One hundred ten years ofeditorialfreedom 41W NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Monday October 23, 2000 cEngler campaign {or Bush By Jeremy W. Peters Daily Staff Reporter Rivary pu HS exiteme M' avenges 1 PLYMOUTH - Campaigning with Republican vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney on Saturday, Arizona Sen. John McCain and Michigan Gov. t hn Engler made their first joint ppearance since February's GOP presidential primary. Engler, as head of George W Bush's Michigan campaign, maintained before the C A M P A IG N primary that he had erected a "firewall" against McCain. Instead, the Republi- can senator easily carried Michigan d dealt Engler an embarrassing low McCain made no apologies Satur- day but said he and Engler had made amends. "We had a spirited primary," McCain told reporters after the rally. "Governor Engler devoted all of his efforts and resources, I devoted all of mine ... but look, we always said at after the primary was over we Would support the nominee of our party. I am proud of the campaign we ran, I am proud of the campaign Governor Bush and Dick Cheney are running." The Michigan governor shrugged off any suggestions that campaigning with McCain was awkward but said he has no regrets. "We were competitive in February," Engler said after arriving in Ann dbor for the Michigan-Michigan Ttate football game. "I didn't want John McCain to be the nominee, I wanted George W. Bush to be our nominee. Those are intense rivalries ... but once that's over, we're all for the same things." ' State Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek), who headed McCain's Michi- gan campaign, insisted that the former esidential candidate's efforts were cere. "It's always been Senator McCain's position that he supports the nominee of his party actively," Schwarz said. Michigan is one of a handful of hotly contested toss-up states that the candidates say they consider to be crit- ical to the outcome of November's election. Communication studies Prof. ichael Traugott said Engler is defi- ely under pressure. "I think there is some pressure on Governor Engler to deliver the state to Bush. Remember, he was one of the earliest advocates of the Bush candida- cy," Traugott said. An EPIC/MRA poll released Friday shows the race even, with both Bush and Vice President Al Gore receiving 43 percent of the vote. .Saturday's campaign events wrapped a week of intense political See MCCAIN, Page 7A last year's loss to State By Chris Duprey Daily Sports Editor With one heroic stand, the Michigan defense put on hold the notion that it can't make the big play. UCLA, Illinois and Purdue all took the first possession of the second half and marched it down the throats of the Wolverines for touchdowns. And with just over eight min- utes to play in the third quarter, trailing Michigan 7-0, it appeared Michigan State was ready to do the same. A T.J. Duckett rush gave the Spartans 1st-and-goal at the Michigan 2, but the Michigan State offense failed from there. MICHIGAN 14 Two plays later, facing third down, Duckett took an option MICHIGAN ST. 0 pitch from quarterback Ryan Van Dyke. The Wolverines had it sniffed out. Victor Hobson hit Duckett, forcing the ball loose toward the sideline. Before the ball could roll harmlessly out of bounds, Larry Foote slid belly-first to get a hand on it and keep it in play for Eric Wilson to recover. The Michigan offense took advantage with a touch- down of its own, and that was all for the intrastate rivalry game of 2000. Michigan emerged victorious, 14-0, and took yet another step toward its second Pasadena trip of the season. Michigan State has not beaten the Wolverines in consecu- tive seasons since 1966-67. Emotions after the game were beyond the usual contrast. Michigan coach Lloyd Carr championed his defense, which recorded its second consecutive shutout. "In this day and age, to shut out two teams back-to-back says a lot about our players," Carr said, glowing. Across the Crisler Arena parking lot, Williams rued the things that didn't go his team's way. He indirectly referred to two calls from Michigan's game-winning defensive stand. Williams thought Duckett broke the plain of the endzone on first down; he also thought Foote was out of bounds when he saved the fumble for Wilson. Neither play was on his side of the field. See FOOTBALL, Page 2A PETER CORNUE/Daily Michigan linebacker Victor Hobson tackles Michigan State running back T.J. Duckett during Saturday's football game at Michigan Stadium. Cheney tigts S' watches,.ga me By Hanna LoPatin Daily Staff Reporter It is an old and bitter rivalry - two teams fighting for control of the state of Michigan, and one of the teams made their latest punch Satur- day. But unlike the Wolverines' 14-0 victory over the Spartans, this game won't be decided until Nov. 7. In the hours before kickoff Sat- urday, Republican vice-presiden- tial candidate Dick Cheney made his way through tailgate parties and rallies outside the stadium to win respect - and votes - for himself and running mate George W. Bush in what has been called the most important state in this election. Cheney said he was excited to get a chance to watch a football game. "I've been pretty busy campaigning this fall, so I haven't gotten as many ball games in as I like," he said. "And of course the Michigan-Michigan State - See CHENEY, Page 2A RACHEL FEIERMAN/Daily Vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney speaks outside Michigan Stadium before Saturday's footbalgame. GOP regent candidates to skip election forum By Jen Fish Daily Staff Reporter While it may not be as high profile as the other elections around the state, the race for two open seats on the Uni- versity Board of Regents has the potential to define a number of issues including the University's participation in the lawsuits challenging the use of race in undergraduate and Law School admissions. So far in their campaign, Republi- cans Suzy Avery of Grand Rapids and Wendy Anderson of Commerce Town- ship have indicated their opposition to the continuation of the University's defense in the two lawsuits challeng- ing the use of race as factor in admis- sions. The Washington, D.C.-based Center for Individual Rights filed two lawsuits in 1997 against the University's Col- lege of Literature, Science and Arts and the Law School, on behalf of white applicants who claim they were denied admission while less-qualified minorities were accepted. But one issue that has arisen questions whether Avery and Anderson could stop the continua- tion of the lawsuits if they were elected and Republicans gained control of the board. Currently, there is a 5-3 Democratic majority on the board, with current regents Laurence Deitch (D-Bloom- field Hills) and Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) seeking re-election after being elected in 1992. Students and faculty would have had an opportunity to ask the Republi- can candidates their views on affirma- tive action at today's forum sponsored by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Although Republican regent can- didates Suzy Avery of Grand Rapids and Wendy Anderson of Commerce Township had confirmed their pres See REGENTS, Page 7A ELLIE WHITE/Daily School of Education junior JaVon Stokes, LSA sophomore LaDonna Hendricks and LSA junior Dee Chatman perform as part of the Gospel Choral at Lane Hall on Friday. Revampe-d Lane Hall opens with fanfare, celebration Students run in Windy City race n Samantha Ganey r the Daily CHICAGO - More than 33,000 runners from around the world turned Chicago into a race course yesterday and although the Windy City is nearly 250 miles away from Ann Arbor. the University was represented by a handful of dedicated racers. Business School senior Rebecca Blank had be'n training for approximately five months for th Chicago Marathon, r first 26.2-mile race. The city's marathon, which began in 477, is a good choice for novice runners, Blank said. "You don't have to qualify and it's flat" - Blank said she was a little nervous about the run, but was excited that some of her friends took a roid trip to support her LSA seniors Jimmy Penz and Pat (tpples, Art and Design senior Casey Frushour and Business senior Brian I ayden made the trip to Chicago to run thc marathon together. Olympic homecoming By Chrissy Hatcher For the Daily After a series of lectures and presen- tations marking the completion of ren- ovations to Lane Hall throughout the past weeks, the ribbon ceremony took place Friday celebrating the improved classroom space, seminar rooms and labs. The revamped building, home to the Women's Studies Program and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, had been under construction for two years. A formal ribbon cutting ceremony started at noon with University execu- tive officers in attendance, followed by piece, Untitled by Tracy Neal, framed a collage with a pair of torn lacy underwear. The words scattered throughout the collage displayed the message, "No women deserves to be raped, stalked, beaten or humiliat- ed." Another highlight of the celebra- tion was a photography exhibit focusing on women. One photo- graph depicted three pro-choice University students holding signs saying, "Body, life, world, make the choice pro-choice" at a Diag rally in 1989. Sidonie Smith, director of women's studies said the development of the women's studies program and the ren- I ~IsiS:.'~ U.