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October 06, 2000 - Image 1

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October 6, 2000

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IFC decides
to vote on
fraternity fate
By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter

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Members of the University's Interfraternity Council
decided Wednesday to vote on whether to expel the campus
chapter of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity from the association.
The decision was made by the group after representatives
of the fraternity failed to attend the last two IFC meetings,
& of the requirements of the probation that has been
placed in the wake of hazing allegations last year.
"We still wanted to make sure they were on track IFC
vice president of Public Relations Jerry Mangona said.
Forty-seven members of ZBT were expelled from the fra-
ternity earlier this year in connection to alleged hazing inci-
dents including an
"The way our incident in which a
pledge who was burned
house is running with a cleaning agent.
Stringent social penalties
L htfnoW IS were placed on the
,I remaining members.
eaL. "ZBT was contacted
after the first meeting,"
- Israel Nosnick they missed, Adam Silver
ZBT president said.
ZBT president Israel
Nosnick said fraternity members missed the first meeting
because of miscommunication and the second because of an
academic conflict.
"The way that our house is running right now is great.
very happy with it," Nosnick said.
According to the IFC, ZBT had also failed to submit
written acknowledgment of their probation and held an
unregistered party Monday night. Both are violations of the
probation, and the party was also a violation of normal IFC
policy. Nosnick said the fraternity submitted the acknowl-
edgment yesterday and that no official sanctions had been
taken against ZBT for the alleged party. "It's our goal to
work with IFC and be a productive part of the Greek com-
munity" Nosnick said.
The vote will occur at the Oct. 15 IFC meeting. A two-
t ds majority of IFC presidents are needed to expel ZBT.
At that time, they'll be able to present whatever informa-
tion they want," Silver said.
"A vote to expel is huge," Mangona said. "It doesn't hap-
pen everyday."
ZBT did conduct rush activities this fall, Silver said. Mem-
bers of ZBT's national chapter could not be reached.
Silver said preliminary numbers indicate this fall's rush
to be the biggest ever on campus, with more than 600 stu-
dcnts registering and more than 400 accepting bids. IFC is
extending rush because of the expressed interest. An addi-
al rush meeting will take place on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in
t e Wolverine Room in the Michigan Union.
"That's the first time we've ever done that," Silver said.

By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter

Before last night's vice presidential
debate, the most many Americans
had ever seen of Dick Cheney and
Joseph Lieberman was a five-second
sound byte on the evening news.
The exchange, which was expected
by many political pundits to be more
heated than Tuesday night's show-
down between Texas Gov. George W.
Bush and Vice President Al Gore,
was civil and at times humorous.
Sitting a few feet apart around a
small table, the vice presidential can-
didates agreed that President Slobo-
dan Milosevic should give up power
in Yugoslavia after an election loss,
-but both opposed the use of Ameri-
can troops to force him out.
In a debate that ranged broadly
over campaign issues, Lieberman, a
two-term Democratic senator from
Connecticut, said Republicans want
to "raid the Medicare trust fund to
pay for their tax cuts." But Cheney
said there was more than enough
money to go around, and it is "totally
reasonable" to give relief to all tax-
The argument that "somehow ... all

Texas Gov. George W. Bush is welcomed yesterday at Detroit Metropolitan Airport by legendary
Michigan football coach Bo Schembechler-
Bush visits suburban
Detroit midleschool

of it is going to tax cuts isn't true,"
Cheney said of the huge surpluses
forecast over the next decade.
The two men sparred as they sat
together for their only debate of the
fall campaign. The atmosphere on a
specially constructed stage at Centre
College was far more relaxed than
Tuesday night when presidential can-
didates Al Gore and George W Bush
met in Boston for the first of their
three scheduled encounters.
"Both men were very civil. They
both treated each other with integri-
ty' said Rebecca Perring, chair of the
campus College Democrats.
A few times in the debate, the men
exchanged lighthearted jabs.
"I am pleased to see from the
See DEBATE, Page 7

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

ROYAL OAK - George W. Bush cam-
paigned in Southeastern Michigan yesterday to
promote his education policies and the need for
the federal government to work with parents and
The Republican Texas governor arrived yes-
terday morning at Detroit Metropolitan Airport,
where he was greeted by former Michigan foot-
ball coach Bo Schembechler, an active Republi-

Bush traveled with his wife, Laura, and
Michigan Gov. John Engler to Helen Keller
Middle School in Royal Oak, where he intro-
duced his new proposal to help parents increase
family time in the home.
Bush emphasized the need for family time
and pushed his plan encouraging companies to
let parents work outside of the home. He added
that companies and employees would be offered
incentives to provide computers, Internet access
See BUSH, Page 7

Inside: Vice President Al Gore
rallies Democratic supporters
in Grand Rapids yesterday.
Page 5.

Candidate clashes
George W. Bush and Al Gore face off
in debates twice more this month:
Wednesday, 9 p.m.
Wake Forest University
Seated at table
Oct. 17, 9 p.m.
Washington University in St. Louis
Town meeting

'U' prof.
dies at 54
By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
University Architecture Prof.
manuel-George "Manos" Vakalo
be remembered by his associates
as an inspirational figure who excelled
at what he did.
Vakalo, who had been ill, died sud-
denly at the age of 54 on Monday.
"Manos was a man with a big
heart," said University of California
faculty member Dana Buntrock in a
written statement.
Buntrock studied at the University of
Michigan under Vakalo in the 1980s.
e e taught me to teach. He knew
e iof us as individuals."
Vakalo was born in Athens and
served in the Royal Greek Air
Force before going to Cornell Uni-
versity on full scholarship at the
age of 18.
He received his bachelor's degree
from Cornell in 1970. He also earned
a master's degrees in architecture and
re ional planning there in 1973 and
*7, respectively. He received his
doctorate in architecture from the Uni-
versity of Michigan in 1985.
"Manos never really went home -
he carried school with him always, and
we appreciated it," Buntrock wrote.
Cornell was also where Vakalo met
S-C m

Rain delay,

Director: U.S.
Census return
rate grows
By Lizzie Ehrle
and Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporters
With the results of the 2000 Census scheduled to be
released this December, U.S. Census Bureau Director Ken-
neth Prewitt spoke to University students last night at Rack-
ham Auditorium about the differences between the
upcoming census and ones from past decades.
The U.S. Census, which aims to count every person liv-
ing in the country, largely determines federal funding distri-
bution for states and communities.
The census forms for the 2000 census are the first to
allow individuals to mark more than one race when identi-
fying themselves on the form.
"The most important part of the Census 2000 is the
recognition of the multiracial part of the American popula-

U.S. Census Bureau Director Kenneth Prewitt speaks at
Rackham Auditorium last night about the upcoming census
tion," Prewitt said. The census is about identity and people
should be able to identify themselves, he said.
As people had the opportunity to distinguish their person-
al race and ethnic backgrounds, the Census Bureau calculat-
ed 126 different combinations in the forms they received.
These results are extensive and complicated, but their
recognition is healthy, Prewitt said. "We have transformed
the way we'll look at ourselves in terms of races and ethnic-
ities," he said.
See CENSUS, Page 7

Ann Arbor resident Katherine Martineau waits for the rain to stop yesterday
before performing her Odissi Classical Indian dance as part of India Day on
the Diag.

Mercy evacuates residence
hail after molds discovered


By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter

University of Detroit Mercy officials
have ordered 106 students to evacuate
North Quad Residence Hall by the end
of next week after two types of molds
were detected within the walls.
Sue Yowell, Detroit Mercy's dean of
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Two holes were found recently, one
in the building's lobby and another in a
student's room.
Investigation by contractors and an
environmental consulting firm
revealed that the lobby hole was conta-
minated with stachybotrys, also known
as black mold, and the hole in the stu-
dent's room had the less potent
I^,ic;~nhnm rn ah

Students are being relocated to two
different residence halls.
One, which houses freshman, is
immediately available for North Quad
students to move in. Although the other
building was recently shut down, it is
undergoing renovations and will be
complete for move-in late next week.
Movers are available to assist stu-
rip+t with +the+traf

Ross-Ade Stadium, West Lafayette
12:05 p.m. tomorrow
Drew Brees has thrown for 10
touchdowns in five games, but blocked
kicks have cost the Boilermakers against
Notre Dame and Penn State.
Brees will air it out for Purdue while
Michigan tries to keep the game on the
ground. The Wolverines' secondary will get



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