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October 11, 2000 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-11

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layoff leaders
eck online to see who is leading the
way in home runs, RI and batting
average as the baseball playoffs come
down to the final four teams.
michigandaily.com/sports OCTOBER 1, 2000
i Blackburn, defense
reject deflections
Spread offensesn ByRa . Moloney chip
eet in va stO Daly Sp Wter Ice C
Quick facts on the Wolverines as
Technically, Michigan goaltender they finished their first weekend
Chris Duprey Josh Blackburn has given up seven of regular season play.
Daily Spurts Editor Not counting two cheapie shootout Record: 0-0-2
STANDINGS goals which won't end up in the Power Play: 4-211 .190)
Where's the game of the week in books, the puck went past him seven Penalty Kill: 14-20 (.700)
the Big Ten? Surprise. It's at Ryan Team Big Ten Overall times in the Ice Breaker tournament. Of seven goals given up by
Field in Evanston. Northwestern 3 0 5 1 History won't record it, but Wolverines, six have been with a
Purdue travels to Northwestern in a Ohio State 2 0 5 0 Blackburn had a reasonable chance man in the box.
contest that crucial if the Michigan 2 1 4 2 of stopping three of those goals. Leading scorer: Sophomore cen-
Boilermakeru are to assert themselves Minnesota 2 1 4 2 The other four were a result of a ter Mike Cammalleri leads team
in the conference race. Purdue 2 1 4 2goaltender's worst enemy - deflec- after
trip to Madison still looms for Indiana 1 2 3 tions scoring game-tying goal vs UNO.
trtp toIowa 1 1 1 5
a ehallenge regardless of 2 2 5 "Definitely," Blackburn said when
Wisconsin's 0-3 conference record. Illinois 0 2 3 2 asked if deflections are the hardest less overtake, in regulation.
And Ohio State visits West Lafayette Michigan State 0 2 3 2 shots to stop. "When you're moving "You just kind of say 'oh man,' but
0t. 28. Wisconsin 0 3 3 3 one way for a puck and it changes you don't sit and dwell on it because
So a second loss would be devastat- direction, its coming so fast a lot of there's a game going on in front of
ing to Purdue's title hopes - and LAST WEEKEND'S RESULTS times you have time enough to move you," Blackburn said.
wipe out a good bit of the momentum PuRDuE 32, Michigan 31 the right away the first time, but once it Berenson stressed the importance
that was created with its win over oWA 21, Michigan State 16 ' moves you're kind of. . . ", Blackburn of "denying the shot" - eliminating
Michigan this past weekend. MINNESOTA 25, Penn State 16 paused to think of the right word. the pointman's options and blocking
Much has been made of NORTHWESTERN 52, Indiana 33 , "Screwed:" shots when the pointman puts his head
Northwestern's spread offense and Ohio State 23, WIScONSIN 7 DANA uNNANE/Dadly In Michigan's games against down and commits himselfto the shot.
-huddle pace, but Damien After Travis Dorsch kicked the game-winning field goal against Michigan this past Colgate and North Dakota, deflected "Colgate did a great job of denying
"derson has 1,050 yards and 13 SATURDAY'S GAMES weekend, he will face another offensive showdown against Northwestern. shots from the point were responsible the point shot and North Dakota did
touchdowns in five games - statis- Indiana at Michigan, 3:30 p.m. for two goals in each game. too," Berenson said. "Those shots are
tics that can't be ignored. Wiscunsin at h Ste, 12 p.m. claim on the starting quarterback That means a loss for either of The unusual amount of penalties in dangerous if they get through, if they
"Northwestern hasn't had to beat Minnesota at Ohio State, 12:10 p.m. position. He and senior Scott Mullen those teams hurts more than usual, both games created opportunities for don't get through they won't go into
anyone with the pass, theyMve been so Iowa at Illinois, 2 p.m. had rotated off and on until Ferentz' because that game can't be made up each team's power-play quarterbacks the goal."
successful in the run game," Purdue big move. by beating the other. Put another way, to take more shots from the point than The other part of eliminating the
coach Joe Tiller said. "They throw the "We wanted to try to be as through a loss for either of those teams means Blackburn normally faces. threat of a point shot consists of lim-
football effectively, which is more them some more bad plays." as we could be, before we made a they have to scoreboard-watch. "Blackburn didn't get a break on iting traffic around the net. For the
important than throwing it a lot" GIVING MCCANN THE BEuT: In move," Ferentz said. "We're just try- This week's challenge is Minnesota any of those," Michigan coach Red most part, Michigan's defense was
Yesterday, Tiller was asked if desperate need of a victory, Iowa ing to give ourselves the best chance at Ohio Stadium. Junior-college Berenson said. "Normally those able to handle Colgate's and North
re's a difference between his coach Kirk Ferentz shook up his line- , to win each and every week." transfer Travis Cole makes his first might deflect over the net:" Dakota's undersized forwards away
offense and Northwestern's. up for the Indiana game Sept. 30 and Beutjer will continue as Iowa's Big Ten start on the road for the Probably the most harmful deflec- from the crease.
"It's very simple," Tiller said. inserted redshirt freshtnan Jon starter this week at Illinois and his Golden Gophers, after two in the tion for Michigan came against North "Our job as defensemen is to clear
"Northwestern is run first, pass see- Beutjer for junior Kyle McCann at coach likes a lot of the intangibles that Metrodome. Dakota on the Fighting Sioux's fifth the front of the net and make sure that
ond and we're pass first, run second." quarterback. he showed against Michigan State. Traditional wisdom suggests the goal. With Michigan killing off a Josh can get a good look at the puck,'"
Michigan State coach Bobby The Hawkeyes fell short that day, "The key thing is, he kept his chin Buckeyes will blitz the young quar- Mike Komisarek penalty, North. junior Jeff Jillson said.
Williams said that Big Ten coaches 45-33, but the move paid off this past up, he kept working." terback as much as possible on Dakota's Chad Mazurak ripped a shot For Blackburn, the toughest teams
are going to have to adjust to the weekend at home against Michigan BUCKS EMERIaGE: Obviously, with Saturday. And Ohio State coach John from the top of the left faceoff circle to play are not necessarily the offen
Wildcats' maverick style. State. Iowa broke a 13-game losing an undefeated 2-0 conference record, Cooper isn't one to shun this piece of - the puck hit a skate in front ofthe sively savvy, but rather the net-crash-
"What they're doing is very innov- streak with a 21-16 comebacker over Ohio State is in control of its own wisdom. goal and slipped through Blackburn's ing bruisers.
ative. It's really creating a lot of prob- the Spartans. destiny, as far as the Big Ten champi- "I don't know if you can blitz any five-hole. "They stack people in front of the
s for people," Williams said. McCann has struggled throughout onship race goes. more than we've been blitzing," The goal put North Dakota up by net and shoot it and hope it bounces
hat's going to happen after the sea- his career in Iowa City. But there's a quirk in the Big Ten Cooper said. "We'll have some two goals with a little over ten min- off people," Blackburn said. "Then
son is people are going to look at He saw time as a freshman and a composite schedule. Northwestern blitzes, there's no question. We'll try utes left - a nearly insurmountable they just hammer on you for
what they're doing and try to give sophomore, but never staked his will not face Ohio State in 2000. to put some pressure on him." lead for Michigan to overcome, much rebounds."

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The Hourof Bewilderbeasr, Beggars Banquet
by Steve Lichtenstein
It's a crime that Badly Drawn Boy's debut LP won Britain's
prestigious Mercury Prize last month - they should've given
him two. The Hour of Bewilderboast (bizarre title aside)lis
a bhsteringlyfine example of mature, wei-craftedtmodern
pop, toeing the loe defined byThe Beatles and eschewed
by the ikes of Beck and Belle and Sebastian.''unes like the
jaunty "Once Around the Block" and fragile "Fali in a River"
(scenic imagery abounds here) are irresistible, and of the
eighteen total songs, not one is even remotely unappea I
ing, PA: 3.8 (Out of 4)

Secret South, Razor & Tise Records
by Dan Morrel
Consider Secret South as something lke The Rible: The R'ck
Opera. Haunting and cryptic, the album conjures up dark
images of bouts with the devil while beautifully utilizing
traditional instrumentsanitongs,lihk on the ancient
salvation ballad "Wayfaring Stranger.i 6HP's originals are
just as scary. with tracks like "Cinderalley" that demand
redemption and frighten in the same way The Exorcst does.
While the songs lyrically thump the Bibe incessantly, lyricist
David Eugene Edwards shows a graceful mastery of the
folklore of his religion, a ich musical style that had long
been forgotten. GPA: 3.7 (ut of 4)

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