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October 09, 2000 - Image 1

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October 9, 2000

By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter

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labor study

Far surpassing any donation in its
121-year history, the University
Musical Society received a $1.25
million grant to strengthen its the-
,&ter, jazz and dance programs and
evise strategies to attract diverse
audiences to the arts.
The Wallace-Reader's Digest
Funds this spring invited 30 organi-
zations nationally to compete for the
grant. Half of those came away with
money and UMS was one of only 10
that received the maximum amount,
said Sara Billmann, UMS director of
marketing and promotions.
The grant is part of the fund's
eadership and Excellence in Arts
articipation initiative, which dis-
perses $16 million annually to pro-
grams and organizations that
support efforts to encourage partici-
pation in the arts.
The award "was very prestigious
from the get-go," Billmann said.
"It's an incredible honor to be a
part of this program," said Christina
Phoburn, UMS promotions director.
0 -Phoburn said that although UMS
has been successful in programming
for the eclectic taste of arts audiences
in the past, the grant will give UMS
another push towards excellence.
The grant will be used for a four-
year program that will emphasize
building major residencies in mod-
ern dance, jazz and theater.
"They're newer art forms for us to
be involved in and they have very
stinet audiences," Phoburn said,
dding that three residencies are
already scheduled for the current
season, beginning in late February
with the Mingus Big Band.
UMS Director Ken Fischer said
the society has received four grants
from the Wallace funds in the past
10 years, but none as large as the
most recent award.
Fischer said the grant will
strengthen Ann Arbor's reputation as
a cultural center.
"We think (winning the grant) has
a lot to do with the kind of climate
created here," Fischer said.
"The community makes it very
attractive for the performing arts to
thrive here' he said.
"This is going to enable us to put
our arms around the larger Southeast
Michigan community and say, 'We'd
love you to come to Ann Arbor. You're
Welcome here.' There's no reason this
shouldn't be the cultural capital of the
UMS will also be strengthening its
promotional tactics to entice new audi-
"This includes everything from
expanding educational programs to
upgrading computer services so we
can find out more about what our
udiences are like," Phoburn said.
UMS is the programming center
for 125,000 concerts and education-
al programs involving 60,000 people
in 47 school districts, Phoburn said.
Its season runs from September to
April, with performances throughout
Ann Arbor.
With the grant, UMS joins a pres-
tigious group of arts organizations
that also received the grant, includ-
ing the American Ballet Theatre and
e Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
"It shows that UMS programming
moves far beyond the immediate
confines of Ann Arbor," Phobur

LSA sophomore Amy Patel and LSA senior Ava Lala varnish a door at the Chimmaya Mission In Ann Arbor on the Gandhi
Day of Service, held on Saturday to commemorate the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

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Projects honor Gandhi's life

By Jen Fish
Daily Staff Reporter
A new report the University
released Friday details the complexity
of monitoring and addressing prob-
lenms in the collegiate apparel manu-
facturing industry and says
enforcement of anti-sweatshop codes
of conduct will be an uphill struggle.
Sponsored by a coalition composed
of the University of Michigan, Ohio
State University, University of Notre
Dame, Harvard University and the
University of Cali-_
fornia system, the "
Independent Uni- Sub-p ar
versity Initiative.
was started in 1999. ondflon
The study's spon- apparel h
sors aimed to gath- _
er information that allthe c
would shed more
light not only on vstd
factory workingt
conditions, but how - Independent L
to better enforce
compliance to
codes of conduct to
improve those conditions.
In a survey of factories in China, El
Salvador, Mexico, Pakistan, South
Korea, Thailand and the United States,
consultants to the IUI project found
that "sub-par working conditions exist
in apparel factories in all the countries
The report also found that in many
cases, codes of conduct set forth by
schools, human rights organizations
and corporations are poorly enforced.
Some issues of non-compliance
involve violations of compensation
laws, discrimination against women,
widespread health and safety problems


and limitations to freedom of associa-
tion and collective bargaining.
In each of the factories in the study,
the primary monitor was auditing firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers, which was
one of the targets of a Students Orga-
nizing for Labor and Economic Equal-
ity protest against a local Kohl's
department store last Monday.
To insure any findings would remain
"independent," the universities enlisted
the services of three different consul-
tants to gather information - the
Business for Social Responsibility
Education Fund of
San Francisco, the
rorkfng Investor Responsi-
s i bility Research
exist in Center of Washing-
ctre in ton, D.C., and
s in Massachusetts
intie Institute of Tech-
nology environ-
mental policy
assistant Prof. Dara
iversity Initiative O'Rourke.
final report University of
Michigan Social
Work Prof. Larry
Root, chair of the University's Stand-
ing Committee on Labor Standards
and Human Rights, called the report a
"fact-finding attempt to better under-
stand what the situation is that workers
face while working in these factories."
"It gives us more information on
what's going on," Root said. "It struck
me personally how hard it is to get peo-
ple to obey the law. It also raises some
questions of how you can, move into
another culture and how you can have
legitimacy, and that's something we
have to think about."
Consultants from the IUI were with
See REPORT, Page 7A

By Tiffany Maggard
Daily Staff Reporter

Members of ProjectServe, the Indi-
an American Student Association and
about. 300 volunteers kicked off
Gandhi Day of Service on Saturday
with the intent of perpetuating
Mahatma Gandhi's belief that the
good of the world lies at the most
basic levels of society.
Gandhi Day began at the University
in 1997 after University alum Manali
Shah introduced the idea at a Leader-
Shape conference with the intent of
bringing members of the community
together in one large act of service.
Now, more than 30 universities have
adopted the idea, including Stanford,

Dartmouth and Brown universities.
Gandhi Day coordinator Sharlene
Bagga, an LSA junior, said this year's
theme of "embracing the community
in the spirit of diversity" promotes
Gandhi's belief that the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts and
the necessity of uniting those not
used to community service with
those who are.
After Gandhi Day participants
flooded the Diag for registration,
associate history Prof. Sumathi
Ramaswamy, interim director of the
Center for South Asian Studies,
addressed the crowd.
"Today, in this hyper-modern, capi-
talist society, Gandhi's courage, for
me, lies in his opposition to modern-

ization," Ramaswamy said.
Growing up in India, Ramaswamy
said she was taught modern Indian
political beliefs which, unlike Gand-
hi's, stressed the importance of gov-
ernment and industry in preserving
the strength of the nation.
Because Gandhi's values were
never really practiced in India during
her childhood, Ramaswamy said, she
did not internalize them until she left
India. She compared her experience
to the fact that Gandhi himself crys-
tallized his core principles while liv-
ing outside India.
"What we call quintessential Gand-
hism, (Gandhi) gained outside of
India," she said, noting that Gandhi's
See GANDHI, Page 7A


Groups make last push as
registration deadline nears

ISunday, bloody Sunday I

By Yae Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

As tomorrow's deadline for voter regis-
tration approaches, campus groups are
making last-ditch efforts to encourage as
many students as possible to register for
next month's election.
Members of Voice Your Vote, which
had a goal to register 10,000 students to
vote, will be on the Diag and in the
Michigan Union today and tomorrow from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. attracting unregistered
Voice Your Vote already claims to have
registered more than 5,000 students on
campus, not including students who sub-
mitted their forms individually, said Voice
Your Vote Chairwoman Shari Katz, an
LSA junior.
In the past week, Voice Your Vote mem-
bers visited residence halls and spoke to
athletic teams, Katz said.
The group also sent out a campuswide
e-mail to remind students of the registra-
tion deadline.
"They have two days left and they can't
procrastinate any longer," Katz said yes-
Although state Bureau of Elections


officials could not give a current number
for how many residents have registered to
vote in the Nov. 7 election, the numbers
available several months ago already were
slightly higher than in 1996, when 55.3
percent of Michigan's voting-age popula-
tion cast ballots.
By the end of July, 6,743,128 had regis-
tered to vote, compared to 6,677,079 reg-
istered voters four years ago.
"We'll get even more at the close of next
week," said Doretha Blair, a state elections
In February, a record number of Michi-
gan voters - 1.3 million - turned out for
the Republican primary showdown
between Texas Gov. George W. Bush and
Arizona Sen. John McCain.
An official from the Ann Arbor city
clerk's office said the number of people
registering per day is "typical voter regis-
tration for any presidential year."

Students who permanently reside in
Michigan and who are first-time voters or
are newly registered in a different jurisdic-
tion can only vote in person at their
assigned polling site and cannot vote with
an absentee ballot.
If a registered voter has voted before, a
letter requesting an absentee ballots must
be received by the city or township clerk
by 2 p.m. Nov. 4 and submitted the no
later than 8 p.m. Nov. 7.
A pre-election absentee ballot may be
cast in person anytime until 4 p.m. Nov. 6,
the day before the election.
Michigan residents who are registered in
Ann Arbor but whose printed driver
license address is not in Ann Arbor will
receive a sticker with the new address to
be placed on the license.
Students who permanently reside in a
state other than Michigan can register to
vote in Michigan, but are then forfeiting
their right to vote in their home state's
election. Their driver's licenses will
remain unchanged.
Out-of-state students can vote by absen-
tee in their home state but rules vary
across the country. To find out more infor-
mation about a particular state's rules,
contact the state's election board.

LSA juniors Jerry Mirogil and Caesar Weston have their
blood drawn at Sigma Chi's blood derby yesterday.
Lupu"AMs walk
am11s to rase
By Whitney Elliott
For the Daily
Since being diagnosed with lupus two years ago, LSA
senior Neftara Clark has worked toward raising money to.
research treatments for the incurable immune system di-
At the Lupus Walk 2000 on Saturday, Black Folx, an
umbrella organization that coordinates activities of black
student groups on campus, named a new scholarship avail-
able each year to two black student leaders in Clark's honor
Clark uses her own experience to help lupus patients
understand their disease. She talks about her stay in the hos-
nital twn uParc ~av when she hatd hand and foot 'suroyerv "nd

Week of events celebrates
National Coming Out Day


By Cara Chase
and Lisa Hoffman
Daily Staff Reporters
Music junior Jim Leija said he hopes that Uni-

Beth Harrison Prado, co-chair of GENDER
MOSAIC, said the week serves as chance to
"educate, advocate and celebrate.
"It is a celebration of people who are able to be
honest with themselves, and hopefully, those



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