Thursday, October 26, 2000 - 3A
L The Michigan Daily -
4 parties battle for Coucil's
Ward IV
Americans claim
to have the most
* sex, study says
American adults ages 16 to 25 had
the most amount of sex this year,
according to a global survey by SSL
The survey, which was distributed to
18,000 young adults, found that people
globally are having sex 96 times a year.
Americans are having the most sex
with an average of 132 times a year,
followed by the Russians at 122, the
- French at 121 and the Greeks at 115.
On the other end of the spectrum, the
Japanese are having the least amount of
sex at 37 times a year, followed by
Malaysians at 62 times a year and the
--Chinese at 69 times a year. The survey
also found that Americans lost their vir-
ginity at the earliest age.
. The average American age was 16.4.
followed by the Brazilians at 16.5 and
the French at 16.8. The French were the
global leaders in the number of sexual
partners, claiming to have an average of
16.7 each. The Greeks were second
with 15 partners each, followed by the
Brazilians at 12.5 and Americans at
-11.8 partners. The survey also showed
that 61 percent of those age 16 to 20
and 52 percent of those age 21 to 24
preferred condoms for contraception.
Jhirteen percent of all respondents said
they used no form of contraception.
Doctors believe
physician assisted
executions ethical
A study published in the Oct. 23
issue of the Archives of Internal Med-
'cine found that many doctors feel it is
ethical to assist in executions.
Neil Farber of the Christiana Care
Health System in Wilmington,
Delaware sent out surveys to physi-
cians asking their opinions regarding
physician assisted executions.
The questions were based on the
American Medical Association's eight
guidelines on actions they consider to
be unethical in regard to executions.
These include the administration of
,_ethal drugs and the monitoring of
,vital signs during an execution.
Fifty-three percent of nearly 500
doctors who responded to the sur-
\'ey said they disagreed with at least
five of the actions, while 34 percent
disagreed with all eight of the
The study also found that 18 percent
of the doctors favored the death penal-
ty under all circumstances, 57 percent
said it would depend on the situation
and 52 percent believed that the death
*penalty lowers the murder rate.
'Lesbians as likely
to transmit STDs
as heterosexuals
Researchers in Australia found that
homosexual women are just as likely
to get sexually transmitted diseases as
'heterosexual women.
Katherine Fethers of the Sexual
Health Unit in Alice Springs, Australia,
found that lesbians were just as likely to
transmit hepatitis and genital herpes.
The study also found that women
who have sex with only other women
"ere more likely to engage in riskier
behavior than heterosexual women.
Tethers and her team compared the
:.medical histories and sexual behavior
of 1,408 lesbians and 1,423 heterosexu-
al women who attended a sexual health
clinic in Sydney between March 1991
and December 1998.
All the women with a history of
having sex with a woman were com-
pared to women who had never had
sexual relations with a female partner.
While seven percent of the homosex-
tial women had sexual relationships
with only women, the study also found
that lesbians were more likely to have
had a sexual relationship with a homo-
sexual or bisexual male. The study was
published in the October issue of the
journal Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Compiled by Dailv Staff Reporter
Lindsey A/pert fron wire reports.
By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
The wide array of candidates vying for the Ward IV City
Council seat offers a welcomed change for voters tired of
choosing between "the lesser of two evils."
Democratic incumbent Steve Hartwell faces challengers
Republican Jeff Harshe, the Green Party's Christie Nowak
and Libertarian Stephen Saletta. Each candidate brings a
different priority to the table.
Harshe said he would like to fix infrastructure problems
that plague Ann Arbor housing with problems including
flooding basements, water pressure and brown water.
By running for City Council, Harshe said he hopes
to bring balance to City Council representation.
Presently, eight Democrats and three Republicans
make up the council.
"Ann Arbor represents a lot of different viewpoints," he
said. "I'd like to talk about the issues, instead of having
everything fall into party lines."
Hartwell, a three-year council veteran, said growth and
development are the main issues facing Ann Arbor. "A lot
of the changes are going to affect the county" he said, not
necessarily the city.
By building businesses near residential areas, Hartwell
said, the city can cut down on traffic congestion.
"You have to look at 'Are the services they need there?"'
he said. "How (does one) attract business that they do
As a member of the Green Party, Nowak follows the
party's four main pillars - one of which is ecological wis-
"I want to find ways to encourage alternative forms of
transportation," she said.
Nowak expressed concern about financial matters for
Ann Arbor residents.
"The prices in Ann Arbor are quite steep," she said,
adding that she hopes to pass a living wage for residents.
Saletta, an Eastern Michigan University senior, included
the student population in talk of development issues.
"The big way the City Council can help students lower the
cost of housing is to encourage more development," he said.
Though he encourages development - and believes that
developers should be allowed to work where they want -
Saletta said higher density housing could curb the problem
of urban sprawl.
Harshe advocated more development. "It's impossible to
limit growth and make housing more affordable."
The candidates discussed different plans for getting stu-
dents more involved in the city.
"The city can do more to welcome the students," Harshe
said. "Even though they're in a different circle than I am, as
much as we can interact, I like to."
Building a community is important to Nowak. "When
you know your neighbor you look out for your neighbor,"
she said.
Hartwell wants students to aid in choosing the next Ann
Arbor Police Chief next year.
Canada to dump 2.1 milsofr
tons of trash near Detroit
Adrian Twiss, age 3, plays policeman while Arthur Denys, 4, builds a
spaceship at the Pound House Children's Center.
S'U' ddeeases
child care costs
SUMPTER TOWNSHIP (AP) - Up to 2.1 million tons of
Canadian garbage will start rolling into suburban Detroit in
January, finding a final resting place in a landfill there.
The commercial and industrial waste from Toronto is to be
buried at the Carleton Farms landfill in Wayne County, about
20 miles southwest of Detroit.
Thousands of truckloads will make the 225-mile journey
from Toronto, crossing the Ambassador Bridge at Detroit and
the Blue Water Bridge at Port Huron.
The project has angered environmentalists, frustrated
state officials and pleased some in Sumpter Township
who stand to gain from royalties. Toronto's plan came to
light only last weekend after a controversial proposal to
carry city waste by rail to a shuttered Canadian iron
mine was defeated.
"Nobody really wants a landfill," said township Supervisor
Marvin Banotai. "We figured if were stuck with it, we might
as well make it an advantage for the township."
Gov. John Engler's office said he opposes importation
of trash from Canada and from other states but can do
little to control it. The practice requires no special
Department of Environmental Quality permits for waste
untainted by chemicals or other immediate hazards. No
transportation permits are needed for Canadian garbage
trucks using Michigan roads.
"The state's hands are tied. This is an issue of free com-
merce, even if it does eat up Michigan's landfill capacity,"
Engler spokesman John Truscott said.
In a five-year contract, Carleton Farms is slated to receive
300,000 tons each year for two years, then increase its load to
500,000 tons annually. The landfill is owned by Republic Ser-
vices Inc. of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
"We have enough (trash) as f
is. I don't think they'd like us
sending our trash up there.
- Susan Forsey
Sumpter Township r esident
Depending on the size of the trucks, that could mhean
as many as 200 trucks hauling the trash each day. "We
have no skeletons in our closet. This is an excellent land-
fill with an ideal geologic base for this waste," Matt
Neely, president of Republic Services of Michigan, told
The Detroit News.
Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman said that shipping waste to
Michigan is "the best deal at the best price that protects tax-
payers," and the City Council approved the plan.
According to the contract, Toronto's garbage will include
waste from hotels, restaurants, strip malls, nursing homes, res-
idences and businesses, but not hospitals.
Blood, medicines, body parts and other wastes deemed
hazardous must be steamed or incinerated and disposed
of separately. Under the new contract with Toronto, offi-
cials expect to receive SI.50 per ton of trash. "This'is
something that we've needed to get Sumpter back on its
feet," Banotai said.
Jim Bradley, a former Ontario environment minister, said
the issue goes both ways across the border.
"Our goal should be looking after waste in our own juris-
diction," he said. "The U.S. also sends us hazardous waste."
By Lisa Hoffman
Daily Staff Reporter
The University has attempted to
help students, faculty and staff afford
child care by adding a sliding scale
tuition program, which has provided
an average of 27 percent aid to 63
families since its implementation in
"The real important thing is to get
to families who can't afford care."
University Provost Nancy Cantor said.
The number of child care facilities
continues to decrease in the state of
Michigan, with 3,706 facilities clos-
ing in the past fiscal year. Yet demo-
graphics show that the number of
two-income families and single par-
ents is on the rise.
The University offers financial aid
programs to help pay down the S720
per month bill for full-day child care.
More than 353 children receive care
in one of the University's five centers.
For more than 25 years, the Uni-
versity has offered licensed child care
in facilities including the Children's
Center, the Children's Center for
Working Families, Pound House
Children's Center, the Family Hous-
ing Child Development Center and
the University Hospitals' Child Care
Eligibility for the sliding scale
tuition program depends on Washte-
naw County Housing and Urban
Development guidelines on family
size and income.
The sliding scale adds to the Uni-
versity's existing Child Care Subsidy
Program which provides assistance to
students with child care costs. Stu-
dent fees and University-matched
amounts, fund the program.
The University child care facilities
run Monday through Friday during
business hours and offer parents the
option of full-day or half-day care.
Baby-sitting lists for availability are
posted at some centers for evening
and weekend care. "The cost would
be very prohibitive," Pound House
Children's Center Director Carolyn
Tyson said in regard to offering
evening and weekend child care at
campus centers. "Teaching is a very
intense field, and to do the job well
you need highly qualified people."
To help parents deal with these
child care concerns and others, the
Child Care Support Network allows
students, faculty and staff with young
children to share heir child care expe-
riences with others throughout the
University community.
University students work in the
centers for credit or as volunteers
along side the University-employed
professional teaching staff.
"I feel it is a piece of our mission
to utilize University students through
practicum and volunteer experi-
ences," Tyson said of the Pound
House Center, which focuses on the
education of international children
and children who speak English as a
second language.
While the Pound House offers
hands-on experience, the two learning
center facilities allow University stu-
dents to observe children from behind
a one-way mirror, University Chil-
dren's Center Director Karey Leach
said. "Our purpose is to provide
research and training to the Universi-
ty under Rackham Graduate School,"
Leach said, including the visitation of
undergraduate and graduate classes to
the centers.
M Tim Maull is a graduate student in Economics and the School of Natural Science and Resources. This was
incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Chris Kolb and Robert Bykowski
Circle K Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Michi-
San Union Pendleton Room, 623-
Grese will speak, 7:00 p.m.,
Michigan League Vandenberg
Room, 998-9540
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