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October 30, 2000 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-30

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 30, 2000 -78B

Continued from Page 18
best hockey," Berenson said. "We didn't have a great game
either night, particularly tonight, but we found a way to win the
game and that is important."
Both teams came out of the gate fairly uneven on Saturday
night, so much so that the wild and uproarious second and
third periods looked like film footage of two different games
spliced together.
Mark Kosick netted the game's first goal, setting up in front
of the crease and flipping the puck over the shoulder of the but-
terflied Burleigh for the powerplay goal and a 1-0 lead.
Michigan increased the lead to 2-0 at the 2:02 mark of the
second period, when Josh Langfeld skated in untouched on
Burleigh's left side, waited for and received a centering pass
from John Shouneyia near-side, and redirected the puck by the
helpless Miami goalie.
The game was competitive but impersonal until Michigan
goaltender Josh Blackburn was knocked down on a rush from
Miami defenseman Matt Chandler with 14:17 left in the peri-
Then the kettle started to whistle.
Several players exchanged banter and the bad blood spilled
over with 2:29 left in the period when Miami's Pat Leahy
charged into Blackburn, knocking his shoulder into the cross-
bar before the net became dislodged.
Blackburn said he was focusing on the puck behind the net
and did not see the onrushing Leahy, who appeared to be
pushed by Michigan's Jeff Jillson. Blackburn finished the peri-
od, but was replaced in the third period by L.J. Scarpace.
"I wanted to stay in but I couldn't have made a glove side
save up high. It was best for the team if I staved out,"

Blackburn said.
Not a minute later, several playeis were involved in anvdter-
cation in front of the Michigan bench after Mike Komisrek
took a baseball swing at the stomach of Miami's Danny
Stewart at the end of a play.
Komisarek received a double minor for slashing and otigh-
ing. Miami capitalized at the 18:49 mark when Mike Kompon
intercepted a lazy defensive clear and skated in alone on
Blackburn, burying the puck underneath him to cut the lead to
During the play, an incident in the stands was cvolving
between a student and a Miami parent. The student was ter
escorted out of the building.
The RedI awks got the early third-period goal they needed
when Jason Deskins slid a backhander from the middle of the
circles through the five-hole ofa cold Scarpace to tie the score
at 2-2 at 2:51.
A fierce, up-and-down third peiod commenced with Miami
challenging Scarpace from every angle after \'ancik's goal
made it 3-2. Andy Hilbert added the insuran ce with 7:37 left,
taking a pass from Scott Matzka near-side, skating in on
Burleigh from right to left, then Hlipping the puck over
BIurleigh's glove side all without breaking stride.
Jed Ortmever and Komisarek added empty-netters for the
final score.
On Friday, Michigan held a seemingly commanding 3-1
lead on goals from filbert, Komisarek and Kosick to a goal by
Deskins. Miami got a clutch goal oft a face olf with 2:55 left
in the game from ireg I logeboom to make things interesting.
but Michigan held off the six-on-five attack for the win.
Check out the updated CCHA standings.

Michigan's Mike Komisarek and Miami winger Pat Leahy got to know each other pretty well throughout the weekend series.
Freshman establishes presence

By Jon Schwartz
I)aily Sports Writer

when he learned at the beginning of the
season that two of the defensemen that
protect him during games would be

For the average freshman, the routine
is pretty much the same in the first few
months of school.
They get adjusted to classes, learn to
appreciate freedom and expen ment with
various substances.
They rarely pick fights with seniors.
By that last bit of logic, Mike
Komisarek is not the average freshman
rather, already a centerpiece of the
Michigan hockey team's defense.
At a mere 18 years of age, Komisarek
,has a childish sihe that exudes happi-
ness and awe of the fact that he is play-
-ing for a school such as Michigan.
At 6-foot-4, 240 pounds, he has
presence that strikes fear in the eyes of
the most seasoned veterans in the
So when Miami's Chris Knupp had
Komisarek against the bench in a choke
Jiold after lie slashed Knupp's teammate.
Danny Stewart, in Saturday night's 6-2
Michigan win over the RedHawks, it
became clear that eight games into nis
-ollege hockey career, Mike Komisarek
is already making his mark on the
"You get a little more confidence each
weekend," Komisarek said. "I guess you
get a little more comfortable out there
with experience, but still, e.erv time I go
.out there I have butterflies"
Michigan goalie Josh Blackburn
might have had the same butterflies
r. r

freshmen Komisarek and Andy
He has quickly realized that age aside,
he will be well defended this season.
"I have 100 percent confidence in
him," Blackburn said of Komisarck.
.He's playing like a veteran. I really trust
both of those guys out there in front of
me. It's like they're not even freshmen.
Thev're doing a great job and I think it
would be hard to tell that they are fresh-
Just ask Miami senior Pat Leahy
whether Komisarek plays like a rook-
ie. The two were jarring most of the
weekend series and often exchanging
words, few of which were of the kind
But even after only one month, that
type of play can already be considered
Kom isarek's trademark.
"You've got to love that," he said.
"Being a big defenseman, you've got to
love all the physical play. It was fun
"You've got a few bruises to show,
but you've got to love it. This is why
-ou play the game."
But what is going to aggravate his
opponents is the fact that throughout
the game. Konisarck's car-to-ear bov-
ish urin never leaves his face. even as
lie's laving a cross-check on another
player. While the more senior Leahy
was fuming during an altercation

against the boards after the whistle,
Komisarek's reaction would have made
fans think that he and Leahy had been
exchanging jokes.
On Friday night, Komisarek added
another feat to his repertoire, becoming
the first Michigan freshman this season
to tally a goal. He added an empty-net-
ter on Saturday.
His power play goal on Friday, a slap-
shot from the point, was a big one as it
broke a 1-1 tie. Michigan eventually
won 3-2. When it went in, Komisarek
started jumping up and down on the ice
and was mobbed by his teammates.
"It was amazing," the beaming fresh-
man said. "We've been doing that all
week and I must have missed the net 15
times, hit the net once maybe out of all
week in practice and I just got that one
shot and luckily, it went in. I was the
happiest kid in the rink."
Since the day Komisarek signed with
Michigan, he has been compared to
junior defenseman Jeff Jillson, another
giant on the ice with offensive talents.
So far, Jillson has been impressed with
what he's seen
"lie's made great strides," Jillson
said. "He tries to have his presence felt
out there. It's good for our team and it
opens up a lot of space for the other
"He came in here as a well-known
player and a really good defenseman
and he's starting to adjust to the college
game now and getting his feet wet.
"He can only improve from here"

Ivmunian s, Iv.i.m z
Miami 0 1 1 - 2
Michigan 1 0 2 -3
First period - 1. UM, Hilbert 3 (Blackburn), 12:24
(pp). Penalties - MIA, Stewart (hooking). 11:00:
MIA. Stewart (holding).15:32: UM, Hilbert (slash-
ing). 15:32.
Second period - 2. MIA. Deskins 2 (Marsch.
Krajnc). 12:48 (pp). Penalties - UM. Vancik
(roughing), 5:11: UM. Vanc ik (obstruction-hooking).
11:32: UM. Swistak (Charging). 15:37: MIA
Hogeboom (roughing after whistle), 16:20: UM.
Jilison (holding}. 17:04: UM. Jillson.(10-minute
misconduct), 17:04. Third period - 3. UM,
Komisarek 1 Cammalteru. I-lbert) 4:08 (pp:4.
UM, Kosek 3 (Hibert, Komisarek) 8:01 (op): 5.
MIA, Hogeboorr' 2 iKrajnc) 17:05. Penalties -
MIA S. o roughing 3:09: UM. Ortineyer trough.
ing after wiste), 5:52: MIA. Supotz (roughing after
whistle). 5:52; MIA, bench (too many men). 7:54:
MIA. Deskins thigh sticking). 8:49: MIA. Krajoc
(high sticking). 11:10.
Shots on gal - MIA. 4.8.6- 18: UM. 8.6.9 -
Power Plays - MIA, 1 o(4: UM. 3 of5.
Saves-- MIA. Burleige 767- 20: UM. Blackburn
4 7-5 - 16.
Referee - Don Cne.
Linesmen - Bruce Vda, Chrs Davis.
At: YstI ce Arena. Attendance: 6.322

Michigan 6 i min 2
Miami 0 1 1-2
Michigan 1 1 4 -6
Frstperiod-1. UM. Kosk 4(Langfeld. Hil)ert),18:50
(pp) Penuafe -UM, Jiulson(holding).5:09: MIA. Knnop
(crosrcheng) 808 :MIA Jardine (obstructiorho ng).
10:06: MIA.i'Knupp (crosschecking). 10:42: UM, Jlso
(highsticking: 14:33:MIA. S4o0tz Interference. 18:26.
Secondpeod - 2. UM. Langfeld 7 (Shouney a.Orntmeyer).
2:02 (pp) 3. MIA, Kompon 2(unassisted) Penaltes -
MIA, Spotz (high sticking., :21; UM. Ortr yer (obstru~c Lon.
hooking). 2:37: MIA. Chandler (tripling). 5:43: UM, 1..uray
(slashing).5:43: MIA.Medvecz (holding). 9:38: MIA.
Glumac. (hooking). 11:19: CU. Bryce (roughing after whis
tIe).11:41: UM. Koisaresk(rougning after whistle).11:41:
CU. long (roughing after wistlel. 11:41; UM, Murra:'
roughng after whistle). 12:45: MIAl. Krupp (roiugh'ng;.
16:02: UM, Hilbert(roughing;. 16:02:MIA. LeaiIy chrg
ng.17:31: MIA, Knu ddi)rughing;. 18:11. UM. Komsarek
(roughing). 18:11: UM, Knmisarek (Slashing. 18:11.
Ti7dprod-4. MIA Deskins3(Guumac, Mrschj 2:51:
5. UM. Vancik 1 (Hulbert) 8:50 (pp): 6. UM. Hibert 4
(Matzka. Langfeld) 12:23 (pp); 7. tiM. Or)meer 3(Matzka)
18:57 len): 8. UM. Komisarek 2 (unassisted)l. 19:28: en.
Penwlis - MIA. Leahy (roughing), 7:00: MIAl. Gum.
(roughing). 15:20: UM, Roemensky (roughing). 15:20: MIA.
Hogeboom (obstructontripping).16:23.
Shotson goai - MIA.&108 - 24: UM.131115-39.
Power Pteas - MIA, 0 of 4: UiM, 30of10.
Save - MIA. Bunegh 121411- 33: UM.8iackburn9
-15:UM.Scaroace 7 -7.
Reeree - Don Cline.
inesnen - Dean Sanborn. Bruce Vda.
At: Yost Ice Arena. Attendance:6,359

No. 1 Wisconsin (6-0-0) def. Boston
College, 3-2; lost to Northeastern, 5-4
No. 2 Boston College (4-0-0) lost to
Wisconsin, 3-2; at Mass.-Amherst, inc.
No. 3 Michigan (4-0-2) def. Miami, 3-2;
def. Miami, 6-2.
No. 4 New Hampshire (4-0-1) def.
UMass-Lowell, 4-3.
No. S North Dakota (2-1-3) lost to
Minnesota State, 6-2; def. Minnesota
State, 6-1.
No. 6 Minnesota (4-0-0) def. Alaska-
Anchorage, 2-1; tied Alaska-Anchorage;
3-3 (OT).
No. 7 Maine (1-1-1) lost to Ohio State,
3-2 (OT); def. Ohio State, 2-0.
No. 8 Michigan State (2-1 -1) def. Notre
Dame, 3-2.
No. 9 Boston University (1-1-0) tied.
Providence, 4-4 (OT).
No. 10 St. Cloud (3-0-1) def. Denver, 5-
1; lost to Denver, 3-1.

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es]. Outstanding SATs and academics, good temperment,
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