4 - The Micnigan Daily -- Wednesday, November 1, 2000 ( B irbigun itIg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials refect the opinion of the majority off the Dailv's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Regent race is especially imperative Its time to get offei O ver the last week an interesting question was raised. Is it possible that certain columnists (not to mention any names) have been going out of their way to write things that are blatantly inflammatory or offensive? It's a good question. After all, I have certainly offend- ed a person or two in the last few years. Could I have avoided it? Almost certainly. Would I want to write a column that was never offensive?e Certainly not." This is an opinion page. I write my opinion on matters, some that are serious but most are not. My opinions - my thoughts and views on life - have been Branden shaped by my experi- Sanz ences, probably just like Dop gt each and every one of you out there. But since H am m no two people can have a history of identical experiences, it stands to reason that no two people can have identical opinions on all matters. I simply try and provide some intelligent and entertaining insight on matters that people may not have thought about or may not have looked at from a certain angle before. It is a certainty that some people who have not shared my experiences are not going to agree with my opinion and some may even be offended by it. Here's a little bit on the experi- ences that have shaped my views on life. I am the product of a broken home. My mother and father have both been married three times and my mom is an alcoholic. There was a messy divorce when I was four that I don't remember too well and an even messier custody battle eight years later that I recall all too clearly. I have been poor. I remember times in high school when it was so cold during the winter that my dad and I had to go out and steal wood- en pallets from behind grocery stores and sleep on the floor near the fireplace while we burned them because we couldn't afford the heating bill. I have seen human beings at their worst. I was smack-dab in the middle of inner-city Sacramento when the Rodney King riots broke out in 1992, and for those of you who thought the violence was limited to L.A., guess again. I have had friends raped and murdered. I have had friends who turned into murderers (more about that next week.) I have known beauty. In the rainforests of Thailand I have heard monkeys screech and seen jungle streams glitter like enormous emer- alds as light from the rising sun danced upon them. I have sat on the rocky cliffs of Big Sur, California as the surf roared in my ears and the wind whipped my hair and watched the sun set in a million different colors. I have seen moon- less nights in the Arizona desert where the stars were so bright I could have used them to read by. I once dated a former Ms. Ohio. I have known pain. I have broken countless bones, been shot, stabbed and had a finger bit- ten off. I have endured pretty much every kind of torture the U.S. military can devise. I had gone off to faraway lands and had some friends come home in body bags, all for God and coun- try. I have lost family members to both cancer and diabetes. I once had a girlfriend cheat on me with my roommate. I have been insecure. I lived in eight states over a ten-year span and always seemed to be the new kid. When I was in grade school, I had a weight problem and was also the fat kid - last picked for the kickball team and all that. My birthday is in August, so I always seemed to be younger (and shorter) than everyone else as well. ided about something worthwhile I have known danger. I have ridden bulls (the live kind), jumped out of perfectly good air- planes and handled live explosives. I have rid- den my motorcycle at 130 miles per hour and dodged automatic weapons fire from angry peo- ple on two different continents. I have known love. I once saw a father give up everything -his life savings, his house, his job and even his wife - for the sake of his son. In short, my experience is to complex to encapsulate - probably just like you. I am all of you and none of you. I am the best of you and the worst of you as well. It is for this reason that I don't like to judge people. Let me rephrase that: I judge people all the time, but I will not judge a person. A person is too com- plex - too much light and dark - for anyone else to know well enough to judge. I recognize that dichotomy within myself and understand that, as a result, my opinions are pretty complex and involved as well, but there is one constant to my beliefs that all my opinions stem from: Don 't sweat the small stuff I wake up every single morning and thank God that I'm not dead or in jail. Beyond that, there's not a whole lot that I take seriously - certainly not myself. I guess with all the shit that's happened to me I could start taking myself seriously, but I realize that I'm still the same dork who watches Dragonball Z religiously, listens to Enya and cries every time he sees Braveheart. I guess, because of that, I'm not interested in sounding deep or taking on Big Issues. I just like to point out little things that I find ironic or that irritate me, but even then, I'm usually very tongue-in-cheek. If you choose to take it seri- ously and it offends you, so be it. Violent crime offends me, racism offends me, and terrorism offends me. Someone's opinion? Not a chance. I've got too many other things to worry about to sweat the small stuff. - Biunden San: can be reached via e-mail at hamrhead(aumich.edu. I I t is rare to say an election could actually change the face of the Uni- versity, but that statement is surpris- ingly true of the race for the two open seats on the University's Board of Regents. Fortunately, two experienced and reliable incumbents are fully pre- pared to hold down the fort: Larry D eitch (D-Bloomfield Hills) and Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor). Deitch and McGowan are the clear choices for several undeniably strong reasons. First, experience: Both have been on the board for eight years, know how Col the board operates and hi have a good working relationship with Um- OXperlen versity President Lee -u Bollinger. staunch More important is - what they have endured for the U and accomplished dur- ing their tenure. of a oi mtie great significance polcie their role on thebarpocis during the affirmative action lawsuits chal- Comtn len ging University. Both are staunch sup- academ porters of the existing ak e policy and are wiling make De to defend the case all the was' to the U.S. Mc owa Supreme Court if need- fo ed. Affirmative action c is at the cornerstone of the University's atti- Clnlverst tude on diversity, and the most impor tan eens. issue facing the board today. Republican candidates Wendy Anderson (R-Commerce Twp.) and Suzy Avery (R-Grand Rapids) have expressed their interest in changing the board's stance on affirmative action and possibly settling in a lower court. This is unacceptable. Deitch and McGowan also recog- nize that it is not the role of the board to interfere with University curricu- lum, an issue that got wrongly dragged into the political spotlight after English 317 "How to be Gay," 'i4 C S V ao I 11 Py garnered attention. If the regents have control over class topics, they may decide to censure classes, thus threat- ening academic freedom Both Repub- lican regent candidates have expressed interest in limiting the University's academic freedom on this matter. The two Republican candidates refused to debate with the other can- didates (including the students run- ning) at the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs Regents forum. The Republican Party also canceled Ander- son's endorsement Sctive interview with the Daily's editorial e, board on her behalf with "no chance of rescheduling." - verl 'S Scott Trudeau iiversy s (Green Party), the N best of the student e action candidates running, is a hard working and nd dedicated activist. But compared to 9n oDeitch and McGowan, he just feedom doesn't have the ' C u ualifications to be tch and ?elected tothe board. He has well-support- the best ed ideas that would thebest be implemented with his continued rBoardofr ole in student activism. His plan to initiate a dialogue concerning corporate sponsorship of Uni- versity research is a legitimate con- cern and good starting point. He is a valuable resource and should definite- ly stay involved in student affairs. Voters are in the lucky position of not only having two exceptionally strong and trustworthy candidates to vote for, but ones that will, quite sim- ply, keep the good at the niversit good - and tackle the tough stuff. Vote Rebecca McGowan and Larry Deitch for University Board of Regents. 4 'The days of the dirty, old arcade are gone.' --Pinball Pete's Manager Finn Jensen on the establishment's dress code, which is meant to prevent gang activitV. Ballot initiative would ruin public schools n the midst of this year's heated race for the presidency, as the can- didates scramble to capture the hearts of the undecided voters here in Michigan, it is easy to forget that there are other pressing issues to be decided on election day. The future of Michigan's public schools could take a drastic turn for the worse if Proposal 1 is passed. Under the proposal, children in poor- ly performing school districts would be eligible for scholarships of ;jproximately $3,300, thp urpose of which Vouchers would be to "bail them out" of the sub-stan- nothingt dard education they were receiving in their deteriora public schools and give them the opportunity schools to attend the private schools of their choice. actualy Advocates of this proposal contend that exacerba removing funds from "problem" publicp schools will force them to become more com- thing etitive for students, to hire better teachers, to schools f improve their curricu- la. 14 cc mn i 3t ril r Another problem with Proposal 1 is that unlike the public school stu- dents, there is no way track the progress of children who transfer to private schools as they are not under the same standards and scrutiny as public school students. Furthermore, the claim that vouch- ers would benefit disadvantaged chil- dren i poor neighborhoods is blindly idealistic.Even if such children were provided with vouchers that paid their tuition at better schools, it would still be nearly would do impossible for many of hemto attend im1 ro Ve Many of the best pri- vate schools are not ing public located in the inner- cities and many rnd would inner-city families do not have the means or time to trans ort their chil- te the dren ack and forth every day. Proposal The last 's vouchers would only benefitfamilies 1ng public who live in the afflu- ent neighborhoods eed is where the best schools are invari- ably located; those ''pe best able to use the state aid would be those least in need of it. While it is true that Michigan's public education is crumbling in some areas, school vouchers are not the answer. Instead of calling for the abandonment of troubled public schools and the further widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, the state legislature should con- sider allocating more money to the schools that need it most. Vote NO on Proposal 1. George W. Bush does not stand for women TO THE DAILY: Most of this year, I have been referring to George W Bush as "Slogan Boy," for obvious reasons. The new slogan his handlers have coined, unfortunately accepted at face value by Daily news writer Hanna LoPatin, reminds me of the Newspeak which George Orwell imag- ined in his book 1984 - "W stands for women" contains about as much truth as "war is peace." I suggest that women read the biog- raphy of "Dubya" written by Molly Ivins, Shrub, if they want to see how a woman politi- cal reporter in Texas evaluates both his life and his record in Texas for the past six years. He previously has approved the subordinate role for women advocated by some Christian fun- damentalists. I have no doubt that Republican women in Southfield gushed over Bush's mother. But the reference in LoPatin's article ("The final stretch," 10/19/00) to the crowd of 400 which attended the event brings to mind another topic. The Bush campaign has continued a practice which it began in the primaries, that of supplying a claque of Republican Party mem- bers to any event at which the candidate or his surrogates appear, in Michigan and in other states. Apparently, Slogan Boy is unwilling to face voters without such a claque. So, if you want to know what W' really stands for, it stands for "Wimp." ROGER WILNER LAW SCHOOL ALUMNUS Capitalism should be fixed, not abolished TO THE DAILY: Nick Woomer's column was an exceptional and well-based critique of not only democracy but Capitalism itself ("Tangible visions of Red markets," 10/31/00). I tend to agree with this column in that capitalism can and does fail part of the population while allowing a small select group to become overwhelmingly wealthy. And I see that with Woomer's rhetoric arid knowledge of socialism he is well prepared to propose a viable solution. I would have preferred to hear Woomer's own version of these Red Markets. To have such a revolutionary idea or plan would need much more than Woomer's quotes of past and present thinkers and philosophers. Quoting Plato and revealing only a "very rough" approximation of how this system would work is exactly the reason it won't work. I'm not say- ing what system we have now is working, it's obvious that its not. "Naturally, there is more to Roemer's pro- posal than this - it would require complex regulatory mechanisms and a combination of other devices ..." This is the very reason we're failing as a society to provide for the entire populous. Any student reading this would agree especially those in the social sciences. There are thousands of regulatory programs ant rimipz rrr(nv, VC(rf~ivento hal 1f-hike tion is that we ask whether we truly have a free form capitalistic society. Perhaps the founders and pioneers of capitalism were unable to fore- see the problems we would face. Let us change what we have before we try something new, especially when it sounds a lot like what is implemented today. Who knows, maybe if'we let things run a little smoother, got down to "brass tacs," used some of that infamous American Ingenuity and a little common sense we might make it as a whole. Quite possibly it could look a lot like the system Woomer has proposed. PAUL HOWARD UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - DEARBORN FACULTY Abortion is more than a moral issue TO THE DAILY: I was dismayed to find in this week's letters to the editor yet another castigation of female selfishness in regard to her choice to have an abortion, which the Nate Lee believes is not only immoral, but should be illegal ("A fetus could be a human being," 10/30/00). As far as I can tell, selfishness in this country is not illegal (or else many a software designer would be imprisoned) - that is, until it comes to matters of sexuality and childbirth, which our state sys- tem seems ever so eager to regulate. Lee's sweeping accusation of selfishness must also apply to fears of death, certain dis- eases that result from difficult deliveries, organ damage and other complications of childbirth for which one cannot account by simply recom- mending adoption. I'm not sure those concerns fit into my standard definition of selfishness. Further, can you legally mandate that some- one risk her life or health for another (potential) human being? In this timely debate (read your history - abortion has primarily become a "crisis" since the technocratic reign of the mas- culinized practice of medicine), the issue of male parental obligation gets conveniently pushed to the margins. First of all, the decision to have an abortion is not solely the woman's, who often considers her partner's desires or who considers the stig- ma (still) and financial burden of pregnancy without a willing parental partner. And though Lee does not consider this initial role of the paternal father, he should be given credit for his assessment that a man should be made respon- sible for his part in conception. Students need to vote on Nov. 7th TO THE DAILY: Why is it so important for students to vote Nov. 7th? One: You have the resources to do it. Everywhere you turn there is a table, a flyer, a Website or an e-mail about how to vote. Two: You determine the next generation's future by deciding how you stand on the issues in this election. It's not about social security or tax cuts right now, it's about a life you want for yourself and family members. Think about what is mraningful to you and what you think might be important for your existing and future family. Young people are volunteering for com- munity service activities more than ever now but they continue to ignore the issues they care about the most at the voting booth. Candidates pay little attention to young Americans because they don't vote, and young Americans don't vote because candidates ignore them. Stop the cycle. Three: Vote with children in mind. This election is about you and generations to come. It's about your future and the ones you may bring into the world later. Use your privilege of having available resources and vote Nov. 7th. JULIA STRANSKY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK But, alas, it seems that until that time comes, we should definitely enforce the visible obligation of pregnant women. With all the advancements in science and technology, it would seem relatively simple to discover the male partner in procreation. But the fact of the matter is that our male-dominated society does not want to enforce male parental obligation at any time - the laughable prosecution of dead- beat dads is evidence of this pattern, and there is no debate as to whether or not those children are human. The issue of abortion is absolutely a moral one. But once morality is legally regulated, cer- tain standards must be upheld (though often are not). A law is discriminatory that prosecutes only one group for a "crime" committed by the entire group or that requires only one parent to sacrifice her life, health and/or citizenship for the "mistake" of conception. Instead of focus- ing exclusively on individual women, abortion debates should consider the accountability of men, if not the entire state system. KATRINA MANN RACKHAM 0i Unfortunately, such a program would do student. little to alleviate the _ _ ailments of struggling public schools. Rather, it would cre- ate a Catch-22 for those most in need of aid. In order to get state dollars, public schools need students. In order to get students, they need good teach- ers, state of the art technology and rigorous curricula. In order to hire instructors capable of teaching diffi- cult material and purchase adequate technological resources, the schools need (surprise) state dollars. I CHIP CULLEN GRINDING THE Nm 9 how Scm e l H'eart. I :.r 7-- V7 I f, rl 1 I