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October 16, 2000 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-16

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 16, 2000 - 5A

The two lawsuits against the University of Michigan's affirmative action policies go to trial this school year. These cases
represent a historic turning point for higher education in the U.S. and for all of American society. Affirmative Action 102 is a ten-
day educational series organized by the Peace & Justice Commission of the Michigan Student Assembly with the support of
many student, university, labor and community groups to provide the University community with the background information
necessary to appreciate the critical importance of the outcome of these trials. Researchers, scholars and activists from around
the country will share their knowledge and experience on the scientific, legal, political and social issues involved in these trials
and in the debate on affirmative action.


October 15, 2000

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October 19.2000

Michigan Union, MSA Chambers - 7:30PM
Overview of Affirmative Action 102 & Reception
Student intervenors and members of the legal team along with MSA representatives
and Interim Vice President E. Royster Harper will be available to help provide an
overview of Affirmative Action 102 and to discuss the significance of the two
affirmative-action cases. A reception will follow.


I i8



Ockober 16,2000

School of Education, Schorling Auditorium - 3-5PM
Racial and Gender Bias, the Social Construction
of Race and the Fallacy of Standardized Tests
David White, Director of Testing for the Public, and Dr. Gilbert Gee, Professor in the
Health Care Department at U of M Flint and author of three books on the LSAT,
GMAT, and other standardized tests, will speak on standardized testing and their
research debunking common assumptions and stereotypes about race and gender.
1640 Chemistry Building -7:00PM
Why We Choose to Stand and Fight
The anti-affirmative action lawsuits against the University of Michigan are the first in
which students are successfully intervening as full defendants in the cases. Come
hear why & how this historic fight is being made from the students who are making it.

12 Noon on the Diag
High school and college students, community groups, and labor and political
leaders from all over Michigan and the nation will rally and march to take a stand in
defense of integration and equality.
2:30PM- Angell Hall, Auditorium A
BAMN Mass Meeting & Conference
Activists will discuss the next step that the emerging civil rights movement must
take to defend affirmative action and integration in higher education and throughout
American society.
5PM - Hutchins Hall, Room 100, Law Quad
Frank Wu -
Asian Pacific Americans & Affirmative Action
Frank Wu, a Professor of Law at Howard University, is the country's leading expert
on the impact of affirmative action policies on Asian Pacific Americans.


October 20.2000


October 17,2000

Michigan Union, Room 2105D - 11AM-12NOON
Student Mothers: Fighting for Educational Access & Opportunity
Single Mothers in School will discuss the challenges faced by women students
raising children and how affirmative action has opened doors of opportunity for
student mothers.

4PM - Rackham Building, Rackham Auditorium
Dr. Johnnetta Cole
Dr. Johnnetta Cole is the keynote speaker for the opening of the newly created
Institute for Research on Women and Gender located in Lane Hall. Dr. Cole is the
former President of Spelman College and is currently a professor of Anthropology,
Women's Studies and African American Studies at Emory University.


October 212000

Business School, Room D1270 - 2PM
Educational Benefits of Diversity: The Research Case
The cornerstone of the University's defense of its admissions policies is the
argument that education in a diverse setting is critical in the modern age. This panel,
comprised of University of Michigan Professors Patricia Gurin, Sylvia Hurtado and
Eric Dey, will present their research on the educational benefits of diversity.
Michigan League, Mendelssohn Theater - 7:30PM
Jonathan Kozol-Education & Affirmative Action
Jonathan Kozol has been one of the nation's leading experts on the impact of racism
and poverty on minority and other disadvantaged children in America's urban public
schools. He will speak on why affirmative action is necessary. A booksigning
sponsored by Shaman Drum Bookstore will follow.

1PM - Michigan Union, Anderson Room D
The Civil Rights Movement, Then and Now
Bob Moses, leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
during the early 1960's, is now a high school teacher in Mississippi and the founder
of the Algebra Project, a national model in the use of humanistic methods to teach
mathematics to minority and other underprivileged students. He will speak on the
Civil Rights Movement, past and present.


October 242000

2PM - Michigan League, Hussey Room
Doing Well; Doing Good: Michigan's Minority Lawyers
and the Myths of the Anti-Affirmative Action movement
U of M Law School Professor Richard Lempert will present the findings of a study
done by himself and two colleagues showing that minority graduates of Michigan
Law School do as well as white graduates in practice and that LSAT scores and
undergraduate GPAs do not predict success in legal practice.


October 18.2000

Angell Hall Auditorium B - 8PM
The Myth of Meritocracy and the Necessity of
Affirmative Action
A wide-ranging panel made up of Jay Rosner, Executive Director of the Princeton
Review Foundation; UCLA sociologist, Dr. Walter Allen; Dr. Danny Solorzano from
the UCLA Graduate School of Education; and Bill Kidder, Researcher for Testing for
the Public will address the question of how race and gender affect the academic and
social experience of students and performance on standardized admissions tests.


October 25,_2000

3:30PM - Michigan Union, Anderson Room D
The Impact of Affirmative Action on Native Americans
Faith Smith, President of Native American Educational Services College, will talk
about the impact of affirmative action on Native American students.


October 192000

Hutchins Hall, Room 100, Law Quad - 10-IIAM

8PM - Michigan League, Ballroom
Debate: Affirmative Action, Pro & Con


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