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October 23, 2000 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-23

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aimers taper for Big s~ftig oce M o
Ttn ~ ~~Next Sudyis temen's cross
Cham ions ips country Big Ten Championships in
Madison. Fifteen consecutive con- By Benjamin Singer
bewobyBy James Mercier rspectively.f w either Michigan or The flamec is out in Sydney yt
Daily Sptsritcr Hecsselink's perfortmancc mis a plcas- Wisconsin. In is hack to its regularly schcdil
ant suiprisc for Michigan. Injuries havc 1999 the gramiing, but the cclc'hi
With the Big Ten Championships ons pre'ventedl [lesselink from compceting for Badgers in- Michigan's Olympians didn't e
c horizon, Michigan men,,, cross court- much of the season.". ished first Ilst weekc'nc. Before the Lt
ry coach Ron Warhursi wasn't ahout to ""This is only the second week I've ' over the Board of Regents' meeting git
take chances. inthde Eastern Michigani beetn rsnning'" hc said. "I've tad to ; Wolserines hy waiy, they hoitoredl the athletesv
Classic-on Friday, the Wolverines sent ciume hack anid get into forim after the ) two points, resenteid not otly their coart
only their secondary "squad to coimpete. injuries, hatIl ran fairly well. The course ~ 5 ,the smallest smnr a loteCtvri
The Wolverines competed ott a waria, was tough to ran on, but I think it was ' ' margin of Preseit at the imeetitngw
sunny afterntoon, but cotnditions good peatinfor the conferetnce victory in Mcim tltsadcah
remained far fromt perfect. meet." conference srviccs at the Olyimpics rant
"Tecourse was a tmess,' siophotmore Hessclintk was one ctf the few history.cmeit scahn ost
Ryan Besselitnk said of the Rollinig Bills Michigais ranniers slated to compete itsh od ea ondo'ae
Metropark in Ypsilanti, "It 'as really this Sattday's Big Tetn Chatmpioniships 4 this year'sgodnealrudcfbse
bad ... it was basically nothting hut hills." ws'ho also ratn ott Friday. Most of the oilher favorite, ranked 'ithinhi an epeda setative ciurg nl.
The Michtigan runtners competed itndi- top runncrs sat out thic Classic.ntoadcmpigontsh e 19 Wolverines were recogtiled
vidually, not as a icaim. Hecssclink matt "Wctcetapcringnow, ad out-top guys naiadcous M eti n on ihsome itt those wvlt cocld tot maket
aged to negotite thc 8,911ff-mctcr coursc sic going to focus on thc Big Tcnet," tacci c ourse Micign Noat 16Miandoa
wcll cetoagh to takc sccond p1licc with a Warhurcst said hcforchand. T"his gives 24 Indiana are other top ois Dolani, who earneud his
time of 26:24. [rcshmain Btiain Tarncr soine of thec yoautge rutncers a chante to conference contenders. golch its the 400-mettter incdividi
atnd senior Naic Boftmain took third and gci some cxpcriecec againsi a wcakci ley and a silvcr in thte 2111 IM tl
fourth with titacs of 26:311 and 26:33, ficlc" mc, briefly adudres'sed the ccgi
Kaity White fD-Annt Arbor) int
Losing streak over, Blue wins 3-2 ec ~
"t's tneat to have the linik thut
Boilat said duitng his speech."
~y Nick Kacher Whets fellow freshmsen Kevins the game strted tio gem very physicil, icr whati hlag goes up whsen yo
For the D~aily 'Tylor scorcd off a douhle assist ats Druary wtts desperate to ic the medal, we've ll hen tcimma te
fromi White aimd Kevins Ruohinscon, scosre. Bat mte Michiga disuefensse time or anthcr. 1Thaink you tutu
The Michtigant muc's soiccer team Michigatn hcuilt up a strong 3-Il leach. held tough timd was ahle tio walk away- - - -
111-3 Big Tens, 5-7 overall)I got thinigs "We sad a great overall team per- with te 3-2 victoury.
started very early Sundahty agaimnst formsamnce today," Michtigan coach "We hatve heen playissg real aell
Drury College. L~ess thanm tao cmin- Steve Bauns said. "One' of our recently, hcut thme clutuleisge s putinmg
utes into the Wolverintes' 3-2 wits, strengths today was we won the mid- two good halves together," B~urnss
freshiman Mike Whsitc put the hall field battle, with strong play from said, "T'odtay we cretechdimsenvircm-,
inuto the back of the it off an assist Kevini Tatylor atid Brian Peters." inent to attack amid score gotls."
from fellow freshmen Tomt G(itre. Ovary cut itnto thme lead before mte Michigams is its thme mddle cof pltty-
"Every game we tire gettimig cnore first half wtas over and Michigan imig ti toaghm Big lets sechule, andu it
and more famsiliar aithi etuch oilier wenst into hatlftinse with ti 3-I lead. was nice for thme tetams to play ti nociii-
and we ace beginm to pltay insre tus a Whets Ovary's John Pedroli scored comferensce gaumue tiniu grtab ti xwiin,
single unit," Critter stud. with 13 miutes left to make thic "it feels goocd tim wiii," (irimer stid.
Critter- did not wait toii loug tt score 3-2, Michigan haul us step imp "'Thse entire tems pltayecd gret timd mte Ov r3 0Nwsrk gi.I h 2dmnt h ees n aesr ontltofnewsal ogtgy owr
Gritter struck thle btall pat thic Druiry mtsc eturly letad they built slip awauy. tund htive baur oc five pltyecms mmi
goalie off of ti pass frutis Itin The Wolverine's did tot sit ott their every atck, timd it showedcc ini misc First Time Buyers
Hirschficld. cead, hat their gause plan did inivolve results" - College Grad Prcl
"We hiud a really gocod start," staying in their defense a little morc Michsigain hetds to Daytion fr i oeg xhn
Grimier saidh "It was nicc to sitart off inthei seconid hatlf. game Fridtay befdore getting back itFregox hn
ied grab a big cearly lead" During thic last 10 minuteus oh plty coniferenice play.
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whc isn taflae ihA eieh B ie p at iA

SportsMonday - Monday. October 23, 2000 -- BI

tors l)ympic heroics-

and NI3C
tied prdu-
Ititus form
nid unstil
it tUndler-
wiso rep-
sivy this
were 12
es whose
cut 1frout
sbail. Tlhe
A tostal uof
time ccc-
is seconid
lul uncu-
this saum-
unix slier
atve cdo,"
'Nut tut-
act xxiin a
tes it usne

uis to bemheeimtodusytimd hbe ti gretpairt
of lhe fItmilsmthatis Meichmiganus
occmsfi uc i m li xtheW lvcminsc
xxix cx dci,,mciiotisi u tmin A m hsumihum
dtiuig tmgiesin Svcdney. Amogtuh"ie
thllcics finit un~udheilcwxomrldlxxsma
Is MItlt ciciic ii ucme cl xnd mwomcn
tuom 1',kc cvelycm", misc a coctmciiitnmtm
thc Unmivcisimykcc l ittmiiieiiat
It's just likceiaIfamily"NMichsian
sxvwimminmg couch mid 1.S. assistammi
cutachtinsUrb mi'cuk stud. '"Tht's i
great suippomrt whets you save summme
ItriendhlipiandmfulIcloaship inch every-
bumuy us chieveig Ior everybody"'
Of'1th nicm edacumcctls, six cauume fromi
mcmis swximmingmit
I thiik mmts abig tribute mum Jcon
Ur1banmcheck andthescprogratuihme
dcevelopeid", Michmigtanisemnicirandu
1,51)11-mectcifrccstyle bronze mmecalism
(hi mThImnpsonistaitd."Thm eutuhit
thecv ill saimisutnicer Jconstandthey till
have thatm limik shoxvs whattt an inicredli-
ble cuach lie is:,
Tfmnpsonm amid 'ornier Michigtan
sxvimmersBDolanustumd 'Tomit Mtlctuuu,
xwhos xwon the 2001-umee butterfly, xver'e
xwith a lfamiliair fa-ce itsUrbiancshekttmie
"There'ls niuttiawhole lust you tuchumd
dnce yomu gemtmtm mhe gamnes. It's mime

prvepariatinUrsCbaumchck saud. But I
think lucy felt moreve cuircpcrhsaps.
Moure atuse wxhcn you know your
hsome comuch is thecrc xx mh yodt suippoui-
imig yutandmc if ycsu isvsc any problems.
thieve's sumseonue yuucmndey on"
A\ coutple ofm edamcl i xwinerswee
mmemvmumthme 'eichis'ns Iamily. For
SatmianmthaiArsmnauult uanuf Octnice
Oraig, somme outhirirshum x pcruenccs
in butiludiigties tmuM'ichiugans ace
thrcough time Olympics.
"Jonmaudte guty's were thieve darinig
the umieetimid they xwere supiportive'"
staiud Arsenaut, te 800l-meter freestyle
relasy gulch medhtlist. Thse freshmuan stat-
ccl 1evclasses mt Michigant just latus
aeek.lieThetIumf lie Michsigans ftmily
is "ititig timeimmre mmcmx," site stud.
Orwigo, whoumascii time U.S. wmter
puslo temetssItr te Silver msedatl, is ust
beginsninighica treer at Michigan 55sdii
assistt ifor te itemwuomn's varsity
teato ntime Saumtesport.
Miciianm's tassistant softbtall coach
Jennsifer hBrundage xvas onec of the few'
M'ichsigans Olympians wm ldid sot pltmy
ini the xwatuer.Site wavtu hidbtsman for
lie gold msedatl U.S. sofbtall tetam.
"We're Michigtan family," Brundtage
staid. "it cloesnttretally msatmter wlhai sport
yu pity becatuse ve're really tilton cone

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