Wednesday, September 6, 2000 - The Michigan Daily -- New Student Edition - 11C
® University Health Service
has all kinds of remedies for
those aches and pains.
By Rachael Smith
lDaily Staff Reporter
During the average four-year program of
study, almost every student at the Universi-
ty will go to the University Health Service
at one time or another. UHS provides a
general clinic as well as several specialty
The medical clinic serves walk-in and
urgent care patients, and specialists are
available throughout the week by referral.
Dr. Robert Winfield, UHS Interim
Director, said the medical clinic sees the
most patients.
"The medical clinic takes care of a vari-
ety of conditions, including colds, sinus
problems, sprains and strairs, rashes and
STDs," Winfield said. The clinic sees
"between 200 and 300 visitors a day," rak-
ing it the busiest clinic at UHS, he said.
Winfield also named three other clinics
that see a great amount of patients.
"The Gynecology Clinic (is fairly busy),"
Winfield said, "with mostly preventative
gynecological care, including pap smears,
breast exams and contraceptives."
WHAT'S Up Doc?
Former Interim Director of Health Pro-
miotion and Community Relations Sharla{
Smith, a clinic that serves many students'
general care needs, said HPCR offers
information and counseling about "nutri-
tion and eating disorders, alcohol and other
drugs and sexual health," as well as areas
such stress management and depression
that help students succeed academically.
"HPCR has a full time nutritionist,"
Smith said, "so if a student was vegan, for
example, they could come in and ask about ,'y Y
what good food choices are available to
them in the residence halls.
HPCR also offers free HIV testing to all
University students.
"Ultimately our goal is to make sure stu-
dents are healthy ... to make it possible for
them to succeed academically at the Uni-
versity," Smith said.
Winfield said the Eye Care Clinic alsof
sees a large number of patients.
Dr. Howard Saulles of the ECC said they
see "about 7,000 patients a year."1
Saulles said one unique characteristics vORMAN NG/oaiiy
of the clinic is that "students come as The University Health Service, located at 207 Fletcher St., is open to students, faculty and staff.
undergraduates and stay as graduates. mrunity and in students' home communi- efficient.
"We really get to know our patients," he ties. "We prefer that (students) call and make
said. "We stress continuity of care," he said, an appointment," he said. "They will have a
Saulles felt the level of care students "and the level of care is very, very high." shorter wait. In general, when a student has
receive at the UHS clinic has advantage to For first time visitors to UHS, Winfield made an appointment, (he or she) will be
other clinics both in the Ann Arbor con- offered some advice to make the visit more seen on time or even a little early."
"If students have a pre-existing condition,
it's very helpful to bring the medication
along or write it down," Winfield said,
adding that "medical information from a
family physician can be helpful."
Students should also have an insurance
card, or a copy of their parents' insurance
card, with them.
Winfield suggested that students "bring
something along to read or study if they
come through walk-in" as the wait can be
around an hour during the peak time of the
"Many students do not bring basic medical
items with them to school," Winfield said.
He advised students to have "a small first-aid
kit, including a thermometer, Tylenol, cold
tablets, cough medicine and some band-
Winfield did warn that "in a truly life-
threatening emergency," students need to call
an ambulance. "The Health Service is not an
ER, it's a comprehensive clinic," he said.
Jocelyn Stock, an LSA senior, said she has
been to UHS twice as an undergraduate.g"It
can be kind of impersonal because every
time you go you see a different person,"
Stock said.
She added that she was generally happy
with the service she received, and that
when she went for her appointments she
"didn't have to wait at all.
New center to aid
By Shabnam Daneshvar
Daily Staff Reporter
While many University students
'may think of themselves as free and
far from diabetes - one of the most
common causes of death in the
nation - University officials and
doctors around the nation are urgine
students to think again.
"You need to get checked if you
have the common symptoms," said
internal medicine Prof. Douglas
Greene, director of the University's
Michigan Diabetes Research and
Training Center.
"Students ... after the age of
puberty need to know they can go to
the health services and check them-
selves" from the chronic and geneti-
cally determined disease that
afflicts more than 16 million people
nationwide and claims the life of
one person in the United States
every three minutes, Greene said.
To further the understanding of
diabetes and the search for a cure.
the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation,
the world's leading nonprofit funder
of diabetes research, announced the
establishment of a new S6.6 million
Center for the Study of Complica-
tions in Diabetes at the University
Medical Center.
Researchers and physicians from
the Medical Center's neurology, inter-
nal rredicine and physiology depart-
ments will pool their resources,
facilities and experience to find cru-
cial answers to the questions of cell
death and glucose control in the dis-
Investigations will take place in this
new center, which as part of the Uni-
versity's proposed Life Sciences Ini-
tiative will include several existing
labs of the Medical Center collaborat-
ing with diabetes research as their
"We would like to assure (JDF) that
we will do all we can to help
researchers succeed in finding a cure
for diabetes," University President
Lee Bollinger said.
"Everyone has a fantasy. Mine is to
host the going-out-of-business party
of the JDF," said JDF Chairman of the
Board John McDonough, whose orga-
nization has raised more than S320
million toward diabetes research.
Ryan Dinkgrave, a 17-year-old
junior from Stevenson High School in
Livonia and a Type I diabetes patient,
told the audience at the announcement
ceremony how the disease has
changed his life during the last seven
"I had no clue what it was when I
was diagnosed with it," lie said. "It
wasn't easy ... You have to learn a
whole new way of life"
Dinkgrave, who wears an insulin
pump that feeds his body different
allocations of insulin, created an
award-winning Website to help
teenagers and families of-patients with
The site, niiri.dnlia'etes.iic.coo.
allows communication between
patients about living with the disease
and wavs of "making life easier,''
Dinkgrave said.
Contrary to popular belief, insulin
is not a cure for the disease, It allows
a person to remain alive, but it does
not protect patients from suffering
blindness, heart attacks, kidney fail-
ure, strokes, nerve damage or amputa-
Common symptoms that Greene
said students need to be on the look-
out for include excessive thirst, urina-
tion and fatigue, as well as constant
hunger or sudden weight loss.
Individuals who experience these
signs are at a high risk of having Type
I diabetes, or juvenile onset. The
symptoms, of Type 2, or adult onset
diabetes, include sensitive skin, tin-
gling of hands and feet, gum or uri-
nary tract infections and excessive
hunger and thirst.
Students who experience these
symrptoms are encouraged to visit a
clinician and, if recommended,
receive a free glucose test from the
University Health Services to deter-
mine whither they have diabetes.
Who: Cen to allenrolled students of the University as well as University faculty and
Ho rs:Mondays-Thursdays 8a.m.-6p.m., Fridays8a.m.-430 p.m.,Saturdays9a.m.
12 P.M.
Where: Located at 207 FletcherSt., Ann Arbor, MI,48109-1050 (actossfro the
Michigan League).
Who ya gonna call?
Scheduling: 764-8325
Cancellations: 763-3557
M-CARE: 763-0284
Allergy/Travel: 764-8304
Eye Care: 764-8325
Gynecology: 764-325
Nutrition: 764-8325
Business Office: 764-7380
GeneralInformation: 764-8320
"On Call" Clinician 662-5674
(After Hoursconsultation)
Inexpensive dental care available
on campus for U-M students:
* Full-time * Part-time
* Undergraduate * Graduate
For spouses and dependents too!
Enroll for plan year:
Fall: August 22, 2000 to
August 21, 2001
Winter: January 2, 2001 to
December 31, 2001
For more information,
including a brochure that
' explains the costs and
services covered, call:
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The Hill Site - Near Couzens Hall
The North Site - In Front of Bursley Hall
Visit the Vendor Fair website:
Not All Student Rooms May Receive Lofts
Lofts are not permitted in Cambridge House, Henderson House, Martha Cook, or residence halls
with the Building Block furniture.
Always Read the Fine Print
Parents and students are under absolutely no obligation to purchase items from vendors partici-
pating in the Commercial Vendor Fair. For your protection, only vendors registered with University
Housing may sell items within University Housing. Only registered vendors are approved to sell
items on campus during the 2000 Move-in (Aug. 30 - Sep. 1). Neither the University of Michigan
nor University Housing endorses or approves any participating vendor or item for sale. All vendors
agree to accept complete responsibility, and hold harmless the University of Michigan, its
University Housing, and any and all of their employees or agents against any and all liability, loss,
damage, or injury, personal or otherwise, incurred from any installation or delivery in University
Housing residence hall public or private area. For more information, refer to Housing's "Your
Contract with University Housing" or "University Housing Orientation Guide for Parents" booklets.
If you have a compliment or complaint regarding this program, contact the Commercial Vending Program
Coordinator at U-M's Housing information Office, (734) 763-3164, or via e-mail:
Visit the University Housing website to find out more about 'MOVE-IN'
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