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November 08, 2000 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-08

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8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 8, 2000


Al Gore campaign chairman Bill Daley attempts to quiet the crowd in Nashville,
.Tenn., before telling them the Gore campaign will continue.
ElCiAon closest in-
Americaen history

N.Y. elects
first lady to
Senate seat
NEW YORK (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton tri-
umphed in her historic quest for the U.S. Senate, defeat-
ing homegrown Republican Rep. Rick Lazio to become
the only first lady ever elected to public office.
Just after 3 a.m. this morning, with 99 percent of
precincts counted, Clinton had 3,410,511 votes, or 56 per-
cent; Lazio had 2,669,374
votes, or 44 percent. N.Y. Senate
"You came out and said Clinton Dem. 3,410,511
that issues and ideals mat- Lazio GOP 2,669,374
ter," Clinton told a cheer- Asof3am.
ing crowd. In the wings,
her husband, the president, watched and grinned.
"I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving
me the chance to serve you," she said. "I will do
everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust
and to honor the powerful example of Sen. Daniel
Patrick Moynihan."
The campaign, which pitted her against a power-
house New York City mayor and then a lesser-known
Republican congressman, was the longest and costli-
est race in the state's history. It saw issues of charac-
ter, place of birth, marital fidelity, and campaign
finance collide with discussion of education, Social
Security and the state's economy.
But Clinton herself - her activism, her issues, her
president husband and her love-it-or-hate-it personali-
ty -- proved to be the main issue in the campaign
against Lazio to replace retiring Democrat Moynihan.
Lazio, in conceding, called for unity and pro-
nounced the effort worthwhile.
"She has won this race," Lazio said of Clinton. -It's
time for us to stand as New Yorkers together."
Carnahan elected;
widow to take seat
ST. LOUIS (AP) - Missourians elected a dead man
to the Senate yesterday, choosing Gov. Mel Carnahan -
who perished three weeks ago in a plane crash - over
Republican incumbent John Ashcroft. Carnahan's widow
had agreed to take her husband's place.
With 84 percent of precincts reporting early today,
Carnahan had 1,075,872 votes, or 50 percent. Ashcroft, a
Republican, had 1,039,409, or 49 percent.
The plane crash that killed Carnahan, his son and an
aide Oct. 16 turned the nationally watched contest
against Republican Sen. John Ashcroft from notoriously
bitter to decidedly bizarre. The crash occurred too late to
revise the ballot. No one had ever posthumously won
election to the Senate.

First lady Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea celebrate her victory over Rep. Rick Lazio (R-N.Y.)fot
New York's open U.S. Senate seat. She is the only first lady who has been elected to public office.
GO P -mainseslim

Continued from Page 1
of margins with final votes still being(
tallied in several Democraic coun-
tics. The networks projected a Bsh
victory that would put him over the
top and that sparked gloom in the
Gore camp in Nashville and tri-
abiphant cheers in Texas.
A Bush victory would give Ameri-
ca its second father-son presidents
after John Adams (1797-01) and John
Quincy Adams (1825-29).
Bush was said to be poised to claim
his prize.
Florida would give Bush 271 votes
in the Electoral College. one over the
majority needed to claim the
presidency. Just thousands of votes
:separated the two candidates in Flori-
:da out of almost 6 million cast, and
'the margin was sure to require a
Several states were still to close to
call. With Florida officials continuing
-their tally, the New York Times said
-Bush had won and congratulated him
-o "the amazing political feat of leap-
.ing to the White louse after only six
~years in public office.
With the election so tight, Democ-
rats were sure to second-guess Gore's
'4efusal to involve President Clinton in
Aiis campaign. They also were sure to
rue the day that Green Party candi-
.late Ralph Nader entered the race

and siphoned off Gore votes in sever-
al key states.
Florida had been the epicenter of
the campaign and Tuesday night was
chaotic. At one point news orglaniza-
tIions said G ore was the Winner, but
they backtracked as more votes were
counted and Bush eased ahead.
Republicans retained control of the
Senate _ if narrowly _ and looked
likely to keep a small majority in the
House as well. Bush or Gore, the next
president will be submitting his first-
year agenda to a deeply divided Con-
Gore won big battlegrounds in
Pennsylvania, Michigan and Califor-
nia while Bush claimed Texas, Ohio
and a string of smaller states, includ-
ing Gore's Tennessee and Bill Clin-
ton's Arkansas.
Green Party candidate Ralph Nader
had just 3 percent of the national
vote, but did well enough in to poten-
tially tip several states to Bush.
Ever confident, Bush went out for
dinner and awaited final returns.
When the news media called Florida
for Gore in midevening, Bush said, "I
don't believe some of these states that
they cal led, like Florida.'
Regarding the vice president, Bush
said, "I've run against a formidable
(Gore. awaiting returns in Nashville,
wasn 't heard from until his calls to

control of the House early today by
of margins, barely turning back a fe-
financed Democratic bid to gain a m1
"We figured it was going to be
Speaker Dennis Hastert - and it w
Republicans picked up six Dem
in scattered states, enough to rene
for two more years. But their maj
when they gave back eight othe
where, including four in California.
On a night extremely kind to incu
three lawmakers lost their seats, alth
ful of others remained in races too cl
The victims included Republicar
Rogan in California, who had a hig
in President Clinton's impeachmen
GOP Californian Brian Bilbray; an(
Sam Gejdenson in Connecticut.
A half-dozen seats remained in
of them agonizingly close.

inU.S. Hose
icans retained First-term Democrat Rush Holt of New Jer
the slimmest sey survived a near-death political experience
rocious, well- - at least for the time being - appearing to
ajonity. lose his race, then pulling narrowly ahead when
close," said additional votes were unexpectedly reported.
as. Besides their Connecticut victory, RepubJit
iocratic seats cans won Democratic open seats in Pennsylya-
w their hold nia, New York, Virginia, Missouri and West
jority shrank Virginia.
r seats else- Shortly before 4 a.m. in the East, the nationaI4
trend showed Republicans had won 218 seats
imbents, only and were leading for 4 more, with 218 required
ough a hand- to seal control.
ose to call. Democrats had won 209 seats, and were lead-
n Rep. James ing for 2 more.
h-profile role In addition, each party could count the s'pt
t trial; fellow port of one independent.
d Democratic Republicans had won six seats formerly held
by Democrats, and were leading for two more.
doubt, some Democrats had won eight seats formerly im
GOP hands, and were leading for one more.

Gore takes Michigan s 18 electoral votes

Continued from Page 1
About three-quarters of voters who said honesty
was the primary personal quality backed Bush,
while similarly large majorities of those who
picked experience and knowledge of complex
issues went with Gore, the poll found.
Sharon Gordon, a homemaker from Dimondale
near Lansing, had the flu but still went to the polls
and voted for Gore.
"I don't think Bush is very bright. I wasn't
happy with his dad. I think we'll get the same
thing," she said in an interview separate from the
exit poll.
She added that she didn't like Bush continually
talking about honor and integrity. "I got a little
sick of this bringing up morality," she said, adding
that she thinks Gore "is a good family man."
"I like what Clinton's done. I think Gore will
follow up on it. I think we should vote on the

"I like what Clinton's done. I think Gore will follow up;"
- Sharon Gord
Dimondale reside

a "fairly weak number" who didn't get her vote.
"He's got a lot of that southern charm, that 'Yes
ma'am,' but that's not enough," Porter, 80, said
after voting in an East Lansing church in an inter-
view separate from the exit poll.
Margaret Lynch, 72, called the choice one
between "a lesser of two evils." She voted for
"I've always leaned Republican, but I don't real-
ly like Gore's attitude or what his proposals are,"
she said after voting in St. Clair Shores with her
husband Jerry, who also voted for Bush.
Gore pressed for backing from minorities such
as Ignacio Lemus, a 39-year-old Detroit plant
worker. Speaking in Spanish at a polling site in
Detroit's Mexicantown district, Lemus said he

voted for Gore because of the candidate's backing
of unions and pledge to shore up Social Security.
"We need assurance for the elderly of the future
... because we are the elderly of the future7"he
In Livonia, computer programmer Mahnoush
St. Clair, 42, said her vote for Gore was a vote for
the pledged defender of abortion rights. She said
her chief concern was the prospect that Bush,
elected, would nominate Supreme Court justic
who could overturn Roe v. Wade.
"Governor Bush to me is an oxymoron - he
wants small government, but also wants to have
government tell me what to do with my body," she
said impassionately, clutching her chest. "No dis-
cussion. It's a turnoff."

issues." she said.
To retired school teacher lean Porter,

Bush was

max: 1 b

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Continued from Page 1
before we know what this all looks
like, but I just couldn't have you
down here and not come and tell you
how grateful I am ... for all of your
help and support."
Stabenow appeared optimistic
throughout the night as she addressed
the crowd numerous times.
As early as l I p.m., sources within
the Abraham campaign were saying
the outlook for re-election was bleak.
At this point in the night, most of the
votes in the state had been accounted
for except for Wayne County, sources
The senator came down from the
room where he was monitoring the
election results with his family
around 1:15 a.m. to speak to the
crowd at the Michigan Republican
Party's reception in Lansing. It was
the only time- he made a public
appearance the entire night.'

He did not express outright defeat,
but his demeanor was not one of a
victorious candidate.
"It does look like it's going to go
on for a while longer. But it's not over
yet. We're going to keep hanging on,"
a subdued Abraham told the crowd.
He then thanked his campaign
staff, his wife and Gov. John Engler.
"You guys worked tirelessly
throughout the campaign," Abraham
After his remarks to the crowd,
Abraham summoned his campaign
staff - many of whom were teary-
eyed - upstairs to address them.
Mark Brewer, chair of the Michi-
gan Democratic party, said Abraham
"didn't establish himself at all in his
five years as incumbent."
Brewer blamed the correlation
between Abraham and special inter-
"People took a look at Spence
Abraham's record and saw who's side
he's been on all these years," he said.

Drawing similarities to Engler
election in 1990, Michigan Repu
can Party Chair Rusty Hills, sai
wasn't giving up on Abraham befor
the final results were tallied.
"It's going to be tight, but you hav
to remember it was the same wa
with Engler 10 years ago and I wa
here until five in the morning wit
him before we knew we had wor
Nobody thought we'd win, "[ill
Before the vote was called, Mich]
gan Attorney General Jenn
Granholm said that Stabenow's W
along with Democratic Vice Presider
Al Gore's win in Michigan coul
mean that Michigan is moving in
more Democratic direction.
Granholm, who is the onl
statewide elected Democratic officia
other than U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, sai
"everything has been in the Republi
can column for so long it wouJd b
nice to see a little more ba
return ... and I hope it does."

11:30,12:10. 1:10, 1:50, 2:30, 3:20.
3:50, 4:40. 5:30.5:50, 6:45, 7:30, 7:50,
9:00, 9:35,10:00
7:20, 9:30, 9:45
11:45, 1230200. 3:00, 4:10, 5:10,
7:10, 7:35. 9:25,9:50
2 (R) 12:20, 1:20, 2:20, 3:25, 4:20,

Continued from Page 1
leadership to the board. That will be diminished if we are

"If anything would skew our
race, it would be that there
.. .. . r r saL:A-:--/ y



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