2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 23, 2000
trounces State
at Big House, 14-0
Continued from Page 1A
"You saw the game," Williams said
when asked specifically about the offi-
Following the fumble recovery,
Michigan (4-1 Big Ten, 6-2 overall)
went to work on offense.
Two passes to David Terrell,
mixed in with an 18-yard run by
Anthony Thomas, resulted in first
Thomas then took advantage of
an unbalanced line formation and
went pinballing around left end for
a highlight-reel 30-yard touchdown
run that increased the Wolverines'
lead to 14-0 with 6:27 remaining in
the third.
Although Thomas had broken
Tyrone Wheatley's record for career
rushing touchdowns (47) with his one-
yard plunge in the first quarter, his
third-quarter effort was the one he'll
be remembered for.
"I remember when Tyrone Wheatley
left," Carr said. "I didn't think anyone
could score more touchdowns than he
Michigan State (0-4, 3-4) never let
up. The Spartans had decent success
moving the football throughout the day
- Van Dyke threw for 292 yards on
26-for-37 passing.
The loss of Duckett to a shoulder
injury in the fourth quarter, coupled
with the fact that the Spartans were
trailing by two scores with time tick-
ing away, largely eliminated the run-
ning game from Michigan State's
Michigan's bend-but-don't-break
bunch never busted. Foote led the
way with 14 tackles, including one
of the three stops the Wolverines
needed to compose their goal-line
"It's still in the back of our heads
that we lost that Purdue game," Foote
said reflectively. As a defense, "We
still owe this team."
Nevertheless, another payment on
that debt has been made.
Continued from Page IA
football game's always of interest to
anybody who's a fan."
Insisting he was "officially and
scrupulously neutral" in the Wolverine-
Spartan rivalry, Cheney said being at the
Big House gave him a unique opportu-
nity to campaign. "If nothing else, it's a
fun day," he said. "But I also get to meet
a lot of great people, do a little bit of
campaigning so it's not wasted effort."
Cheney came to Ann Arbor after
making a bus tour to Plymouth and Flint
in the morning with Gov. John Engler,
state Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle
Creek) and U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-
Ariz.). McCain returned home for a
family commitment before the tour
arrived in Ann Arbor. Schwarz said he
and Engler knew Cheney was planning
to be in Michigan on Saturday and
urged the former defense secretary to
come to the game.
"This is the place to be in Michigan
for this game," he said. "A hundred ten
thousand voters are going to be here."
The University is a good place to cam-
paign, Engler said. "It's a big campus.
It's a prestigious campus," he said. Bush
"wants to compete for votes on this
campus. He thinks he's got a greater
appeal to younger voters."
An EPIC/MRA poll released Friday
shows the presidential race even, with
both Bush and Vice President Al Gore
receiving 43 percent of the vote.
Although Cheney refused to take
sides in the game, neither Engler, a
Michigan State alum, nor Schwarz, a
University of Michigan alum, tried to
hide their biases. "He's trying to play
mind games with the Michigan fans"
Schwarz said of Engler.
But even Engler couldn't deny that
the 16-point spread put the Wolverines
into favor. "I'm afraid this is going to be
a Wolverine day from start to finish," he
said. "It's going to be tough for the
Spartans, but we'll do our best."
Upon arriving in Ann Arbor, the
Republican contingency attended a tail-
gate party in the parking lot near Crisler
Arena, where they shook hands and
Cheney indulged himself in a bratwurst
and Diet Coke.
After interviews with reporters,
Cheney spoke briefly to a crowd of
more than 1,000 outside the stadium.
"Actually, a few years ago President
Ford imbued me with a love for Michi-
gan football," Cheney told the crowd
from atop an antique fire truck. "A very
close friend and former colleague of
mine has been Peter McPherson, the
president of Michigan State."
Cheney flew back to Texas after
watching Michigan take a 7-0 lead in
the first quarter of the football game.
Congress moves slowly to end of year
WASHINGTON - With the public's eye trained on the campaign for presi-
dent, hostilities in the Middle East and the Subway Series in New York, scant
attention is being paid to the extraordinary way Congress is ending this year's
Very, very slowly.
More than two weeks past its scheduled adjournment date, Congress this we
still faces a panoply of major issues, including funding for schools and teachers,
immigration policy and a minimum-wage increase, that must be addressed
before it can adjourn and send members home to campaign for re-election.
But even with election day around the corner, Capitol Hill is oddly bereft of
the fast-paced deal-making - the late-night negotiations, the weekend sessions,
the urgent frenzy - that usually bring a legislative year to a close.
Instead, top congressional negotiators in recent days have haggled haltingly over
the details of the year-end budget. The rest of Congress has been meeting only two
or three days a week. The latest deadline for adjournment is Wednesday.
Democrats point to the delayed departure as Exhibit A in their argument that
Republicans do not deserve to keep their majority in Congress because they ha
not gotten their work done on time.
"It's a combination of 'West Wing' and 'Seinfeld'" said Senate Minority
Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.). "We meet once a week, but nothing happens."
General Electric
acquires Honeywell
NEW YORK - General Electric
Co. agreed yesterday to acquire
Honeywell International Inc. for
545 billion in stock, a move that
will create one of the world's
largest industrial companies, with
manufacturing operations in plas-
tics, chemicals and aerospace prod-
The boards of both companies
have approved the deal, expected
to be completed in early 2001.
GE Chairman John Welch Jr.
postponed his planned retirement
until the end of 2001 to oversee the
GE. based in Fairfield, Conn., will
pay 1.055 shares per Honeywell share,
or S54.99 per share based on Friday's
As part of the deal, GE will assume
an unspecified amount of Honeywell
debt, and Honeywell's corporate head-
quarters in Morristown. N.J., will be
closed, eliminating about 550 jobs,
said Honeywell spokesman Tom
"This is how GE gets a bigger foot-
print in the global marketplace,
increasing its size by nearly a third
overnight and adding to its dominance
in key areas," analyst Nicholas Hey-
mann of Prudential Securities I4
said yesterday.
Carter abandons
Southern Baptists
ATLANTA - The Southern Bap-
tists, already suffering from defections
because of the denomination's conserv-
ative positions, have lost one of their
best-known members: Jimmy Carter.
The former president, whose eva0
gelical Christian faith figured promi-
nently in his 1976 White House
campaign, said in a letter mailed to
fellow Baptists that he is cutting ties
to the Southern Baptist Convention
after struggling with the "increasingly
rigid" creed of the nation's largest
Protestant denomination.
"I've made this decision with a
great deal with pain and reluctan4
Carter told The Associated Press.
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Barak, Arafat bicker,
peace process fails
JERUSALEM - Ehud Barak
called for a peace "time-out" and
Yasser Arafat told him to "go to hell:'
The Israeli and Palestinian leaders
seemed further than ever yesterday
from the peace their U.S. and Egypt-
ian sponsors have tried so hard to sal-
The violence in the West Bank and
the Gaza Strip showed no signs of
abating, and the cease-fire called dur-
ing last week's peace summit was lit-
tle more than a memory.
Four Palestinians died in clashes
yesterday, two teen-agers in the
Gaza Strip and two men near the
West Bank town of Hebron. The
death toll from three weeks of vio-
lence now stands at 121, most of
them Palestinians.
Palestinian gunmen in the Palestin-
ian-held village of Beit Jalla and in
Bethlehem fired on apartment build-
ings in Gilo, a suburb of Jerusalem.
No injuries were immediately report-
ed in Gilo.
Israelihlicopter gunships retaliated
by rocketing BeitJalla in two hours of
tighting that was among the fierces'
the Jerusalem environs since cl a
broke out Sept. 28.
Ten Palestinians were wounded,
and electricity and phone lines were
dow{ n in Beit Jalla, radio reports
2 small planes collide
over Argentina
Two small planes collided in the air
yesterday in western Argentina,
killing all I I people aboard the two
aircrafts, including four children, offi-
cials said.
It was unclear how the accident
occurred over the city of Chucabuco,
125 miles west of Buenos Aires. Both
pilots were well-known flight instruc-
tors, local fire chief Mario Bergaglio
- Comnpiledfiom Daily wire reports.
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday durng the fall and winter terms by
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$100. Winter term (January through April) is $105. yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus
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