6- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 S I I c,/paIis ScotI1 )7.;-1)S 2 I' RKIN(; I m local coitpon. 'Sx ealIer'. xxool ctiL's. andI I alloxxeeon ( itiiner. Relro> '1 reads. 21I*-)5. State. third [ill, : FISH1 I)octOrs AquaimShim riooiii. ! . r~i hlt i~i hai ouncciil eI loi \ttuii lslitank". AVAIL. .ASAP inlinle nteeded n ... btlii ;illUrk l{tk: dr\. AC 7 i iiicii x\ hoki on iwrcii ca~ u lrG; itc I. t it I I lo ii t ct it 5 & 6 Bedroom Houses For 2001 663-5609 AVAIL..JAN. 2001,I 1 uxx cable & phone. arii i.'availI5'-creat people. I c, 1 t house. S l~in. t.I)n r\ t ifnich ()1, 01, ( AVAIL. . XlX: 7 hdrnn howise. 200x;il, Ivo x la e ".1woll Iiiii sut!. xs ii 3 bac! dix dcrk. pike >4-MCall 7 i t196 BABY SITT ING fr t n xt Iolt leaI , motrn..665- I I S Siihi plus addl hi s BEAl _"hI'IIl .I,XI44(A, lCapus [fixeSC tirnishctl. livill",romning iierootn), kiichii. oil* strcet parking, cable and phone in each bedrooi. 12 month eases, some May 201 and some Sep. 2001, h663-1I 370(or nancvlai~ninich.edu (e-mail preteimed). C'ENTRAL. CAMPUS 8HI)RN. 11SF'. Works xx l xxwith 2 groups ol -1[ lll aihs. Idri prkg. avail. Avail. in sprine 54200. Close to MeIdical Center. 734-475-'27"1 GREA ', BD)RNJ. 11SE?. nar h-school. (,)itt'i cwhborhood. pikg. Idrv, 3 baths. 1ccsinax. o vil. spi inc. 's'0). 7 -" -57>-)577 II()1'SF Sl.IPAR'E'IiN I' 11O1USE'S foi eiii siosil v larger units. Great lOafoait. Pk.IdiA. furnnished. Good shape. Avo'i lahle NN/ct 00x DSp~K)IIetail,call 668-Ill18. LOOKING FOR a place to liv'e'' xxxxxxloisiliie I () I et... tiolur mlove oil caiiius' NOW I[LASING Fall 20011 luitit i ix It hou ebl l ?,u rtrit .( ailpis Rentals I 13 S5 L.nix esitx at \\aslhli noxx_ CA.\RS l"R( )M $504) POliCe i iniptiii ids. [ Over 18 different locations ~s. Call 734-761-=8000 ethierinei, xxashcr/dlr er-. May toXl , Icase. 734-02 3_ RE"N"I. 0 1 D)NI. 11 U'. Carpt. t krm \ prk I iphie Spi 111)1 lease. SW, Ii ; 1r I)\ I is: 00C pe. hrx .. pr, 1 xx 1 -'001 Kohs pI,: peCrtCs t'i1ic ''n ttici \lon t~ttlitip N70 x'iii 2 I IIRNI. API': reimiodlle iin, walk toa ti ()tijd Irki,. heat iincl. "4611. 97 (i{ tituitix lii rktchcii. ,Irhisixlrl'j xi x ichtxxsWAiexx ~uli I h'li. iA21 prk r f"1 P mkk.ii 2)' i 5 I)Iiil I [ir iti iii cicil WInci ' beint non62 K I1ilUS or slmritcis $90.40/1M. SOUT t''Il Ini si xPai-tin.' 'Ni(; I hl i lcians' llimne Spclst is a cadci iiNltlidcal lilliieand xxtu.'ar'.'lookmin fill Dat I FmraI;il pe rstonel itoxi ik i outi canliipitl tee iabRot e Mel iitnal s. 11 Non can ,cnratl.Ivipe 75+ m pnm and ar It.''IO 't. tCi\ isiiiic to "3.677103 ofo e.Inial iiiite to I:serx is(Q'piipscoin U,'E\I'WIVE ~';RI;SIDEN('- Wait slt 11itltl ii'l atlx tt xx tk Fllil adio iiiei r clini lie ood. xtill pay the ihi Ltindlidaic up to 'St/hr fBraklat. lnch and dIII IIel slimls ;iail. Calll 763'- III, ask lor runiie of'i lmmictlr I I a fiii.or leaeinc s. XNIXI X. (';RI:'[AI(FR POISIINS ttltcllIltnll ly 'x Srios apicans rlnt li. I I d1:Sctemmex ci at 764 Si3 Uto AUI F1 ORIF AM SIPERVISOR Rails wf'II iudil anine. bnelts ax aililx. Must he I S '-xm it acess to relible raii. and phon'i I iiiiiicteopcmmins7+.1t7I IS ('AK Dh I)( (c RA Ew~aR 1'!. lc.hour. ice ciecaii051p p'of.Apply in p'sni. lBaskin Robin", I 052 W Sadiumn or call Q9'.53I31. ('I, IRK A - student needed [ttr atsis Ph i s icc;ch xli seciciX x! ttlice dutie. .bot l0 his;n :x kx,l ('olact Allimm F 1riedit 7". t'1)II I RS IhS165N ,4 Al 1'I I+11S.X [ESan PERSON C11cl 00it-tJ5 I rcall 76-1605 i.JI-I'4. DEIVE H 'RY I)RI ERS. Pm,a I lose Is itI'xx tinn htFlil,' dives fit dta,. liiitn.is ;IdIla t niclt. akeclat uonex - ash a\pply asI w~a h ouse. 61is(Church St. Or call Ed bectxcci It & hit. 415-)ti.~ FA RM I'M A '+$ i t spot i me igh ischool suidetlcii It'l..pototl to Ntttlri i;Lnce I ill iU ' i{ilii pro I f C I x '.'i ii ii V"(I N ' 141 [\11'. SMOKERS. acs Ix 45 xxllo I.tx , '1t ipeikx'dtl xits ttt satli.essat -4 '01 lltt ctr'616 F R-\'i FRN I'I'ES. S( )( R ' F iiS. ('Ft HS 'lIDEN'l'GROI 's l.ut i ' a11t ts.)li this luI*Wt IIxxItlite acix uiml.;sii us xx i mi 5ilt.It.'.lhou''r i ';us' ( 'It h) 4 t Ii tl'lstit l;il tri l 'i 'R!. Allirmatie 'Actin RE~SIDE)I*:NI fRECIP'R VANTr F) Nbl piitxitel 2nd '.'istxr. Grad. stdu'l pCilixI CallI ill) 5611 '5;tti infirrnialioml R( )X1'1 S1SCH'1OOLS 21ST'('mitutrx P- Ittiaiiiisiir tcreexximieoti atx'i-s'.ollt iedlliiit2 utos."Wa/hirNlum the aal Nlh 2.301 ' lupii C all I )aniia Stmttiic 74722_-I i'Siext271o stmow2(0,iowIiiNl.k 12imim is SC'OREKEEPERS is iiomxhnimic P~-ailtme shor tii('cr cooks Ntoxexperxiecicccssat X SEMNINAXR ASSSAS-I' \'ISxniiigs. "tsli PIl;(1 PICOCcl li I Im tx iiii i k mci imibimisemiemit prciii. great xxakimig. x'ii m'nmemit. Wei'eloikincliotnthe x em's best. IIx)illhavxe a real commilltim to high slanamxrts. lt's talk. Apply it person daily alter Itoaim. 322 S. MainiiEniter tu hack '1'11: IE -t'MNIANA('ORS I)ixistion at The I' iiixxsitx iot Michiganim at spio'ttiom Rx'sx',ii'. 1 Iitmt nc xcm'iimNt c s xto pltiilltxofii aumiuimhci tl isxach ud silti St uiics ;are i ltx't tt-,ditxem x ison ami d rctmix pxh'iltuiaiiCc. Studies arc'rinndolingimtlthe dax anid mii C 'tpx'msatmtlmInS 201 hlitum amd miost studieIx' asti n timotxlkithtuirs 11\io aix' imiirestetl Inipani nittIpa in iia Nsli id\ t'm on xxuiuld Il Wietaxieit ox' mnhtmiomri. leas omlitcMm)axLx-ntNclltml a 76K1031 1or Hraiithtn Schoetile0at615.6,,, IUNIXVERSITY'OF01 XII iIG.XN HUSIsies Schootl'Sinack Bam N in" xxhimimicloti lic ali hl-p ('tImcrt'i'x'p "x!mtrumi Ilh' Siack Haii is otpen 7 d.ays a xxeekNMain hturs ax amlale Wildl wxoik arondl class schedule. St;mm'tmii ayis 55t.5 I/hi. Please alA)min pe'mt'iin Ile student lounge WxlichIiis locatd at 94 Mlonrose or contact Gayle Flowers at 936- 3161) be lote 4 P. iMonday t hiomugh Friday. oir cleumm clllcs('uuichdu L( E. XVITE,,l~RS, WA IRESS ES, Baiutendes. ( 'otaks. and Mlamagcms Wated for local m'cstauumaiNt Fax mes te to 734) 629-045 or two to st wa~c.nclwxitstal'1'cmmm XXHIA ':)IFJOBS toi SK-1I hr + Federal Bli''tis. Park Ranigers. Sec urity,. amid miinimice. No expeience lot-msomie Fom mliii c'ol 1-800-i.461I-4'.)7 x M12I.'I am-Opim. I i. al ntLl iini'm il XX'0RK Si ')Y lftr tc'Ixplttmc mntx'rx c~Imx n W1xork ~)1111\ sliudx'lt sii'''tlct',I 1tt t.'cphltmi pail i'liallIts ii n1 Ix tmi l xl .l l i'.'tll h l"x\Cs' amid \,x ~koudsS S 'Si) 0t) i iC all I .mIlian rir 961-4)445 btxx. 1:ii:itiui >7 I:0P child care Xl'I I '.RS( II( )()L. (CARL': - aitdr I,11 KINI). (':\RIN(;, RIl;,II:,listiIt icor Oti'imiamit 1amiC2"r. Il'l i n ttm 4t 'lntoil il ,ux'N sm\-iikc -. d mi li) 'l - x.'ekA x \S, Ilis"'xx k Please (I' 7-594S-.377 Rh sl'oNSIHILE, : BXYSI I ER li;xx th (lx i httuix' Nlttm /s Fmm1 1 :30) ami -7:00(1pimt - --- tickets & travel Sl'RIN(, BREA K SPEC!IALXS! Caiic1nn X (4 1,1til 4. tie'lnla Hld\aCC ~i k spI )I I.ktW ixel\\xt'iii I'Slli al li 41 ISPRING BREAXK \acaiitiiis licit Prices ''iiniiieel 4. u1Un.m..lluaicai. Iah~ias /'N Ilil:t Biltti (:icuiianmd k Icmel l il. 1'.,111)cash . 1- CCo' 'NttxxhIluleCMIIitpl Is i'p, Iooit 14.7 c1;0 x 'rid 111iiiiriclottCimoi HUI NG; MIC(IGA; N XND) IISI 1-80)0-428-.3020 I11l 1. 11k111 SI HI S ix\ x i services X P X l"'X I FNlS lF(OR RENT1- 4.rx'.i NslcIlotitiofitcifI, 2. 1. & - ht iliii iaitiii'.'lts. I ill uimsiie3. EPikhiiV). llii'.hix All iit XRlF NOV -L.OOKING Ifir 21'(11)Ittou"iii us ,ti;I hjI~i'.' xV.' tit11 XX All, 'NON : kI<'i it xx Iuixllaic. L11iu''. XXXI.2001: ( icma it:..ix'iitiilt. irk!. ts. x'Ic. ') tiiil: Illt7IPi trotc. soil ' hIl iii. .4011 Paikam'.l. ',-4000l: 7 btii i (11Ii'S_ + i17_ bhlriii. 1016 S.ltt}xest. 5111011. 4 hlIrin 851 _' llPtk irI. '2'1 il994-.0)tC tIXI.!. 200r 1trII~c '. I In~rI.'11 011 kli'i ii I'.:XRI ,NSPE~CIAL S! Spriulk=Btivak 8;111:1111i.s Ialix ( itist' 'S I);mis.8Q 71)t 11ltdctI.' l'a.'.i.I'al-ic IIic-caXx 'c'ueB 'xles @ (loitt i'.'''lLiChu';kti;\eCl.ttsi I iltl 0675-6'1.16 HI 'N/SE~L. all NISt'v.xst' of1N1I*football 1t't ket1,s :am ? 17-:;;1- I1992(or. xx xxx' :iii'.'stli.tikctniai.ctii All Major' GO ) 1)1 R(A*=Sax mics #1 I itermx't hasx'd iu :':ti i ' Iiil)it) xlit I 'sil'.' Spi)l e ak'14 xxxi st'1tii'It''iktllii'xt x iti Baha mas Party Cruise $279 5Days * Most Meals "Fe aris"includesTae amalca $439 Nihs"Air & Hotel - Save $150 on Food & Drinks Cancun $399 7 Nights "Air & Hotel - Free Food & 30 Hours of Drinks springbreaktlravel.com - Our 14th Yeaw! 1-800-678-6386 SPTING HBREAK (20()1 \. .istliI'ti ('aixiii. Sami .Itiaiii (et a gitrump. ti'ut "'till oett e". Ctt(all F~mcsat ec'Ciiex ,i .11 iiu. ' t'1'x''rxl ieix'C s,11i ' tNmmils im S triavexl tfrec' No cost.- \IlIl a ) Work onl '-otm' own timei SPRI N(; BREAK! Catimnini. Maiat lamB lhila iui. .l;imi;icai& Hinida, Call Stiihrea1" amid1 ',ioinic Lh ('all IH-N-4464.1i--"or- t'-Hiii I "sa ('stmnreaks.co' SP~RING Hikl:AK!I eumxWl ixi oe. Rehnle Al.Xii -il Ftod. I )tIiitks and11 Paitiet' Cattc.& taiitui... liiiiiast. lN li lt /'i FlorI.,a. I '.i el Free atid Earn ('ash! Do it on d iv X1'hb! Go lio Stuldelilcit.conm or 800l-9;3- 144.1 lt-irmtlb FAXIT 2MH1:'IRED) 01" lWxin;' ,an; apxt iixyou liiMClI it kii ioii'.'sN OtiLcthelx lixautiL tm 'Ii you!i W hykni t xx' Xx i ixn li lum w~~lxiix i iti I i'sPr ti' imx ''uWt, 'it\ 'tu-i I l lis x I i' xiiut. jos It ni; t wi' I u ti j ik ti nm~ ) -! .tlt { lI r r p .'.tti()ii. ' I 1 i;t x'h . I ' "i i m L ot~ (nti'.IlIti CIi ll o t 11i-- loi c I T ;~t>x 1-x0. Nx1p,1 ctsd. j (1 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1=dited by Joyce Nichols Lewis ( 'uilegu( IIIiili ~A .'filli'' ('I. I'IN ING ; . ltIoiii lxaitomie sx'r ix'.' xxil IIC il'1) X11)11 t'et X tit l iii '. 5'..'xli't*I ' dep(IIt tack Cadll ulseimtoiil (lorisnixx li] itionil,l'' x''xklx mniitiill ratesRkelp, anmd xxt'-i isr '0 ill enarit.'xtI 22-52258 ut ourIde as aa O Cloass zfed@michandaily.com ( lcanine and Latunidr'yshirts. Freec sutiimux iO'i t 71.i I. ntstlit Dill.6(021906, 'THIESIS I1)11 IN46. All dh'isdilimisamid toti . ,ui "1 vt. I-N x'\hlou'emce. i 1/990-000" or lt1 ii I 'bj1/sc~~t ACROSS 1 Bistro 5 Beliefs 11 Counterterrorist weapon 14 Organic compound 15 Merging locale 16 Crossword clue, perhaps 17 Levelheaded 19 Having one sharp 20 Bookplate 21 "The Day the Earth Stood Still" star 23 Collars 24 Deal of fortune? 25 Piece of work 27 Store for some helmet wearers 30 Sign of summer 31 "Doonesbury" Reverend 33 It's full of holes 34 Tribulations 36 Great 38 Drought ender 39 Greek sorceress 41 General drift 43 Stopping point 44 Type of ballot 46 Baseball manager Joe 48 Sommelier's suggestions 49 "Uh-uh" 50n Moon featurme 5 Avon rep's target? 6 '- the loneliest number" 7 Mardi - 8 Fold, spindle or mutilate 9 Metroliner operator 10 Realms 11 Undecided 12 New Mexico native 13 "Splendor in the Grass" screenwriter 18 Aids on the slopes 22 Polite refusal 24 Shade 25 Big shot 26 Stands up to scrutiny 27 Vermont granite city 28 Sheepish? 29 Sean of "The Game" 30 Bean town? 32 "Rich Girl" singers Hall & - 35 "Now you- 37 Buried 40 Mouseketeer notable 42 Grumpy coworker? 45 Scream cause 47 Called the game 49 "Cape Fear" actor 50 Food Network VIP 51 "My Life, My Music" autobiographer Shankar 52 Lukas of "Witness" 53 Tear apart 54 March slogan starter 55 Hard to handle 58 Nev. neighbor ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE. S C A M Z E T A S E A S E L O B O E X I L -E AiX E L O C H S S I T O N R E A M T O O H O T T O H O ClT H A R E M A ..R H ,W A Y S S S A G A R A T T I R E O N E M A N C) 6-E S S E N I L E F E L I WE-! S W IA S P S T R O.C N T U 1 T S 0'-L E P A R TIE A R O O M A H 0 M A P U P I L SS'L I P U P J U D O H A L T I- D E L E G O S A M M A t, E Y E D T H E E T I E R S S F. M TS 10/19/00 SOIiONIORE;S! /it'.ti~/lt rtio /)rlr to si nmiian Adv ertisingi. Placmmemt (Coordinto~ur I his is a haltttite ( Si()lir, /Ax k . .allunix'd 1'usiliui lxiir'taut iii'..' x ilslau ;u1 .riitscitt r ''ilt ~rr ii.x P izx'iRx''piur'd xwiik tillix' 11 xttit xailt lt xciiit tixtl in tihe cullegx' mmxx ,"papix'i biixiiies. ttis isr"a gu'eat emor -le1vel Itt appily. xir tom ilutte Informatdtonii. pliea c tll Nancy Qt' 764-0431 ANNRBO R'S HIG(;FS'tIPOR'l'SBAR Ill 1ii0xxhimiiwc xooks. xx ;mtstalI. anrti t~intimmi tor tall tx'r'ml llrx-xxorkumtc puntuial applicanmt"shslouldxly 11 t' SCt Ii 'k.epx', nr 'tid a roItmi $~ 100'S Xk FEKI 'i! I Sitlil t i xx'it tI'n2 ch Ii hoilinsx'sF /I. PI'l. Iak'.'!,,800+l Stumped? Call 1-900-933-5155. 99 cents a minute 1 2 34 5 6 78 9 107, 11 12 13 14 15 1 17 18 5 i i m m