EMMMMM" lm the Candidates... re(M1t Ibolxthelet sion $0Gi' st hestipoetry '1 utmcsr at C lit NCiio~lu) 5N 11,81 riher7. 426-3451 fli-intoi 'micligandailycom tarts ARTS I NO VI NIBLR 72000 BARGAIN BOOKS: THREE FOR THE PRICE OF ONES 'iNew Orleans Unasked' h trestory ofpop cuture trash By Chis Kula ljnly rts Editoir As I paged through MTV's newv "The Real World New Orleans Utitmaskei,"' I kept ssaitintg to be : swept up in a storm of fire and brim- stone because if this book actually The Ra World exists, surely the apocalypse is upont us. New Orleans ibis bchitid-thie-scetnes account of life Unmasked ini the New Orleans mansion, conve- niently released iin conjunctioti with w:Alison Pullet tonight's seasont finale, isan aih'oni to all Grade: D+ thing.s good and holy. Alison Pollet, the Pocket Bunks author of such acclaimiedl works as "Thie Real World lianaii," commtits the carnal sin of dredging up even more irisvial itnfotmatiotn about the seven housemates thati the show provided. Eachi photogenic residetnt of the Belfort mansion is profiled to ridiculous lengths, viai theit oswt wsords, conimen- taiy from their housenmies anid true itnsight from the shows' OvBeli~an producers ("When we met Julie itt castitng, sse could tell that she was ready to expand Iter horiotns clichied pro- ducer Andrew Hoeglf .Thanks to "hiniasked," the Amnetican publtc can finally leamtwho Kelley thought was the best dancer amotig the cast, or how Jarnie allegedly became a Buddhist or- the identity of Datnny's favsote ''4 a'tress (it's freaking Whoopi Goldberg, icidentally). ln not a religious man, bitt I y must saiv "iTtnk Godt" hot all of this valunable infor matiomn //, Ican nows die tn peace. What's more, the book includes etch member's 'Real World" application, lust to j'fitlic batifle von as to wshat criteriai the pioducecrs used to select the cast. Is it sitarnmy cus '. sif Sie tusks self-Inudulgence? IBecauise Jule, the stormin' Mormon. there's no shiortage of it ]i1 Reeve's 'September' an outsider's view of 1972 Munich OlympI ics tragedy , these apps. (flie slicer amtittiOf timte antd lTtirmt ilsecd in putting this bootk togeilher is the tinig that ceall' sla~ys mie. Ts imagine that Pollet spent six monthli itg andclbreathinig all hitmus''Real \\ot hI' is 11ustre distirbitig thtan "Danttcer inite Dar-k.'' I limb of all lie sways this yotug wsiomant could lhave been bettefittitug andey' tinkoalehitoese ol haoho cnn-1adte ae all youur notionis of social responsibility destroyed sshenu yuuopent the book to the section titled "Melissa antd Jamrue: iTle Crush." lBnt, if ysousve esver ssonderecd abotut Daitsd's "Play on, play- ci" usa'ss (ansI I know sysiu hase). lien "CUnmaskecd" is the boouk for yon.l't'he folloistg excerpt is hits take tut the sexual habits tif the hotuse: "I lcrc's the crawslthige about lie hlutse: Melissa dicn'ti hase sex. Julie ditln't hasve sex. Mlatuudidntitsve sex. Jatmite, lie ssas dtoswn switswhatesver. Danny anid Kellcy. they did it. Butt I swas the tonly tite ssho's dultiss tt hinliiti. Itssould almost pain umy roommaltes to see me hivitigit sit goods. I waus doing wshat they ssanted to cli:((asvtng sex ands losving i. here ssere plety of titles I ittd sex ini the roomtinthtl stomiebotdy or somtiebodeies (yseahi, I had a cuttie it a timue): Anduc housali sissthat romauce is dead.' Biasically the ontly intiguitig aspect tsf'..Utnmaskedl" is the pit ini swhicht ushite-breacd Julie details hosh ~e got the boot fromliBrighiamisYuntgUtsversit's for ireasonis iticluiditng ''cutub- itatttg uswituembters if teoppoitei sex." Shte essentially becamte a moduxern-d'ay martyri igitr1e (tsr every rebellitous putik teetiagetriin she Prophet I IuIenklev-usotslippittg stte tif (Utal, atnd tat's gost to lie ssorthtsothi nttg. Ifite behiind-the-sceiies Ness Orleaii ns oerage isilt enoLgh ts quech your sick, sick "'Real Woirldf' desires, sou'uil appreci- ate the lhcartvvarirntg "Real Wor l Reiui'' phtosalbitatli iltcuitsstle Coils citittit tf the Botstosn, Miamtti, Seattle antd Ilissait casts. It's got lPulitzer wistnstall oves ci -- that is, if ''puituer is (iCtIitit fousesl#=lilctcilhead ssiitndt. By Neal Pais For Ite(Daily As his latest investigative exer- cise, author atid journsalist Simntt Reese chose toi explore antd dissect carefully tite of ite most niedia- /coisered antd traigic acts of One Day in terrorism ever to occur. It his September most recent Siuon Reese botik "Onte[Day Grade: A- in September," Arcade Osbi shing Reesve resveals the facts Stir- roundtcing te September 1 972 O~lymtpic tragedy extremist group murdered eleven Israeli athletes on (Germant soil. The book also meticu- lously chrotticles ite(isiory of Arab-Israeli confllict itt the Middle aJst, the Israeli couter-operatioits against the Palestiniaits follossing ite Muntichinictident and the Israeli tantilies' struggle to come to termts svithltihe deaths of their losed ones., ('he book was wriittnitt conjutnction wsith an Oscar-winning docuntentary by the sante name. Larly ott in the book, Reese focus- cs pimarily ott the aims of ite Palestinianis ini laying siege to the Olympics aitd the enlsuing tragedy that aroise chic to the poor hantdlintg of the situatioin. Prior to the hotrrifle eventis that took place in 1972, Palestiniant terrorism seas confined isi the small area surrounmdintg Israel ansI interniationtal ausareness of the situation usas limited. Leaders sasv itt the Olymiipcs tin oppotunity ts strike harsh againtst their fotes atid hits irintg their 'light four freedomt" utitder lie iternatioinal spoil ighit. It wshat (te calls a "perverse irony," Reeves explains Itosw "the event made people around the world aware of Palestittian terrorism and perhaps degraded ite valise of the Palestinian cautse." Assuminmg his position as ait "out- sider," Reese teittackled te most agontizinug aspect of te' tragedy: Discussimug the legacy of loss antd pain emdured by the families of those svhto lost their lives itt the botched rescue opertion.It's not easy but ite posimise (aspeet) is that itere is a hope for psace.(Thaiti ilimes of te mtartyrcd still voidcmit rage and sorross at te heinous cimie as wsll is gross mishan'ihng ofthm~e sitiuatiomi. Manty relaivscinitimally adittiech contmli pitfot thed their wsant for peace betseccn the two groups. To a certain degree, the fain- lies of ihe terrorists also regret the deathts of the athletes but ultimately "lautnch into attempts ito justify xsh(at itey (thle terrorists) did," accordinug to the athor. The Palestinians weete not tie only guilty party itt 1972; altough the Germntsswere genulitely horrified at the spillittg of Jewish blood ott their on soil, little was done by the local officials to effectively rescue the Israelis, Uncharacteristic ineffi- ciency plagued the rescue operation as Germnteiamls staged a remark- ably imept attenipt at saving the hiostages' ives. As te entire siring of events went assry, mtedia cresws also displatyed a showing of disgustimig insensitivity by encouragimng the spectatotrship of thte debacle by thousands of Muttichi sightiseers and milliomns of iesevision siewersusworldwuside. Sadly, tetifficials in charge tif ihie Olympics alsos exhibited a dis- turbing degree tif calloussness bty allosrimg the gatmes to conminue amid CoutesyuofiArcade Pui'isil conutde despite the atrocity tz hadis matrredl he sancityhx'of ith Olysmpic spirt i. inaully, Reeve dettils the reveq osperatonis that the smite of Israel iii: terrorists," Ini uhat Israelis call "morally justifiable" camipaign, th' Mossatd (the nationi's secret servies ssent usmi to assassinate all but one 1 the terroists directly involved in tI' Muntich massacre anth seseral high, ranikingmaPlestiniian leasders intt i tippet echielonusoftiCmhe PLO. iThes actioss sass Reeve, usere "very to cssativ in te eves osf the Israeli go~ ermntsi and stemmiled front a sortc biblical Itogic."'. Speakintia Shaman Drum ha! Samudy, Rceeeamenteth on th paimnish dutes of his job as a jon stalust inesigating terrorism; thea lug sedhi the families of the victin= was alusays a harrosing exper int nexer made easy by the insensitisvit antd lack of cooperattion by vata gosercmnents involved. While firmly sutbscribinig to t1 temiet "violenice begets violence;"71= jurnattlistcouldh ontly rondtemnnt ( terrorusm tpaigtsns unted by hot sides. COf course, sue as "outsider: may nesver unidersanuch hecayf "there (te Micddle East), they p-It bs a differet iiset sit nile. 1MAC T AI4 R'XT.,-,&,,..A n' Tc **% n d" 4-.r% iv Lost ca...sh.. One travel adventure yo,,u can live wihot i f ' [ Y v y Y ' us i t tI "ze Travel smart. Carry American Express® Travelers Cheques. They're safer than cash. Whether you're surfing Bala, backpacking Europe, or lung getting away for tho weekend, American Express Travelers Cheques are the way to go. They're accepted t virtually everywhere around the world - at hotels, stores, and restaurants. 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'This finial Jensen conmbiniationi is acitally someihimig Shaman Drum qute ditferent thian Jensenminittended. "Originally it nuts supposed to be monugetmatl85pmm. about interspecies communicatioti," he states, but that did tnt "question the deeper things that needed no be questioned." Usng the sexual amid physical assaul t iflicted upon (im by his father to parallel human beings' attack on the earth, Jensen shows that to exploit or destroy someone or something, one nust silence it first. He goes ott to illustrate (ow this is as true or humans who deny the existence of earth's soice as mt is for t father wsho denies thiat he abuses hiss child. '('le atrociies perpetrated by modern culture atre brought chose ts house by the vixid descriptioni of his Muistreammentm. Icludinig these details was necesstry fosr Jensseni. Alhoughi le thought "it was hard to go through usimml ... tercief, the change, (ins beeti itiraculouss, amid I dosnit use the sword miraculous lightly," Jenisen writes tot only for emotional catharsis, but also to sake a tdifference. He writes "out of a sense of urgency ... for the creatures, women, and children," wvhtose voces are silenced everyday by their abusers. lie bielieses that writing is his way to chatuge the world; if sot. he uwoul be tdosng somethinug else. No one person tsr hiing inspires Jenisent, bitt he finds msotivationm ftomnis- tenig mts everythinug arounudhimmi frotm stars to chicekes tIlls ht iluem. (Jue usf tmemes iti irgulig chuapers, titled "'Thme Plantis Resposncd." describes his itierview with Cleve Backstet'. Biackster dexeloped the polygraph test (more comnluoiy kniosw as lie lie detector test). This measures the aussist tif electric energy that ans organismt gives uoff. He hooked it up toi platus andilfound that the eleciric signtls they gase ofsil changedidrst sicatlly uswitm teationustsr evenm thossuhtso(f tither lute crtmssinthle rosuim. For exammple. whe Itm ahuckster shnsisglof tu'nisssmg a platl eatf, mte elec- tsrtety emsitted Jiumiped. (his thuought alonue usas enocughi t toft'ect the planutt. hiss Jenseni, this ev idence us paramtountm. It supports smany of his theories amid gives scientific evidence of the bond lie feels with the world around hits. ihe more he "gets in tusne wiht that (connectiont), the more those things hap- pen." Whuen asked hosethme aserage University studetnt could expeintce tliis type oif relationshi, Jenisent replied that. ''is ulshIstart simtply by pa'silg atteniusisctioones sims- rusumiusus. 'ihinmg thumgs mccclacknowls edtgesimnt us usll as help iii the curremit culture of destriuction. lHe knox that the earth is in dire straits, but gives at tiessage lope. "With everything beinug so scewued up, i's easyf people to do somethiung to stsri so fix thitigs." This me mal ty thiatieven usmiy sine personi canmsai~ke at uiferet usa luuseparaiestint fromitisher ensiromuouenaists. Jensen himmtself amempts to hielpievecry dauy by gis mm bick tithle hltdinsosmie wus itranosthuer. humtnmuchi sf tusse hats recentmslibeeinudev otedutlitin g. lie is Cussret ly usosrkinug issi asbooskuabutIsse its sups iniishichi I addresses aspectsIssf nl heinesurucst uidiciatlsy'steni raspe toi sltsery. ((sis avce or tsr mIscapurmig actisvists asm withesris strasighut tthe pinti. "lsillIonw(yiur)heluasrt-mmmclrind su poivpeople.Trusm yougs sis mu xpeseuce mitchjust sty uski updestionis."NCmWithinutetsiecicesis tmutictuims us liepi mimimug supine, hue c lt uumcsesh ltli's 1. skcc I otu ce, hue tdd olet I nyoneis way ss s ut11i111s1 insteusesmtut so iproswhisspintsu. Is ''NLIntuageitid Jith Iha lut oNruds'"hue discs sit l the sfmrmueush' beutulm shpmros personualnsrratimses, facts asndhmsshisloinnsbsoutd destruction of the earths. is ideas are outsanding, although disturbing at imi With evidence to buick up histsheories, one cannot hc but to agree with him that it is enitirely possible to cot sumuicate nitb trees, antimnals smi thcler elements of t earmhi.'(hits boiok muss te potmentialus chane tine's esuslul tilth m Wmosuimdsh.bust usguun issue mustss ask Jesiseul 5c lusesuisuit.."Is anvonkss'lusneluus sup