2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 7, 2000
Mideast leaders argue
over truce agreement
Teenagers killed on West Bank as Israeli,
Palestinian leaders accuse each other of
failing to adhere to truce
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's prime minister yesterday
accused the Palestinians of failing to implement a truce
agreement, while Palestinian leaders called for expanded
foreign mediation. As the rhetoric ran hot, street clashes
persisted: Two Palestinian teen-agers were killed and a third
was blinded by gunfire.
The truce, in its fifth day, has dampened the overall level
of unrest but has not extinguished it.
About 30 Palestinians were wounded in yesterday's spo-
radic clashes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, doctors
As Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestin-
ian leader Yasser Arafat prepared to head to Washing-
ton for separate meetings with President Clinton, they
remained sharply at odds on how to stop the violence
and revive suspended peace talks.
"We see a certain effort by Chairman Arafat to calm
down the situation, but clearly the results show that there is
no real reduction in the violence," Barak said.
He said the cease-fire is "not being implemented by the
other side ... and we are being forced to act accordingly."
In the evening, Barak's government easily survived
four no-confidence motions in parliament, said parliament
spokesman Giora Pordes. Some were brought by Arab leg-
islators angry over the deaths of about a dozen Israeli Arabs
in riots linked to the Palestinian revolt.
The Palestinians, meanwhile, complained yesterday that
U.S. mediationin Mideast peacemaking has been ineffec-
tive and demanded that the United Nations, the European
Union, Russia and China be included in future talks. The
Palestinians also raised the possibility of an international
peacekeeping force.
"Since the United States has failed to persuade Israel to
implement the agreements, there is a need for other parties
to be involved in this process," Arafat aide Nabil Abur-
dench said.
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Continued from Page 1
including the current system using race
as a factor.
Nick Waun, a University of Michigan
at Flint student running with the Reform
Party, said a student perspective is neces-
sary on the board, and he is the one for
the position.
Waun said he would like to bring
more attention to the University's Flint
"A lot of students at Flint aren't aware
they have access to the library and facil-
ities in Ann Arbor. Some students feel
shut out from Ann Arbor, and feel the
Flint campus is little more than a com-
munity college," Waun said. "We need to
make the regents spend more time on all
of the campuses to see what is needd."
Laurence Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills)
has served on the board since 1992.
He said he is most proud of working
to change the University's bylaw con-
cerning its non-discrimination policy to
include same-sex partners.
Deitch said he would like the Mich-
igan legislature to invest more money
into the University.
"Over the years, the state has made a
huge investment in the University and it
has paid off in the quality of life offered
here," Deitch said. "But, the state fund-
ing isn't enough to get the job done if we
want to be as good as we want to be."
Republican candidates Wendy Ander-
son and Suzy Avery did not return sev-
eral phone calls.
Rackham student Tim Maull, running
with the Libertarian Party, said his
involvement in the University helps him
understand student issues.
"I am a student. I understand about the
difficulties of living in a dorm. I spent
my first year in Oxford Housing, where
I was on house concil," Maull said. "I
have been politically active in the com-
munity, especially with the medical mar-
ijuana issue in Ann Arbor."
Maull said the University's investment
portfolio concerns him. Maull said he
would like to lead a discussion on the
"Some corporations do questionable
activities overseas, including violating
human rights. It is important that the
University does not profit by indirectly
violating human rights," Maull said.
LSA senior Scott Trudeau, running
with the Green Party, also hopes to
become a student representative on the
Trudeau said he would like to fight the
privatization of jobs within the Univer-
sity, as well as support an environmen-
tally sustainable campus.
"The University has been taking a
more corporate mindset but the Univer-
sity is not a corporation. As a student
and a worker, I could represent a lot of
people, especially those concerned about
corporations,"Trudeau said.
Continued from Page 1
New York City since last week for
Although television journalism may
seem like a cutthroat industry the
major networks including The Associ-
ated Press, have combined resources
to produce the Voter News Service.
which runs a nationwide exit polling
VNS works to call the states as early
as possible, Traugott said. This year
the smaller states - considered locked
up - may be called early in the day.
Three kinds of information are used
to call states, Achen said, including
exit polls, vote totals from individual
precincts and the official count from
the secretary of state's office.
Exit poll interviewers are placed
in a sample of precincts to conduct
gather information throughout the day.
The exit poll results are then checked.
against the statistical data of the pre-
Statistical data is determined by the
historic voting patterns and turnout
levels at the particular precinct. Ana-
lysts then check the exit poll against
the polling sites the statistical data. If
the margin between the candidate is
large enough - the election is called.
Both Achen and Traugott will be
analyzing the information and deter-
mining when a state's results can be
In 1996, the team of data analysts
asked that the networks not call New
Hampshire because the data did not
indicate a clear winner, Achen said.
The networks went against the expert
advice and called New Hampshire -
Achen said that the problem with
exit polls is that they depend on the
willingness of voters to interview.
Voters with less education tend to avoid
exit pollers more than educated voters,
sometimes creating a gap between pre-
cincts in different neighborhoods.
If, after the exit poll data is checked
against the statistical data,'the margin is
still too close, analysts will have to wait
for the actual results from the precincts
Justices to decide
arbitration conflict
WASHINGTON - A California
man's lawsuit alleging on-the-job
harassment could set ground rules for
when employers can force workers to
settle labor disputes through arbitra-
tion rather than in court.
The Supreme Court heard arguments
yesterday in the case of Saint Clair
Adams, who was made to sign a doc-
ument agreeing to settle any potential
labor grievance through binding arbi-
tration before Circuit City Stores Inc.
would hire him.
The court is reviewing what types of
job classifications may fall under such
an agreement.
Business groups say arbitration is
more convenient, less time-consum-
ing and cheaper than lawsuits to settle
"Businesses look at the costs (of
lawsuits) as just crushing," said
Lawrence Lorber, the lawyer who
wrote the U.S. Chamber of Com-
merce's argument in the case. "If
4 new arrests in USS
Cole investigation
ADEN, Yemen - I he men who
bombed the USS Cole got help from
Yemeni officials who fought with them
in Afghanistan in the 1980s. sources
close to the case said yesterday as the
crippled Cole began a five-week trip
The destroyer was getting a pig-
gyback ride back to the United
States aboard the Norwegian ship
Blue Marlin, which was carrying
the 8,600-ton destroyer on its deck.
The ships sailed from waters off
Yemen on Sunday and will head
around Africa's Cape of Good Hope
en route to the United States, the
company in charge of the transport
That route avoids the Suez Canal
-- a shorter path, but one that had
raised security concerns among U.S.
The Cole should reach Norfolk,
Va., by about Dec. 10, said Frederik
Steenbuch, manager of Oslo, Nor-
way-based Offshore Heavy Trans-
Circuit City loses, that would
a major. major development. 1
question is how they will win, a
what type of rules the Suprei
Court will set down."
Critics say workers forfeit c
Lain rights when they go befc
a private arbitrator rather th
Indictments made i
Va. gay bar shootin
ROANOKE, Va. - A man accu
of opening fire at a gay bar becai
he was upset that his last name ma
him a target for anti-homosexual jo
was indicted yesterday on first-degi
murder and firearms charges.
Ronald Gay is charged with ki
Danny Lee Overstreet and woundi
six others at the Backstreet Cafe
Sept. 22.
Gay told police he was upset tI
his three sons had changed their I
names, and family members have sa
lie was also upset because his ex-w
had once experimented with lesbia
The blast that crippled the Cole a
killed 17 American sailors came as t11
ship was refueling in Aden harbor
Oct. 12. Suicide bombers apparent
sidled a small. explosives-lined
up to the Cole and detonated it
ping a 40-foot-by-40-foot hole in tl
steel hull.
Storms continue to
hit Western Europe
LONDON - A ston systc
raging across Western Europe conti
Lied to wreak havoc in the air and s
yesterday, bringing down an It-
military helicopter and sinking an
ian cargo ship loaded with chemical.
Storm-related deaths rose to at lea
15, with six confirmed dead in tl
helicopter crash and one
Danish rescue worker drowned whi
trying to help the crew of a Gernm
cargo ship caught in a North St
Eight people - four in France, ditee
Britain and one in Ireland - were kille
- Froni Dai/) wire repor
1 -
FDA warns against using diet drug
WASHINGTON -- The Food and Drug Administration warned Americ
yesterday not to use dozens of over-the-counter cold remedies or appetite s
pressants until their makers replace an ingredient that could cause hemorrha
strokes, especially in young women.
The ingredient, called phenylpropanolamine or PPA, is found in pro
ranging from Dexatrim to Triaminic.
The FDA said it is taking steps to formally ban PPA, but in the meantime wr
manufacturers asking them voluntarily to immediately quit selling products ci
taining the ingredient.
The risk of a hemorrhagic stroke, or bleeding in the brain, is very small
an individual user. With millions of Americans swallowing PPA every day,
FDA determined the ingredient could be to blame for 200 to 500 strokes j
in people under age 50 - those who typically are too young to be at risk
"We suggest you stop taking the drug immediately and use an alternativ
says an FDA warning issued for consumers yesterday.
Consumers should check the ingredient list of all nonprescription cold rt-
ers for PPA and avoid those products, the FDA said. Instead, they could use
pills containing the ingredient pseudoephedrine, or use nasal sprays.
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not have to attend the Orientation Program can
register at 4:30 on the last day assigned to their
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" Time Schedule of Winter Courses. Web Site (http://www.umich.edu/~regoff/timesched/)
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