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October 26, 2000 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily eekend,etc. M

14B -The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, October 26, 2000
A weekly guide to who's T Thursday,Oct. 26
where, what's happening and be eee ythrough
why you need to be there ... ei Wednesday, Nov. 1



Films opening

Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows The suc-
cess of the first "Blair Witch" movie
destroyed my faith in the moviegoing
public. Scary as hell? No, not unless you
consider Heather running around with a
camera yelling for 90 minutes scary. Try
stupid as hell. A sequel to this is about
as needed as a follow-up to "Citizen
Kane." At Quality 16: 11 (Sat. & Sun.),
12:05, 1, 2, 2:50, 3:50, 4:45, 5:40,
645, 7:30, 9, 9:30, 11 (Sat. & Sun.),
11:30 (Sat. & Sun.). At Showcase: 12,
1, 1:30, 3, 3:30, 4:15, 5:10, 5:40, 7:15.
7:45, 8:30, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15, 11:15
(Fri. & Sat.), 11:45 (Fri. & Sat.), 12:15
(Fri. & Sat.).
Little Vampire Did you know dogs and
bees can smell fear? Did you know that
only 3 percent of all child actors go on
to have successful careers as adults?

Sorry kid. but unless they fire up "Jerry
Maguire" again you're on the outside
looking in. At Quality 16: 11:15 (Sat. &
Sun.), 1:10, 3:10, 5:10. 7:05, 8:55,
10:45 (Fri. & Sat.). At Showcase: 12:20,
2:30, 4:35, 6:45, 9, 11:10 (Fri. & Sat.).
Lucky Numbers Hey John, what's this
you say about a "Battlefield Earth"
sequel? QT would like it? Make it. I dare
you. At Quality 16: 12:30, 1, 2:45, 3:15,
5, 5:30, 7:15. 7:45, 9:30, 10, 11:30
(Fri. & Sat.). 12 (Fri. & Sat.). At
Showcase: 12:05, 12:35, 2:25, 2:55,
4:45. 5:15, 7:05. 7:35, 9:25, 9:55,
11:50 (Fri. & Sat.), 12:20 (Fri. & Sat.).
Two Family House Sounds like it could
make for some interesting mornings. At
State: 2 (Sat. & Sun.), 5 (Sat. & Sun.),
7:15, 9:30.

Films holding

A An Instant Classic
B Very Good
C Fair
D Not recommended
Not Worth Your Time, or Your Money
Almost Famous Cameron Crowe's latest
has shot life back into the arm of the
band Stillwater, who have scheduled a
New Year's concert at Madison Square
Garden. Word has it that Trey is going
to jam with them, but no promises. At
Quality 16: 4:40. At State: 1:30 (Sat. &
Sun.). 4:30 (Sat. & Sun.), 7, 9:15 (not
Sun.), 11:30 (Fri. & Sat.). B+
Bamboozled Huah, that's some sweet
box office you threw down last week-
end, Spike. What'sthat, you want to do
an interview now to promote your movie
sorry dude, we've moved on to bigger
and better things. But we still like your
movie. although not quite as much as
when it was called "The Producers."
Gotcha Lee. copying isnt cool. At
Showcase: 12:55.3:40, 6:35, 9:20,
12:05 (Fri. & Sat.). B
&dazzled Come see Elizabeth Hurley's
last performance before she gets black-
listed by the Screen Actor's Guild. At
Showcase: 12:45. 2:50, 5:20, 7:25,
9:35, 11:40 (Fri. & Sat.).
Best in Show "Crazy," says Ben Fong-
Torres. At Quality 16: 11:50, 2:10,
4:20, 6:40, 9:05. 11:15 (Fri. & Sat.). At
Showcase: 12:15, 2:15, 4:20, 6:30,
8:30, 12:40 (Fri. & Sat.). A-
The Contender Shark-steak sandwiches,
get them while they're fresh. At Quality
16: 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:20, 9:55. At
Showcase: 1:15, 4:10, 6:55, 9:35.
1210 (Frt. & Sat.). A-
Dr. T and the Women Come find out
what Dr. T likes, besides gerbils that is.
All kidding aside, this movie actually
49s a live birth in it which falls into the
category of a little more than we need
to see, Robert Altman. At Quality 16:
11:45, 2:10, 7:10, 9:45, 12 (Fri. &
Sat.). At Showcase: 12:30, 6:10. F
The Exorcist Since we're getting in the
habit of re-releasing everything and the
kitchen sink, Hollywood, may I put in a
request for touched up version of "The
Apartment," no extra footage needed. At
Quality 16: 1:50, 6:40, 9:25, 11:55 (Fri.
& Sat.). At Showcase: 1:45, 10:20. A-
The Ladies Man Julianne what in the
name of God are you doing in this shit
sandwich. Doing the skit on "Saturday
Night Live" is one thing, appearing in
the movie is quite another. Stop by
Daily Arts if you need someone to talk

some sense into you. And as long as
you're coming bring P.T. and J.C.F.R.
and Pookie. We won't feed him cookies.
Honest. At Quality 16: 12:45, 3, 5:05.
7:10, 9:20, 11:05 (Fri. & Sat.). At
Showcase: 1:35, 3:35, 5:45, 8:15,
10:20, 12:20 (Fri. & Sat.). F
Legend of Drunken Master Legend has it
that Jackie Chan was in some good
movies before he came to the U.S., but
we've seen nothing to indicate any tal-
ent on his part since he's landed on
American soil. At Quality 16: 12:35,
2:55, 5:15, 7:25, 9:45, 11:40 (Fri. &
Sat.). At Showcase: 12:25, 2:35, 5:05,
7:40, 10:05, 12:30 (Fri. & Sat.).
Lost Souls A movie named for those
foolish enough to see it. At Quality 16:
11:55, 1:55, 3:55, 6:35, 9:25, 11:35
(Fri. & Sat.). At Showcase: 12:40, 3:15,
5:35, 7:55, 10:25, 12:35 (Fri. & Sat.).
Meet The Parents I say this with the
utmost sincerity and respect for the
craft of acting - this is Robert De Niro's
best acting performance since "Taxi
Driver." And this is Ben Stiller's best
work since "The Cable Guy." The only
question left to be settled is how they
will divvy up the goods come Oscar
night. At Quality 16: 12, 2:30, 5, 7:20,
9:40. 11:50 (Fri. & Sat.). At Showcase:
12:15, 2:40, 3:10, 5, 5:30, 7:20, 7:50.
9:40, 10:10, 11:55 (Fri. & Sat.), 12:25
(Fri. & Sat.). B-
Pay it Forward Come watch Haley Joel
Osment run around for two hours yelling
"Pay it forward!" Dude, chill out - you
already got your Oscar nomination. At
Quality 16: 11:05 (Sat. & Sun.), 11:45,
1:40, 2:15. 4:15, 4:50, 7, 7:35, 9:50,
10. At Showcase: 12:20. 12:50. 1:20,
2:45, 4. 4:30, 5:25, 7, 7:30, 8, 9:30,
10, 10:30, 12 (Fri. & Sat.), 12:30 (Fri.
& Sat.). B
Remember the Titans When it comes
time to pick your Super Bowl team from
the AFC. At Quality 16: 12:10, 2:25,
4:35, 6:55, 9:10, 11:10 (Fri. & Sat.). At
Showcase: 1:10, 3:45, 6:40, 9:10,
11:35 (Fri. & Sat.). C+
Winding Roads Independent fare at the
Q16. At Quality 16: 12, 4:30.
The Yards Come see his Dirkness in all
his glory. At Showcase: 12:10, 2:20,
4:50, 7:10, 9:50, 12:10 (Fri. & Sat.).

Dancer in the Dark (2000) Even if
we're just dancing, even if we're just
dancing with the camera. Michigan
Theater. 7 & 9:50 p.m. $5.50.
Henry Rollins Spoken Word Hardcore
Rocker spouts his spoken word.
Michigan Theater. 7:30 p.m. $14-
$16. 668-8463.
Bela Fleck and Sandip Burman Indian
tabla player Burman jams with blue-
grass banjo legend Fleck. The Ark,
316 S. Main St. 7:30 p.m. & 9:30
p.m. $20. 761-1451.
Misia Melancholy American blues-
esque fare from Portuguese fado
singer. Power Center. 8 p.m. $14-
$28. 763-3333.
Arthur Miller Symposium Celebrated
University alum speaks via satellite,
starting off the three-day symposium
in honor of his 85th birthday.
Rackhamn Auditorium. 2 p.m. Free.
Lisel Mueller Pulitzer prize-winning
author reads in this installment of the
Visiting Writers Series. Pendleton
Room, Union. 5 p.m. Free. 647-6471.
Robert B. Parker Author reads from
his latest, "Perish Twice." Borders
Books & Music. 7 p.m. Free. 668-
Richard Howard Author reads from his
translation of "Charterhouse of
Parma." Shaman Drum Bookshop. 8
p.m. Free. 662-7407.
Arthur Miller at Work American play-
wright and University alumnus Arthur
Miller's work is presented in a group
of photographs by wife Inge Morath.
Works on Paper Gallery, Museum of
Art. Free. 764-0395.
The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii:
Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse This
exhibit looks at ruins in a private res-
idence in Pompeii. West Gallery,
Museum of Art. Free. 764-0395.
Seeing is Healing? The Visual Arts of
Medicine This exhibit mixes visual
knowledge in art and science of med-
icine using tools such as anatomical
drawings, diagnostic mannequins and

French maids, pimps top lsts of Halloween demands at /6

By Corinna Christman
For the Daily
Even though trick or treating
around the neighborhood is no
longer an option for most students,
there are always parties, dances and
plenty of other excuses to wear
something fun for Halloween.
But entering a costume store can
often make the decision of what to
wear difficult. Flooded with celebri-
tv masks, canes, various hats, wigs,
dresses, scarves, eyelashes and mil-
lions of other transforming acces-
sories, every idea becomes attractive.
Workers at Fantasy Attic, which
has recently moved to a new location
at 3010 Packard Road, have reached
a general consensus on the most pop-
ular costume this year: French maid.
One of the reasons for this is because
there is not a really big movie char-
acter this year. Other popular cos-
tumes included generic ideas like
flappers, genies, sleazy devils and a
lot of outfits featuring leather.
Fantasv Attic employee Shari
Johnson said, "The most rented cos-
tumes are Antony and Cleopatra, lei-
derhosen and costumes from 'The
Wizard of Oz' and 'Eyes Wide
The latter costume includes a sil-
ver mask with the long nose and long
velvet cape, modeled after Tom
Cruise's Cvrano de Bergerac in the

"It's a very sensuous costume, and
that's why people like it," Johnson
Other costumes that are being
modeled after popular movies or lit-
crature are Austin Powers and
Felicity Shagwell. David McNulty of
Retro Threads on Main Street said
that quite a few people are interested
in costumes from "Charlie's Angels"
as well, with the new movie coming
out starring Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu
and Drew Barrymore.
LSA freshman Kati Moore is fol-
lowing the movie theme but breaking
the gender barrier with her masked
"Zorro" costume.
Students can find a variety of cos-
tume ideas on Retro Threads'
shelves. The store has a huge assort-
ment of '70s, retro, '20s and swing
dance outfits. The store is jampacked
with suits, ties, hats, wigs, jewelry
and anything else to make a creative
costume, McNulty said.
"The store can do any decade or
character from the '20s to the '70s,"
McNulty said. "We even have colo-
nial type stuff and period things
too." The store also offers props for
those dressing as Hawaiian dancers
or as punks. Some of the most popu-
lar items purchased at Retro Threads
are used to accessorize pimp cos-
"A lot of people buy fake furs to

LSA sophomore Tuyen Huynh gets some help trying on her cat costume from
State Street. The store is located on the third floor above Retro Threads.

Henry Rollins will share his forceful spoken word performance with the crowd at
the Michigan Theater tonight.

MRls. Box Gallery and Apse, Museum
of Art. Free. 764-0395.
Dancer in the Dark See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 7:30 p.m. $5.50.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(1967) Clint Eastwood stars in Sergio
Leone's western classic. Nat Sci. 8
p.m. $3.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
(1975) Come sing, dance and make

new friends. State Theater. 12 a.m.


Mose Allison Trio featuring David
"Fathead" Newman Jazz piano and
vocals courtesy of Allison and saxo-
phone and flute provided by Newman.
Bird of Paradise, 312 S. Main St. 7:30
p.m. & 11:30 p.m. $25. 662-8310.
Neko Case & Her Boyfriends Eclectic
Americana from Case. Opening up with
roots rock are Kelly Hogan & the Pine
Valley Cosmonauts and Blanche. Blind
Pig, 208 S. 1st St. 10 p.m. $10. 996-
Karen Savoca, Nerissa & Katryna
Nields Singer Savoca joins forces with
funk guitarist/bassist Pete Heitzman.
Sharp and harmonious siblings Nerissa
and Katryna Nields momentarily
escape from The Nields. The Ark, 316
S. Main St. 8 p.m. $15. 761-1451.
Christpuncher, The Drapes
Christpuncher delivers the metal and
Chicago's The Drapes bring their indie
punk and blues. Elbow Room,
Ypsilanti. 10:30 p.m. $3. 483-6374.
Smokestack Jazz, funk and bluegrass
mesh to create a cool groove. T.C.'s
Speakeasy, Ypsilanti. 10:30 p.m. $3
Wit Performance Network's play tells
of the beauty of simplicity and fate.
Performance Network, 120 E. Huron.
8 p.m. $17-20. 663-0681.

dress as pimps," he said. "There were
10 or 12 sorority girls who came in
and wanted to be pimps."
McNulty also said a lot of people
dress as classic entertainers from
album covers.
When it comes to political figures,
it seems that people would still vote
for Clinton if they could.
"A lot of people buy Clinton
masks," Johnson said. Although
Clinton has retained his popularity,
Bush and Gore are not as big as one
would think.
"We have a lot of Bush and Gore
masks, if -anvone cares," Johnson
said. So far. not many people are
interested or buying. McNolty has
not noticed any interest in political
figures, either.
Looking for a groovy group or a
couple costume? Many people are
going as cartoon characters, such as
Scooby-Doo or the Powerpuff Girls.
"We had seven people come in and
ask what they should be. We told
them to be the Brady Bunch,"

LSA senior Karolyn Kokk
her friends are recreating a ti
paradise. "My housemates an
throwing a party and we're go
be Hawaiian girls."
LSA sophomore Matt Mill
LSA junior Elise Bordenste
going as either a "sexy cop"
prisoner with a striped unifor
pimp and a prostitute.
Other students reach far b
these ideas for somethin2 reall
"We had one guv come in
wanted to be static cling,"Jo
said. "He was asking us h(
attach certain things to his clc
and he put a bunch of hair sp
his hair so it was all sticking
There are a few costumes wi
twists, also. Go-go girls co
are being made in latex as oppo
traditional fabric, and lat
becoming a lot more comn
many different costumes, such
body suits.

Johnson said.

Pinckney High School senior Chuck Urbin looks through a collection of stickers at.
The Cat's Meow on South State Street.




Magazine _

Weekend, Etc. Editors: Jenni Glenn, Elizabeth P
Writers: Gautam Baksi, Jee Chang, Corinna Christman, Kiran Divvela, Gabe F
Maria Sprow, John Uhl
Photo Editors: Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson
Weekend Photo Editor: Peter Cornue
Photographers: Danny Moloshok, Abby Rosenbaum, Alex Wolk
Cover: Abby Rosenbaum
Arts Editors: Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula, Managing Editors. Ben Goldstein, Assoc
Editor in Chief: Mike Spahn

Phone Numbers: Briarwood: 480-4555; Fox Village; 994-8080; Michigan Theater: 668-
8397; Quality 16. 827-2837; Showcase: 973-8380; State: 761-8667.
Showtimes are effective Friday through Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are
effective for Saturday and Sunday only.'

Mark Wahlberg and Joaquin Phoenix star in "The Yards."

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