enriching recgard less of how thle case conies out,", she salid. LAWSUIT Continued from Page 1 said race is used as a factor in admissions to achieve diversity buit is just one oif many factors used in evaluating candidates. Other factors include residency, letters of recoin- nienidations, transcripts arid standard- I ed test scores. "1 know of no law school which has been able to dece-e anything like the racial diversity wc have here. As of today, no other cffort has been sue- cessfjil," Lehimian said. Close to home When tie hearinrg beginis tomorrow, miany studeiits plan to be in atten- dance as they try to persuade Duggani to niove the trial to Ann Arbor. Although the judge is set to announce wheii and where the trials will be held, the student irtervenors are concerned that the trial proceed- inigs may comiriince in Detroit at the beginning of Dcecmber, making it dif- ficult fIM stuidents to attend because of distance arnd final exams. Racklin student Jessica ('urtin said Duggani is sending a negative message to students if' he decides to hold the trials in Detroit. "Regard less of h1is stated inteitions, if .udge DIuggaii makes the trials when students can 't attend, lae implies lie has alr-eady niade a decision,", said 'urtini, one of' the inter'venors in the L aw School case. Shanta D~river, another intervenor in the Law School case, said it is impera- live fur students to attend. '.ludge Duggaii's decision is a very dangerouls decision and the University should take a str-ong stand against it. Access has virtually been denied to the students arid student access to these cases is essential," Driver said. Ina April. U.S. D~istrict Judge Ber- niar-d riedmnan held a pi-etrial hearing fur the L aw School case in Anni Arbor. Thie visitor's gallery filled to capacity arid Friedmni al lowved miore people to enter the courtr-oomi, seating them in the jur-y box. Barry said that while she would like to have the trials in Ann Arbor so they are more accessible to all menibers of' the University, there is rno way to anticipate what the judge will decide. . Student participation has been extremely irmportant. It has demniir- strated what these cases mieani, but we'r'e just going to have to wait for tlie judge's decision,," Barry said. Ready for action Barry said that whlenever Duggan dlecides the trial will be held, the Urii- versity will be ready. "We're ready to go to trial when- ever the judge says it will start," Barry saidl. "We el very con fiderit aboult the mricits of the ease legally and also as factual mtter'' While it has taken years foritie cases to get to court, Barry said shie thinks the cases will be decided quickly. Barry said that there have been other cases at other universities cial lenging the urse of race as a Iacetor in admiis- sioris but the eases at this University are (differ-enit because of defcnse tac- ties. One definiiig characteristic of- the University's (defense is the use of previously uniused eripirical cvi- dence and rceai-clistudfies. The Urii- vcrsity contends tlhey will be key to the defenise, whiIc (CI R lawyers have said they clutter the case arid skirt the constitutional qurestions at issuec in the case. "What 's unique arid imvportanit (about the case) is that the Univem-sity has chosen to defenid it so compi-elieii- sively," Barry said. The Law School case is scheduled to go to trial in January. If sunmriny Judgment is not gralnted to either side, the LSA case could go to trial as early as December. Retarded man faces lethal injection LIVIN( STON, Texas C ondemnred mrur-der-er Johnny Paul Penry speaks slowly, stammienrig at ti~iies as lie sear-ches fir words. "I don't understand. I just know they're going to kill rue," said the niari described by his lawyers as hating an IQ of 50 to 60 arid the reasoning capacity of a 7-year-old. After 21 years inippisori, two comrpetenicy trials, two n1iu-der trials arid a U.S. Suprar (Courtrling on the mentally retarded arid the death penalty, Penry fees execution by injec- lion tomlorrow night for raping a womian and stabbing her to death in 1 979. Ihe lexas Board ofUPardoris arid Paroles yesterday denied Pcnry's request for a 30-day reprieve and a commniutation to a lesser sentence. (Goy.(George W. B~ushi's only option now is to grant a onie-timie, 30-day reprieve for Penny to pursue fiuliher appeals, but lie will not (lecide until al coon appeals have beein exhausted, said his spolkeswomian, .I nida Edwards. Pcriry 's lawyers say he is retarded. Proseutors say lie is ignorant but not retarded. The impending execcution has drawn protests fi-omi Amnesty International, other death penalty opponents and the European Union. If Pcniy and twvo oilier irimuates schedlukl to (die ahead of him ar-e executed this week, lie would be the 38th killer put to death this year iii Icxias, topping the state's record of 37 in 1997 arid the miost lbr any state iii one year since the U.S. Supreni Court allowed rcinstat nierit of capital purnishment in 1976. 'xas hers at least three miore executions set for next miorith. November 16th is your last chance to receive 1000 points for use on FORIUM, CP& P's on-line recruitment system. itegister on-line: littp..://1oi-iiieppt.disai.uieh.cdti/fiortlt.htniI Log in with your uni(Iname and lTD Password-TrODAY Students registering prior to November t 6'-mill receive 1000 points to bid on inltrviews. Those registering after Novemrber 16 will only receive 800 points. Career Planning & Placement "'bwww.cpp.umich.edu t 764-7460 Thle UnIiversity tt M iiugan Career Planning Division of Student Allmrs' Placemnent ISLAM AWARENESS WEEK NOVEMBER 13m-17, 2000 Airlines given more time to negotiate suit MIINNEAPOL IS The federal antitruEst trial inivol vinrg Northiwest Air- lines arid (Continrental Airlines has been delayed unitilI tomorrow as the parties continute negnotiationis on3 Continental 's repur-ehase of its shares awnied by Northiwest. The car-riers' announced aii agree- mienit in principle oii Nov. 6 aiid are working out final details in an ef'fort to settle the lawsuit. Under the tentative (deal, Northwest would reduce its 55 pen'cent votingm stake ini Conitiniental to 7 pce-cent, exchanging its Class A Continental shares that carry I10 votes per shiare for 5450 million in cash and a lesser number' of' Continental B shares that carry one vote per share. In addition, Northwest would get prefr-ed stock ini (Continental that would allow it to retain the right to veto pr'oposed comb inat ion bctween C onitinental and oilier carriers Under soni ceond~itions. Violence erupts in Egypt after elections FI -AMAR, I gYpt Police fired live~ ariirnit iion and pummeled opposition suppoien-s with batons and tear gas in clashes yestei-day that left five people dlead and 40) inijur-ed durri1t1 the final rotunrd of' parhiameritary voltinrg. Inl the Nile Delta villag~e if EI-Amar. 20) rmiles north of air-o, fighting erupted wvliei supporiter-s of' an inidepend~enit can- dlidate bi-oke down the (loonrs of' pollinig stations after they wern-rot allowed to eter to vote. according to residents arid police speaking oii conitiono faiioiiyn- itv. F~ounr pophe wer-e killed and~ five inuruned then-ce. II unid-eds of' voter-s in Shutbra 1I-1 Khncinna, in nonthern Cairo. also clashed with police vester-day whaem polls did not open on tinmne. Police, sonik on hiorseback. fined into the crowd atten- attacking the pr-otester-s with batons anidl (ogs and usingy tear- gas. [ hat clash lef't one dleadl and 35 people including childr'eni-injured. Police also blocked polling stations and~ firecd tear (Tas at would-be voters Northwest had pur-chased its con- tn-ohhinn1 stake in I boston-based Conti- nienital in 1 998. Northwest has said the control enisur-ed the Futur-e of' a domiestic alli- anice between i lie two carriers. '[ilie To cn nnicnl (arguedI that. NoI'thiwest'- holding could sqoee eConisumer. Sorsn sel i c earid stifle comliptitioii. Radiowave crunch threatens air travel WAS[ I INGTFON --1 lie radio airwave that pilots and air traffic conitr'ollers Lise to eoiiinutnnicatc are nearly filled to capacity. accordling to F-ederal Aviation Adiinistra- tioni, airline and union officials. '[le lack of radio firequencies is quick[ becorinig as iniportant a factor' in itviatio congestin as the lack of runways. Moreover. technological advances to incerease the systemi's ability to handle more Coniiniiunications arc not expected to coinsi sooni enough to pr'evenit the evenl greanter chinich of dlelays and canicellatiomis that will occur when alh of the FAA's nadio fi'quen- cies are beinil used to the miaxinumn extent possibIle in the southern Cai-o 'disti ict of Maan di. lIn havanidiya. another distinct souith of ('airo, police dletainied 75 people f«or ehec- iomi-relhated d isturbanices, accor-dinhg to thre police officials. "is this the doleiiiacy that (Preside Ihosni) Nliban-ak is callinio fbrn" asks~ IKanial Kannii. who said lie was pi'evented fi-nv enter~ig a polling stationi in Maadi. Israel imposes retaliatory blockade .1 RUSA\I I-NIIsn'ael imposed a strinigemit blockade around Palestinian comniioni ties yesterdlay in response to the deadly drive-by shiootinigs of' sra* lis. paralyzing nor'nnal life but falling~ to halt violence. An least thir-e Palestinians wer-e ki lled inl the West Bank arid(Gaza Strip. The killin-zs of four Israelis oii Monday was part of a new "death oii the n'oads" tern'or camlpaig~n by Pales- tniam niihitanits, Israel said. Palestinian leaden-s harshly conidenrined thle arniy cordlon ar-ound( the territories they Con- ( 'ulnpiled.ti-oni I)Yilr il) repjorts~ Wednesday Nov. 15, 7-9pm Crime (' Punishment Panel Discussion at 1200 Chem Thursday TV C& its Effects on Society Nov. 16,79p Panel Discussion at 150 Law Quad Frida 7123p Take a tour of your local Ann Arbror Mosqu e Nov.17123p rides leaving from the cube Daily Events Monday-Thursday, I Oam-5pm: "*Union Basement: Information Table, Islamic Jeopardy & Henna *Information Tent on the Diag serving free hot chocolate & pop www.umich.edu/-muslims For more information contact: As'ad Tarsin, tarsina@umich.edu -Nora Mahmoud, nfm@umich.edu Co-Sponsored by: Islamic Education Society, Michigan Student Assembhy, LSA Student Government, Black Student Union, M-FLICK, Law StIndents for Affirmative Action, Ambatana Multicultural Council, Couzens Active Minority Ethnic Organization, Students of Color of Rackham, SAPC, SAMI, Soc. 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SI .01 nf" tnSeptentls't. vl0U.'mdal are $1(0_ - ~e It'nt Lia-ma-art a- I lt th Aprtil) s $105. ymstrln, S'poLe-ttlI('t ibt ltf'tAptihtis'-18i0 Oi cowtpuS 0tH tl H iter - e$3:. tIsctf',inats rout l 00 P tPta Ni tpj i m-.1ta rnhor tof Ttu \-,1 tln iOts t ted-fr-1N-t a 1 r talI I~nle't 'O to; -\0tii-* Im- Mciaon Datly, -120 M ,'r d S AnAM) t1111(CIntt- 0 tot~biNUTV~~c~iS lj Q 'I44Code 11Ncw >7aDAILY Ait15: 07:StI -I - ftttt0-05 I cI o r lto - atInt j ta the diortoudi "C'tO tt. tbttrlfl t".(t A--t.i^-nt>' - NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Editor' EDITORS: Nick Bunley. Michael Grass. Nika Schulte. Jaimhie Winkler vi, .. t ..atltvSt Nrt t- ta tt a a t; t '. t- t ituth EDITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, Managing Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Peter Cunniffe. Ryan DePietro, Josh Wickerham. Nicholas Woomer _ on~ at lurea ' 's - a a aa i ~ st I -aats v- o adt'- as a't:rr I .... . Ni--: , t'S r . O t r , K -N,t , I t . t~ .t!rS.tt(r tU SPORTS David Den Herder, Managing Editor, SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Duprey. Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon. Stephanie Offen ARTS Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula, Editors ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Ben Goldstein WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Jenni Glenn. Eiizabeth Pensler PHOTO Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Editii4 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: David K~atz, Marjorie Marshall ARTS EDITOR: Peter Cornue a , - at; tirt ian4 Jo l "lai ', ' aar .t u. , t ta- /-n. tliaIF taa , aa Lia Ci q -lis- a ONLINE Rachel Berger, Paul Wong, Managing Editors t-l - aa t 7 h . -a-Id K. S VI a- "'a-aa NL u,a-t l I Sust-. a-,aa r- N.I . 1 .1 1> ta>5- t ! I I - - - - f~j~ b m ~L11 Pe'ter Labadic, President, Williams-Labadic, I.C, a subsidiary of' Leo Burnett Communications- Albert Leung, President, Phyto-'Technologies, Inc. Robert Lipper, Vice President, -Biopharmaceutics R&D, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Pharmaceutical Research Institute --~ - 7k 50 v- 17- - - :MV,- 5 r-. r®nr"w aYl ri n G CALL Cwr..M e. e.Ai M--4&d r ,r