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November 13, 2000 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 13, 2000 - 3B



Michigan outsizes DII Wayne State

By Michael Kern
IDaly Sports Writer


Drew Henson shows
his true colors

K urpeikis at the Michigan
42. Kennedy at the
Michigan 37. Pettigrew at
the Penn State 25.
Three interceptions in one game.
' I guess you knew it would happen
sometime. Drew Henson. it turns
out, is just as prone to making mis-
takes as any other mortal on this
campus. That realization Saturday
brought me to a
conclusion that
shoulW have been I never
apparent for weeks. pleasure
Henson is the Rick Le
best quarterback I c
have ever seen wear when w
the maize and blue. Jim Ha
He is also one of
the few men at this I was )U
university for ~~
whom I have . the
highest respect.
The line between being young
and being a kid is almost invisible
- probably because you don't
know when you've crossed it until
} you're on the other side.
As a kid, potential is inseparable
from seniority. Any person that
represents real hope, real success,
reap mastery is invariably older
than you are.
So naturally, as a college kid, I
was skeptical to hear that someone
younger than me had committed
and was coming in to lead "my"
team. To me as a freshman, fifth-
year senior Brian Griese was more
like a hero than a peer. And here
was some kid who hadn't even
been to a senior prom?
What I couldn't realize then is
that Henson is no kid.
Not now, and probably not then
either -- despite all the kids who
thought otherwise.
And as the college days have
torn raucously by, I have watched
expectations of No. 7 grow inex-
plicably high. When he first took
the field as a true frosh, students
replaced "Let's Go Blue" with
"Let's Go Drew." By the time he
was a sophomore, Lloyd Carr was
already calling Henson the most
talented quarterback he'd coached.
Local media would occasionally
remind everyone of his deal with
the Yankees, and as his Junioi year
arrived, pundits would interchange
the name Henson with "phenom"
and "golden boy" - before lie ever
started a game.
Henson was going to be the

final, vital key to Michigan's
amazing offense that would march
all the way to Pasadena - or per-
haps further. And when Michigan
lost to UCLA with No. 7 injured on
the bench, Henson's return was
going to save Michigan's season.

Today, the Wolverines;
headed to the Rose Bowl,
offense, while impressive,
been enough
Michigan in
cad the 10.

are not
and the
has not
to keep
the Top


Don't let the score of the Michigan basketball
team's 82-56 exhibition victory over Wayne State
at Crisler Arena yesterday fool you.
The two tallest players on the Division II
Warriors' roster, junior Rick Fox and freshman
Nick Gout, are listed at just 6-foot-8 and 6-foot-
6 respectively. By comparison, the Wolverines
have seven players on their roster 6-foot-6 or
Despite a sloppy first-half performance where
Michigan shot just 40 percent from the field and
35 percent from the free-throw line (6-for-17),
the Wolverines used that size advantage to con-
trol play inside and went into the half with a 35-
23 lead. Michigan got the offense going in the
second half, shooting 53 percent from the field.
The Wolverines dominated the glass, outre-
bounding Wayne State, 55-26. Forced to shoot
most of their shots from the perimeter, the
Warriors shot just 35.8 percent from the field -
including 7-of-29 from three-point range - and
had just two offensive rebounds compared to the
Wolverines' 17.
Freshmen Bernard Robinson and Josh Moore
both had double-doubles with 11 rebounds each
and 16 and 12 points respectively.
"We couldn't match them inside. There was
Just no way possible," Wayne State coach Ron
Hammye said. "Every time they caught the ball
inside we tried to have two or three guys around
On tap:
The Michigan men's basketball
team opens its season this Friday at
Oakland. The game at Oakland's
3,000 seat 'O' Rena is sold out.
Sophomore forward LaVell
Blanchard - the Wolverines' lead-
ing scorer last year - is expected to
make his first appearance of the sea-
son for Michigan after sitting out
the exhibition season with a
sprained ankle.

them, and that gave them some rebounding
opportunities on the offensive glass"
Even though he led the team in scoring for the
second straight game, Robinson struggled early,
turning the ball over twice in the first three min-
utes and shooting just 2-of-9 in the first half.
"I didn't think he took good shots," Michigan
coach Brian Ellerbe said. "We'll be able to talk to
him now and help him understand that there's a
reason why you get games like he had" last
Letters of intent: Over the weekend, four play-
ers signed letters of intent to play for the
Wolverines next year - 6-foot-3 guard
Dommanic Ingerson from Santa Barbara, Calif.,
6-foot-7 forward Chuck Bailey from Detroit
King, 6-foot-8 forward Kelly Whitney from
Chicago Marshall and 6-foot-6 guard JaQuan
Hart from Flint Northern.
Ingerson and Hart are the top players from the
class. Both are rated by most recruiting analysts
among the top 30 players nationally.
Hart "is the closest thing I've seen in the last
few years to a guy like Jamal (Crawford),"
Ellerbe said. "With his size, he is very difficult to
guard. He's got great ball skills. I think he shoots
the ball better than Jamal, though."
Michigan still has one scholarship available
and hopes to get a player signed before the dead-
line on Wednesday.
"It gives you more time to spend with your
team," Ellerbe said. "Otherwise, you are con-
stantly trying to develop your roster."

J '<d ?
c ,, ?'4. 5', .
l ,
s wig{ '

of seeing
ach, and

But as other hopes
and wishes fell by
the wayside, the man


itching who could never be
baugh, expected to fulfill
. every outrageous
ta kid_ expectation set for
him quietly did just
Drew Henson is the genuine arti-
cle. It was obvious after his first
drive, under the lights at Illinois -
and every drive after that has just
been supporting evidence.
His cool head, quick feet, strong
release and visible, unfakable pas-
sion have put Michigan in a posi-
tion to win every one of its Big Ten
As a starter, he has yet to make a
horrible error in judgement (save
perhaps one, which resulted in a
David Terrell touchdown against
Wisconsin) - and his unwavering
performance is finally winning the
confident respect of his teammates
across the board.
I never had the pleasure of see-
ing Rick Leach, and when I was
watching Jim Harbaugh I was just a
For a while watching Drew
Henson, I was just a kid, too.
But it is a big step when you can
admit that one of your heroes is
actually younger than you.
Is Henson the best quarterback
Michigan has ever had?
I'm not Old enough to say. But I
do know he could be the top quar-
terback prospect in this year's NFL
You could say that whether or
not he decides to bolt is anybody's
guess. But Henson has been in
these positions before -- tough
positions - and he always seems
to make the right move.
Which, really, is any kid's defin-
ition of a true Michigan man.
- David Den Herder can he
reached at dklc(a tunic/h.ecdu.

Josh Moore (34) and Michigan used their superior size to
dominate the post in yesterday's game with Wayne State.

Nposhian 0 00 1-1 0-0 0 0 1
Dod11 0-1 1.2 0-1 0 1 1
Kirkland 27 7-7 2-2 0.6 2 3 18
LeSure~ 14 1 4 3-6 0-1 1 2 5
Gorman 23 2-8 0-0 0-2 1 1 4
Gray 24 3-8 0-1 1.7 1 4 6
Fox 25 0.3 1-2 1-4 2 3 1
Gout 22 3-8 0-0 0-2 1 4 9
Okonkwo 18 1-5 3-4 0-3 1 4 6
Brown 36 2-9 01 0-1 3 4 5
Totals 200 19-53 11-19 2-28 12 26 76
FG9b: .358 FT%: 579 3-point FG: 7-29, 11-9 (Gout 3-
6, Kirkland 2-2, Okonkwo 14, Brown 1-7, LeSure 0-1,
Fox 0-3, Goman 0-6), Blocks. 1 (Fox) Steals 5 (Brown,
Dold, Kirkland, LeSure, Okonkwo). Turnovers: 18
(Brown 5, Fox 4, Kirkland 4, LeSure 2, Gout, Gray,
Okonkwo). Technical fouls: none.
)ones 26 6-10 02 12 "1 2 15
Queen 14 1-4 0-2 2-3 1 1 3
Searight 22 56 1 4 2-4 2 1 11
Dill 3 11 0-0 12 0 0 2
Gibson 3 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 2
Gotfredson 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
Robinson, Jr. 27 6-16 3.3 4 1l 1 0 16
Groninger 23 2-7 5-7 2-4 3 2 10
Asselin 33 2-9 2-2 1-9 2 3 6
Moore 25 5-7 2-5 2-11 0 5 12
Young 18 2-3 1-2 1-6 0 4 5
Adeb4' 3 0-1 0-2 0-0 0 2 0
Totals 200 3166 41291755 10 21 82
FG%:.470 FT%:.483 3-point FG: 6-19, .316 (ones 3-6,
Robinson, Jr, 1-3, Queen 1-4, Groninger 1 5, Adebiyi 0-
1) Blocks 0. Steals. 7 (Jones 2 Searight 2, Assen 2,
Young). Turnovers 17 (Mooie 5, Jones 2, Robinson, Jr.
2, Young 2, Adebiyi 2, Queen, SearightGroninger,
Asselin). Tedhnical fouls. none.

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Wayne State-. 23 33
Michigan--.- .35 47
At: Crisler Arena
Attendance: 8,459

-- 56
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Swimmers upset
No. 2 at Classic



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By Steve Jackson
Dai v Sports Writer
The No. 9 Michigan women's swim-
ming team won the Continental Classic
Houston behind a dramatic finish in
e final race.
Heading into the last relay - -the
400-yard freestyle --- the meet was still
"too close to call."
The announcer bellowed, "Michigan,
California and Penn State can all clinch
the meet by winning this race.
The tensions mounted and the smell
of adrenaline filled the air as the event
Jen Crisman opened with a very
grong split giving the early lead to the
olverines. Missy Sugar and Laura
Kaznecki gave gutsy performances and
kept Michigan close by fighting off
their fatigue from previous races.
Samantha Arsenault's anchor leg
began in a virtual dead heat with
California swimmer Haley Cope -
who had won the 100-yard freestyle
earlier in the meet. They continued to
stay neck-and-neck all the way to the
*all, where Arsenault touched first by
an incredible one one-hundredth of a
"That was a very, very thrilling race
for everyone," Michigan assistant
coach Stefanie Kerska said. .
"It was exciting, just like we
thoiAht" Rice roach Douo Row said.

Juiced water in Houston
The Rice Pool record book was
rewritten at the Continental Classic.
In all, eight records fell during the
weekend. Michigan put their name
in the book three times.
(Jen Crisman, Missy Sugar, Laura
Kaznecki and Samantha Arsenault)
100-YARD FREESTYLE: 1:50.00
500-YARD FREESTYLE: 4:50.58
time and a Rice Pool record in the 500-
yard freestyle with a time of 4:50.58.
She won the race by almost six seconds.
An unsung hero for Michigan was
freshman Annie Weilbacher. Since only
10 Wolverines were allowed to make
the trip, Weilbacher was called on to
swim some relatively new events.
"Annie really stepped up for us today
and picked up some valuable points,"
Sugar said. "It was great to watch her
finishing strong and picking up those
places late in the races.
Saturday morning, Michigan also
competed in a non-scoring event with
the same teams.
"These back-to-back meets are
scheduled deliberately." Kerska


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