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October 02, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-02

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 2, 2000


200die in Israel during holiday
The Washington Post cocktails and trade autontatic wveapons fire with "The Middle East peace process has survived
Israeli forces. successive wavcs of violence, terror and unrest
JERUJSALEM Israeli attack helicopters and At least 12 Palestinians died yesterday, bring- since it began in 1993, but there was growing
antitank missiles pttuttded Palestiniait rioters in a iitg to more thtait3(0 the numtber killed since Fri- cottcertt here that the current scale of fighting
vain attempt to extingtuish a three-day explosion clay, whten clashes erupted after right-wing Israeli and casualties could derail negotiations at a criti-
of violence that spread yesterday frotn the West politiciatn Ariel Sharitn visited t site sacred to ectl Juncture.
Bank and Gaza Strip to townts and cities ittside Muslittis tttd Jews in Fast Jerusalemtiott Theirs- "We're starting to ask if thte Palestinians wat
a Israel. daty peace, satd Maj. Gen. Ytzak Eitan, commander of
Israeli tattks rumbled to the outskirts of the West Otte lsraicli sotldier bled tit death in Nablus while Istaeli forces tn thte West Batnk.
Bank city of Nablus, whtere Israeli troops were ttoops trted tit clear an evacuation route through8 A top Palesttnian negotiatot; Saeb Erekat, said hie
" besieged by Palestiniatn gunmen inside Joseph's mobs of Palestinian rioters and gunmen. More was not certain whether conclusive peace talks could
Tomb, traditional burial place of the biblical patti-thain 2111 people have been wounded in thtelong, resume while the fighting raged. Palestinian leader
arch. Elsewhtere, thousatnds otf Palestittiatns coittintued bloody htolidaty weekend mtarking Rosh Ilashana. Yasser Arafat has not commented publicly on thte
to bombard Israeli pcsitions with rocks atnd Motlotoiv thte Jewish New Year. fighting.

-UU iuW1W riuviC ruD iflf
Monday - Friday Monday - Thursday
October 2 - 6 October 9 - 12
Michigan Union Ground Floor Pierpont Commons

Abortion protest supports accused pries
ROCfKFO(RD,)11ll Eozes of atitiatortion protesters at an annual rally yi
tet dai sid teystippiott the desotonit if not the alleed actons --- ohf
Cthtolie ptiest ccused of crashiig into at abortion clinic here and choppi
tssay t the buildittg with ait ax.
I don't agice with his tmethods, btt I appreciate his heart' said the Rev.
IDasid Biroomtt Iv carried a signi that said "Adoption: The loving option" an
jiined a htumn chain of about 1,1110 protesters outside a Catholic church foM
tug the shtape of a cross.
I herally ad beeit scheduled long before Saturda's attack. Amid the singit
people ectuldl be heard along the chain talking about the Rev. John Earl, who
chartged with buglary and felotny criminal damae to property for the atack Sati
day mning at the Norhernt Illinois Womens Center He was feed afer posti
S1 1,111 biond.
Earl was stotpped itside the building by its owner, who fired two shotg
blasts to scare hitttaway. Th'ie clinic wasn't open and there were no injuries.
'It's hardl to support those kinds of actions when you stand for life, but we de
nitely dii support im in stading up for life Jeff OHara said at yesterday's rtil
Thte attack catite two cays afer government approval of the RU-486 aboti*
at the office of Richard Ragsdale who sucessfully challenged Illinois aortiy
laws in tie I9901s tat claming tey limited women's access to the procedure.
Navy detains 65 thirds of the 20mile by four-mi
military protesters Opposition to the military'spr
ence on Vieques flared in Apt
SAN JUAN 'iterto Rico -- The 1999, when a U.S. Marine CorpsI
U.S. Navy detaitnedl65 protesters yes- 1 8 jet dropped two 500'poum
terday near a formter weapons depit bombs off target, killing a civ~
iii te Puerto Ricant islantd of Vieqtes guard on the range.
part of a cay of antinmilitary cdemon-
Tie roeser etecdthe base by ju g rejects sc n
crawling undteer a fence befotecdiun, attempt at Waco sui
Navy spokesmtantLIt. llGottdot
said. WACO, Texas - A fedeal Jud
Thtey would likely face trespassing rejected a second attempt by plainti
chvrges, lie said to reopen the Branch Davidian
Lter inthle caymthosands of wrongful-death lawsuit against f1
Puerto itRieintimarcet e m ceancd government.
the militariy tbandeonithie Vieques Attorneys Dvic Hardy an~
traititiggountd it has used since te Brannon asked U.S. District JW
I940s Walter Smith Jr. to recotsider I
"Wht'siii t tiiedI ear '? It's le rilittg that rejected tetnotiott th
people ontithle i ipat!" they chant- flashes picked cp on FBI itfrtr
edl isvisg i' eques' blue-ted-swhite idetionothle final cay ef the 51-cl
flay" sanicoff at te sect's Waco ot
Aliitt ieCs hasc arrestedtitire pittnid1 sere blasts from BF
thal 000hu pirotesidirs sinied May. Moe weaponis.
lthin 4i00 await itrial oi trmespassintg lit a ruling lst seek the judge s
ciat-ecs. the lasyers' trequ~ st s switto
[lie Natyscontrotls about t- merit.
British human rights Iaitaic altheso trihts t1
lawv goes into effect 1th ettr."sasitchJtlitt Kowles.
tien cy swil Iith tis, a lass fitm, s
LON )\ 11iN \ltitigli stapboxs cializitig in limitiigt"s l.s
oii ttits hittme t Sle"peker's Co'tner a "'''[le eecthiatitpeple cniuace
svititsl f ficc speechil imuiitchi of le litek ip swhact their bsic rihts arc
world.lthlieu rights in HIIvde Pak arcittt pretty revoltinatry here Kin''sC
explicitly giaraitce l iBrlitishi las. ec lhuiminits hiss Pot.France
Simiilarly, Idritaini les ino euiivalentt Kltg said.
t-eainSicit an po Ittn is ae M ore displaced a
iudcdillce"''tly obtaietdesienece iv r a
in Biotish tiad s All of this ssill cliatie, India floods sra
hwcr\%hn th aor g"verments rea
II titi i Ri'' ts Act "tes itotueffect NAKPULItdia- IFresl1 1o4c
today, is cotie ratitt Ft 50-"llyear-otl submerged tnew .arieas itt Inditaia
I ii ipe iii ititvettttin ilithutanittghitis Batnglaesht yeserday, forcin th
itt doitmestic lhissn'mitcvisite Britaiini stnds nmore residents to flee itt utre
silt amoittttntis t ahll of'ti"hts where 21) tmillion people hacve leen
Tis iis a It" I restltittit lr iiini it beenm affected attd tmore thatnm ,l411pi
wit tilatchn po ei liti al impiationis, pe hae been killed, officials said.
sa attu tey~tcititigts ctisists id At least 1(1,11M1people displaced
ludciaexeperts Ovirnoightcentturis- essflooinglttcrmetntuch selstsstetit
olde Bditish e ie tsc sill e spersecdedh rytminmcrs, rooftps cf heiheit
by the1midstbill ostititig the right to itoevie theaters tr gathered alotg ro
life, libcrty. ice sphddeat a fair trial, sides ithle North 24 Pctgctttstsdistrii
pts pitli biots againts torture. slav-0
eydi' adelisciminiationu. Comile/sdist ittrDil ite it/o

t td r, ii ~v ,iysi .tl'7'tItt puishedtitiiMonday iethrhFidaytuiingctie faltlan witetermv~ts
isi',1,^h gM.i' Subicripeitions or aittrmii.starting in Sepiteber.via U.S. mtilt arc
s.Cot i.. " ." ti'y5 iuih Aptilt)t.is sins. ytatutg (etemethroiugh Api) is 10, nutuvi
Tri'o. i', 0st ~i-~'.we s tiofTeAssoctiated Piess vind The AssocuitedColiegiate Piess.
AtiDts r > 0., i''Dol0.t20'taynartvud SititnnrborMichigan 481n91327.
isis i'tit it.t t tl itvertistigt7a-un5:it.pnuty advertisitg 764-t554:Biling 764-0550.
E.mal et, .~ rtodiiil.tettti'tiniiititt.,itit. WorldWide Wvveb: ww~iuhigandad.nn.i
NEWS Jewel Gopwani, Managing Eit
EDtIcTOS: N.ckBuney, pM~ecichalGasika Schult. ei,,ie Winkler
r. hy ~el oiewo.'ik.iara ham.. ....ttv ~~ iss,5,vO
EDITORIAL Emily Achenbaum, FdH
ASSOeiATE EDITORS: Pet, er unifeRyan ePtr,twJtsh Wiceaum, Nicholas Woomer
1 .r" n.- .t +ay ei in.,Chi.. u 5.55 eth. ihe. '1K . aF~. u brey HnretO. O atrick 'vuKie. .,,ny onc, Ci
SPORTS David Den Herder, Managing i
SENIOR EITORS: Chis.DupteyMak Fanectu tti, eofGgnon, Stephanie Sften



ASSOCAEtITOR:ninnGodsiti eiv
WEEKENDE. dEDITORS:. iviviiln, Elitabth Pensler

Gabe Fajuri, Chris Kula, Editi

PHOTO Louis Brown, Jessica Johnson, Edit'
ASSOCIATEEDITOS: ie.dSKautz, joieMarshalli
ONLINE Rachel Berger, Paul Wong, Managing Edit.

E Wi your hrinnlld:


Sarah Estella, Marnag
Doi a o u t"n. Gimc... tari..t. t. Jat'.rdHla. n H.' 0 . imonHiv Ke
Lauren Rice, Mama~
Steve Jones, Mg
Courtney Morales, Manag
CTION Dana Linnane, M~ag

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