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November 06, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-06

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One hundred ten years ofeditorarlfreedom

November 6, 2000

K -' i A5

oof victory
By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staf Reporter
NOVI - With the polls in Michi-
gan's U.S. Senate race still showing no
clear favorite, candidates Spence Abra-
ham and Debbie Stabenow spent the
weekend before Election Day greeting
voters at stores, churches and bowling
alleys throughout the state.
Neither candidate wants to lay claim
to an outright victory, but both say they
are optimistic about the outcome of
tomorrow's vote.
Abraham, the Republican incumbent,
said at this point in the race, events are
essentially beyond his control.
"You know, there's sort of a limited
amount of things you can do. We've
worked hard. We've tried to reach as
many voters as possible," he said Satur-
day after a visit to Border's Books and
Music in Novi. "It's like any other com-
petition, whether it's a sporting event or
anything else, there's always a lot of
adrenaline but it's good adrenaline,"
Stabenow, who has bounced back
from a double-digit deficit in the polls,
said she is confident but apprehensive.
"You're always nervous. I'm obvi-
ously anxious and nervous but its in a
positive way," she said after campaign-
ing at a Canton Kroger store. "I expect
it to be a close race. Traditionally in
Michigan, races are very close ... but
I'm feeling really good about it."
In addition to campaigning on their
own, Abraham and Stabenow made
appearances with their party's presiden-
tial candidate, who were also in Michi-
gan this weekend courting the state's 18
electoral votes, which will be vital to
She winning candidate's campaign.
Abraham appeared with George W.
Bush on Friday afternoon in Grand
Rapids and Saturday morning in Dear-
born, while Stabenow joined Al Gore
last night in Dearborn.
With the presidential contest as
volatile as it is, neither Abraham nor
Stabenow say they are counting on the
top of their party's ticket to sweep them
Pnto office.
"In the U.S. Senate race in Michigan,
the voters are going to decide which
candidate they want for the Senate,"
Abraham said last week while cam-
paigning in Franklin. "If I don't win the
race in my own right, I'm not goitg to
win it just because of Governor Bush or
anybody else on the ticket."
"I'm hoping that we will help each
other," St now said of the possibility
of -a coat-tail effect, shonuld Gore win
vlichigan. "Voters are traditionally very
independent so I think people tend to
make independent decisions and I cer-
tainly think (Gore's) doing well will
help me"
Officials from both campaigns say
they have no plans to rest until the polls
close and the final results are tallied.
"I think it'll be a late night, but a fun
night," Stabenow spokesman Rob
Gibbs said. "You do something for a
year and it comes down to one day, you
always get anxious."
Arizona Sen. John McCain lent his
support to Abraham yesterday by cam-
paigning with him in Lansing and Tra-
verse City. "From now until Tuesday is

going to be a long haul," Abraham
spokesman Joe Davis said.

5t d d
By Yael Kohen
Dafly Staff Reporter

President Al
Gore pumps
his fist at a
rally yesterday
in Dearborn
by his wife,
Tipper, and
RIGHT: Texas
Gov. George
W. Bush and
his wife,
Laura, wave to
the crowd at a:
rally Saturday
afternoon in

Where the candidates will be
today and tomorrow:
George W. Bush: The Texas
governor plans to hold rallies today
in Gore's home state of Tennessee,
Wisconsin, Iowa and Arka nsas
before retuining to Austin, Texas, to
await election results tomorrow.
Al Gore: The vice president plans
to spend 30 straight hours on the
stump, beginning in Waterloo, Iowa,
for coffee this morning and ending is
his hometown of Carthage, Tenn.,to
vote tomorrow. In between he'
make stops in St ouis, Flint, Miamt
and Tampa, Fla.

DEARBORN - Michigan could be the deciding fac-
tor in tomorrow's election, and the candidates know it.
George W. Bush and Al Gore campaigned separately
in Dearborn over the weekend, both drawing large
crowds to the western Detroit suburb.
And the message is clear: In an election this close, the
candidate that can muster the highest turnout is the one
with the best chance to win.
Gore held a rally at the University's Dearborn campus
last night and is scheduled to make one last stop in Michi-
gan today, visiting Flint in the midst
of a 30-hour campaign stretch. C T
Bush rallied in Grand Rapids and
Saginaw on Friday, staying
overnight in Dearborn before a rally
Saturday with running mate Dick
Cheney and former Joint Chiefs of
Staff Chainnan Colin Powell.
"George W. came to Michigan to DAL.-
ask for your vote," Bush told the
thousands of supporters at Ford
Field. "I need your help."
Gore, explaining that this year's election is the closest
since 1960, told the crowd at his rally that just the one vote
per precinct brought John F. Kennedy over the top. "I want
you to get me one more vote in your precinct," Gore said.
Senate candidate Debbie Stabenow joined Gore to gather
support for her own campaign agaitist Republican Sen.
Spence Abraham. "We're working 24/7 to get to Tuesday,
and we need you to do the same thing," Stabenow said.
Gore was joined by his wife, Tipper, who reminded the
crowd how important Michigan is to the campaign. "Do
know that all eyes will beon Michigan," she said.
Gore attacked the Texas governor for his tax-cutting
policies, saying that they would thrust the United States
back into a period of recession and economic downturn.
"Under his own figures, he would give almost half of
the tax cuts to the wealthiest one percent," Gore said,
comparing Bush's tax policies to the "trickle-down" poli-
cies of the Reagan years.
Gore said the two candidates have different priorities and
that money needs to be put into health care and education.
See RALLIES, Ppge 2A

Amy' of students mobilizes to
encourage high youth turnout

By Yael Kohen
Daly Staff tRepoter
With voter drives on campus registering
nearly 7,000 students in the past year, the
University ranks as one of the top, three
colle-gs nationwide in terms of new voter
And with one day left until the polls
open, volunteers are making sure those
students turn out to cast their ballots.
Efforts by the Michigan Student
Assenibly's Voice Your Vote commission
have given the University one of the
largest student votitng populations in the
country along with the University of Ore-
'on and the University of California at

Santa Cruz.
"You have an army in Ann Arbor," said
YouthVote 2000 deputy campaign manag-
er Ryan Friedrichs, a recent University
graduate. "Nobody in the country is as
good as this stuff here."
Voice Your Vote, a nonpartisan effort to
register students, is outto make sure stu-
dent voter turnout is high, regardless of
who they support.
Today and tomorrow teams of volunteer
are knocking on doors and staffing phone
banks to remind people to vote. An MTV
tent will be set up in the Diag today to
distribute information and encourage
voter turnout.
Volunteers are not allowed into Univer-

sity residence halls, where solicitation is
"Thankfully, most of the dorms are
polling places," said a Voice Your Vote
team leader, Michael Gold, an LSA
YouthVote 2000, a nationwide organiza-
tion to encourage political participation
among young voters, helped organize and
provide resources for the voter registra-
tion drive and this week's events.
Friedrichs said one of the goals of
YouthVote 2000 is that enough people
vote this year so candidates, pay more
attention to the age group in 2004.
"Ann Arbor can become a model of how
See VOTE, Page 7A

LSA sophomore Mike Gold, RC sophomore Christina
Hollenback, Engineering sophomore Mike Pearson and LSA
sophomore Duncan Hwang go to the home of LSA
sophomore Ginger Hartwell yesterday for Voice Your Vote.

Down and out

Rally supports marijuana legalization

By Susan luth
D~aiiy St'.tltReporter
"Free the weed" was the theme Friday on the Diag
as students and comunity members gathered to
support the legalization of marijuana for medical
As joints, bongs and other drug paraphernalia
were passed around, onlookers listened to local polit-
ical candidates from the Libertarian and Green par-
ties express their support of the legalization.
"I think it's absurd to arrest 689,000 people a year
for a drug that's safer than alcohol or tobacco," said
Charles Goodman, the Libertarian Party's candidate
for Ann Arbor mayor.
The rally was sponsored by Hemp A2, which was
protesting the government's refusal to accept their
petition to have a proposal on tomorrow's election
ballot about legalizing marijuana for medical pur-
The group's petition had almost 6,000 signatures
on it members, Goodman said. It was rejected
because it was not turned in by the Aug. 9 deadline,

"We don't want people to think we're a bunch of dope
smokers .. because we're not. We take this very
- Matthew Abel
Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate

though Hemp A2 maintains they were told the dead-
line was Aug. 15. The proposal was also declined
because the group did not properly identify them-
selves on their appeal to add the question to the bal-
The group is currently building a new petition to
have the question added to the 2001 ballot.
"Our message is that the Ann Arbor City Council
should respect the will of the people," Goodman
Matthew Abel, a Green Party candidate for U.S.
Senate said the group believes that the "majority of
Ann Arbor citizens support this issue."

"We don't want people to think we're a bunch of
dope smokers, though, because we're not," he said.
"We take this very seriously."
Many in the audience said supported the proposal,
including one woman with fibromylagia, an illness
that causes long-lasting and chronic pain, stiffness
and tenderness in the muscles, joints and tendons.
"I use it everyday," said the community member
who asked that her name not be printed. "I have an
illness and it's the only thing that works."
She said marijuana "alleviates the pain," and if
she doesn't take it, she is severely immobilized. "If I

Northwestern's Napoleon Harris looks down and taunts Michigan wide receiver
David Terrell. The Wolverines lost the offensive shootout, 54-51, giving up the
most yards in program history. Full coverage of Saturday's game, Page JB.

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5 0O Low 43.
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n rn h indIke arolling s ne Icers outshoot but lose
After two days of accepting donations each, the Legend Bob Dylan rolls into Ann Despite outplaying the Spartans,
University trails Ohio State University in the 19th Arbor to rock a sold-out Hill the Michigan hockey team loses
annual Blood Battle. PAGE 3A. Auditorium. PAGE 5A. to archrival Michigan State, 1-0.

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