12A The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 19, 2000
Continued from Page 8A
is life, many players choose to stay
home for college. But Michigan fresh-
man April Fronzoni, who narrowed it
down to Michigan and Penn State, is
ready to prove that packing her bags
was the right move.
"It means a great deal to me to be
able to walk on the field wearing the
block 'M,"' the Larksville, Pa., native
"It's going to be the biggest rush for
me to play in front of my family and
friends who- usually went to my high
school games."
With each team playing only one
more conference game after Friday's
contest, the matchup will be crucial
toward determining the seedings when
Michigan hosts the Big Ten
Tournament Nov. 3-5.
'1I hope we show Penn State, as well
as the rest of the teams in the Big Ten,
who deserves to be on top," said Krista
Meckley, a product of Hanover, Pa.
Penn State is coming into the game
with an Il-game win streak, while
Michigan will try to put two road loss-
es against top-five teams last weekend
out of its mind. But Michigan did boast
a 12-game winning streak before los-
ing to ACC foes North Carolina and
Wake Forest.
"Nothing would feel better than to
beat them on their field in front of all
their fans," Ephrata, Pa. native Ali
Balmer said.
"This is an extremely important
game for us and I think that last week-
end's experience against North
Carolina will only make us come more
prepared and ready for them."
'M' honors program's legends.
By Nathan Linsley
Daily Sports Writer
It definitely will not be business as
usual for the Michigan women's
swimming team this weekend.
Past All-Americans from the high-
ly successful program will converge
on Canham Natatorium this Saturday
for the first-ever women's alumni
swim meet. Wolverines from the
years 1985 to 1995 will return for the
meet, which is meant to be fun for
both the returning swimmers and the
The non-scoring meet should pro-
vide the youngsters with an exciting
introduction to collegiate swimming
while providing a low-pressure
atmosphere. Michigan coach Jim
Richardson expects good things from
his team this year, even with a very
"We've got nine freshmen, so the
freshmen will have some fun,"
Richardson said. "We'll see lots of
laughing, but hopefully also some
good swimming."
Highlighting the freshman class is
Olympic gold medalist Samantha
Arsenault, who swam the opening leg
of the 800-meter freestyle relay in
Also leading the team will be
seven-time All-American Jennifer
Crisman in the backstroke, butterfly,
and freestyle, and senior Melissa
Sugar, an All-American in the
Richardson predicts the
Wolverines will be especially strong
in the backstroke and in distance
events and that they will rely on their
wealth of solid swimmers to con-
"We're definitely deeper than we
were last year," Richardson said.
The meet, which starts at I 1 a.m.,
will include half-distance events,
mostly to make the meet more com-
petitive for the alumni, who have not
gone through the rigorous preseason
training that the varsity swimmers
Richardson will be looking for hi
squad to establish a level of compet
tiveness and a winning attitude in the
early meets. but expects the team to
be better than last season when
Michigan went 8-4 overall and were'
runners-up to Minnesota in the Big
en championships.
But, the focus is on having fun this
weekend. The team is verv excited
about the meet, which will be a defi-
nite change of pace from the inter-
scholastic meets the Wolverines wil
encounter after they open their se
son a week from tomorrow.
"It'll be fun. Of course thev're
excited - they're swimming half dis-
tances," Richardson joked.
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Pennsylvania native April Fronzoni is
ready to return home and flex her
muscles against Big Ten foe Penn State.
Blue up against clock
in weekend regatta
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By Naweed Sikora .
Daily Sports Wnter
This weekend the Michigan rowing
team will travel to Boston to compete in
the 36th annual Head of the Charles
Regatta. The Head of the Charles -- the
world's largest two-day rowing event
"' Ill featture more than x,40(0 athletes
FroI arouniid the sworld comIpetine in 20
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N\Ifl,1 : >\ill enter an Cig ht-)IersO i
boat znid a four-persoin boat in the evetit.
which is the \'ols eliles~ third meet of
the tall camnpalgn C oach Mark
Rothstein said this competition vvill help
the team prepare for the spring season.
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Rothstein said. "We are using this event
to prepare for the spring. Almost all of
the top collegiate teams will be there."
The 3-mile course begins at the
Boston University Boathouse and ends
at Herter Park on Soldier's Field Road.
The teams - released 15 seconds apart
from one another at the start- are
tiiiied as they trav el down tile rier. T-
boats are not requi red to race acainst0
"It's alwvas diffcrent when voure rae-
inu auainst time than hen von're xracinl.T,
ataihst a boat." -Ord said. "Still, it forc
yon to 'I'\e CSCrV\thi1 sll U \on has e. 1he
boats are released 1I3 seconds apart. and
we have to work to stay ahead of the boa
behind us.
The lineups for Michigan ' teams
have been set for the Head of t *
Charles.. But, establishing a regulart line
up is not a major concern for Rothstein
right now.
"At this point in the season, I am not
focused on selecting a regular lineup,"
Rothstein said. "We are concentrating on
developing the team as a whole so we
can be competitive in the spring season.
That is what is important right now."
The competition begins early
Saturday morning, but Michigan's tean
will compete on Sunday afternoon. Ev
though it is early in the season, the
coaching staff still has certain expecta-
tions for the Wolverines this weekend.
"It is difficult to know right now
where other schools are in terms of
preparation," Ford said. "I just want
our team to go in and have the best'
performance they can at this point in
the season."
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