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October 09, 2000 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-09

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - October 9, 2000 - B

.Wet and wild game
ends n 1'M' favor, 2-1


By David Roth
Daily Sports Writer
Sprinklers drenched the Michigan
nch, and then part of the field. Balls
smacked four players, one in the fore-
head seriously injuring a defender. The
first snow of winter fell. The No. 5
Michigan field hockey team, who had a
13-1 record, was being taken into over-
time by Northwestern, who was 4-7.
Was it a ghost?
There was definitely something
strange in Michigan's neighborhood.
Saturday, assistant coach Tracey Fuchs
ran around the field, battling a series of
rinklers, trying to cover them with
Trash cans and All Sport buckets before
they finally got turned off. All the while,
the Wolverines played on, shutting out
Central Michigan, 8-0.
Clearly, a weekend that was supposed
to be tranquil became one that was less
than settling. Luckily, Michigan was pre-
pared for all different types of trouble
that could have been lurking.
"We practice with the football players
aring music," said forward Powers,
who notched her first career hat trick ver-
sus Central Michigan. "We try to practice

in adverse situations so when they come
- like the sprinklers did - we still
remember that we have a game to play."
Unlike the Northwestern game, where
the game-winning goal was decided after
the 80th minute of play, Michigan came
out early against the Chippewas, scoring
its first goal less than two minutes into
the match. Then, they scored two more in
a five-minute span to give the 6-3 MAC
team a reality check.
"There is a big difference between the
conferences," defender Jeanne Shin said.
"The Big Ten is strong - two of our
teams last year went to the final four.
Every Big Ten match we go into, we tell
ourselves, 'this is really important."'
Friday, Kelli Gannon fended off a
Northwestern (1-2 Big Ten, 4-8 overall)
scare as they took the lead and went into
overtime. She notched a goal in the extra
session to beat the Wildcats 2-1 in
Northwestern's fourth overtime appear-
ance in its last five games.
The game was so close because
Northwestern's fifth-year senior goalie
Jessica Yates was a brick wall. Yates kept
coming up with tough saves and man-
aged to only let in a single shot in 27
attempts before Gannon zipped a shot by

A moment o f truth

Neither snow, spooks or errant sprinklers could stop the Michigan field hockey team.
her less than five minutes into the extra Catherine Foreman could never seem to

"She always plays well against us,"
Michigan coach Marcia Pankratz said.
"But I give our team credit for staying
patient and not panicking. Going into
overtime we felt very confident because
we have an outstanding overtime team
because we're so deep and quick."
Not all the credit for Northwestern's
close pursuit should go to the Wildcats.
The Wolverines kept flubbing penalty
corners and Courtney Reid and

make smooth connections. Reid's nor-
mally sharp passes bounced all over the
place and Foreman was unable to keep
the ball down to set up the striker.
"We struggled the whole time," Reid
said. "I was struggling getting them out
without a bounce and I started thinking
about it too much. It starts with me and I
had an off day with pushouts. It would
have been nice to have the corners be on
- the game probably wouldn't have
gone into overtime."

Blue harriers improve
to second at invite

Looking out from the top of
Ross-Ade Stadium's rust-and-
white press box pretty much says it all.
Nothing but Big Ten country for miles
in every direction. The air up here -
crisp, clear and cold - brings with it a
certain lucidity.
The treetops, extending to the horizon,
are turning the same rustic colors that
speckle the old brick campus.
There's not much to get excited about
in West Lafayette. On Fridays, of course,
there are the local bars. Where Else? It
takes a few minutes to realize that is the
name of the most popular bar on campus.
I'm partial to the Boiler Room - or
Harry's Chocolate Shoppe, an ice-cream-
parlor-turned-liquor-lounge (see:
But understanding what you see under
the north goalpost at the end of
Saturday's game hinges on knowing what
things are like the other 364.25 days of
the year. These people understand signifi-
cant digits. A full liberal arts school these
days, Purdue got its start as an engineer-
ing college. In fact, the "Boilermakers"
were so named by football rivals at Notre
Dame, who (even back then) were quite
proud of their rah-ta-ta private education.
"You guys are nothing but a bunch of
boiler makers;' they would slander - or
something to a similar effect.
The name stuck.
And even in the middle of their
Autumn break (the best time of year
down here), all these Boilermakers came
to watch their team play Michigan.
Through all the days of staring at sci-
entific calculators, all the days of walking
two miles to a "friend's" party, all the
days of wearing five layers of clothes just
to go to class, Saturday was - without a
doubt - the biggest day of the year in
West Lafayette.
As Drew Brees drives Purdue down
the field for its first attempt at a game-
winning field goal, the student section
begins to buzz. With each complete pass,
every heart beats faster, and the police
commander begins to put his officers in
place, awaiting the rush.
Looking at a field-goal formation
from the endzone is awkward. The holder
and kicker are invisible behind the mas-
sive line. You just stand, waiting for the
ball to appear.
When it does, your head cocks back
- your eyes follow the ball to the
uprights, almost directly above you.
It's easy to see that first kick sail to the
outside. Wide right to you, wide left to
everybody else.
And that is, as you figure it, the end of
the game. The Boilermakers on the field
had their chance, and the Boilermakers in

the stands knew it.
A random bandsman has a very real
frown on his face. Dejection. He has
been there before.
And everything that happens from that
point on seems like it shouldn't. But
Michigan gives up the ball on three
downs, and next thing you know, you're
standing under the same goalpost, staring
at the same awkward formation.
The clock reads :08. This is it, for real.
The ball appears again, and it has a
similar flight path. But it's higher this
time, and you watch it sail over the post.
It was too high for the neon green post
(to your right, every one else's left). But it
flies, it seems to you, directly above that
post. Since you really didn't expect Travis
Dorsch to miss two in a row, your head
flips back down to look at the official.,
He puts up his arms. Tie goes to the
runner. It's good.
Michigan players are running toward
you and the officials, frantically crossing
their arms. The whole thing takes a mat-
ter of seconds, and desperate pleas from
Wolverines fall on deaf ears.
As you spin around, the band has
already descended from the stands. They
saw the whole thing. Do they know?
But they are simply too elated to care.
The twirlers are jumping on each other,
screaming, their eyes glowing, tears
streaming across their wind-burned
You wonder if you have ever seen so
much pure joy in your whole life.
After a squib kickoff, the game is over.
You bolt onto the field and the student
section follows. Brees finds Drew
Henson, still wearing his helmet. A
sportsman, Henson offers congrats.
The college football rulebook defines
a field goal as good if it is "between the
uprights."You suppose that is open for
interpretation. What exactly is
"between?" Does "over" count? Mostly
to the inside?
You know that some one - maybe the
field worker that was to your right,
maybe the drum major,maybe the offi-
cial that made the call -- some one will
have the same thoughts you have in the
back of your head. And every time a
friend brings up Purdue's great victory
over Michigan back in October of 2000,
that thought will still be there.
But you watch total strangers embrac-
ing each other, and watch these boiler
makers climb with frenzied glee over the
goalpost you stared up at in the moment
of truth.
You realize then that the truth will
never matter. And that's probably for the
- David Den Herder can be reached
at dden@umich.edu.

By Shawn Kemp
Daily Sports Vriter

The volleyball team's Rock the House promotion helped it beat Indiana on Friday.
Volleyball rocks the
jiouse, but only once

By Nathan Linsley
For the Daily
Perhaps the Michigan Volleyball
team should have moved its annual
Rock the House Night from Friday to
Saturday. '
On Friday at Cliff Keen Arena, the
team struggled early against Indiana
oore rallying for a 3-2 win.
The excess fans thanks to the promo-
tion seemed to almost create a tense,
must-win atmosphere. But on Saturday
they opened up a seemingly insur-
mountable two-game lead against
defending national champion Penn
State only to watch the No. 12 Nittany
Lions fight back for a 3-2 victory.
Michigan was unable to feed off the
crowd, which was missing many of the
young, energetic fans from the previous
k the House night.
It was a dramatically different scene
against perennial powerhouse Penn
State, where the Wolverines won the
first two games, 17-15 and 15-12. Once
again, Michigan went into intermission
with all the momentum, but without the
crowd support, helplessly watched
Penn State convert an impressive
53.1% of their attacks for kills in the
d game, a 15-3 Nittany Lions' victo-
Michigan led 13-8 in the fourth game
before a service error breathed life back
into the Nittany Lions. Levy served
four straight points to steal the momen-
tum from the Wolverines, and Penn

State went on to a 15-13 victory. The
Lions took a 4-3 lead in the fifth game
after a Levy kill and never looked back
en route to a 15-10 victory to close the
Without the energy of the "Rock the
House Night" crowd, the Wolverines
faded while Penn State's big-match
experience showed.
"We need to be a little better in pres-
sure situations - that's where Penn
State's experience came through,"
Rosen said. "That is why they are a
team that has been to three Final Fours.
It is a good experience for out team."
Against Indiana, the Wolverines lost
16-14 in a tightly contested first game
before tying the match with a 15-7
game before intermission. The team
came out flat after the break and
absorbed a 15-2 drubbing in which only
middle hitter Joanna Fielder registered
more kills (3) than hitting errors (2).
On the brink of elimination,
Michigan posted a determined 15-6
victory in the forth game. Junior Nicole
Kacor led the Wolverines to a 15-9 win
in the fifth game, when the team con-
verted nine kills without a single error.
"After the 15-2 game, I called every-
one into the huddle and said, 'We're at
home, and we're Michigan. We have to
play with some pride,"' Kacor said.
Coach Mark Rosen admitted that it
was not the Wolverines' best game, but
seemed pleased with the win.
"I thought the players really compet-
ed well (against Indiana)," Rosen said.

The Michigan men's cross country
team is back on track after last week-
end's fourth-place finish at the Central
Collegiate Championships.
The Wolverines took second this
weekend at the Murray Keatinge
Invitational in Orono, Maine with 38
points, only seven points behind first-
place Nebraska.
Michigan was looking to capture its
fourth-straight team title at the meet,
but coach Ron Warhurst was still
pleased with the overall results.
"We ran a lot better and bounced
back from last week," Warhurst said.
Junior Mark Pilja, who didn't run at
the Central Collegiate Championships,
was the overall champion in 23:43. His
time was only 0.7 of a second off of the
meet record held by John Mortimer and
Kevin Sullivan, two former Wolverine
Warhurst said Pilja has taken hold of
the No. 1 position for the team.
"He's healthy, his training has been
very consistent and controlled, and he's
Continued from Page 18
"We've got some guys who are
capable of playing high level Division
I, but we just don't have enough,"
Burns said. "You can't be someone
that you want to be unless you work at
for a long time."
Michigan did come out of the lock-
er room with more fire and was far
more competitive in the second half.
In the early going, forward Kevin
Robinson fired a shot just wide of the

running with a lot more confidence
than he has before," Warhurst said.
Freshmen John Hughes and Tom
Greenless finished sixth and eighth for
Michigan, with sophomore Dave Cook
and freshmen Mason Ward and Dave
Sage rounding out the top six finishers
for the Wolverines.
"The freshmen continue to improve,
but we're still looking for our upper-
classmen to step up," Warhurst said.
Even though freshmen continue to
run in four of the top six positions,
Warhurst seems to think that they have
room for improvement.
"You can tell a lot of our guys are
freshmen - they didn't have the
strength in the last half mile to run with
the Nebraska kids," Warhurst said.
But the Wolverines are looking for-
ward to next Sunday, as they host the
Wolverine Interregional at the
Michigan Golf Course, their only home
"We're ready to make a good show-
ing at our home meet with our home
course advantage," Warhurst said.
"Then we can find out what these rook-
ies are made of."

net and Robert Turpin finished off a
strong run with a left-footed that drift-
ed over the goal of Indiana goalkeeper
Colin Rogers.
But it was Indiana who upped their
lead 12 minutes into the half as Mack
finally got on the board and minutes
later reserve midfielder David Prall
capped off a nightmarish afternoon for
the Wolverines scoring the Hoosiers'
last goal in the 7-0 victory.
"They just have a different mentali-
ty than we do right now," Burns said.
"It's a culture of winning and we are
trying not only to adopt it but learn it."

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