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October 04, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-04

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 4, 2000 - 3


Maize rage

Hideki pushes for online
listings of textbooks

artwork pulled
from exhibition
A student art display was pulled
from a University of Texas at Austin
art exhibit last month after some stu-
dents complained it was racially
The exhibit's curator, Nathan
Heiges, removed the display, titled
"Black Threat Barbie," which showed
a black mannequin holding a syringe
and gun inside a pink box.
University of Texas at Austin stu-
ent Roy Stanfield, the piece's artist,
said his creation's purpose was to crit-
icize society's view of minorities.
Heiges said the display did not have
any text explaining the artist's pur-
pose. The chair of the African-Ameri-
can Culture Committee echoed the
opinion that a purpose statement was
needed and added several committee
members were offended by the work.
*Toledo students
told to pay up or
face expulsion
University of Toledo students who
owe the university $200 or more in
tuition bills will be expelled if they do
not pay up.
Letters were sent last Wednesday to
students with debts to the university,
ordering them to pay their bill§ or
start up a payment plan by tomorrow.
If they do not comply, students will
be dropped from classes and they
would not be able to sign up for future
terms until their bills were paid.
Administrators said 1,700 students
owe money and the university may
lose up to $1.4 million in unpaid
gCamera found in
Tufts men's room
Tufts University police removed a
hidden camera found in a men's
library restroom last week. A student
reported to police he saw a person try-
ing to start up the camera and battery
The bathroom is listed on the Web-
site, wuwwcruisingfirsex.com, as a top
,spot in the Boston area for homosexu-
al sex. The library's director said it
has increased surveillance around the
restroom. The facility has also been
vandalized repeatedly in the past
including the removal of stall doors
and divisions between urinals.
Va. Tech students
aid sick classmate
* Virginia Tech is holding a five-kilo-
meter run to help raise money for a
student who needs a bone marrow
transplant. Patcharee "Ann" Hen-
sirisak was diagnosed with Non-
Hodgkins lymphoma two years ago.
The men and women's cross-coun-
try teams and the graduate student
association are among the student
groups sponsoring the event. Home
Depot also helped fund the race, pay-
ing for T-shirts.
* Organizers said they have raised
about $2,000 so far and are looking to
[get another $1,000.
student protests
breakfast move
A Northwestern University student

as been on a hunger strike for more
than a week because he opposes the
shift in weekend meals from one cafe-
-teria to another
Willy Bailey handcuffed himself to
a railing in the Allison Hall cafeteria
near the apple juice fountain. A food
service manager asked him to unlock
himself, but Bailey said he never
bought the key. University police
tugged the handcuffs off Bailey. Stu-
dents shouted "Free Willy" and
heered the protester as he left the
cafeteria. Bailey said he ate nothing
but salt and a vitamin C pill since last
- Compiledfrom U- WIRE repo/rts b1
Daily Staff Reporter Robert Gold.

By Michelle Poniewozik
Daily Staff Reporter
With the hopes of saving student
costs, Michigan Student Assembly
President Hideki Tsutsumi announced
at last night's MSA meeting his goal to
have textbook lists for each class posted
on the Internet for students to access
before the beginning of the semester.
Hideki's goal is to have books post-
ed by the end of December for the
upcoming winter semester.
"This can help a lot of students save
a lot of money," Hideki said. "The cost
of things is the biggest problem at the
Also at the meeting, the assembly
failed to approve a motion to reappro-
priate funds for specific speakers for
the Peace and Justice Commission's
Affirmative Action 102 education pro-
gram, although a resolution passed at
last week's meeting approving the pro-
gram still stands.
Originally, MSA was going to allo-
cate $6,000 to bring civil rights activist
Jesse Jackson and affirmative action
opponent Ward Connerly for Affirma-
tive Action 102.
Since Connerly's trip is being fund-
ed by another organization and Jack-
son was already planning to be in the
area, assembly members said if the

funds are not required for Jackson and
Connerly's visit the money should go
back into MSA's surplus funds.
"We're scrounging for $200 every-
where, and (PJC is) on a roll," SNRE
representative Mona Gupta said in
response to PJC co-chair Jessica
Curtin's wish to reallocate the money.
"This money's not going to go to
waste if she doesn't use it," Gupta said.
"We'll use it."
The assembly did approve the bud-
get for the 2000-2001 academic year
with two amendments.
The amendments adjusting the bud-
get included an increase in the Elec-
tion Committee's budget from $3,000
to $4,350, with the increase coming
from MSA's surplus budget, and a
transfer of $700 from the Voice Your
Vote Commission to the Campus Gov-
ernance Commission.
The assembly approved the alloca-
tion of $750 to the Budget Priorities
Committee and the Community Service
Commision. It also agreed to use $250
to purchase a new uniform for the Uni-
versity's "Superfan," LSA junior Reza
"We have a historical relationship
with the Superfan," MSA Vice Presi-
dent Jim Secreto said. "MSA needs to
maintain and support the Superfan."
A resolution in support of a motion

to move the LSA admissions lawsuit
to Ann Arbor from Detroit also was
passed by the assembly.
The decision on the admissions law-
suits will either "change the complex
or not change the complex of this Uni-
versity," Rackham student Tom
Guglielmo said. "Students need to
have the ability to participate in this
trial if they wish."
Two new MSA representatives were
announced at last night's meeting.
Education senior Kevin Gentner and
LSA sophomore Jessica Cash will rep-
resent their respective schools on the
"I'm happy to be here and very
excited to get some of that stuff done,"
Cash said.
Eleven students have been named to
the Budget Priorities Committee for
the upcoming funding disbursement to
student groups.
LSA sophomores Andrew Vieweg,
Sarah Scott and Jill Chokshi, LSA
freshman Javier Restrepo, Engineer-
ing junior Milan Gandhi, LSA
juniors Adam Damerow and Erika
Dowdell, LSA senior Aqueelah
Cowan and Social Work student
Diego Bernal compose the commit-
tee, which will be lead by BPC
Chairman Siafa Hage and Vice Chair
Farah Mongeau.

Billy Poet, a five-year old Ann Arbor resident, refuses to feed corn to a goat
at Bunyea Farms on Joy Road.
Speech focu"11ses
on violence in
. s

By Johanna Wetmore
F or the Daily
"Be the change you want to see,"
concluded Lawrence Carter last night in
a speech delivered as part of Victory
Over Violence Week.
Carter, dean of the Martin Luther
King International Chapel at Morehouse
College in Atlanta, addressed the audi-
ence at the Michigan Union Ballroom in
a 75-minute speech profiling among
others Mahatma Gandhi and Martin
Luther King, Jr. as the originators in the
practice of non-violence.
Carter cited media tactics for the per-
petuation of human violent behavior.
"If the repeated image of a Coke is
used to make us want to drink Coke,
how can the repeated images of gunplay
and violence have no impact on us
whatsoever?" he asked. "By spending
money to see violent films, you send the
message as to what you as the public
want to see."
In its gtoup statement, the Victory
over Violence campaign was "born
from the concern over the alarming rise
in violent crime among youth" to spread
its message of non-violence and to help
young people counteract the route cause
of violence.
Carter reinforced the methods of the
Victory over Violence campaign, say-
ing, "What our world most requires now
is education, that favors love of mankind
and empowerment to improve society."
Carter challenged University students

to "work on your conscience to create a
new conscience of peace within your-
In response to the frustration students
may feel about embarking on this chal-
lenge, Carter said, "Our society is full of
high achievers that make it look impos-
sible to do any better or make a differ-
"If I had had a deeper appreciation of
time when I was younger, I would have
understood that it all depends on com-
ing from a positive perspective," he said.
"Even in planting the seed of an idea we
begin to make a difference."
Engineering senior Masakazu Sueda,
one of the coordinators from Student
Division, a University sponsor for the
Victory over Violence activities, helped
to bring Carter to cantpus.
"Dr. Carter has a great understanding
of our movement," lie said. "In the 20th
Century, people try to change society
from outside with war. Now it is impor-
tant to have dialogue, to change our-
selves from within."
Sueda said he hopes University stu-
dents will use Carter's words as a step,
ping stone to improve themselves and
help others.
LSA junior Jamila Stewart, a repre-
sentative of the Undergraduate Psychol-
ogy Association for Students of Color,
another sponsoring student group, was
not alone in her disappointment at the
small turnout.
"A lot of people missed a very inspi-
rational speech," she said.

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Continued from Page 1.
Prof. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema.
Abigail Stewart, director of the
IRWG, said the goal of the panel was
"to give students specific knowledge of
the issues out there and to help them
feel emboldened to ask the questions
that matter."
Boyd presented information about
binge drinking and its negative conse-
quences for women.
"The more a student drinks, the more
likely they are to suffer the negative
consequences associated with drinking
such as hangovers, drunk driving, dis-
rupted studies and sleep and sexual
assault,"she said.
The University-sponsored Student
Life Survey polled 2,041 undergraduate
students in 1999 with the intent to find
the attitudes and behaviors toward drug
The study found that most female
students on campus were not binge

drinkers but those involved in a sorority
were more likely to drink and use drugs.
Of female binge drinkers, 48 percent
had driven drunk in the previous year
19 percent were harassed or molested,
14 percent were injured and 2 percent
had considered suicide.
The study defines binge drinking as
having four or more drinks in a row for
women and five or more drinks in a row
for men occurring once or twice in the
previous two weeks.
"the survey is not inclusive of all
victims and perpetrators of assault," said
Sean McCabe, a research fellow in the
Substance Abuse Center, but is merely
highlighting one of the possible negative
consequences involved in drinking for
in terms of education, Rackham stu-
dent Zaje Harrell, a fellow of Boyd's,
said the point of the survey was for
women to be aware of "the issues
around sexual assault and drunk driving
and the implications and threats to the
body associated with risky behavior."

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today
EVENTS ® Victory over Violence Presentation, um of Art A r t V i d e o s, 12:10
Sponsored by Victory over Vio- p.m., UMMA audiovisual room,
Michigan Student Assembly'sHealthlence Festival Pioneers for 525 S. State at South Universi-
Issues Commission Meeting, Peace will speak 7:30 p m.ty, 764-0395
7:0sspum.es A C m es e, 3969Michiean Union Kuenzel Room,
7:00 p in., MSA Chambers, 39764-1 71 SERVICES
Michigan Union, 615-5MSA" "6d aC1pE R E
"The Stru~Ie for Jewish Identity," U0"Orthodoxy and Con6cepts of Gen-


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