4 4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 16, 200 ib £irbign DaliUg Al Gore: Another case of me being born too late 0 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 daily. Ietters@umich.edu Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MIKE SPAHN Editor in Chief EMILY ACHENBAUM Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Events promise to cut through rhetoric A I Gore, here I am, a voting virgin, waiting to be swept up by your strong, caring arms. You've got yourself a girl, but Tipper (does she make anyone else think of Easter eggs?) and her infamous televised smooches aren't enough. You need women, lots of women, to win this election, 'cause suddenly females are the hottest demo- graphic around. And there's nothing" we girls love quite like being pursued. Unlike men who are genetically pro- E grammed to easily Emily make their own deci- Achenbaum sions, Gore and Bush both know we ladies will never hop into {":;x.. the voting booth without a well-plotted seduction. I watched Total Request Gore when MTV came to campus boring but sweet 'n' preppy, he could just as well be Carson Daly's dad. I wanted to join the sorority, wear an "Al's Girl" T-shirt, get the weekly fan club newsletter and post his autographed pic- ture above my bed. I wish I could fall hard, head-over-heels for Al Gore, yet I can barely muster a crush and am definitely far from being smitten. I like him, but don't 'like him-like him.' The senior prom is coming up and I'm not going to be dateless. I've registered to vote, followed the campaigns and picked out a dress. The man with the Clark Kent features needs to step away from the Kryptonite if he really wants to be Superman. Gore tells me he's his own man, he dif- ferentiates himself from Clinton: You called me strong, you called me weak - but still your secrets I will keep. You took for granted all the times I never let you down. My parents would love it if he were the type of guy I brought .home, but that doesn't mean he's The One -for me. Even though our relationship has been pretty casual, things are heating up now. I think we should have The Talk. Education, at all levels, is a big deal to me. I know, I know, you feel the same way. But standardized testing is a ass-backward way of improving public schools. Standardized tests do not offer any con- clusive information about the academic potential of students; they will not magi- cally make teachers accountable. Don't cop-out. Furthermore, hey - wait. Where are you going? I'm just getting started here. Gore has been doing a lot of interrupt- ing, grumbling, avoiding and sighing (not cute). Is it really necessary to interrupt Bush during all the debates? Let him talk: chances are that something mockable will come out of his mouth. And Bush's plans aren't all cracked. There's a reason why the two are so close in the polls. If you're talking, you're not learning. Shut up, Al. Bush's tax cut proposal is winning more hearts than all your talk on education, a "female" issue. The female vote is considered the differ- ence in this election - as if all women are going to vote the same way. We only go the bathroom in groups, thank you very much. Maybe that's why Gore is obsessed with Scantrons. Maybe that's why his interest in women does not include the MTV genera- tion: I'm at least a decade away from being lumped into the education-adoring "soccer mom" demographic. You know I'll never really be a real soc- cer mom anyway, as I fully plan on teach- ing Greg, Peter and Bobby how to drive at age eight so they can haul themselves to practice, driving the Blazer I'll buy them with the extra funds resulting from my hostile takeover of Mike's architecture firm, armed with lunches made by Alice's replacement, my poolboy/stableboy/gar- dener Antonio who just loves to cook. So I'm probably not going to turn out like Karenna. Gore doesn't have to beef up my elemen- tary school to woo my parents, he doesn't have to promise me better deals on pre- scription drugs like Viagra so I can woo my spouse. But that doesn't give him the right to slight me. Al, I'm only 21, but I'm not too young for you. My state might be called swing, but I'm straight and monogamous. I'm about to cast my first vote ever and I might give it. to you. Can't you try a little bit harder at wooing me ? - Emily Achenbaum can be reached via e-mail at emilylsa@lumich.edu. 4 The University has never been a lace to shy away from activism an dthat will be more evident than ever when the limelight of academia and activism will be focused squarely on campus over the course of the next ten days. The Peace and Justice Commission of then Michigan Students Assembly, in conjunction A few hi With a myriad of student, a Math, university, labor and community groups has Today sponsored a series of Racial and 2, education programs S.Cial construt about affirmative action. th Fallaeyaf3 The events, known col- Schorling Audi loctively as "Affirmative Educatio, Action 102," are' designed to furmish back- Tuesday ground information for E tnB students to understand tv: The Researc the affirmative-action it om D1270,f lawsuits against the Uni- 2 p.m versity, which are sched- uled to go to trial later on Wednesday this year. 2rit~ r Most importantly , iev Affirmative Action 102 he "Affirmat is intended to raise ifiner awareness of the impor- R a26, Eas tance placed upon theE outcome of the two law- Thusday suits. To this end, Rflly and Marc researchers, scholars and The Diag, 12 nH activists from around the country will be descend- Frid ing upon Ann Arbor to D. Jfn, c offer information and l ckham Adp, spur community involve- ment. Saturday No matter which side T'he Civil R i of the affirmative action Anderson Roi controversy you support, Unior I p m, everyone should partake in this series. Experienced activists and novices alike can learn something from the events being hosted. The series is a unique opportunity to go beyond the typi- cal superficial slogans that surround a controversy such as affirmative action and learn about the issues firsthand from many of the leaders in the field. The peo- ple who will be making presentations and speeches during Affirmative Action 102 have had exceptional experiences and insights and want to pass those on to us - we as a community owe it to ourselves it Ot it ig a r to hear them out. For example, one of the events'being showcased," The Civil Right Movement, Then and Now" will feature a speech by Bob Moses. At a time when the nation was confronted with the harsh reality of racial inequity and violence, Moses not only participated in 9h ts of the protests movement Action 102* but stepped in the forefront of the civil- rgihts movement as nder Bias, the the leader of the Stu- ion ofRace and dent Nonviolent adardi2Cied ets. Coordinating Com- >riun, School of mittee (SNCC) in .m. Mississippi during the early 1960s. In 1964 Moses organized the sf Divers-"Freedom Summer" Cas 'which brought over a nes School 1,000 volunteers (pri- marily white students from elite colleges and universities) to ° , n t-ull Mississippi in effort cn a patof to boost black voter ,e Action 102" registration and edu- cation. Needless to Quad, -3 p~m. say, a speech by Moses wi llgive stu- dents a first hand look at not only the civil on. rights movement but the perspective of a long-time civil-rights c activist on affirmative heate 4pm. action as well . There are a multi- tude of other worth- is Mavcmn t while events being rn D, Michigan presented as well. The series will be a forum for awareness and dis- cussion on scientific, legal, political and social issue connected to affirmative action. For the next ten days, students will have the opportunity to hear about affir- mative action in relation to everything from standardized testing to student mothers. The entire country is debating the issue of affirmative action as Novem- ber draws closer; as students of the Uni- versity we have to set the bar even higher by becoming aware and active in an issue that directly affects our community. 0 S 6 6 'How do I answer that question? You don't ask me why my eyes are the color they are. That Is who I am.' - Kevin Kinsella, singer/guiatist for John Brown s Body, on how he developed his geniune Jamacian accent growing up in Ithaca, NY Medicine for Cheaper pharmecuticals can save lives Millions of people are dying and nothing is being done about it. The reason: Pharmaceutical companies do not find it cost-effective to help people who cannot afford to pay for the high cost of medicine. This problem is a popular cam- 9i issue on the national level, but the ghcost of medicine has alarming inter- national consequences. f The AIDS epidemic is spreading at a rapid rate in third world countries, yet the people who need medicine the most are not getting it. About 85 percent of the people infected with HIV live in underde- veloped countries, yet the drug industry ignores that population because their lives are not worth the loss of a few million dollars. Although companies are in business to make money, making medicines more affordable to citizens of third-world coun- tries is of higher importance. To the aver- age person, a few million dollars sounds like a lot of money, but compared with the yearly gross of major pharmaceutical companies, this is a very small amount. To anyone who values a human life, it seems like the only thing to do is to use some of this wealth to help the less fortu- nate. Although there is still no cure for AIDS, great strides have been made in curbing the effects of the disease. But these drugs can cost around $15,000 per year - and the average yearly income in a country such as Uganda is about $330 per year. The majority of pharmaceutical companies also have copyrights on their drugs that do not allow cheaper, generic versions to be produced. If companies would be willing to do away with these copyrights, they could save countless lives. They may lose some money, but not enough to make a dent in their pocket- books. Another option would be to sell these drugs at cost or even give them away. There have been efforts to do this, but the lack of support by most companies has halted such progress. Companies may not have a legal responsibility to make their drugs affordable, but they do have a moral one. Right now, their greed could be indirectly 1inked to the millions of lives that are lost each year. AIDS is not the only disease that is being ignored. Curable diseases, such as malaria and tuberculosis, are killing mil- lions of people who cannot get the medi- cine they need. Only 1 percent of new medicine between 1975 and 1997 was designed to combat diseases of this sort. As time goes on, increasingly less research is done to find cures for dis- eases that are only found in the third world. This is due to the fact that researchers know that they will not make a profit off of these drugs. Money makes society run; therefore, heads of multi-million dollar corporations are willing to overlook morals and look only at financial gain. As a result, time and money are put into research for items such as Viagra and Rogaine. These products may not save lives, but they are in demand from people who can afford to make these companies richer. Impo- tence and baldness bring in money, humanity does not. People in wealthy countries often seem to detach themselves from nega- tive situations in other countries. What they tend to forget is that it is just by luck that they were born in a first world nation rather than a third. The heads of the pharmaceutical companies could just as easily be one of those millions dying from a preventable and often curatIe disease. If the tables were turned, they would want the aid that they are so unfairly denying their fel- low humans. Race influences black, white jurors TO THE DAILY: Regarding the short article ("Study shows race affects juries," 10' 12 00) about research I conducted with Professor Phoebe Ellsworth. As flattered as I am that the Daily would deem this study worthy of mention in the.paper, I was greatly dis- turbed by the misleading depiction of our research the Daily provided. The article seems to be based on a longer press release about the research. In editing it down for size, however, the arti- cle misses the point. Our research has demonstrated that both white and black mock jurors are influenced by the race of the defendant in a criminal trial, though situational factors (e.g., whether or not race is an important issue in the trial) are also important considerations. The manner in which the Daily edited the press release in the article suggested that only black mock jurors demonstrated bias, which is an inaccurate and irresponsible conclusion to draw. The version the Daily printed is not only misleading, but it makes no sense when read through. SAM SOMMERS R ACKHAM Org. Studies is still available to students TO THE DAILY: For students who have been adversely affected by the termination of the Organiza- tional Studies Individual Concentration Pro- gram, the possibility of declaration for organizational studies still exists. Students who can make a justifiable case that they have already embarked upon this course of study should go to Academic Advising immediately because exceptions can still be made. The flexibility that the College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts is providing will only be in place for the next week or so. This organizational studies case illus- trates the importance of early concentra- tion declaration, which is non-binding for students. Upon declaration, students are not subject to subsequent changes in a concentration' s requirements unless a stu- dent elects to adhere to the new require- ments. Academic Advising, located in 1255 Angell Hall, is a valuable resource available for students to utilize. BJ ORANDI LSA STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRESIDENT ERIN REESE LSASG VICE-PRESIDENT GWEN ARNOLD LSASG ACADEMIC RELATIONS OFFICER RACHEL TRONSTEIN LSASG BUDGET ALLOCATIONS CHAIR The actual number of times guns have been used in self-defense is highly controversial. Some studies have reported that guns are used in self-defense 108,000 times per year and it has also been estimated that guns are used in self defense as many as 2.5 million times each year. There is no consensus as to the accuracy of this information. On the other hand, the high price in human lives lost because of gun own- ership is clear. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, people in gun-owning households are 500 percent more likely to kill themselves and 300 percent more likely to be murdered than people in gun-free households. According to the National Center for Health Statistics in 1996 there were 18,166 suicides using guns, 14,037 homicides, 1,334 accidental deaths and only 290 legal shootings. I'm sure we all agree that we need to do something to reduce vio- lence in our society. Guns are not the solution. ISAAC BRODY SCHOOL OF MUSIC JUNIOR Nader's candidacy is based on fear TO THE DAILY: 1 was walking to my Astro lab last monday night when I was subjected to the sight of numerous postings reading "Don' t Vote Scared - Nader for President" I found this humorous, of course, because no candidate in the presidential field is more of a fear-monger than Ralph Nader. To fully agree with the Green Party, you must be afraid of: ]) Anyone associated with an established political party, especially Democrats, who are obviously all in the pocket of special interests, even the ones who aren' t running for public office. 2) Special interests - which would have to include such malevo- lent organizations as teachers' unions and civil rights groups - who have the gall to give money to political candidates they like. How unfair! 3) Corporations, whose sole concern is the almighty dollar. 4) The gov- ernment, so much so that they wish to abol- ish 'the aristocratic U.S. Senate.' The interesting thing is that the Green Party seems intent on making people scared of the tens of millions of Americans who have ideological beliefs they want to support and are proud of the work they do everyday, even if that work is for a multi-national corpora- tion. Or maybe it's just that Ralph Nader does want you scared - of everyone but him and his 'policies' that would 'help' America. NICK TROESTER LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Affirmative action remedies inequalities TO THE DAILY: Inequality, not gender or race, necessitates affirmative action. Because racism and sexism exist in this society against black and other minority people and against women of all races, something is needed to counter that racism and sexism. The only successful mea- sures to fight inequality and to integrate this society have been affirmative action policies. In 1999, median income for women was $26,000 in America. For men it was $36,000. This inequity has increased for the second year in a row. Women are underrepresented in elite technical education and employment including at the University. On average, women score worse on the SAT, ACT and LSAT. Women are not less aca- demically capable than men; standardized tests are statistically normed to men. For Nicole Muendelein to say in her in her letter ("Gender is not a factor in admissions process," 10/3/00) that she does not need affir- mative action is true - none of affirmative action' s beneficiaries need affirmative action; it is the inequality, prejudice and discrimination (sexism and racism) we face that requires affir- mative action. When Carrie Lapham says "the lawsuits involve affirmative action admission polices, not hiring" she misses the point ("' U' affirma- tive action policies don' t include women,' 10/4/00). The fate of affirmative action hangs on these cases - all affirmative action. Affir- mative action in hiring will not survive if affir- mative action in education is outlawed. The progress forced by the Civil Rights Movement and the policies it secured, includ- ing affirmative action, have opened many doors of opportunity for women of all races.This period also saw the legalization of birth control and abortion and the emergence of the les- bian/gay rights movement. Progress has been made for women of all races and for minorities of both sexes; much progress remains to be made. Affirmative action must be defended. AGNES ALEOBUA LSA SOPHOMORE DANE BARNES DiSTURBE SE..P Mid4hrm Meek' aa, -kUNHEALTRIES't ___- 'TIME OF YOUK I UFE. /-