4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 7, 2000 r.e i igrn B 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opi the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters a necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michig .ROM T HE DAC Dad ynset, aV Daily endorsements at-a- Theres no place to hide: Planningfor the next four years W ell, it's Election Day. I was going to skin cancer aren't nearly as worrisome as tism into the White House. I disagree, becau write an impassioned column, lauding which tax bracket you'll fall into? Is it because if Nader wasn't on the ticket, I probably the glories of Democracy and the power of the the environmentalists have been so verbose wouldn't vote at all, so I'm not taking votes MIKE SPAHN people and all that jazz. It was going to be very about ecological degradation that rhetoric like away from Gore. I'm just supplying a vote that Editor in Chief optimistic, very patriotic. "America is good" "an acre of rainforest a minute" has become otherwise wouldn't have been there. If Nader and other bits of propaganda. It was going to be roughly as important as the hole in your sock? hadn't been on the ticket, I would be writing an EMILY ACHENBAUM moving, motivating, Is it because the poverty problem, both here impassioned column. Not about the glories of Editorial Page Editor incredibly upbeat and and abroad, is conveniently hidden on page 18 the electoral process, but about the horrors of from the heart. behind the daily stock quotes and the comics? our brand of democracy - and it would, with- But it was the "from I don't get it, but there are a lot of things I out a doubt, be from the heart. But what do I nd cartoons anot the heart" issue that don't get. I don't get why the measuring stick know? I'm just a college kid, too big for hi an Daily. tripped me up. As I of success in this nation involves the size of britches and thinking he knows more than h write this entirely for- one's bank account and/or phallus. Preferably, does. gettable column, a both are large, right? I don't get why one of the I am sincerely terrified, and I definitely drunk driving lunatic wealthiest nations in the world is incapable of know that much. Perhaps this is the real "from incapable of dictation providing education and health care for its citi- the heart" part of this column, and it's too bad it above the fifth-grade zens, when those evil, evil Communist Cubans comes so late. I'm terrified because it appears level is leading in the are doing quite well in the "providing for the to me that our beautiful Democracy favors an a te !mpolls against a two- people" department. I don't get why people illiterate Texan. Or a pathologically-lying Vice faced politician who is Manish complain about "The Man," and then walk into President, who does appear to have a large trapped in an agonizing Raiji the booths time and time again and vote for bank balance. And a large phallus, if the cover -glance struggle between his :, ,. "The Man." Ijust don't get it. of Rolling Stone is any indication of what's conscience and his It may seem futile for me to vote for some- going on under the hatch. I'm terrified knowin e, this seven-year Ann stock portfolio. These > ? h one I believe in, because there's no real doubt that good men, with honor and integrity, a ncil member is undeni- are our choices, ladies that I'll be voting for someone who won't win. pushed to the wayside by a system that focuses zed. and gentlemen. An inebriated death-penalty I've never explicitly stated (in my column, at on the duration of a French kiss or the stutter- advocate versus a not-so-inebriated death- least) who will be receiving an arrow next to ings of"W is for Warrant." trict State House penalty advocate. It's time for realism, not opti- his name on my ballot. So here goes my I'm terrified. And maybe I really am us): Vote John Hansen mism. I can stand on my idealistic soap box moment in the confession booth. I am voting Chicken Little, maybe it was just the shingle tin priority in the state and demand that attention be given to the other for Ralph Nader. It's not earth-shattering news, from the barn roof that hit me on the head and een the improvement of four candidates on the ballot, but it's all in vain. I'm sure. I'm fairly convinced that you haven't maybe everything will be alright. But I'll live His background in this Screw optimism, it's time to get down to the been sitting on the edge of your seat, gnawing with my terror, at least until Inauguration Day. itendent - gives him a facts: One of two men is going to be elected to your fingernails to the cuticles in restless 'And then I guess I'll go to our friendly neigh- ion in this area. Hansen the most powerful position in the world, and curiosity regarding my voting preferences. If bors to the North, and share a beer or tma oncerned with environ- I'm scared to death of both of them. you were, then congratulations, you can sit with those lovable hosiers, Bob and Doug uman rights and mental I feel like Chicken Little. But it's not the back and breathe a sigh of relief, because now McKenzie. But it's looking like Stockwell as that have suffered dur- shingle off a barn that hit me on the head, it is you know. I am voting for Ralph Nader. Day, who threatens Bush's spot as the world's dministration. The expe- genuinely the sky, and it is falling. And what But, like I said, it's time for realism, not scariest man, might have a chance at winning as ained in his two years irritates me most is knowing that more than 90 optimism. Nader won't win. And, if the saga- the elections in the great white North. Maybe ve him a definite advan- percent of the population either doesn't care or cious political pundits are correct, my minis- Zack de la Rocha was right. There'll be no mpsign. He has a real isn't aware of the fact that the sky is falling, cule decision to follow my mother's advice and shelter here. Or anywhere. of the skills needed to Why is that? Is it because the sky is conve- "never go against your ideals" will play a part - Manish Rai i can be reached via e-mail ly in the state legislature, niently falling over the Antarctic, so threats of in electing everyone's favorite product of nepo- at mraii@tumich.edu. A11 the campaigning comes down to today. By now your choices might be clear, but in case they're not, here's the Daily's guide to the elections: President: Vote Al Gore There are several reasons to vote for Gore. Hate crimes legislation must be addressed and a federal attempt to end racial profiling must be pursued. Gore supports both of these initiatives. Gore has also been the only major party candidate to specifically endorse affirmative action, pledging to do everything he can to ensure the policy continues to diversify the workplace and the classroom. Gore also has an excellent record on environmental issues. The next president will probably be in the position to appoint two to four Supreme Court justices. Nominating justices for life is one of the most important powers held by the presi- dent. Gore will find justices who pro- tect the Constitution and support personal freedom at every turn. New justices on the Court could also have the power to overturn Roe v. Wade, thus ending a woman's right to choose. Government does not have the right to intrude upon or govern a woman's body, and by electing Gore, that value surely will be maintained. Gore will maintain our economic prosperity. He will protect and expand civi rights, support meaningful cam- paign-finance reform and promote high standards for education and the environment. He is the best choice for our next president. Senate: Vote Debbie Stabenow Of immediate interest to students are Congresswoman Stabenow's proposed tax credits for families struggling to pay for an undergraduate or graduate educa- tion or job training. Stabenow has pro- posed an addition to the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit. That tax credit cur- rently grants families a 20 percent tax credit up to $5,000 for college tuition; starting in 2003, the threshold will be increased to $10,000. Stabenow has advocated increasing that tax credit to a significant 28 percent. Stabenow's commitment to gun con- trol, increasing accessibility to education and job training by promoting tax credits for Americans seeking to learn new skills, lowering prescription drug prices and letting patients and doctors make health care decisions together make her the best person to represent students and the state of Michigan. Congress: Vote Lynn Rivers U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor), seeking a fourth term in Con- gress, has proven herself an exceptional asset to the House of Representatives. Foremost in the minds of students should be her avid support for increased funding for education and devoting more money to federal stu- dent aid and articularly grants. As a beneficiary ofthis kind of aid, she real- izes the importance of allowing people with limited resources to have equal opportunities for quality education. She also stresses the importance of grants, which would free students from the burden of paying off loans over the first few years of their post-academic careers. She is a strong supporter of a woman's right to choose. She is also involved with environmental issues and she is a strong believer in the right to privacy, online and otherwise - she even co-sponsored a bill that would declare MP3 usage legal. She is an excellent choice for Congress. 53rd District State House (Central Campus): Vote Chris Kolb Not only do the issues Kolb advo- cates concern all of Ann Arbor, but these also relate to students as well. Stu- dent housing, safety on Campus, educa- tion - including tuition and civil rights, should be on every student's mind when examining candidates. Urban sprawl is one particular problem that has affected Ann Arbor in the last few years. Kolb is a candidate that represents students, fac- ulty and general residents of Ann Arbor. From his outstanding general plan, down to the details applying to students and adults alik Arbor city coun ably well organi 52nd Dist (North Camp: Hansen's ma legislature has b public education field - he is a Schools Superin strong qualificat is particularly c mental issues, h health - all area ing the present a hience Hansen ha in the House gh tage in this cat understanding operate effective particulariy as a member of the minority party. Mayor of Ann Arbor: Vote John Hieftje Hieftje has a solid, workable ideas and a vision for the future. He talks of long-term plans and appears confident that he can fulfill his promises. His pro- posal to construct apartments over busi- nesses should be pursued, as well as the construction of a new residence hall to ease the demand (and thus lower the costs) for student housing. Hieftje has proven himself to be con- cerned with safety and civil rights. He supports the cataloguing of arrests to investigate racial profiling and wishes to ease up on police enforcement of more minor statutes which often target stu- dents. He supports better lighting around campus and more programs to ensure women's safety. He is truly con- cerned about people. Most of a he knows the city. He jokes about knowing where nearly every street is, but he is well connected through his community involvement and knows what people want. He knows on which streets he'd like to see bike lanes placed and what intersections are con- tinually a danger. University Board of Regents: Vote Larry Deitch, Rebecca McGowan Of great significance are incumbent candidates Deitch and McGowan's role on the board during the affirmative action lawsuits challenging University. Both are staunch supporters of the existing policy and are willin to defend the case all the way to the U.S Supreme Court if needed. Affirmative action is at the cornerstone of the University's attitude on diversity, and the most important issue facing the board today. Republican candidates Wendy Anderson (R-Commerce Twp.) and Suzy Avery (R-Grand Rapids) have expressed their interest in changing the board's stance on affirmative action and possibly settling in a lower court. Deitch and McGowan also recognize that it is not the role of the board to inter- fere with University curriculum, an issue that was wrongly dragged into the politi- cal spotlight after English 317 "How to be Gay," garnered attention. If the regents have control over class topics, they may decide to censure classes, thus threaten- ing academic freedom. Both Republican regent candidates have expressed interest in limiting the University's academic freedom on this matter. Proposal 1: Vote NO The future of Michigan's public schools could take a drastic turn for the worse if Proposal 1 is passed. The claim that vouchers would bene- fit disadvantaged children in poor neigh- borhoods is blindly idealistic. Even if such children were provided with vouchers that paid their tuition at better schools, it would still be nearly impossi- ble for many of them to attend. The best private schools are not located in the inner-cities and most inner-city families do not have the means to transport their children back and forth every day. While it is true that Michigan's pub- lic education is crumbling in some areas, school vouchers are not the answer. Instead of calling for the aban- donment of troubled public schools, the state legislature should consider allocat- ing more money to the schools that need it most. Vote NO on Proposal 1. 'They took an x-ray, gave me an ace bandage and sent me home.' - LSA sophomore Rvan Mason on his visit to UHS after injuring his wrist. A fracture went unnoticed and required surgeryfour weeks later. A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush TO THE DAILY: The argument heard from supporters of Ralph Nader and the Green Party is essen- tially that Bush and Gore are exactly alike, or at least that not enough separates them to make a significant difference. Nothing could besfurther from the truth. On some issues (most notably the death penalty and trade issues the two major candidates would pursue similar courses. but on almost every other substantive issue (fiscal issues, foreignidefense policy, abor- tion, environmental policy, judicial appointments etc. ad nauseam) there are wide gaps between the two candidates' positions. Furthermore, in terms of the qualifica- tions and characters of the two men, there are also large differences. Only one of those men will have any sort of sympathy for the Green position on anything. In a swing state like Michigan. voting for Nader could realistically cost Gore the White House. Nader has claimed costing Gore the White House swould be a "cold shower" for the Democratic Party. The cost of that shower is a Bush presidency. And the bill will be paid not by the young affluent stu- dents and graduates of the University of Michigan, but by the poor and the working classes. On Wednesday, either Bush or Gore will be our President-elect. Before casual- ly dismissing them as "exactly alike," please consider their stances on the issues, and decide if four years of a Bush presi- dency is worth the protest value of a Nader vote. NOEL ERINJERI LSA SENIOR Vote Stabenow in the Senate election TO THE DAILY: The Senate race in Michigan is one of the most important races in the country. It is about affirming the record of an incum-- bent Senator. Spence Abraham, who has repeatedly voted to ease the regulations and corporate polluters. It is about a man who has tme and again voted for massive tax cuts to the rich. It is about a man who says he is against vouchers in an election where they are unpopular in order to get reelected and tries to hide the fact that he has voted for vouchers his whole first term. This man has not represented Michigan in the Senate. He has represented big busi- ness his whole career. He is beholden to them now more than ever because they are trying to buy his reelection. Debbie Stabenow said it the best when she said, "My opponent calls himself the work- horse, the question is who is he working for?" Michigan families know who he is wdrking for and that is why they support Debbie wholeheartedly. She'll make us proud again. Don't let Spence buy back his Senate seat, so he can go to the Senate and work for the people who got him elected. Vote for a change in the campaigning laws. Vote to make our schools the best that they can be, vote to give tax cuts to the families who desperately need it and vote to pre- serve the Great Lakes. All you need to do to do this is vote Debbie Stabenow in as the first ever woman senator from the state of Michigan. She's on our side, that's why big businesses are so scared of her. NICK KLONOSKI LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Vouchers will hurt kids, schools: Vote 'no' on Proposal 1 TO THE DAILY: I cannot understand why people think Proposal 1 is a good idea. Why give par- ents money to send thei*kids to private schools instead of investing the money in making the public schools better? Also, private schools, being privately run can choose to not admit students based on race or ethnicity, disabilities, etc. Private schools do not have to have mandatory stu- dent testing, like the MEAP test, since they are not state funded. In addition. I think mandatory teacher testing is infringing on teachers' rights. Do doctors or lawyers have to take regular tests to make sure they are up to snuff? I do agree that poorly performing public schools should be held accountable, but instead of creating a larger problem by passing the voucher proposal, why not face the problem and help Michigan's kids. REBECCA YOO UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Don't make a mistake: Vote Gore for President TO THE DAILY: The first election in which I was eligible to vote was the 1968 presidential election. Our country was torn apart by the Vietnam War. Reeling from the nightly count of American "casualties," the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy and the bru- tality of the Chicago police at the Democratic Convention, many people just opted out. Because we could not forgive Hubert Humphrey for being Johnson's vice president, people like me either refused to vote at all or wrote in the name of Gene McCarthy - a fine man who hadn't a prayer of winning. What we got for that show of principle wn one of the most unprincipled men in American history. A man who cynically prolonged the peace process - and the carnage - until he was re-elected. A man whose name became synonymous with dirty tricks, whose legacy was the debacle of Watergate. Richard Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey in 1968 by less than one percent of the vote. Please, please, hear the entreaty of an old radical. Al Gore may not be your ideal, but he is a decent man, as Huibert Humphrey was decent man. Gore won't stack the Supre Court with right-wing justices who will shape this nation for a generation. He is already immeasurably more amenable to Green Party concerns than the Texas oilman could ever be. University students and faculty can make the difference as to which candidate gets Michigan's electoral votes. I beg you not to repeat the mistake we made 32 years ago. GAILO'HARE HOLCOM UNIVERSITY ALUMNU Supporting Bush doesn't make sense TO THE DAILY: I was absolutely astonished that in the latest polls, 47 percent of the people in this country said they would vote for George W. Bush. I no have no faith in the judgement of 47 percent o the people I live among. I believe one of the main qualifications for being president of the greatest country in the world is being smarter than me, the average Joe. However, it has recently come to light that Bush received a citation for driving under the influ- ence in 1976 at the age of 30. Is this a sick joke? Someone that was caught driving under the influence would actually believe the peop of the United States would elect him presider when a much worthier candidate is also run- ning? Stupid is as stupid does said Forrest Gump. It's safe to say Bush is stupid. In response to this 'gotcha' politics, Bush's communications director said, "I think the Democrats owe the American people an expla- nation." I think you owe us an explanation, Mr. Bush. But the reality is, facts are facts. An expla- nationjust isn't going to cut it. ADAM WILSCO ENGINEERING JUNIOR t wAv r u as cE ti ALL l sr A \ w ..CVt Ib42.S(QN'TvR. CON. \ Coo E ARN ThW Ri6W Th CotAPLAn. VOTE 1