8 -- The Michigan Daily - ruesdlay, Octooer 24, 2000 f o s PAR M N(; -. TI'-1DIH511 ) tm.i \qu u-huLLm lOXX rooTll) '4I ofIlEst crl'put lah c o01 'S1 0orllmIrc. -.- 1I)j11 BIG. 3 & 4 BEIDROOM Al"IS ( t Iat C ion ,. I urn i\hecd kith Park in,. 008-1I 100, 191;+ E GIKI.TALON: l;l 5- ccd. :11 CIII- C. --')odsape, 5 000 orbes>. CARS FROM $500 Po(lic-- mnyonod,. For 11>10nw> eah i -St){-3 9-3321 eat. 44191. \ ' () 760) TURBO WA\GON 1990. 11k 04 irc0olnd S?'N(L()or to 761 -(037 i5' FO RD) TAURU S.(Good ~ .No ma:lof for rent (,l7 hech-( 011 i)l se . I U I L iSIhed pal-kioc. ctlet. t_ v.Ihcl/r\ eir. \laY to May lease. Ol \\ c~l Sie I an;?oi hdu om \1I \I S):1 I.oi ailOI1 (,S-IYt)I;-(-11- onl MXiiii' 1ndecd S tude1Cnts$ F Alf 0M111 oFuIsh 1cdL 668-6906) 3 IM1)R. AlPT. Cirpct. ldr\ . prkl, li rcplacc Sept, 200)1 leals(. ?7_-1});( b Il)LtX. 110USE"S, ( trct. Lii>.. pk llrOr Septemuber 20(01 Icase" 57- 10:0. AMAZING APIS ANI) 1101 SES \\ XXvv . acobs pIopcil ics.CI 11l 1i'AI l.:AR1 .1KNov. I I , . a. Any tic'I tI)tC nalcd (Lu. ( np, NldcrlL l'drll atIks k:AI('. I Ills- .Bale:. I-urn1 Mi 01f Lu~L-n 61) Ililler 7I77L All Nt"1/ 'F:A"ALI KTto I tcec. Ihl)clu ( :thI 'I .A ryA hictIlace lFor tall 2001 I'ertcct lo\IIB;\, ac~I(id GradsLLIicIllt5 Studlhll. 1111 IIbclrxi aOLLijllcnts I, ttlo' 1 )CCc 101 t)}IlChls101 slinaI IL> A I'I'l\I IAT'S FOR 1RIKNI - ( j12,1 "'ce\~ X41K ( ) I .( k I N -1 lol ),,111l ( IL~C rr~c 1;ITI .s l .0 ll A l 1111 AVA. IL N( )\: Room i w/ Iireplacc. Iarg"c dos(;~. lofts ()I vv iIdoX'. ., Mbocks :u cc'ittlal cinmptus.(Iallko IIIcalit (Co. 99-1 - 122N:- P i m ' It 1 1 8t)( )7 ~lIL N AVAIL. ASAP RmL ntc eded Ibr 2 1)(11-11 apt. Prkg. II>\. A,7 11min1 Xs .lk kI >0c11 CeO campuIsi. IFicc X t~li ),.'l for i110111 li-tce mlove Ill. 541I0/itio. (oIilact Jell at 646-0111. BEAUTIFUL LARGE ( aupos House, futrnished. livinc 10towndining loom. kitchen, toff street parking. cahle andi phone in each bedroom. 12 monthI leases. somencMa, 2) atnd-asome Sep. 2001.0663-1 371) or naneylat @ iimiched u (c lmail preferred). Bedt Locations - Best IJ& 2 Bedrooms CENTRAL, (AMPUS 6 BI)RM. MSE- 2 studIcs .?31u1 I baths. Idry. prk, . av ail. Avail. ini spring. S-4200. C't Ise LII Medical Ccni cr- 7134--475-?2577. CLOASE, TO [itIISINESS SCH-OOL 4'rteci.IesI ly prad lI tV 2 ;(sllLTLapt-. fur Fal~l ' . I I it lsltesl wit Par l~Iking. 668-1 100, (TN"LU'EITIISTIORICAL HOUSE Unbcl jevable ?,5 3 and14 hedroL apts. 9ti. ceiling~ -hardwood Illoors. Lease Now for Fal l '01. 769-6478. 5 & 6 Bedroom Houses For 2001 Copi Properties 663-5609 FALL. 2001 - '1op) lutalitv lfurn, hse. and apts. Call 761-6170. Anx{day between KanlL-9p)nl. IALL 2001 HOUSES FOR RENT1 Central camLpus. Great selection of 3-4 luILsl ihed hdlTLL unislli !prk aTnsI drv. (Call 663-10L50_L F"AIL. 200)1 HUGE BILE+VEL APT. with XC-I Ls bdlT ms.1?baths. 'sCeeralutxurius an115niItw". tfurnlidl uln~dI\ 011 prT5Tils'\ p kiQ \ I v a i h c . 6 5 h 2FL L 2 4 0 0 : : H 1- 1 I 1 ) (1 1 1 1 . h o ui s e I l l I lr l l s ' loc. 2, kitchens, 2 iinLIP roomsL. -l baLtllolLs. furnished. 665-8825 ROOMINFOR RENT in 3 hdrm 2 1/2 bath crondo1. Avail. i mmed. Newly remlellld. 400 XV.Stadiutu. $450/mo. Call 769-3926. SUBLE;T FOR JANUARY 1, 24)00-AucusT M, L?000)1 Spacious hi-level. 2 bed~rooml. 1 1/' hathroomls. and I parking snace. Twvo IliLILut XX a k to camopu~s. !Tase call Mel lisa at 996- 1416 or call Carli at 2 13- 1882 for further till orlmationl. The Walnut/Geddes Apartments Between S. University and Geddes. Exceptional 1 . 2 bcdrin/De)n and 2 bedrin hi -levels. 668-690)6. I SINGL. BUI)i n 5 bdrll apt. Avail. wint1. terml. furishled. ''1 c-itloc. Cool ixlorllsuates 11-212 WiIlad Si. (Ca1 10-1770 2 BIKDROON-I '2IRATHl-IBIralX old 1mall ,rar.A H\vale lc -Jsuly ?I.1itness Lfcili \ , saun. .PctsXX elcolns. (Call .7:,--990-I07 17 3 B)RM. APT. I avail.sswinmterm1d. Furnished. cornler of South L? & Waslitcnaw., price nc,. 0n1) rke -,spot aa-u.I62_3-2_16. 4 BI)RMr. AT 808 F. Kingsley. Lurn, free prkg. IWry.- Near UMNiNursing School.- All 0util. incl. S I900/mio. 248-738-7022. 6 BI)RM. AT 80)8 F. Kingsley. Furn. lfe prkg. lIdr> 2 bath. Near I UM Nursine School. All tubicl 524)00/11w 24,8738.7042 AVAIL.. I/I - 8/31.ITi. 555 E. Williall #8K Fre cablc. lul lv lurn .,A/C. 56() L/lTo ± dec 0t; --4754i or syv jIlL 0f1,1n ILhITcdu. FOOD) SERVICE' ILooking 1)10F .~r1C(Ic candidatcs Ibr a acli cook assisTant. cateiFrny delive~Cry orker. courrnet co lieu calrt wor-ker and dishwvasher-s at Unliiversity -of NMic higcan Hospital NIH S) t o be employed by ARAMAR K. Pay rate starts at S8900/h1r. Various shifts available, hors ol olierat ion 7 o - 7 pm. Contact: Nieka Sieharth. ARAMNIAR K Corp.. Uiv L . of Michl canr H-osp.. Rim 21)347. 15001 E. Medical (O'r D r.. Ann Arbor, Nil 481I09-0057. Phone: (734) 615-8480. Pax: (734) 615-0958. FRATERNITIERS, SORORITIES, CLUBS. STUDENT GROUPS Earn 51,000-X2,000 this quarter with the ease, Calnpusfundraiser.com three hour fundraisingc event.NI) sales reqtuired_ F-ondraisinc dates. are ilhlog quic~kly. so cAll today: Co ntact Cru( uuaL~lts(I~t.IeTcotll at (88S) ()23-3238. or visit w'wv.tlptlslUndlraiser.coI L FREE COFFEE! Espresso Roy ale Ca. Seeks responsible, hard Xorking'c. andil ndependent mind(edI people to slinc colfee at its downtown A2 location. PIT or F/T av ail. Pick up an application at 214 S. NMain St. HA ND1Y PEKRS( N/lrTlinIL elancrlc ot- 1day care. !M11._ pining~l~. \sv5k. cLrpair . canupa. S -IOL/Ill.I-S 2-0 int1. Lxti prel 996-4847 HOSTESS/HOST. 23 shifts/IXXk. Predonmi nant ly evenings and Xveekend day~s. although you must he available Mon. ld)~c (11I-3). Restaurant cx p. not n lceessrs but moust be persolnablle andl smnat $8/hr. -+ imeals. A pply in person. M-F 3-5 Zanvibat 216 S.Statc. IINIEDIA.TEINCOM)NE Opportonltty- Make lillileyviite attcndi itcsolliee. '.eriou,, lilgtuirics oly X. 734-1)I?3-21 S4. I NTERNET D)EVE[LOPM ENT I .ocal Web desi l iirt IL SckinIL Ct alelnted andI creat ive Xveb desinel-s and database dlevelolpers for X-arious IprllicetS Il a part timIe - subcontract basis. Flexible hours. Excellclm pay.~ Mulst be well versed in some or all of . I TMiL. XML. PERL./C(;l. ASP. Photoshllp. Plash. Setnd inflormiat ioin and URL'fs to Ill fo (- Illtcerc-a lactic -cOIL LAB ASSIST'. (MIED SCHOOL) wash anI slerli Ilc lasss aic, Illeilla preparationl. sell culture celleal lab ilualIntellanlcc /Ihr ThalLk u 704- 25781 or5111ie at 64 0-7-0L1) LAWYER'S CLUB (1111ti1L2 s noXX hirIILP 101 1InchleS alld V. cckc Ils onl\IXS-'s 2-59_ I 5/lir to stalt. Caterlllg )1111)ltilLit ics, mTeall cliIts Ilex. schced. Appiy ill prsIIL (4 La\X > r s (Clob. 5S51 S. State St. (Call 764-Ill5, MARKETING INTE'lRNSHIP: Prt time~. SS. ' spL'lscs paid. resullule uIlder. For mlore 11111 cadll 77.20)4-0225, cLmail lobhs 0Us in' 1(11 net. or l pply olin~e at w w.lhotsinl;14)1 .r7et MIICHIIGAN '1ELEFIUNI) Nosy hirinL, st udents fI'r lies ibl nighlt anid wcckelld schedules. Full work at ILnsplere and gus-ati jo)cx petience ' Ip to 58/h1r. plls ILight Is bonuse's. Apply onlinle or stop l) b 611 (Churchl. Suite -4F.5555 v.tclclundL.uuliclL.cdu 99S-7421). Top ( .Iplijloc lsation.L. I ilzc2 Bcdroomillpts. Furnlishled XXith Palrkinc-('all McLr. CGus. 827-91 11, I I 1 i Il( )SE:S- FALL. 24)41 lu(st 2 1 chT 769-6-475. LOOKING FOR a place to live-' XXXX-Xv .utrlsiin )lid - -_. YourI nLLoic oflf caltpu"! NOW LEASING? Fll 20041 fuII-Ilshcl dhouss>anIs]ailartmleit .. So up b l tor0a hochurlc.- ('ampus Ren-(t1Ials I3 ?; S. tIIItcrsiLX i(0'-882 5n~tt AVAII-J .AN 20041: 2 bdrllvapt hits -4 lrkg, .-IC. Gireat location. belli nd theC B-school1)' 829 Vt~apliu. Reilt ni12 Call A',alla 023-0)947 ________ - AVAIL. TAN. 2011 -I drll t Cleat Ilsc XXII II '111 r~. Lu Il. llrkg_. IdI> - pris ate phlics pcol11151RI t Iwo 0 23-I 16 iusir alirncis SP'ACIOUSI 5A PTF 050111. 3121)t I 2? bdrlns. bath. iing, rm11. ktch. harhdss11( 11001's. r.1 owsst - Comlact I(a62 3-7686 S BI.E''FIOR 1-5 r111111s5for .Ian -Nla-s '01 GI-at lic 62)- 7671) or hk ibot @L C l>i~cdu 1 Ci ge*im PARK 'lIR-RACIK. Upscale apt,,. for Fa~ll 2001. I.- 2 ands 3 Biedroo ms. BaIllnes. U ILder-cru ld 'alkim- ('I 1 r Carsaal ##i913:us1 l C'AL~CULUS 1HOM-IEW~ORK? (ject alny dells at isc. step)-b\-step. Each sic!p explained auitOlLnaieal Frcc'ee svsss-c ale I OI clutti24/7 (COLLE]GEK (CLEANIERS: PROF'. IDr ( lsalnmg am!d EalnndI-o shirts. FiesrLI lsurr "I'.0.cc715 N t lOX - next to 1Hill. 062- 1900( LS;%l' lirIXa1d5malt'101 l)l 1 uptuitillg b>h lessniI adrlliltd attomnS'> (91 pcrlc )tl '11HESIS EDIIT1I NG. All dhscrplmnes and5 foirman-ts. ? scars U- N1 expelleIc. 7_34/996-0)500orur5cn 5 ' isOr.coil RFIE(IK'I )NISTI: Loucal aml~crti,,m!_,/o-i~rketinL firm ll ck,. p.111-tI lls rcccpiiiiILsL Ilours OmL' x301101)1p1l. Nust hasrc stroll, cilulILnTIcattil aTnd ortI11/0III sk ills mid a pItLIve plimoli ds'T'lhi ll Illlntiplc lls' phony sy'\vslIm. 1Fm Il;IIIrts NlksiIi l4omip. It17 I-. Ilion. Al .Arlu. N-Il.-0,1- -11Y1Ato I lulallRsolmlrces. ()t Fays 7,4/002-') I)0orcnlll Illcv'5 oharrIs- SC()RIKEEPERS Is ILoXXIlrIT-c paitl lci shor11 111cr cooks. No expermelce necessary, 3I1 M NI ard~o. Q9 5-1)11. STUD)ENTI LAB ASSISTIANT. I)- IS hrs./ss k. Ilcexihle. Emlail conltact miltoi t1loulkc <«'U1 IlI Chl 5>1W SI BSTITI TE'l E.-\CHEIKRS Ineeded at all Is-ee.l--. 901 I cll sle' C Icil t tesuircil. w71 .04 lird1) ol i)sl. 15IIuilcts 1north ofAtn Arlol--psi arte.a. Cadl_'48-573-S140). South LyAonl Cilnlliulult s Schools 'E'IK.-X( IIRt:'1'I;A('IFInlk in ilKorea, 012 12u1,. contlracsts withi bsns'Iits. 1plus'airline Lsst. I )s'a u's' s'l ('l I I1tlItlctll 1 Coo~ks. anId N1:ln,ii cu \X;iIIs'd Tilforhcal Icytantl11. lax\Irc111102 I{, r13-ILt 629-11)'4+S o lo0 ,1 To \% Nw .nteclw-iic, itt.coli W~ANTEDl: Ils'alt Il iokcrN c betscnIIthe agcy of 2 "~S 1(15O arcllneeddat UN-h OtucstuuI~Lalivs. bloood XX Ithdlol-sI andi 1si1ok illg ;abst tnei c esequired. Pays.- 5275 111t(m (:motllps' OlL (all 7,14 701-90((_I 1##6,1-b1. V~ VKAl REAI)Y )ONI-.IIt br tree. Iloss 2s'l p11) lIwI11, AF"'lERS('IOOL ( AREl'.: vvatnted Ior I Iyr old ho*. - N-&W 35:S~t.Burns Park: eloise to camlpus,. Id. le(t.. (7i11 769-36-40. BABY SITTIIN(G lot 1u1 _'\sri. old. Ihuls mornl~.. 0065- 31 18 S55vhr palus add.ht'. flex BA BY SIITI KR NEEDED 101* I OIcclasiotnal ccCTIlli s. 55s'kenlls. allil mmwledas hrs. Non- s.lokel. oM\X11 car. rcblellnces CallI 43-4-287S D)RIVEKR WANTIKI)2-, days/wsk. Take daughe1)) Ill mles hxunl school ill barn Bar-n lear NI - 14. SI 1)/r. 741 -t588. RESPONSIBLE BABYSI7TTER swith osvi traiispoI-tatillln needed for abter School Lchildcare Iln imy lhlilk' Noll & Frl Caill 73-17(l-7t)97 SPRING BRl-EAK SPE'.CIALS! Cancun &y luaa,IbSalL 538!i-. Hotel. FrIe Meals. IIruiks .\ss and \Winninlg Comlpany'! Plan G 01p - f(n Free"cFloiida Vacations S121)! .Ill 1112 brsakt laseis) ili I1-800(-678-6386. #1 SPRI NG BREIAK \'acatiolls' Best [We u(irl,1111, E Can(n.IIIi. .lalml~na I ahalllas l ui i II + 1 1121111 .mii , ') lI,.-,. mI~el Mat I.;1 111 l !,f5sI tee'I'lcs Ntm hlliL ~ lg llms rcpi XCI NOWi! (;UARANl-IKK T111 I-h:ST SPRING BR!-: K IPRICE"S SM"OIl PAD)REK,CAN(1s 1N. .AM X\R' A BI If. AS. .-CAPITl.('. FIORIl) A4 AI.-XIRIGR. 141R:11S N1;1111;1. TRV R EEI:. dI. IARN SS. RoUP11 l)ISC4 t"1 '_ FOR 6+i. 8004-838-S24)3 I-I -XRI .%5jlj.(111XS! SpIll' I'lak l5.ll.III;,s l';nI t\ l II ' I ) l s 85 15 Ill,. h" III,.-\c;I-. IPamius-5' A-XXX s's liB c hs--. NI >1111h, I X'l ;:Ir~s -1011Io~rlia;' (tot 'Lp A III.CO'S #1 SPRING Breal (Wlopi . B IAN'H I-ROSSI!PUS. t1(oG _h0in:c)~tc 01 S ssantc _'t tG I C ll .\cau~l h Co forSprlig Brea t Ildcr Ithc Stlu)'WE A.-\R AC.-\PLI( 1' 8)11 !Si-I' 1575Xsws.hi~Itchi-rh ii SI ss u). i ll NI I oa tit D ( E( ) 1k K - Sas 111 =125 hIlcll-l-a L t,, i;i p 1. Ic - '!whi ,Ils' Slri Llg lira lit, kmc- i Itl~Clc I! /. .s'III travelc ,II XiXX W~l 1111 sdImtrccm sil) Bahamas Party Cruise $279. 5 Days - Most Meais " Free Parties'" Includes Taxes Jamaica $439 7 ights " Air & Hotel " Save$10o Food & Drinks Cancun $399. 7 Nights ' Air & Hotel " Free Fo & 30 Hours of Drinks springbreaktravel.com - Our 14th Year! 1-800- 678-6386 -SPRIM;( BIRIA-\K RE'PS Iles'sed to po. 'tulc is lhpls , 1111 1Strawl fines-! No costl \\ Ill trIIi Work 0 oi l tr ownSIL time'. NOBODY; DOES ;BREAKS BETTER!1 Fob 24-Mar 31, 2001 PanmaCityFL ISouth Padre TX Over 18 different locations DetV F Hilton Head SCE Ft REStHIX IIEN! S()PIIOMOt(RPES! 734-761-8000 Xdsert isimiu Placement Cootrdinator. This Iin I J)Xs,IP. I. lq 'slL ilo X oukis \11,: 'mids tii Ilc (i ol. -3fi~hl-511IL. 11I~ t XX1antI ctinstIsed ~iill Ithe collCe fic"X i;lI 1.r hns11tiss. 1t1"IS i a cI t I-leYel NOSY ACCEPTING APPLICATlIONS for luiiCh supeinsisons andi a sc~ti lies lifeguard 0' !' 12/lintfoin the school ycar. Phease call Illille (Cicek Commu~nnity School at 994-2636l. Il' ASSISTAXN'ilT f itiedia reseat-chi ando sttatcgv irimI. xc. posititl o t iorbarketing. resear,i or. llcoIIulltlon )11studenis, I>-2? hrs/s k. 59.75/hr.t1o start. Neals'dsi0111 -,P skills. Lax resumtie ASAP tIo 662-3,255-. PHONE ATITEKNDANTS Pt}'ili louse is IlOSS huling F17/H 'pltlne c lLdalts lonindaos. dinners. atndllate-nwghts. Wirk _2. -4. 6Om()r hottr shifts. y our shoi cc. (Great pa}. Apply at Pii/.a House 018 Church St. or call Eid at 995-50)95. PH-YSICA-L. THEIRA-PY All) 2 P/T poisItros asallle i ll n oupatienit learinultg cx hi'lelclt' ant il\-studsen~t illtetestsl ill 0 health related Ihild 1-ax resumeic to 734-971-4417 or ent~ail ssceI-Ilat-L(r 'atl .cor11 ort call 734-97 1-?777. PLAY A GAM1E, (;F:I' PAID) $15-$30. -Paid subl)jects necddlIwI expsininlLs ithis tall atid ssittetGuaranteed SI LIhr. r1more lor 1-2 hilui-cxperi1c1115. FLesiblesehLleulilig ilL-lludg = -scnliugad sseeketitlbilaes. (let oti our itlailil ' list lot, dates antlttncs1 Scnls o~tt nai li ndl ph~lion ilihel ti ww uc~aeci 1." 'SUNOK FcTh ;Ii 2(1(1 lls ltI uIll Ishedl XX ItIn lcai and swaleciluI~dedlPak"l' Call us at!6W-1l100. )l I-I Il \nmtcy- (r 764-0)431 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Congregation cries 6 Teen's "Yeah, - right!" 10 Job detail, '.briefly 1-4 Abracadabra stuff -15 Identical 16 Whether - 17 Seer's nets? 2'0 It may be barbed 24 Intl. airline until 1991 22 Staying power 26 Musical syllable 28 AFL's other half 29 Officer's seeds? 32 Hunter on high 33 W-Rica 34 Work like a dog 35 Popeye's "Stop!" 37 Tabloid twosome 41 1978 co- Nobelist Sadat 43 Bond on the run 44 Inuit's ice holes? 49 Genetic material -50 Popeye's "Positively!" 31 Courses in crusts 52 Key above G 5~4 Brazilian soccer hero i55 Hacker's funds? 62 Commedia dell'- ..63 Civil rights 8 Little rasrca; 9 Favoring, in dialect 10 Parlor three- seater 11 - Charming 12 Necessitate 13 Carl Sagan's PBS series 18 Article in Der Spiegel 19 Illusory painting genre 22 Dundee denizen 23 Menace to a matador 24 Et -: and others 25 Long green 26 Fight finishers, briefly 27 Take five 30 Neck warmer 31 Seal, asin a crate 35 Off course 36 Ming artifact 38 Spelling on television 39 Duel tool 40 Marine's meal 42 Not o'er 43 "Here We Are" singer Gloria 44 Donnybrook 45 Tattle 46 Greet a general 47 Medicinai syrup 48 Go it alone ANSWER TO F 53 Pulitzer-winning writer James 54 Sibilant "Hey!" 56 Drop the bal 57 Kanga's kid 58 St. Pete's state 59 List-limiting letters 60 "Yay, team!" 61 Sign at ahit show PREVIOUS PUZZLE: I- 11155 lllrr luhctk. XX OtsltIll. .:l111 iluI.IlfoinTal lllm Haid-Xvilklinc_ I1111,tu ( I Iplmsaats shoul applI)' .oickcplcr,. 310) Naynaord lcrtI5 fromn 1500ll WIKLYKI: poiia llmailiing out1 I rlu,.I li 1)c 5 120.+--,177-1 7211 E-XECUIVE'l 1K ESII)EN'E- \Xit stall IiCscs'il niclicsl)I\trly'.501k Fall andsltll \\ InteI ll in re'food. l will pay the right lddamc ill) to M/hri BreakfaLst. lunch. and Ilrulli i lstis allil('all 761-7819, ask lam -:uuu or Kim l tler II aml. ot lease ins e AILWAYS : .X ARTi'. C 7tniiML Semivcis. Flex, hts fun ssork . Nol cX Ii ic,.' etss- 1.Plas,.'apuply to '[le N1)is,.-jL'l lixi. 526\X'. Libemls betsccii 9 & M N( F.1-l RU-ST AI.XI ANT acceptinig -t), Ill %vill stlI11 1. p levr at tll. goodl liXll t_ 1- u- l - IL' o incrlt - AIl)v InIlelsoluL A NI . I I- (':AtlRE]7XKl EtIR ionIs olpenl 11111I,'Iicdls'Ir NScrittls applicanits5conltact ootla Sis-piiic'r at f--85. oTrilme lIll) )inl)111 At 1)1ITOR/TFEANI SUPEKRVISOR R(GIS IliltS r 1:11o ILO hrrllw,1''Ann1.Arbor ll odts -'It.i 1 vriidtI-amiin g. beilelits zalable MNust Iv 11",4X\\1111 access iio eliable trails. ansd phone 'Ii,' muInsliats' otenlimlLs7341-971I-KCPIS. I rl rji E D A D )!I A SCA REDUMIAIS I V A N H O R A A B A C I DOWN F O R T H E C O U N T O W N O p E S T R A L E E ODD S G R O T B R A N D Y T R A N S A C T L A N C E W H O D P R O U N D E R T H E W E A T H E R E p 0 R I M S V O I D S S Y R A C U S E H O O ID O O GE E K B O C K T B I R D S S O R E S O S B E N E A T H C d N T E M P T S E D E R 0 0 Z E L E I A K Li----,a nu ® ' :V Az 4' l," ,, *3 P R E S S E W E R. S Stumped? Call 1-900-933-5155.99 cents a i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 E p MA BSEI-R 2-3slilts/svk. N-ostly evenmncs, 10/24/00 l'r111115u, .-st01raw e xp.. hlnec. hut mrust p( ss-., sthe.' iheart of a lionl and( the spres! (Ifa lminute .ail/cls 8(1/11. pls tips. (it 55-siks out to be .1m011N'APA;1/lt)plus ials Apply in 12 13 pcIs -uNIAI F "- l~m "Kaumma r 21(1 S. State. 'mi dint ,.'sales II llppro.21) lhru sc ek.. I Witna~cr k"kiuo yesip'am nd alscxll'tcicc sIulL-tI FAX rs tei 10toN1t. Doumlas at - - 0119 -I55 i rcall 7hI(i-1698 Ext 128. IN I.I\I-;RY IDRIVEKRS. li,,a Honseiss'I nmk-2l lllI F' WEII II olsscis Ito s-sdsinnems. I"z p" J I 125 1 1I 1I26 127 1 I.-'- III' - .:m