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November 03, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-03

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 3, 2000


Car bomb escalates
tensions in Mideast

JERUSALEM (AP) - A thunder-
ous car bomb killed two Israelis near a
crowded Jerusalem market yesterday,
escalating tensions as Israeli and
Palestinian leaders put off a truce
announcement meant to end five
weeks of fighting.
Islamic militants claimed responsi-
bility for the blast, which killed the
daughter of a right-wing Israeli politi-
cal leader. Elsewhere, Palestinian areas
were again aflame, with two Palestini-
ans killed and at least 80 injured in the
West Bank, doctors and rescue work-
ers said.
The violence endangered - and
may have scuttled - the latest in a
series of cease-fire agreements.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak
and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
initially planned to simultaneously
declare a truce at 2 p.m. The
announcements were delayed with the
expectation they would come a few
hours later.
But shortly after 3 p.m., a Mazda
car loaded with explosives detonated
on a narrow residential street less than
200 yards from the congested Mahane
Yehuda market.
Flames leaped high into the air,
sending up huge black plumes of black

smoke as wailing ambulances con-
verged on the working-class area lined
with old stone apartment buildings.
Eleven people - including four chil-
dren - were slightly injured in addi-
tion to the two killed.
Police identified the dead as Hanan
Levy and Ayelet Hashahar-Levy. They
were not related.
Ayelet Hashahar-Levy was the
daughter of Yitzhak Levy, leader of
the National Religious Party.
Yitzhak Levy has served as a minis-
ter in several Israeli governments. He
left his post in Barak's government
because of disagreements over the
peace process.
His daughter had just moved to
Jerusalem and was bringing her
belongings to a house in the area at the
time of the explosion, police said. One
witness said he tried to pull her from
the flames.
"I saw her on the ground and her
legs had been blown off," Yaakov Has-
soum said. "I hoped she was alive, but
she was dead."
Hundreds of onlookers clogged the
streets as policemen pushed the crowd
back. Some young Israelis chanted,
"Death to Arabs" and "We want

Continued from Page 1
The University of California system,
which will not disclose the number of
its students studying in Israel, is not
bringing their students home.
Participants in the school's one-year
program are all being accounted for on
a daily basis, said Gloria Blakemore,
University of California regional direc-
tor of the Middle East for Study Abroad
"We are making sure all students are
safe and accounted for and are in close
counter with the director in Israel,"
Blakemore said.
University of California students
"know all security precautions and are
taking them, and until we decide that we
can no longer provide a program there,
which allows students to pursue a nor-
mal academic program, the students
will remain in Israel," Blakemore said.
Blakemore said having an on-site
director available for daily contact keeps
the program "in a condition to continue
Michigan State University's Office of
Study Abroad suspended its Israel pro-
gram after the U.S. State Department
advised against travel to Israel last
"We recommended students cone
home, but two out of the three remained
in Israel," said Cindy Chalou, assistant

director of Michigan State's Study
Abroad office.
The student who returned home was
studying in Jerusalem, while the other
two students are in Be'ersheva and Tel
Aviv, Chalou said. "We are not cancel-
ing the program because the universities
the students are enrolled in are continu-
ing to hold classes," he said.
Michigan State students who choose
to stay in Israel will not be penalized,
and the office is willing to work with
students who choose to go next semes-
ter, Chalou said.
"We do not recommend students to
study there now or next semester,"
Chalou said.
The University of Illinois advised
their students as well to come home.
One returned, and one is still in Israel,
said Barbara Hancin-Bhatt, associate
director for study abroad programs at
the University of Illinois.
"The University has done everything
it can to get him home besides going
and getting him, including offering to
pay his airfare and tuition," she said.
The University of Illinois is not refus-
ing to pennit students to enroll in Israeli
universities for the coming semester,
said Hancin-Bhatt, but "we told them to
make alternate plans, and around
Thanksgiving, decisions will be made."
"It is pre-mature for the University to
take a position right now; we are watch-
ing and waiting," Hancin-Bhatt said.

Suspected bombers attack prison guard
NEW YORK - Two U.S. embassy bombing suspects attacked a guard at a
federal lockup, stabbing him in the eye and leaving him in critical condition,
authorities said.
Two federal law enforcement sources, speaking on condition of anonymity,
told The Associated Press that the guard at the Metropolitan Correctional Center
was stabbed in. the eye Wednesday with a plastic comb that had been filed to
point. The thrust was believed to be so severe that the guard lost his eye and thc
comb penetrated his brain, one source said.
The 43-year-old guard, whose name was not released, was taken to Bellevue
Hospital where he underwent surgery for more than 12 hours, said hospital
spokeswoman Lorinda Klein. He was in critical condition yesterday.
Norman Seabrook, president of the New York City Correction Officers'
Benevolent Association, said he had visited the guard in the hospital. "He's in
bad shape and unable to speak," Seabrook said.
Klein said she could not comment further on his condition at the family's
request. Officials at the Fraternal Order of Police, the union which represents the
guard, did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
The suspects were identified as Khalfan Khamis Mohamed and Mamdo*
Mahmud Salim, both indicted in connection with the Aug. 7, 1998, bombings 71
embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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Medical potential
for RU-486 studied
WASHINGTON -- Aside from
inducing abortion, RU-486, or
mifepristone, has shown promise for
treating a surprising variety of med-
ical conditions, including brain
tumors, ovarian cancer and a severe
form of depression, as well as fibroids
and endometriosis, two common
gynecological disorders that can cause
pain or infertility and often lead to
hysterectomies. But controversy over
the drug's use for abortion has made it
difficult to obtain, severely hindering
research on such uses.
Now that the Food and Drug
Administration has approved the drug
for abortion, however, researchers are
waiting eagerly to see whether gov-
ernment agencies and the drug's U.S.
distributor, Danco Laboratories, will
smooth the path to exploring its med-
ical potential.
"We've been calling Danco almost
daily," said Steven Eisinger of the
University of Rochester, an obstetri-
cian-gynecologist who conducted the
Report: Jet crashed
into equipment
TAIPEI. Taiwan -The Singa-
pore Airlines jumbo jet that
crashed in Taipei during a heavy
rainstorm tried to take off on the
wrong runway and slammed into
construction equipment being used
to repair the strip, an official said
early this morning.
The comment by prosecutor
Soong Kuo-yeh came as officials
from Taiwan, Singapore and the
United States combed through the
wreckage of the Boeing 747-400 at
the start of their investigation, and
as dozens of American citizens
arrived in Taipei to claim the bod-
ies of the victims.
The jetliner crashed late Tuesday
night as a typhoon bore down on the
capital, with high winds, heavy rains
and low visibility, killing 81 of the
179 people aboard the flight from
Taipei to Los Angeles. "From the
crash scene, it's very easy to see that
the plane had mistakenly used the

study that included Blacken.
Danco hasn't had a chance yet to
address the needs of researchers, but
will be willing to work with them on
projects that are scientifically sound,
said Richard Hausknecht, an obstetri-
cian-gynecologist who is Danco
medical director.
Safety crash tests to
increase for 2001
WASHINGTON -- Responding to
consumer demand for more safety
information, the federal government
plans to smash a record 113 vehicles
for the 2001 model year to judge hov
they hold up in a crash.
Congress allocated the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
tion about twice as much money -
S5.6 million - to increase the number
of vehicles it puts through its New Car
Assessment Program. "The prime rea-
son that has happened is because of the
test crash program,? said Jack Gillis, a
spokesman for the Consumer Federa-
tion of America.
wrong runway where there were
scraps of steel and two construction
cranes," said Soong, a prosecutor at
the Taoyuan County district office
where the Chiang Kai-shek airpor
is located. In an a live intervie
with ETTV cable TV news, he said
the plane crashed after hitting the
two cranes being used to repair the
closed runway during the day.
First residents move
into space station
KOROLYOV, Russia -- Ons
American astronaut and two Russ-
ian cosmonauts moved into the
international space station yester-
day, swinging open the doors, flip-
ping on the lights and making "the
ship come alive" for years and pos-
sibly decades to come.
"It's a great moment for all of
us," said the space station's com-
mander, U.S. astronaut Bill Shep-
-Loupiled/fivin Dail wire reporls.

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If you think
there s no
between Al
Gore and

Your heart may be with Ralph
Nader, but the reality is that a
vote for Mr. Nader may well
help elect George W. Is that
what you really want?
This election is too close in
Michigan to call. And,
remember, Michigan is one of
the key states that is going to
decide this election. So, by
voting for Mr. Nader, your vote
could swing the election.
Think carefully. Do you want
a President the NRA, the gun
industry, the big drug
companies, the oil
conglomerates, and the insurance
companies are chomping at the
bit to have elected? Do they
represent your interests? Will
your voice even have a chance to
be heard in a Republican

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administration? If history does

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