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October 09, 2000 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-09

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 9, 2000 - 7A

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upus Walk
raises more
than 20,000
Continued from Page 1A
disease, to raise awareness of lupus and especially to pro-
vide support for University students with lupus," said
Clark, co-founder of the campus Lupus Foundation and
coordinator of Lupus Walk.
Lupus Walk on Saturday raised more than $20,000,
which will go to the National Lupus Foundation of
America for further research of the disease.
Lupus, a disease in which immune system antibodies
attack healthy tissues and organs, affects one out of every
185 Americans and is prominent in black and Asian
women between the ages of 14 and 45.
Before the walk, participants gathered at the William
Monroe Trotter House, which was one sponsor of the
event. Clark's rheumatologist at the University Hospitals,
Joseph McCune, gave a synopsis of lupus, stressing the
importance of detecting and working closely with the
} disease. The disease is lifelong - when the symptoms
are in regression, the body is very susceptible to other
serious diseases, McCune said.
Black Folx presented a donation to the National Lupus
Foundation of America that was accepted by Tom Roberts,
executive director for the Michigan Lupus Foundation.
"It's a very tricky disease because it disguises itself and
looks like many other diseases," Roberts said. Instead of
the body's immune system shutting down as in AIDS, the
immune system goes into overdrive, killing good tissue.
"Knowing that the disease affects women - especially
women of color - brings me here today," said University
alum Dominique Morisseau, who read a poem to the
Inspired by Clark, Morisseau's poem described the
affects of lupus and people's struggles to overcome the


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Six-year-old Colin Schwartz, a Canton resident, admires
the "0.C. Bee," from the Old Country Buffet, as he holds
his hand during the "Walk for Lupus 2000" on Saturday
were at Saturday's event. While some participants walked
to support friends and family with lupus, others came in
support of the importance of researching the disease.
"You donate whatever you can - whether it's time or
money. It's for a good cause," said LSA junior Julie
Williams, who directed the walkers.
Lupus has no known cure, is not infectious and is not
cancerous. Joint swelling and pain along with extreme
fatigue are the most common among a long list of symp-
toms of lupus. After treatment, 80 to 90 percent of lupus
patients are able to have a normal life span.
Although the cause of lupus is not known, scientists
suspect the disease is genetically predisposed and trig-
gered by environmental factors such as infections, antibi-
otics, ultraviolet light, extreme stress, certain drugs and
Lupus affects more people than muscular dystrophy,

a Nearly 200 people of all ages and
*ontlnued from Page 1A
PwC monitors in half of the factory
visits cited in the report and found sev-
,eral areas where the firm missed code
In a separate report, O'Rourke out-
lined a number of additional concerns
The had with PwC, specifically that PwC
fails to protect the confidentiality of
workers who file complaints about con-
-,ditions and consistently misses health
d safety violations. SOLE member
eter Romer-Friedman, an RC senior,
,said he felt both reports cast doubt on
,PwC's efficacy as a monitor.
"The findings of this report support

multiple sclerosis,
Disease, cerebral
AIDS combined.

cystic fibrosis, leukemia, Addisons
palsy, sickle cell anemia, HIV and

ethnic backgrounds

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students' assertion that we cannot
police and monitor the entire garment
industry, we must empower workers by
allowing their voices to be heard with-
out certifying a line of clothing after a
few PwC audits."
Currently, the University is a mem-
ber of two monitoring organizations,
the Workers Rights Consortium and
the Fair Labor Association. The Uni-
versity joined the WRC, a primarily
student-developed organization, in
February after members of SOLE
occupied the office of LSA Dean
Shirley Neuman for three days.
This summer, a report from the
Advisory Committee on Labor Stan-
dards and Human Rights recommended

that because the WRC is still in early
development phases the University
should also be a member of the FLA, a
White House-sponsored coalition of
corporations and human rights groups.
The move to join the FLA was heav-
ily criticized by student activists, who
have called the FLA biased toward
The report, Romer-Friedman and
Root agreed, is a good start. "Clearly
some of the findings of the report con-
firm what students across the nation
have been saying for years," Romer-
Friedman said. "Hundreds of companies
are exploiting workers, not respecting
their rights to collectively bargain and
wages do not meet workers basic needs"

announced at T HE BIG EVENT on Friday
night! U-M students only, please.

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Continued from Page1A
Although the rally is normally held at the Diag, this
Oar's will be held at Regents' Plaza near the Cube.
"I'm hoping that this can be a really good week that will
bring back proactivity on campus, and will bring out the next
generation of student leaders,' said National Coming Out Day
organizer and Music senior Katherine Severs.
While there have been great gains for members of the
LGBT community through companies and universities
offering employees same sex benefits, Severs said she hopes
people will continue to fight.
"The more queers feel a part of the main stream, the more
they feel there is less work to be done," Severs said adding
that often transgender people aren't included in the policies.
Severs said she feels a sense of complete apathy coming
from students and there needs to be a broader sense of

"It is really important to me that people be safe in their
daily lives, but that is a minimal desire," Severs said. "Beyond
that, I want to challenge the structure on which peoples' ideas
are based."
Though there is "very little strong leadership and cooper-
ation of the administration with students," Severs said, orga-
nizers hope the events will run smoothly. In years past the
students have had to shout from the steps of the Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library because the microphones were
not set up for the event.
Coming Out Week begins tonight in the Michigan Union
Ballroom at 8 p.m. with the Gender Bender Revue Too.
A health education workshop will focus on mental health,
safe sex, breast cancer, HIV and AIDS on Thursday from 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Wolverine Room of the Michigan
This week's festivities will conclude with the Queer For-
mal on Friday night at Rackham, where all proceeds will
benefit future LGBT programs.

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Continued from Page 1A
-values of community service were rein-
forced during his work in South Africa.
Before the volunteers split into
oups to leave the Diag and tackle 41
fferent project sites, Ramaswamy
reminded them that they too could
apply Gandhi's philosophy in their
work that day.
Many students cited their ability to
apply Gandhi's philosophy of service
to the variety of projects.
Engineering sophomore Rama
Nemer said her experience at Cobble-
stone Farms was unique in that it com-
bined learning with service.
bblestone Farms is a city-owned his-
Torical landmark in need of restoration.

Nemer said a historian explained the
history of the 19th-century site before
the volunteers began working on it.
"It was fun knowing you were
scraping paint off a house that was
built in 1820. It was nice knowing you
were there to preserve it," Nemer said.
Gandhi Day site leader Gerard Jenk-
ins, an LSA senior, said the different
project allowed both himself and other
participants to learn more about them-
selves and the conditions of others.
"I think the big picture is what you
gain from each individual situation. This
time I learned what it's like to live in a
domestic violence situation," he said.
Jenkin's group assisted the staff of
SAFEhouse, a local shelter for victims
of domestic violence, with housekeep-
ing chores.

Engineering junior Ratnesh Sharma
said the service project he was
assigned to required more physical
labor than most conventional projects.
"We went out near Detroit and
helped raise a small house for a low-
income family. The walls were there
- basically we helped raise the roof,"
he said. Sharma said only a couple of
professional carpenters assisted the
Yesterday afternoon Gandhi Day
volunteers met at the Kuenzel Room
of the Michigan Union to reflect on
their experiences.
The most common benefits volun-
teers said they experienced were the
relationships they built with the recipi-
ents and the happiness they displayed
as a result of the work.

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