6B - The Michigan Daily -SportsMooday -November 6, 2000 Purdue, I n, By Adam Kaplan hrxflie Daily The Michigian volleyball teani turned its season around this weekend at ionic -against Purdue and Illinois. Thle -Wolverines (5-9 Din Ten, 15-Il0 overall) sttapped afsiur-niatcb losing streak by defcating both the [Boilermtakers antd the Fighting Illitti, 3 -0. - Michigan stepped up its play switlhout the presettce of' seitior mtiddle blocker Joanna Fielder and Junior outside hitter -Nicole Kacot. Botht plavei-s oere sus- pelnded over a sweek ago for si olativo tandisclosed teamt rules. ' In Saturday tight's miatch against Illinois, the Wolverities' resiliettce and -inspired play led temni ictors. Michigan won thte match ini three Batties (15-l1t, 16-14, 15-6), hut it wsi not in easy feat. The Wolverinecs strueg0led in the first two gamtes, comtmitting some utiforced errors which fortutnatelys did not spoil their chianes ofwointne0 Aftet' fallinig behind 11-3 ini lie see- 61t gamte, the tide turnted in Michlian' favor. Michigant coiach Mark Rosen called a tiiaeout, whIichi seitied toi mike a' differencei li te Wolserines Wie down 14-6, bitt scoired 10i-eotisent'i e potnts to v in the gamte 16-14. I didt reaills sais anyititig to tuon- vate thtem --tuothintg out of the ordi- - r KatrIna Lehman 11) led the Wolverines with eight hlonks, matchi'ng her seasonnhest. Sunshine spurs Blue to salvage spli' By Kristen Fidh oif 1.39.61 ini lie 21111ficestsvIc. Ketchtutt's feat was espci laiSrt risStirIsvinotible becaiise lie is comning offofa hout with bronchi the wteek piior. 'Tie Michintitmen's ssxiniting anid div ing viam lid "'tinik these dual meets are mtoxre cottipetitix eithanti sunini xweathter to look forward to this xweekend- teimipera- itiets like IBigTin's tic N('AAs because there is more 1 ltes in Athents. Ga. and inin ttesv ile, tla. swere ini lie h0's oneitte u from sour teamitin each heat,', Ketchutmiisaid. ''Ifsn 0s e iteei oe fa nlec o h hl e Btasking ini the balmiy cotiditions, Michigatiiroceceded to tither thain lust for yourself." defeat No. 14 (ieiirgia on I riday lint lost to No. 7 1Florida ott OiIFridais the Wolxveritnes put fothl a total team efot a Saturdiy. wxriiathe to pull through fur a v ictoiry oxer (Georgia,. tro~ T'he VWolverinies battled fiercely agatist poxwerhoiuse iii lie Butlldoxgs 131-112.q Florida bitt fell shiot by eight pointsIlositig 125.5-11 7.5. NMichigain xxas led by double-xwiners Thomtpsoni "Floriida was definitely reads ito compilete againtius:' Werineri ThieVWotlveritics alsox got strotigtierforimanesx fit Miehigain assistanit coach EIc Naitesitik said. "Raeiin real- GarretitMn iri in the 1(11 freestyle aiiilMutt Raities in t Iv well against Florida, probably better tan we did againtst 5(0 freestyle. (icorgia, xwe really Couldn't haxe extiecied miuch miore" In hitsflrst compiletitiiin sittce winnting lie 1,5001-mc~ Michitn doitinated both the I1000-vard freestsyIc and the freestsyIe bronzte ini Syidiey, Thitoiipsoiitoiok first place 201f breiststireke. Olymtpian flis Thiomipsont xxtinxthe boith lie f01anditih le 101(011fieestvle races. freestsyIc in a ttie if8,5i9.35, xwhile Scott Weriner cri useid ts Ixxvis iiritty broketi doixwniafter the Olymipics, bittraI i first plice ini the bittierflin i2-(f.W97. xxwith the teamti helpeud a liiotilhtt i,"lTompisonid e. "It's Freshmtian [tan Ketchuimi alsti earniei a xvictioryxxithi a timte job to gii out there to will those twxtiexentis for the teatis" 71W - so ccer to *1" 4'W M host Miamim LIONS Continued from Page 18 seemiedttolieIfighting froxmtiits mxii cnd. The iiit'v its ofth le gamie xxa-shlay'ein i 8 Micehigan terrsitry.atnd pressure fisiti the 'enni Stile fotrxards seceed relet- . less. ...', tary, 'Roiseni saidl "Vie stioipedh making erros stfat vax e tiemiteasypitntis.Vie sptayei steadily, keepinig the bill ini tlts." Micht~i'.s rally xxias keyed by It id- Iittitte treshmtantmidulle blotekert'''ut Moutire:.Iitix ithle stetelt, Mittre's hustle anid aegiessixe play prttxd cil itltOilc hrtitmtit tc. hutteWvea'ies' ix tieli ck xxas tnot achtiexveel sintgle- settutrs 5ltft Pittettytand Sairah iBehnke )Cvie eIieni vettti4ibetter at pste xeitui.. r etet s 'itlanidrxti io i titiuponsuir lay, B.Iehntke satif. Viutl tes carrieil their tiitxtiientutu tIntu te thu tirtae andtLyonx1 ti I OnitItt1 usnigihlt. Miclititi's ima tch Zteatist hurut if otiedi e to lie reidempttioni ftor lie Vi lser ties . A er tsitg htutir eetiseeuitte 1fi ,)entichueles. Miehtigitin ut sit enttioitits' ltttt-etttte skief bi handitilslieatinthle hiilci -makers I 5-5, 1>- l1-')9 Mooure tatilfellowixfreshttiani ('lititel Rceeduis cete as lie X-fae- tttts ini lie imatch,(Bahhhlayers posted dilii kl s -ft;taed13, respee- ''Ifotthplts C~s tie great. I lieyxwere let ecis'' Roisentide. '' Tlesyhave lbeent "tliettee eactilty stsslies x e uxtteit moreti otpottittites tsphyt.'' The eItttit slatie etities this xweek is '110ste tce cm'atces xWilfbe ciii- eitil ilicuidi ng-, tel itt'ns chtantis ifi atni t otr thle N N luiti iaitteut. Vie tie takit~,i''i t tic livy gaite.nt looukitt U tutief lihe tturnamiet" Ai lie endtel ticiefirst half, Mich]t<'iii still huh ittrecitrudeed its first shttilt gotal. ITiec\Volvernes caineiout with a sense Ofufirgenicy in the seotidhftllbitt thitrtinitial offetisixe surge waix quickly quelled by the Penn State defense. Penti State continued to domninate itie gamteihirough the first itwo overtimne pen- ies, pining the Wuolv'er'ttesxxithin lien* own cnd. But, with the exception of an excellent scoring chatice Iatie in the see- otid overtimte period fiut the Nittainv i otis, the Michigati defense seemiid to countriul Petnn State's offensive surges. With its uoifense held in check, the Michigan defense, led by goalie C'arissat Stewxt, proved to be impthenetrable utitil the final momtents of the game. "(Carissa camie out to playv today:' Bfetel saud. "She was unstoppable for 1211 miniutes, anid she did a great job" Vitfi the win, Penni State received an automiatic bid toi the NC'AA tourinamoent. Micfhigani's fate xxas piacediftothe iands of the NCAA Selectiuon Commttititee, andu yesterday evettnig the Woulver ites gut stotte giooxifnexsts-(icy wxere ivetinitn at-liege bid to tlie N(.'AA tiutriamiet. Michigan xxill host Miamii fOhixof in a first-rouunii gamte at the Varsity Soccer Field oti Wcdutesxfv. nrxSSu nut Kacy Beitel could have only game left this season, this Wednesday against Miami. WOEN SOCTtNA, FT 2. misconsin 2 1. Penn State 1 We i ' i tt~ t.ttN ~ is ssxoeaiO'i 1. Penn State 2 2. misconsin 2 8. Minnesota 0 1. Penu htate 1 7. Purdue 2 Penn State wins Big Ten Tournament 4. Ilinus s33.Mhia0(3T 3. Michigan 2 4. Ilinom 13.Michigan 5. Micrigan State 1 6. Inwa 1 MICHGANWIL HSTMMItuOt N CA s i ROND K L~ Deloitte Consultinj A very different approac Oones more on For very different resuh the e-Business strategies of tomorrow. Few have followed the e-Revolution more closely, or been as enthusiastic in hastening it forwar cN"1 MOM ~as Deloitte Consulting. 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