N AT ION! WORLD The Michigan Daily -. Thursday, October 26, 2000 -- 7A hEDDYNGTON itn~finued from Page IA , ,°Leddington said that, in addition WiSpreme Court justices, the next :~sadent will appoint the director of tho FBI. involved in violence against Abortion Clinics, and the Food and Drug Administration, wh-ich recently approved RU-480, fhe abortion pill. ' A director of the FBI who's against ~ortion might not put as much. effort into protecting abortion clinics," she said. Waddington said she supports the abortion pill. She said the decision to approve the pill, which has been legal in Europe for several years, wvas long overdue. "If you go to Europe, if you go to China, this isn't even an issue." Detailing her involvement in the Roe v Wavle case and her later work with President Jimmy Carter from 1979-198 1, Waddington spoke about the importance of her case and its later implications in other trials, including the recent case of Gar-hai-t r1 Nebraska last July, in which the state Supreme Court banned partial birth abortions. "The wording of that case was so broad and so vague, that in a 5-4 deci- sion, the court said No, you have gone too far," she said. Second-year law student Tracey Glover said she agrees that the terms of partial birth abortions are misrepre- sented. "The term is a bogus one,' Glover, a co-chairperson of Law Students for Reproductive Choice, said. "It refers to a procedur and not to a particular time in the pregnancy." The lecture was chiefly sponsored by Medical Students for Choice and the Women's Law Student Associa- tion, with support from Planned Par- enthood, Law Students for Reproductive Choice, the Women's Health Project and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender. Fighting calms in Gaza, West Bank; Clinton urges talks - . . m m'a' JERUSALEM (AP) --- Israeli and Palestinian troop comn- manders met at U.S. insistence yesterday to try to pave the way for a truce, and relative calmh prevailed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: No one was killed in clashes for the first time in a week despite sporadic exchanges of gunfire. Israel said that if there were no new outbreaks of violence, it could withdraw troops from friction points and then look into ways of resuming peace talks. However, army officials were skeptical a cease-fire would hold for long. President Clinton has raised the possibility of holding sepa- rate meetings in Washington with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to assess prospects for returning to negotiations. The Israeli troop commanders of the West Bank and Gaza Strip held the meetings with their Palestinian Counterparts yesterday in the presence of U.S. security officials. The >il was try to implement the cease-fire brokered last wk\ c b Clinton. Both sides have accused each other of bre.A n promises made to the president. Israel has said the Palestinian Authority has done little to quell shooting attacks on Israeli positions. The Palestinians have complained that Israel has not lifted its security closure of the Palestinian areas and withdrawn troops from trouble spots.tt In all, 128 people, the vast majority Palestinians, have been killed in four weeks of Israeli -Palestinian fighting. But yesterday saw only sporadic rock-throwing clashes. AWARD Continued from Page 1A University of Michigan, where he graduated with honors from the Colege of Architecture in 1935. In 1944, Wallenberg was ft by the Swedish Foreign Ministy to Budapest, Hungary to Tread a rescue mission designed to save the lives of 800,000 Jews still residing in Hungary. By the time Wallenberg arrived, most of the 450,000 Jews that had resided in the countryside had been deported to con- centration camps. Wallenberg then focused on the Jews still liing in Budapest. By delivering passports that granted them Swedish citizenship and sheltering them in safe houses, Wal- enberg is credited with saving the lives of 100,000 Jewish Hungarians. Following the Soviet occupation of Budapest, Wallenberg was apprehended, Lagergren believes, for the pur- pose of exchange for other prisoners. Lagergren said that Wallenberg learned the art of diploma- cy by traveling around the United States and having long dis- cussions with people in bus stations "in order to find the person who was traveling the farthest." A Russo-Swedish Commission has been investigating for nine years what happened to Wallenberg following his work in Hungary and so far its findings have been inconclusive. "We have been fighting for 54 years to get him back and now we are fighting for the truth," Lagergren said. Lagergren said Wallenberg once remarked that after reread- ing Hitler's "Mein Kampf" he believed Hitler dictated exactly what he was going to do with regards to the Jews "and no one paid attention." r r4'dt a0 O.J. os ioff S off ZY74 c'tuttacr o,'wK~rw4/, 1Continued from Page : A a lot of the food we're offering'" Engi- neering senior Suman Palakodeti said. 1Candles, incense and lights adorned the altar. Some female students chose to wear saris, a traditional Indian outfit, and all were shoeless as they sat, legs crossed, on the floor facing the altar: "Diwali is a widely celebrated holi- #through out India, and as a result s program tends to be one of the biggest programs we have in the year," LSA senior Anjahi Shah said. Palakodeti said since students have certain expectations about the holiday, IISC "tries to recreate that family atmosphere." This year was Business school senior Vikram Goel's first time celebrating Diwali puja at the University. He said he found it very similar to the services dur- ing his childhood. "My sisters will come in, my dad will lead a song and we'll go around and say our thanks," Goel said. "It's a time to make resolutions and thank your gods." Shah said that during the prayers her family wears new clothes and offer food to the gods. "My parents would come to this Diwali, but they will be doing it at home," Shah said. Engineering sophomore Neeru Khan- na attended her first University Diwali puja last year and wasn't sure what to expect. "I didn't know if it would be the same as back home, but it's a very traditional service' Khanna said. We're looking for a qualified student to become Ekrctrooic AMadiho Mcoccr Must have HTML skills and know a thing or two about website design E-mail lsasg.web~umich.edu for more info Get on the govern ment today! . ,ACT NOW! GUARANTEE THE BEST SPRING BREAK P~RICES! SOUTH PA[DRE, C'ANC'UN, JAMAICA, BAHAMAS, ACAPULTICO, FLO)RID)A & MAD)RIGRAS. REPS NEEDED~:I... TIRAVEL FIRIKI, KEARN $$$. (;RotIS DIS(OUN'I' FOR G+. 800-838-821131 SIRING BREAK! (Cancun. M aiailan. i-ahaiwis i .aiirirca &< Flida(. {Ca;ll Simbreak Student Vacations for ink)on on crnuIec and cain n * cash.(Call I1-800-446-8355 or e-miailI salesQlstinbreaks.con la~rii ar. l~liha ihr'.. Nh/eailanr . ird 'Iia~ ci Ireean a rn ~i'i( .asil!. Do it i i leth XWch! 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