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October 19, 2000 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily - X kend, etc. Maga

Brad 0v i'n DAILY
Here's an example of a sorority house mom, Draeleen Gabalac of Gamma Phi Beta.
is Question & Answer Interview
Mama's in the house?

By Elizabeth Pensler
Weekend etc, editor

Control Freaks See Thursday. Arena
Theater. Frieze building. 7 pm. Free.
Charles Baxter Local author reads
from The Feast of Love," his latest
work. AADL Loving Branch, 3042
Creek Branch. 7 p.m. Free. 994-2353.
Arthur Miller at Work See Thursday.
Works on Paper Gallery. Museum of
Art. 764-0395.
The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii:
Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse See
Thursday. Museum of Art. Free. 764-
Dancer in the Dark See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 4:40 & 7:30 p.m.
The Four Corners of Nowhere See
Friday. Michigan Theater. 2 p.m. &
Midnight. $5.50.
Thomas and the Magic Railroad
(2000) Re-released in a select group
of theaters as part of the push to get
Mara Wilson her first Oscar nomina-
tion. (She feels kind of ashamed when
compared tolive-in love and Oscar
nominee Haley Joel Osment). Quality
16. 10 & 11 a.m. Free.
Cloud 9 Soul driven hip-hop, with spe-
cial guests Ubiquitous and alt-rock
band Left Undone. Blind Pig, 208 S.
1st St. 10 p.m. $5. 996-8555.
Immunity Detroit grown reggae rock
act. Cavern Club 210 S 1st St. 10 p.m.
$7. 332-9900.
Ruby Falls, Saturday Looks Good,
Control Panel Ruby Falls brings melod-
ic punk, Saturday Looks Good plays
only live show ever, and My name is
Alive's Warn Defever leads Control
Panel. Elbow Room; Ypsilanti. 10:30
p.m. $3. 483-6374.
The Motor City Sheiks Smooth cool
blues band swings hips at the Tap

Room. Tap Room, Ypsilanti. 9:30 p.m.
$3. 482-5320.
Control Freaks See Thursday. Arena
Theater. Frieze building. 7 pm. Free.
The King Stag American Repertory
Theater presents an exotic mix of
Japanese bunraku, Indonesian shadow
puppetry. Balinese temple dancing and
Italian Renaissance commedia dell'arte.
Power Center. 2 & 8 p.m. $18-36. 764-
Arthur Miller at Work See Thursday.
Works on Paper Gallery, Museum of
Art. 764-0395.
The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii:
Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse See
Thursday. Museum of Art. Free. 764-
Dancer in the Dark See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 4:40 & 7:30 p.m.
Madcat Women's International Film
Festival - Interior Worlds (2000)
Lots of films, little cost. Michigan
Theater. 5 p.m. Free.
Rebels with a Cause (2000) No James
Dean, no David Lean. No homemade
cookies for Pookie. Michigan Theater.
8 p.m. $5.50.
Thomas and the Magic Railroad See
Saturday. Quality 16. 10 & 11 a.m.
Patricia Barber Saucy jazz chanteuse
will beguile you. The Firefly Club, 207
S. Ashley. 7 p.m. 665-9090.
Rosalie Sorrels Slick vocalist blends
jazz and country. The Ark, 316 S. Main.
7:30 p.m. $12.50. 761-1818.
Michael Gould & Michael Gould
Japanese bamboo flute player joins per-
cussionist tobperform original tunes
and traditional Japanese music. Britton

The best part of going away to college
is getting away from your parents. Once
students move-in to their residence halls
or apartments they can accomplish this
task by not answering phone calls,
emails, or door knocks. The closest thing
to a mother on this campus is a sorority
house mom. The Michigan Daily wanted
to find out what it is really like to be a
mom to more than 50 girls. The Daily
interviewed Michelle Harney, house
mom of Kappa Kappa Gamma, to find
the scoop on sorority life.
The Michigan Daily: How did you
decide to become a house mom?
Michelle Harney: I answered an
TMD: What did.vou do before you
were a house mom?
MH: I originally worked for restau-
rants and hotels.
TMD: How long have you been a
house mom?
MH: I've been with Kappa Kappa
Gamma since last Jantuary.
TMD: What's the best part of being a
house mom?
MH: Its never boring.
TMD: What's the funniest thing
vou've seen?
MH: Last week there were naked
boys doing push ups in the li\in room.
on the grand piano.
T1MD: What did you do about it'?
MH: I told them to leave. They
laughed and left within the next 3 min-
TMD: Do the uirls ever ask for advice
on stuff like homework or boys?
Mi: I try to avoid doinu homework
because it's been too long since I was in
school. They usually discuss boys with
their peers.r
TMD: What's the biggest complaint
about living in the house'?
MH: I miss having time off. I have to
be here 24/7 and I only get off one week-
end a month.
TMD: Where you surprised by Greek
MH: I didn't have any expectations.
TMD: Do you feel a lot of responsi-
bility for the girls?
MH: At the beginning I feel like I

have to be responsible for everything,
but by the end I realize that the girls can
take care of themselves.
TMD: Do you think you see every-
thing bad that goes on?
MH: I probably see about half of
everything bad they do.
TMD: On a scale of I to 10 how bad
do you think your girls are?
MH: 7.5
TMD: Did the noise the girls made
during rush (ie. screaming and pounding
on the doors and windows) bother you'?
MH: You can't ask an old person that
question. If it annoyed you then it really
bothered me.
TMD: Would you tell people to let
their children rush'?
MH: I would see no reason not to.
Sororities and fraternities are not for
everyone, but it's a good experience.
TMD: Are you going to be sad when
the seniors graduate'?
MH: I haven't been there yet, but I am
sure I am definitely going to get upset in
April .
Unlike sororities, fraternities
don't have a house mom. The
Daily investigated thier idea of a
perfect house mom.
Alpha Sigma Phi
June Cleaver
-Jeff fuxe;; xwn iol
Florence Henderson
-Alike Tindle, senior-
Delta Sigma Phi
Wendy Whoppers
-ilMichael Orel/,
Hillary Clinton
-Michael Kagan,.
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Jenna Jarnesson
-Matt Cohen, sophomore
Ma ie Seaver
-JeV Iden, sophomore
Beta Theta Pi
Gena Lee Nolen
-Scott Mascianica, junior
Chi Phi
Alyssa Milano
-Matt Carpenter; junior

Recital Hall, Moore Building, North
Campus. Free.
The . King Stag See Saturday. Power
Center. 2 & 7 p.m. $18-36. 764-2538.
Professor Lectures University English
and Theater Professor Enoch Brater
discusses the exhibit "Arthur Miller at
Work: Photographs by Inge Morath."
University Museum of Art. 3 p.m.
Free. 764-0395.
Arthur Miller at Work See Thursday.
Works on Paper Gallery, Museum of
Art. 764-0395.
The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii:
Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse See
Thursday. Museum of Art. Free. 764-
Dancer in the Dark See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 7:15 p.m. $5.50.
Rebels with a Cause See Sunday.
Michigan Theater. 7 & 9:15 p.m.
John Hiatt Grassroots rock from a
powerful vocalist and fastkfingered
guitarist. The Ark, 316 S. Main. 8
p.m. $25-$30. 761-1818.
Acoustic Open Mic Bring an acoustic
guitar and step under the bright light
to playaa tune or three.tTapRoom,
Ypsilanti 9:30 p.m. Free. 482-5320.
Arthur Miller at Work See Thursday.
Works on Paper Gallery, Museum of
Art. 764-0395.
The Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii:
Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse See
Thursday. Museum of Art. Free. 764-
Dancer in the Dark See Thursday.
Michigan Theater. 7:15 p.m. $5.50
Radio Days (1987) Woody Allen's film
was released the same year as the
Tigers' last division title. Kind of a
bummer. Michigan Theater. 7 p.m.
You're a Big Boy Now (1966) Francis
Ford Coppola, so I'm going to give it
to you straight. Lately your films have
been downright awful, and that editing
job you did on "Supernova" didn't
quite save the picture. Your daughter
directs better movies than you. Her
husband directs better movies than
you. Your nephew's onscreen alter-ego
directs better than you, and he only
does plays. His little one-act on
Watergate was 10 times better than
whichever Grisham book you adapted.
Go into a hole and don't come out
until you can give us the FFC of old
(read "Easy Rider, Raging Bull" if
needed to jog your memory) and start
directing good movies. Michigan
Theater. 4:10 p.m. $5.50.

Patricia Barber performs this Sun
Rebels with a Cause See Sunday.
Michigan Theater. 9 p.m. $5.50.
Facing East, Ed Sarath's Timesc
Indian music improv from Facing
Kerrytown Concert House, 415N
Ave. 8 p.m. $10 ($5 w/student
University Chamber Choir Theod
Morrison conducts in a program
turing contemporary works by Sa
Sheng and Petersson. Hill Auditc
8 p.m. Free,
WCBN Presents: Damien Jurado,
Doiron, Flashpapr Indie rock on
parade. Hosted by WCBN. Blind
208 S. 1st St. 10 p.m. Free. 996
Some Natural History-Chris Doy
See Thursday. Media Union. 12-6
Free. 764-0395.
Suzanne Clores Author reads froi
"Memoirs of a Spiritual Outsider.
Borders Books & Music. 7 p.m. F
Arthur Miller at Work See Thursda
Works on Paper Gallery, Museum
Art. 764-0395.
The Villa of the Mysteries in Pom
Ancient Ritual, Modern Muse Se
Thursday. Museum of Art. Free.

"*ourtesy 01Wait'isney " ictures
Will Patton and Denzel Washington star as high school football coaches in
"Remember the Titans."


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