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October 19, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-19

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday. October 19, 2000


Continued from Page 1A
Feinoold co-sponsored the McCain-
Feingold Caimpaign' Finance Reform
SBill which would limit the use of soft
jmoney during elections.
WVhile federal law caps the amount
of money candidates can spend, soft
money is unregulated campaign conl-
tributions collected by political par-
Sties. Issue ads in which interest
gioups state their position Without
s pecifically telling voters to support a
Sparticular candidate is considered soft
a. money.
z "The Center- for Responsive Politics
Sstudy confirms that the proliferation
of soft money is driving our campaign
-' finance system completely ouit of con-
Strol$' n~ol said in awritten state-
I: n."tth cylatte1uO

amounts of cash pouring into these
elections from special interests creates
he perception of corruption and fur-
thier erodes the public's trust of gov-
A ban on soft money and the public
financing of congressional campaignis
may be the two most pressing caim-
paign reform issues addressed in the
mnith's leading up to this year's elec-
t ioin.
-'The criticism is that Iederal elec-
tion law allow~s federal parties to use
soft mnoney." Federal Elections Com-
mission spokesman lan Stirnon said.
"There's not necessarily a problem
with having soft money if we knew
who the soft money "was comning
from,UniversitV comn~lLications
studies Prof. Michael Traugott said,
adding that soft money "has different
disclosure reqluiremnts."

"For issue-based spending there atrc
no disclosure requirements," he said.
A critical problem with soft money
spending has fallen under the issue
ads that support a certain position.
Since McCain lost the GOP nomi-
nation, the call for campaign finance
reform has quieted. But the Arizona
senator has left his mark on the elec-
ion trail and the term campaign
finance reform has been ingrained in
the minds of Americans.
Several court cases that have tried
to pinpoint the use of soft money but
the Supreme Court has not yet made a
ruling about the legality of soft money
uses, Stirton said.
Putbl ic financing of congressional
elections has also entered the spotlight
in this year. While the presidential
election is publicly financed- mean-
in g candidates receive federal match-

ing funds or grants for both the prima-
ry and general elections - congres-
sional elections are not.
Third parties must have support
from at least 5 percent of the popula-
tion to be eligible for federalI grants.
Publicly financing congressional
campaigns would help challengers
mount a campaign against an incum-
bent by offering more money for
resources, Traugot said, adding that it
would be "useful democraticallv.7
Challengers could run a stronger cam-
paign and hold incumbents account-
able for past decisions by giving them
mor-e authority, he said.
Although public financing of con-
gressional campaigns is something
Traugott favors personally, lie said
Congress -is unlikely to approve it
because it would work against the
very people who ai-e passing it.

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Police investigate Islamics in ship attack
AD)EN, Yren Crew mnembers of the USS Cole worked to restore their
damaged warship and searched for the bodies of those still missing yestrday,
even as Americans back home paid tribute at at meorial service to 1 7 sailors
who died in the explosion.
U.S. and Yemeni authorities are investigating the apparent suicide bombing. A
12-year-old Yemeni boy provided a lead in the ivestigation, Yemeni Preidt
Ali Abdullah Salch said Wednesday ii a television interview.
At the tearful service in Norfolk, Va., President Clinton mourned the dead and
sternly warned those who organized the Oct. 12 attack.
"You will not find a safe harbor, for we will find you and justice will prevail,"
he said.
Aboard the Cole, sailors who held a small memorial oii Sunday continued
bailing Nvatcr from the crippled vessel and searching for the bodies of four crew
members still missing.
"'They are trying to finish their job, trying to find the remains said L. Ter-
rence [Dudley, a spokesman for the US. 5th Flet.
Eight bodies pulled from the wreckage on Tuesday were flown to the Uiited
States, Navy officials said. Five recvered earlier have already been returned
burial. Moost of the 39 sailors injured in the blast have returned to the Un
States, though two Nyerc being treated at a US. military hospital ii Germany,
M arke tum les; bargain hunting, not any resolution
of market problems, was responsi-
causes inflation fear ble for the upturn. "There are,still
doubts about earnings growth rates
NEW YORK- Stocks dropped and there are goige to be doubts
sharply in volatile trading -yester- about the rally and reversal today."
dav, slicing moe than 400) points
off the Dow Jones industri als C u elC ino
before bargain hunters mov ed in
and helped the imarket iecov er gave false testimony
mlost of, its losses.b
Investor despair over a enerally
bleak earnings outlook brought the WASH IINGTON - Independent
Dow to its first close below 1(,000 Counsel Robert Ray concluded Hillay
since March 14, although the blue Rodham Clinton gave "factually false"
chips managed to regain more than testimony when she denied having a
300 points during the course of the irole in the White ouse tavel office fl-
day. The tech-focused Nasdaq ings. His final report yesteday gave
coinpositec in dex ended with1 a anmmunition to her Senate rival thee
moderate loss. but it also reboundf- weeks efore Election Day.
ed smartly from its lows of the ses- Ray said le decided not to poscute
Sion. Mrs. Clinton because le could not
A disappointing varnings report piove she intended to deceive or even
from IBM was the catalyst for Wall knew that her contacts with White
Street's latest sharp decline. House aides had instigated theMay
"I think we are near the bottom, 1993 firings.
but this is a bottom that's going to But he wrote that the evidence
need some credibility," said Brian established beyond a reasonable doubt
Belski. a market strategist at US. that Mrs. Cliintomn helped piompt the fi-
Bancorp Piper Jaff'ray, who said ings ofsven travel office wokes.
Steps taken to end caid Palestinian police also rearrested
tw\o dozen activists who11 left prison
M ideast violence during the wors of the clashes,
J ER USALEM NI Israel is and the summnit.
Palestinians took their first, halting Primec Minister Ehud Barak's4
steps toward aidi ng nearly three ement, for its part, odered Israeli
weeks of violence yesterday. troops to do their utmost to avoid
Despite persistent clashes, both casualties.
sides movedc to carry out a U. S.-
brokered areement reached y es~- U.S. fie ue
terdav at anl emerec'v summitofie rue
confei-ence in Egypt. too sick for trial
Scte e tetc i nai land xchaneeas of geunfire flared in MOSCOW - Opening tie-.spi-
several West Bank towns, injuring onage tmial against U.S. busineaiW
miore thaii3(0 Palestinians, and a Edmond Pope, a Moscow judge agrmh
roadsi de boimib explodled near at yesterday to ant independent medical
passing Israeli convoy in the southI- exanmination to detetmine whethr the
en (Gaza Strip. Ameican is healthy enough to remain
As they had been prodded to do in pison.
Mondfay and yesterday by President Russia's Federal Security Service
Clinton ini Eevpt, Palestinian laders arested Pope, a retired U.S. Navyofl-
aflirmed in a statement that they will cer firom State Collge, Pa., in A011 on
work for calm and refrain fromn insti- charges that he tied to buy plans for aj
rating violence. A leadr of the Islam- high-speed Russian torpedo. He faces
ic Resistance Movement. or H amas, up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
The Mic gn Daly SISSN 0745967) is pulilshed Monday thro g rdyduig the fall and winter tern; by

students at the Univrvisity of Michigan. Subscriptions for fail term, starting in September. via U.S. mail are
$100. Winter term (Janiuary through April) is $105. yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-campus
subscriptiuris for fall term are $35. Subscriptions inost be prepaid.
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