T' I_ - A A : - [_ : _. -- t'"1 - : t .. T !_ - .. - ._I - ^ - f. - I- - . _ A n /'1 n n n n " RESEARCH SEN Doctors often unaware of their 0 patients catheters In a new study published in the Oct. 15 issue of the American Journal of Medicine, researchers found that doc- tors are often unaware that their patients have urinary catheters. The study, led by University assis- tant internal medicine Prof. Sanjay Saint, examined 256 doctors working on general medicine floors at four dif- ferent hospitals. The doctors, which ranged from medical students to attending physi- cians, were given a questionnaire prior to performing morning rounds that cave them a list of patients and asked 'whether they had a catheter the previ- ous day and the reason for having the catheter The researchers then checked the pool of 469 patients to see whether .they had a catheter the previous day and if the doctor was correct. About 25 percent, or 11 7 of the 469 patients. "ad catheters. Doctors were unaware of the catheter status in 28 percent of the patients, and catheters vere_ found -'-Fo be unneeded in 3 1 percent of the _ ,~patients. They also found that the more senior the doctor, the less likelv they ' ere to be aware that the patient \was ' "Wising a catheter. The University Health System is now looking into creaing a policy w here catheters are automatically taken out after 48 hours unless there is a medical reason to keep the device Mass extinction ,ecret uncovered Researchers at the University and Syracuse university hae discovered that the mass extinction that occurred 41ui1inet the Locene. Oligocene bound- ary time period was caused by colder mWinters along the G ilf Coast. , The findinus are based on the analysis of the chemical composition of fossilized otoliths a group of fish that survived the extinction. They mwere able to determine temperatures dropped 4 degrees Celsius in the win- >he study. led by University c- ':logical sciences Prof. Kgcr 'Lohmann, Syracuse University assistant earth sciences Prof. William Patterson and S'.racusC Ciniversity \1isitiun assistant earth sciences Prof. Linda Ivany, is pub- lished in today's issue of the jour- 'nal Nature. * Study finds that THC in marijuana may be addictive According to a federal study pub- lished in the No' ember issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience, marijua- "fa may be addictive. The study, led by Steven Gold- berg of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, found that squirrel E lonkeys repeatedly dosed then- a.l\ves w ith TIHC. the actixe inuredi- "{t im mlanjuala. Four monkeys w.eie uiven an intravenous device that delivered THC when the monkey pushed a lever. The monkeys pushed the lever up to 30 times each hourlong daily session to get the TIIC, but only one to four times when they received * ater instead of TI I. Lach push of the lever delivered a osc of THC similar ini proportion to a human taking a puff from a marijua- na cigarette. The monkeys pushed the lever about as often as other monkeys did in a similar situation with cocaine, .utt that does not necessarily mean marijuana is as addictive as cocaine to people. The NIDA says marijuana causes R$011mipulsive and often uncontrollable cravings and used despite health and social consequences and therefore is addictive. -Curnpileyl hi Dcibi' .StaffRe'pOrter Lindsey Alpert. LOCAL/S TATErThe Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 3 WISE celebrates anniversary with lecture A By Krista Gullo D~ak, Stafl Reportcr The Women in Discovery Sympo- sium celebrated famous female scientist Marie Curie in a daylong event featur- ing a panel discussion and lectures given by distingtuished women scientists and authors. The lectures focused on historical and contemporary issues encountered by women in science. "It was a great opportunity to talk about these issues and decide what we can do next to help women enter the field and be successful" said Cinda Davis, director of Women in Science and Engineering. The symposium is one in a series of events this month, inCluding lec- tures and educational activities, cele- brating Women's History Month. The symposium also marked t he 20th anniversarv celebration of WISE. The special events are concurrent with an exhibit, lThe Legacy of Marie Curie: 100 Years of Scientific Innova- tion," featuring Nobel-laureate Marie Curie and other prominent women in nuclear sciences. Organizers expect more than 2,000 middle and high school students to visit during the month. Since much of Women's history Month focuses on the celebration of Marie Curie, the symposium recog- nized women making current contribu- tions to science. "We wanted to have a day where the accomplishments of other women were celebrated" said Maiy Brake, a coordinator of the symposium and associate professor in nuclear engi- neering and radiological sciences. Lecture topics included Lise Meitner and the discovery of nuclear fission, the women of the Manhattan Project, the apparent glass ceiling for women in sci- ence and the thrill of discoverv. "Role Models are so important - and these women are certainly great role models" said Susan Burke, direc- tor of the Women in Engineering Office. Nicole Horst, a senior at the Flint- based General Motors lnstitute, said she found it interesting that not many women participate in electrical engi- neering and physics. Horst said that the lack of support and mentors for women in science perpetuates the lack of women in science. "Science and engineering does need diversity inCluding minorities and women" Davis said. The Marie Curie exhibit will be at the University's Media Union Gallery until Nov. 3, and is open Monday through Wednesday, noon to 5 p.m.; Thursday and Friday noon p.m. to 8 p.m.; and weekends 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. All events are free to the public. Additional information is available at the Curie Celebration Website at wivv w .jr iinich. edtu ./'- cialrnti curic. Scientist and Executive Officer of the American Physical Society Judy Franz following her speech on women in science at the Michigan League yesterday. Bush's wife, mother rally to gather support fom women BUSH Continued from Page1:A field event yesterday evening. "I feel a little funny talking about women's issues," Barbara said. "I think we care about the exact same thing that men do." Saying she didn't want to talk about other elections for fear of makitn a mistake, Barbara instead focused on the role of womeni in the upcoming electi on. "Women are the imost powerfll political group in the country,'' she said. .oking that having twin teenace daughters -SWould prepare her son for any type of negotiations, Barbara pointed to "the strong, wise women with whom the governor surrounds himself. Rice, George W. Bush's chief for-- cign policy advisor and a Stanford professor, spoke about education. "Educatiou is the ladder up," Rice said. "Did vott hear the passion in his yoicc(at lucsdav\ debate) when he spoke about education?" Rice kept in check with the female theiiie sayin in her introduction, "I am so happy to be here with distimn- -uished women on this stage,' and adding as an afterthought " - and you, too, (ov. Fueler' Bush's vife Laura spoke about edu- cation as a moral tiiold. "Fami ly life seems to grow more challengmiti every year," she said. 'The lessons of the home iust be reinforced by the standards of the school.., To critics who have claimed Bush doesn't speak enough with teachers, Lau-a, who once worked as a public school teacher and librarian retorted, "George spends every night with a teacher. Although the xwomen did speak on the issue of education. the speeches ultimately came back to promotion of Gcorce W. Bush for PI-esideiit. .Ale will be an outstanding presi- dent' Barbara said. In a brief speech Lynne Cleney, the wvife of vice-presidential candidate and former secretary of defense Dick Cheney gave praise for Bush's leade- ship abilities. "Women- - and men - are sick and tired of the finger pointing, the blame casting that goes on in Wash- ington ," she said, adding that Bush can cross party lines to bring people tocether. Cheney also championed her hus- band 's runting mate oi his f'ight for local control. '"The citizens of Michi- gan know what the kids of Michigzui need:'she said. Royal Oak resident Bonnie Behirens said she was pleased with what the womiien had to say. "We need somebody who's going to stand behind the women.'she said. The event ended with an interestine outlook for the future. "The President of the United States is more than a man," Lati-a said, or a woman as I hope the case wi I sotmetime be." ABBY ROSE NBAW a'Ly Filipino students participate in the Filipino American Students Association celebration on the Diag yesterday. ! !* ilipino students celebratehitr -month on Di~ag WWWMICHIGANDAILY.COM The University of Michigan museum of art By Karen Schwartz Delicately balancing a candle on her head and one in each hand, N ursinr ifreshman Charlene Bugais focused on her dancin as she and others shared a piece of their heritace with the crowd assembled on the Dia«. The dance was just one of the many exhibitions held on the Diag yesterday as part of a Fil- ipino American Student Associa- tion celebration of history, culture and heritage. Aimed at increasing the visibility and understanding of Filipino culture, the event also featured speakers and ethnic foods. "October is Filipino American history month, and we figured what better month to bring people tocether," FASA President Ruben Lazaro said. Yesterday also marked the 413th anniversary of the first written records about Filipinos lanudinug on the shores of' what is now California, said FASA Vice President Jose Eivangielista. At the event, FASA also dis- played a pictorial history of Fil- ipinos in America. Rodolfo Altamirano, a FASA group mentor and director of the Ihtternational Center, said he. hoped the event would redirect co nuitii unisconceptionus. *'\Ve've been seetn as second- class citizens, and we have to show our different role in the 21st Century," Altaiirano said. Office of New Student Pro- crams Assistant Director Connie Rose Tingson, who serves as one of the group's mentors, said she was impressed xith the students' efforts. "We (as mentors) are just here supporting the students. They've really taken ownership of this. It's theirs and it turned out great," Tingson said. Lazaro said FASA, which established itself at the University in 1986, aims to teach Filipinos more about themselves and also to educate others on the culture. "You don't have to be filipino to join, although that's the com- mon assumption," Lazaro said. "'he FASA is here for everyone to learn." The group meets on Thurs- days, alternating between events and meetings. Members partici- pate in workshops and social activities, and they plan on attending two Midwest confer- ences to meet others and learn on a larger scale. Students interested in joining the FASA can vis'it rtrw. umich.elu/~/uasa for more information. Arthur THE CALENDAR What's happening in Ann Arbor today EVENTS U "Innovative Comprehension Women in Brazil," Ana Oster- Assessments for Emergent mann will speak, Sponsored by "Classic Sampler" by The Borodin Readers," Alison Paris will pre- Latin American and Caribbean Society, Sponsored by Gifts of sent award-winning research, Studies, 2609 SSWB, 1080 Art, 12:10 p m., University Hospi- Sponsored by the School of Edu- South University, 647-0844 tal Lobby,936-ARTS cation, noon, 1309 SEB, Whit- . ... _. .. . ,.n , A, Au itnrn e;, r ,-.-- , Miller at Work Gallery Talk Sunday, October 22, 3 pm U-M Professor of English and Theater Enoch Brater talks about the exhibition. Brater is the organizer of