The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 9, 2000 - 3A
'U' announces
human resources
4 vice president
Provost Nancy Cantor and Chief
financial officer Robert Kasdin
announced that Barbara Butterfield
will serve as the associate vice pres-
ident for human resources and affir-
mative action for the University,
upon regental approval.
Butterfield holds a Ph.D. in educa-
tion administration from Southern Illi-
nois University.
She has held positions, including
-vice president for human resources
at Stanford University and the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, as well as
human resources positions at the
Armerican Intercontinental Universi-
t"y, Duke University and Michigan
State University.
Butterfield's appointment will be
"e'ffective on or before Feb. 1, 2001,
pending approval by the University
Board of Regents.
Engineering prof.
to lead Sea Grant
College Program
Engineering prof. George Carignan
'will serve as the interim director for
the Michigan Sea Grant College Pro-
The Michigan Sea Grant is one of
29 University-based programs that
encourages a better understanding of
tie resources of the Great Lakes and
Carignan will manage a program
which supports 16 research projects
and activities related to environmental
From 1991 to 1999 Carnigan held
the post of associate dean for graduate
education and research in the College
of Engineering while also serving on
the Michigan Sea Grant Police Com-
Marie Curie
exhibit premieres
at Media Union
Starting today and running through
Nov. 3, the Media Union Gallery will
host a traveling exhibit featuring
"Marie Curie's work in radioactivity as
well as the women scientists who built
on her projects.
'The exhibit features interactive dis-
plays, pieces of original laboratory
equipment used by Curie and modern
day technology that arose from
Curie's discovery.
Female scientists including Irene
V Joliot-Curie, Maria Mayer, Dorothy
'Hodgkin, Rosalyn Sussman-Yalow,
Lisa Meitner, Rosalind Franklin and
Florence Sabin, are featured in the
exhibit in honor of Women's History
""The exhibit runs Mondays, Tues-
'days and Wednesdays from 12 p.m. to
5 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays from
12 p.m. to 8 p.m. and weekends from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Other events for women's history
month include an exhibit opening
Thursday and a symposium featuring
prominent women scientists and
=hors on Oct. 18.
Journalist holds
lecture on Egypt
Internation) journalist Geneive
Abdo will visit campus tomorrow to
talk about her new book "No God But
God: Egypt and the Triumph of
Abdo is the first American female
journalist allowed to live in Iran since
, Revolution.
Her work has been published in
The Nation, International Herald
Tribune, New Republic, the Middle
East Report and the Washington
The lecture will take place in
GRoom 1644 of the International
Institute, located at 1080 South
t-niversity Avenue, from 12 pm. to
1 p.m.
The University's Center for Middle
Eastern and North African studies
Will sponsor the event.
- Compiled by Daily StaffReporter
Lisa Hoffian.
Cultural festival teaches about Middle East
By Chrissy Hatcher
For the Daily
Hoping to share the tastes and customs of the
region while bringing together different nationali-
ties, six student groups held a cultural festival and a
party last weekend that transformed the Michigan
Union Ballroom into a tour of the Middle East.
LSA senior Azadeh Shahshahani, a member of
the Persian Students' Association and an organizer
of the events, said she hoped students would come
away with a better understanding of the groups.
"It is aimed to tell people about the culture, for
there are many misconceptions of what the Mid-
dle East is really like," Shahshahani said, adding
that many think that camels run in the streets and
that people don't have cars.
The groups hosting the second annual festivi-
ties included the American Movement for Israel,
Armenian Students' Cultural Association, Per-
sian Students' Association, Arab-American Anti-
Discrimination Committee, Lebanese Students'
Association and the Turkish Student Association.
Each group normally holds social and cultural
activities separately but come together several
times a year in events such as an annual soccer
tournament and a cultural show.
At the cultural festival Friday, each group dis-
played books, music and pictures to represent their
countries. Students could hear different musical
performances or receive a free henna painting at
the bazaar set up in the center of the room.
"It is great to have all of these different cultures
come together."
- Sevan Karadolian
LSA senior
About 100 people of various cultural back-
grounds came to the festival, Shahshahani said.
At the party on Saturday, the groups came
together again, dancing arm-in-arm to modern
Middle Eastern music.
"It is really great to see groups that would not
normally interact, such as the Turks and the
Armenians, and the Arabs and the Israelis, come
together," said LSA senior Katy Pearce, a Middle
Eastern Studies major and member of the event's
planning committee.
LSA senior Sevan Karadolian said she hopes
the groups work together in future years.
"It is great to have all of these different cul-
tures come together. I hope we will continue the
tradition for years to come," Karadolian said.
Activists unsure how abortion
pill could affect Michigan
LANSING (AP) -- RU-486, the
abortion pill approved late last month
by the federal Food and Drug Admin-
istration, is expected to arrive in
Michigan by the end of this month.
But advocates on both sides of the
abortion debate say it will be a long
time before they know how the pill is
affecting abortions in the state.
"We are optimistic that physicians in
the privacy of their own practice will
use medical abortions, but we don't
know yet," said Judy Karandjeff, a
spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood
of Michigan.
The pill - known medically as
mifepristone - has been widely avail-
able in Europe for more than a decade.
It ends a pregnancy within the first
seven weeks by blocking vital hor-
mones. A second drug is used to expel
the uterine lining.
Right to Life of Michigan spokes-
woman Pamela Sherstad said her
group's first line of defense against the
drug will be to remind people that the
procedure, while it may seem less
invasive, is still an abortion.
"We're going to continue to do what
we've always done, which is letting
women know about the development of
the unborn child," she said. "So many
people don't realize that 25 days after
conception, there is a beating heart."
She also sees irony in the fact that
the pill requires three visits to a doctor
One of the biggest arguments against
Michigan's 24-hour waiting period,
which went into effect last year, was
that it would require women to go to a
provider twice.
Ypsilanti resident Lee Booth holds a sign on Saturday as part of the
International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space.
rotesters criticize
new defense system
"Nobody is now saying, 'Oh, this is
such a burden,"' Sherstad said. "But
it's not a wonder drug. It's not easy and
there can be serious ramifications for
For abortion rights advocates, what
the pill lacks in convenience it could
make up for in its ability to reach a
wider number of women. About
26,200 women got abortions in Michi-
gan in 1999.
The FDA ruling allows doctors to
administer the pill as long as they can
pinpoint the date of the pregnancy, rule
out women with tubal pregnancy and
be prepared to take surgical steps if the,
abortion is incomplete or the patient is
bleeding excessively. Doctors wouldn't
have to perform surgery themselves as
long as they had an arrangement with
someone who could.
Robyn Menin, director of Planned
Parenthood of Mid-Michigan in Ann
Arbor, says there are no clinics per-
forming abortions north of Saginaw
right now. She believes the pill could
dramatically improve access to. abor-
"This depoliticizes it. It makes it
much more private," she said.
Dave Fox, a spokesman at the Michi-
gan State Medical Society, said the
group doesn't yet know how many
Michigan doctors will distribute the
pill. A nationwide survey of 767 physi-
cians by the Kaiser Family Foundatipn
found that a third of doctors who don't
now provide surgical abortions would
consider prescribing RU-486.
Menin also said RU-486 might
appeal to more women than another
pregnancy-ending drug that has been
in Michigan for the last 18 months.
That pill - a cancer drug called
methotrexate - works much the same
way as RU-486 but its effects are less
predictable, Menin said. For example,
women don't know when they'll begin
to bleed after taking methotrexite;
with RU-486, they do.
By Autumn Kelly
For the Daily
Darth Vader invaded Ann Arbor
on Saturday, protesting the federal
government's new ballistic missile
defense program.
Led by Keith Gunter of Peace
Action of Michigan, four protesters
in Darth Vader costumes and 20 oth-
ers gathered on the steps of the Fed-
eral Building on East Liberty Street
as part of the International Day of
Protest to Stop the Militarization of
The group protested a separate
armed service, the U.S. Space Com-
mand, meant to extend U.S. military
power into outer space.
"This program is contrary to the
treaty adopted by the United Nations
10 years ago," said Thom Saffold,
coordinator of the Direct Action Cen-
ter of Detroit. "This treaty required
peaceful uses for outer space.
When it was brought up for
renewal last year, the only countries
that voted against it were the U.S.
and Israel, which are already work-
ing on nuclear power stations in
Vision 2020, a new plan issued by
Space Command, adopts four con-
cepts, including the control of "space,
global engagement, full force integra-
tion and global partnerships."
According to the space com-
mand's Website, the goals of the
plan are the commercial develop-
ment of space systems, constrained
military spending, and commercial,
civil, military core and international
"The bottom line," the plan states,
"is that space power will contribute
to getting the right military capabili-
ty and information to the right peo-
ple ... at the right time."
The protesters focused on the term
"warfighters," used by the Vision
2020 plan to describe the role of the
United States.
"Do we really want to be a
nation of 'warfighters'?" they
After handing out flyers down-
town and on the Diag, the protest-
ers were joined by another group,
members of the Bread, Not Stones
campaign sponsored by theI
Catholic peace movement Pax
Christi USA.
This group of about 10 people,
mostly college students from around
the country, is part of a two-month
U.S. tour of 33 cities.
The Bread, Not Stones group is
working to educate the public on
excessive military spending by the
Pentagon, citing other uses for the
money such as health care and edu-
The tour drove up in the "Money
Mobile," a large bus leased to Pax
Christi by Business Leaders for Sen-
sible Priorities, a group of 500 exec-
utives and former military officials
who believe "military spending is.
actually weakening the nation in
many ways."
The bus tour is made especially
visual by 30-foot inflatable props,
other visual aids and a short skit.
Bread, Not Stones member, Kate
Loewe, who is touring with the
group, said she enjoys the popular
education and thinks the bus tour is
a "creative and tangible way to get
people to understand."
National organizer Eric LeCompte
said Pentagon money is directed
mostly to the procurement of
"Many people think the money
goes toward income for soldiers and
health care, but that's only a small
amount," LeCompte said.
Members of the Bread, Not
Stones tour and protesters said that,
in relation with other countries
around the world, the United States
is over-investing in national and
global security and that the money
could be better spent on thecoun-
try's people.
In Ann Arbor, members of the
tour worked with the Interfaith
Council for Peace and justice, Peace
Action of Michigan and the Direct
Action Center.
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October 9th-October 13th
Monday, October 9th
GenderBenderRevueTOO, 8:00 p.m., Michigan Union Ballroom.
An evening of performances celebrating gender diversity. Sponsored by GenderMOSAIC Q&A.
Tuesday, October 10th
Dave Pallone: Who's Really On First? Dave will be speaking about his experiences as a Major
League Umpire at three different events throughout the day:
- Guest Speaker for Intro to Sociology, All Welcome, 11:00 a.m.-Noon, Angell Hall Auditorium C
- "Meet the Umpire" social event, 3:30-5:00 p.m., CCRB Room 2220
- "Who's Really On First?" 7:30 p.m., Michigan League Underground
Wednesday, October 11th
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
National Coming Out Day Rally
12 Noon, Regents Plaza (by the cube)
Esther Rothblum: Mentoring The Next Generation of LGBT Students
4:00 p.m., East Hall, Colloquium Room, sponsored by Rackham, CEW and the Psychology Dept.
Thursday. October 12th
Andrew Mead, 8:00 p.m., Rack-
ham Auditorium, 763-4726
I's, 318 S. Main, 665-2968
Chime Concert, noon, Kerrytown
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - --- - - - . '' 'U' * . ---