2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 10, 2000
"That's New England School of Law, since
the first day we opened our doors. We
were the only law school ever established
exclusively for women. Today we continue
to open doors for both men and women with
innovative and relevant programs including
the War Crimes Prosecution Project,
opportunities for overseas study, a business law center and coursework that
Continued from Page 1
Damerow co-chairs the Society's
board with LSA Junior Will Calcutt.
"We encourage the societal aspects,
Calcutt said. "These aren't Just
strangers, these are students in the
school. We encourage honesty and good
sportsmanship and just overall good
Students who play cannot be shot
while in class, at work or while fulfilling
any other obligation for a club or activi-
ty. The only actual buildings on campus
that are considered safe are the Under-
graduate Library, the Mason and Angel
halls, and any building where a particu-
lar student had class that day.
The rules of the game are complicat-
Assassins are not allowed to shoot a
person from inside a house or residence
hall room. IHowever, it is legal to shoot
someone from outside. For example, if a
student leaves his door open in a resi-
dence hall, an assassin can shoot from
the hallway. Students cannot be shot
while outside of their rooms in the resi-
dence halls.
"A good way to find and "kill" people
is to find out where they live from the
site's Webpage," Appelblatt said. "Then
have someone who's not playing get
them to open their door so you can
shoot them. The Webpage lists where
people live, as well as have the pictures
of people who are playing. That way we
know who's playing:'
But on a campus with 30,000 people,
strategy is essential.
"The two people I killed just weren't
paying enough attention," Engineering
junior John Zwinck said. "One guy was
includes Internet Law. Looking to the future is
what we've always done." DirectorCo
New England
School of Lawe
ABA-accredited Member of the,
-Michael Scharf; Prgfessor
,aterf)r International Law & Po/icv
JD. Duke University School of Law
154 Stuart Street
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 422-7210
Association ofAmerican Law Schools
Wednesday, October 11:4:30 - 6 PM,
University of Michigan Business School, Wolverine Room
U.S. to meet with North Korean leader
WASHINGTON - The highest North Korean official to visit Wash-
ington in a half-century of limited contacts plans a historic meeting with
President Bill Clinton today, amid signs the State Department soon may
remove the communist country from its list of state sponsors of terror-
Clinton will hold a midmorning meeting with the first vice chairman
the country's National Defense Commission, Cho Myong Nok. He is
described as the right-hand man to North Korean leader Kim Jong 11.
After a daylong visit to San Francisco, Cho arrived yesterday night for
meetings with Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Defense Sec-
retary William Cohen and members of Congress.
Cho did not speak on reaching his downtown hotel, but in a written
statement he said: "It is an important task before our two governments to
promote the (bilateral) relations onto a new stage consonant with the enyi-
ronment of peace and reconciliation prevailing on the Korean peninsula at
this historic moment into a new century."
"During our visit we will do our best to have frank discussions with Ameri*
leadership so as to remove deeply rooted and age-old distrust and make an
epochal change in advancing the relations between our two countries onto a new
Nerve cell research cals inside each of the brain's 100 bil-
ion iterconnected neurons.
earns two Nobels The result has been a vastly
improved grasp of the molecular
Two American neuroscientists and underpinnings of Parkinson's disease,
a Swede who helped discover the schizophrenia, depression and o1
key mechanisms by which nerve neurological disorders, and insig
cells in the brain communicate with into the biochemical basis of learning
each other to create moods, memo- and memory.
ries and mental illness jointly .
received the Nobel prize in physiol- iardson: Racial
ogy or medicine yesterday.y bt rofiling a problem
The prize,,awarded annually by the i~I
Nobel Assembly of Sweden's Karolins- WASHINGTON - Amid linger-
ka Institute and worth about $915,000 ing resentment among Asian-Ameri-
this year, went to Paul Greengard of cans over the Wen Ho Lee case,
Rockefeller University, Eric Kandel of Energy Secretary Bill Richardson
Columbia University and Arvid Carls- announced safeguards yesterday
son of Sweden's University of Gothen- guard against racial profiling with
burg. the department or among its private
Their separate but related pursuits, contractors.
which began in the 1950s and continue Richardson said he would "not toL-
to provide the basis for today's hottest crate even hints" of racial profiling
neuroscientific discoveries, have gradu- and ordered his inspector general to
ally drawn researchers' understanding investigate whether any such activity
of the brain down in scale from an ini- has occurred.
tial focus on nerve cells to a close-in "We have made progress address-
view of the chemicals those cells ing concerns of racial profiling,b
secrete and eventually to the molecules more needs to be done," Richards
and genes that respond to those chemi- said.
it * the country's economy, which was
EU to nt sanctOfls severely damaged by NATO bombing
against Yugoslavia during last year's Kosovo war.
In a significant concession, the
BRUSSELS, Belgium -The 15- isters indicated they would not see
nation European Union voted unani- link the release of reconstruction aid to
mously yesterday to start lifting the early extradition of Milosevic to
sanctions against Yugoslavia, deciding stand trial on war crimes charges before
to reward it's new democratic govern- an international tribunal in The Hague.
ment immediately and to put off ques-
tions of whether former President Germany to soon.
Slobodan Milosevic might be sent
abroad to face war crimes charges. ban neo-Nazi party
EU foreign ministers meeting in
Luxembourg agreed to remove an BERLIN - Intent on stand
embargo on oil deliveries and a ban on against neo-Nazis, Germany's top law
commercial air travel to Yugoslavia, but enforcement official said yesterday
they maintained a freeze on Belgrade there is enough evidence to seek a ban
government assets, and a selective ban on a far-right party accused of fanning
on visas, to guard against any attempts racial hatred blamed for recent attacks
by Milosevic or his associates to leave on foreigners and other minorities.
the country with stolen wealth. Interior Minister Otto Schily cited
The ministers said they were pre- growing support for the move after
pared to welcome a Yugoslavia run by meeting with the three German states
newly inaugurated President Vojislav who endorsed the government's drive to
Kostunica back into the mainstream have the National Democratic Party
of European nations, and they dangled declared unconstitutional. 4
the promise of $2 billion in aid over
the next seven years to help rebuild - Compiled from Daily wire reports.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter termrs by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$100. Winter term (January through April) is $105, yearlong (September through April) is $180, On-campus
subscriptions for fall term are $3 . Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
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