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September 06, 2000 - Image 43

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-06

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Wednesday, September 6, 2000 - The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition - 5C
Community organizations always looking for more help

Continued from Page 1C
or rehabilitate houses in partnership
with Habitat affiliates and homeown-
ers and raise funds for the work of
Habitat. Volunteers can choose a date,
time and location where they can help
buildhomes. Since September 1,
1998, 1192 University students have
volunteered for Habitat.
The Washtenaw County branch of
the Red Cross needs volunteers in
several areas of their organization.
Because there are many blood drives
on campus, the Red Cross hopes to
set up teams to work the drives to
establish continuity and quality of
their services. There is at most two
hours of training to assist with blood
Another area for volunteer oppor-
tunities includes the Disaster Action
Team or Community Emergency Ser-
vices Team, for those students with
special skills like writing or photogra-
phy. on an on call basis. There are
other opportunities available, to

which the Red Cross can direct stu-
dents according to their interests.
The Domestic Violence
Project/SAFE House Volunteer Pro-
gram has opportunities available in
direct services to survivors of domes-
tic violence and/or their children as
well as administrative work. For
direct service positions, which
include children's volunteers,
women's volunteers, non-residential
counselors, and on-call volunteers,
there is a 40 hour training period
required. The next training is Septem-
ber 22-24 and October 6-8 (both ses-
sions are required). There is no
training required for the administra-
tive positions.
K-grams (short for Kids Pro-
grams)is entering its second year at
the University in the fall. It sponsors
a pen pal program between elemen-
tary students K-5 and college stu-
dents. Last year, eight elementary
schools in the Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti,
and Detroit areas and 10 residence
halls on campus participated in the

program, adding up to 1,000 elemen-
tary students and 1,000 college stu-
dents. In addition to the pen pal
program, volunteers interact with ele-
mentary students through special
events and projects either sponsored
by the schools or by volunteers. The
pen pal program culminates into the
Kids Fair, scheduled for mid-March
of 2001, where 100 student groups
display their special interests. K-
grams also sponsors a reading and
writing program called Bookmark.
There is an application process on a
first come first serve basis to deter-
mine which residents and halls partic-
ipate in the program.
The Dance Marathon is the second
largest philanthropic event on cam-
pus. Over 100 dancers stay on their
feet for 30 consecutive hours to raise
money for pediatric rehabilitation
programs at two Michigan hospitals.
This year's Dance Marathon will sup-
port the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
in Ann Arbor and the William H.
Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. In
1998, $33,000 was raised and over
500 volunteers participated in the
event. Dance Marathon needs volun-
teers in the areas of Dancer Relations,
Morale, Social, Marketing, Public
Relations, Special Promotions,
Administration, Communications,
Family Relations, Finance, Entertain-
ment, Event Management and Rules
and Regulations. The website,
wiwwunich.edu/-umnim lists e-mail
contacts and descriptions of each area
of participation.
The Ann Arbor Hunger Coalition is
a community dinner program held at
various local churches within walking
distance of central campus. The din-
ners are served five nights a week,
Monday through Friday and there is
also a breakfast program seven days a
week . The dinners serve some people
who are employed at low-paying or
part-time jobs, some who are physi-
cally or mentally handicapped and
some who are alcohol or drug depen-
dent. More than 125 people come to
the nightly dinners. In 1999, over
30,000 meals were served. The Ann
Arbor Hunger Coalition needs cooks,
servers, menu planners, food order-
ers, food transporters, office help,
meal greeters, monitors, entertainers
and spring cleaners.
The Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center's (SAPAC) mission
is to work toward the eradication of

LSA sophomore Raj Pardanani plays bingo with Marie April as part of ProjectSERVE at the Glacier Hills Retirement Center.

sexual and physical violence on the
University's campuses in Ann Arbor,
Dearborn and Flint. SAPAC offers
several programs for which students
can volunteer, including Network-
ing/Publicity/Activism, Peet Educa-
tion, Crisis Line/Outreach and
Safewalk/Northwalk, which is co-
sponsored by the Department of Pub-
lic Safety. There are mandatory 40
hour training and orientation sessions
on September 15-17 and 22-24. Stu-
dents must apply for volunteer posi-
The Edward Ginsberg Center for
Community Service and Learning,
sponsored by the University, houses
five volunteer programs: Project
SERVE, Project Community, Michi-
gan America Reads Tutoring Corps,
Michigan Neighborhood AmeriCorps
Program, and Michigan Community
Service Corps. The Center focuses on
the learning aspect of service in its
Project SERVE is a student-run
unit that organizes campus programs
like Community Plunge, and coordi-

nates other programs, like SERVE
Week, Alternative Weekends, Alter-
native Spring Break, Issue Education
and Awareness and Volunteer Infor-
mation and Placement.
Project Community, founded in
1961 by students, is a co-curricular
program. It is the product of a collab-
oration between the Department of
Sociology and the Division of Student
Affairs that began in the 1970s. Stu-
dents enrolled in the program receive
either 2-4 non-graded credits for
Sociology 389 or 3 credits of Educa-
tion 317; depending on what course
the student elects. There are no acad-
emic prerequisites for the courses.
More than-600 students enroll in this
course each semester. In addition to
regular coursework, students are
expected to perform about 4-6 hours
of community service per week.
Michigan America Reads Tutoring
Corps was created after President
Clinton's national initiative in 1996.
The program's goal is to enable at-
risk children to read independently by
the completion of third grade. This
program is open to recipients of fed-
eral work study, who must complete
an application and an interview and

do an orientation and training pro-
gram. Students are supervised by
graduate students in Education at: the
Michigan Neighborhood Ameri-
Corps Program, started in 1995. seeks
to address the educational, economic,
environmental, public safety, and
human needs of Detroit and Dearborn
neighborhoods. Specific programs
include Michigan Neighborhood
AmeriCorps, Volunteer Detroit!
Corps, and Community Reinvestnient
Michigan Community Service
Corps is a summer program that
places students in their home commu-
nities to do community-based work,
which can be either paid community
service or strictly volunteer work.
When the program began in 1998,
there were two communities, and now
there are 12 communities involved.
The program hopes to expand this
number to 25 by next summer.
There are many other organiza-
tions for which students can volun-
teer. The Office of Student Activities
See SERVICE, Pagd 7C


Continued from Page 4C
packing things in untiliyour day
planner bursts doesn't leave much
time for the unpredictable, the sur-
prising, the adventurous or the you
aspect of life."
What can I do about it?
Recognizing students' concerns,
the University has a plethora of ser-
vices available -- but to reap the
benefits, students have to take the
initiative. New students are intro-
duced to general academic advising
within their college at orientation.
Every school or college offers pro-
fessional advisors, with college
teaching experience, to help stu-
dents figure out their schedules,
squeeze in requirements and under-
stand unique opportunities, like
dual majors and study abroad.
"The advisors job is to suggest
* answers, lead students to provide
their own answers or steer them
somewhere else where they can get

the right answers," said LSA advi-
sor Tom Collier on the college's
advising website.
General advisors often hold
office hours in residence halls. An
academic peer advisor also lives in
the hall and is available to answer
questions and give advice.
In addition to general advising,
concentration advisors are available
within individual departments. Stu-
dents can call the department to
schedule an appointment, even if
they haven't declared yet. Concen-
tration advisors can give specific
information on filling major
Tutoring services are also avail-
able. Students can call their depart-
ment or college to find out more
information on finding a tutor. The
Office of New Student programs is
also prepared to help new students.
Besides supervising the Universi-
ty's orientation, Welcome to Michi-
gan, academic mentorship and
social mentorship programs, ONSP
welcomes students' calls or visits.
ONSP director Ann [lower said
they have lots of information to

offer students, or if they can't suffi-
ciently answer a question, they'll
direct students to someone who
Professors and GSI's also make
time weekly with office hours to
help students with their homework,
go over exams and papers, or just
talk. Pavlov said office hours were
a key to success at the University.
"In high school, brown nosing is
looked down upon. In college,
brown nosing is the sacred art," he
Trenary said he was ready to take
the initiative.
"I plan to attend the professors
office hours religiously," he said.
But Mahaffy emphasized success
starts with the individual. Each one has
to decide what they want out of college.
"I believe that if you try, and I
mean really try, no half-assed stuff,
to do your best in class, get
involved, and make the best of what
come along, you will be success-
ful," she said.
"Any decision you make should
be the right one for you," she

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