The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. 1
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8B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Miagazine - Thnursdiay, October 26, 2000
Hello, Frank Lloyd Wright
TYhe cantilevered levels ol the Fi Plin;-water Residence can best be see~n from the hri _;c that leads uip to the house.
r1-mm the Upper terrace which over looks the water fall, a shower of leaves is not an uncommon sigh t int
View of al lingwater from the foot of the waterfall.
Photo story
Alex Wolk
As I pulled into-the driveway leading up to
Fallingwater, I immediately became immersed
in a world of idealized foliage. Crescendoed
gusts of wind causing an indefinite storm of
color intensified my senses yet, at the same
time, set them at ease. Comning closer and
closer to the house by foot, the wind subsided
and was overtaken by the sound of falling
water. Gradually, a pathway opened up to a
cantilevered structure set upon a waterfall that
seemed to have arisen naturally out of the
rocks that served as its foundation...
Though it may be somewhat hard to believe.,
Fallingwater, a home designed by Frank Lloyd
Wright in 1935 for the Kaufmann family in
Mill Run, Pennsylvania, appears as though it
has always been there --- an extension of
nature. Amazing as this seems, it was hardly
done by accident. Wrigtht thought that a man-.
made structur-e should be in perfect harmony
with nature and- therefore incorporated natural1
elements into the design of this functional
work of art. From bui Iding materials to site
planning to the actual design, Wright ensured
that Fallingwater would fit to its natural surroundings
as much as possible and would offer a natural experi-
ence to its inhabitants. For exam plI, the sandstone
used in construction was from a local quarry, allowing
the structure to blend with its habitat. Wright also
built concrete support beams around trees (seen left)
instead of removing them. In addition, not only can
the sound of falling water be heard from every room
in the house, but there are also windows in nearly
every room-, bringing the outside in to the fullest
Being able to see this master p ieee in the prime of
autumn is something that is truly a we inspiring. It is
overwhelming in every sense of the word. It is beauti-
ful, spiritual, and above all, a learning experience:
Whetiher the intent is on Frank Lloyd Wright's intri-
cate and ingenious architectural philosophy or seeking
refuge in th wilderness, it is a trip worth taking.
Concrete support beams are built into the rock at the rear of the house, 'formin' a canopy over the walks
At the rear of the house, concrete beams are curved in order to compensate for tree