0 0 September 30, 2000 - FOOTBALL SATURDAY - The Michigan Daily -.7 6 - The Michigan Daily- FOOTBALL SATURDAY - September 30, 2000 Blue has wooed me from the cheese Dear friends, family and all the other Badgers who will ate inc afer reading this: Iam the cnemy. The one you not only hate, but just can't understand. ITle one who, above all, you wait to eat --just to make a poiiiit., M IKE I'm a Michigan man who gresv SPAHN uip a Wisconsin boy. _________________ Now that is certainly not the entire story. Growing up in the Milwaukee suburb of Shoresood, I never owned a Big Red sweatshirt. I never curled uip at night ii motion 'W' bedsheets. I tever thought that, "When you say Wisconsin, you've said it all" Aiidshile I've always loved to sing "On Wisconsin" ii music class at Lake Bluff Elementary school, I'd now prefer "The Victors." Perhaps I was jaded y the Doin Morton years. I don't know. Perhaps I'm1 pissed that I neser got a discount on shoes. But I do knosv that sshil I njoyed watching Darrell tevell in the '94 scson and the Rose Bowl that net New Year's Day, I swas rally cquitly laughing about Brent Moss' nasal prolms I was happy to see your B'ders make the Final Four because my brother and his Iriesnds could rejoice, but really it sas just so that Michig'tn State may lose And yet all the swhile you ha te Michigan. and me, wsith a passion unlike any other I loss cuickly you Bdger s irei..without uts. your iea nofo'destinyitie oils thatiexc itd Roii Fayne and coim'paiiy to coole to thr(Chses Stti,swould hae beeti relegated to the (Cirus Boss itI'acriniiiteam i Ble han' dli sumantleI hio Sit foi You "But iesviswonitoRisesl icBowls i a rosw'.and that's ness siaippseisdlbsfors;"13dge fsi isscream. We lil, owss i that game against Oiio State i '98?~ Did( you gu'ys eijos'the''gtie agi'tiPenit State last O~h us1ndoss ihouii hos tis oer Michigan for.- weltiselloi as on'' as ns'ohfyou cisc been in school. Ihugse? \vhsloaxI foir'ot. Nonesofithoss hings happened. AI lixat'shappenedto min nthi lst xewciy'arsuxis nlot of i'' tllfrom my rieiinds t b's\iso a lot ot' hpe hlore echlgaime o fp esdofpople oter ec '''itiC 'ntl small 'imountsx o pitssicaliahse. Andithre ins.al ()It.I almot orgno'ti there iwa's ills'more thini1g. Onte national clailponship An owoishlitaigreat scliedlle Ba'rr's put togeth~r for yout 'uyssthe ps Isisyisrii I cotmpementsitu sit youirItatintought swiii over or . i tinmtots scsit ndonse'kiig by' those pesky heaas this timts MiiirayiSStts, Nada .. tiyoueei pulled Siiiloirdiithat IPis-t0 powrc ii one iif'yatar Rase Baw l.nmpresxxielit Btariry c't Iduck olt sloppniets AtlIyear lst as hix xonciiiniiiduhckilie pirrot plic. Si toiiAnil Airbor y'ouiiciime'ell ig' 1odoubt. that iwe htere iniAnni Artorstxudy toil mliihldoii' drik eoiutgh aind tic simnplysnoty pickski But sic pieIr is dciour Ilking oilthe field. Flctcli iMay mlouthilfithe illeills pisxx owl hIe's Supermn, bitt fiaikly I'cdprefei is watchi Csvy fChase if ' Illlock- ing for 5s1m1e'eniterta it bylt itiame. I hplen )511 ty Iitamilyiticd lots of rinds, isho di- arois ei'enkiowiig mtosr lithite week eery year, soi to you and eeryone else clad ill red oil Saturday: Briig yoiir screamaig, your ype, your "this year's le (tie!" Just rememlber, the enemy a isaiting, and iis oils isn ' goiing to be mny different. Alike .Shn oilt lii)irnii'iIIholt' lowc/iiducklitoil Wtii ti.itf ouiwanut t ocos'hit iii'oflfr (it a/e to/lit', c-mnohimiii iiuiikspnlltonsi itni/clr/ic WHEN MICHIGAN HAS THE FOOTBALL 32 Thomas -TB 23Perry FB 35 Askew 44 Armstiong Whitley " .19 uellamy SE ~ - ~ 'FL 54 Wiiames 72 Mast 67 std 6'44 insun 79 Backus 83 Jnppiu 77 Pape 78 Gouawin 78 noonwin730tny 74 Solomou 81 Seymour RT RG C LG LT TE LT NT RT RLB ILC 78 Kolodzaej 98 MtUu77 Brynt 96 Fanrut RC 2 Fletciherl 4Pat 9Srau 3srh 4 Hret 36 Echnis 23iTucker ILB ILB 34 uroussard 0OLB 45 Ge sn46 Mack 19 Knight 4 2Topo SS 3 ak 6 unuse FS 11 Hugheus 8 vn 7 Aielln Anm Arhor Madisonl We have: No shoe contract We have: Protests We have: M IPs We have: Maize and Blue We have: Hash Bash We have: Jack for parking We have: Beer Wehayve:Nc' We have:SuivorsamLaellr Blanchard and Gavin Groninger We have: Chipatis We had: J.P McCarthy We hae: History of Roman Spors 372 We have: MSU students We have: Amer's They have: Discounts They have: Provalone They have: Fun They have: Bleu cheese They have: Weekends They have: Monterey Jack They have: Even more beer ;- THE BADGER HERALD Michiganders -- a bunch ofhoodlums Wecull tink of the Uiversity of Michigan, I picture a quality univiersity with quality students ad faculty I also have one other image that pops ito ty Yes, wvhen I ear of good old Michigan ty gray imater conjures uip images of igseedy gatg JOHNNY bangers, ihrowiig up gang signs atd giving ay- DALY one who dares to stare at thrillte gaze of deat. Thley arc of course sporintg sunglasses, goa- tees antc are dressed ead to toe in the Maize aid Blue, required garb if you arct be te ardes aid meanest thug Oil your block. TO keep their eads warto, te 'hood will doil a wool scull cap witht the emlbroideredl Michtigan lugo i~sewnoil the frn. Fuler a hinluy Michigaul basketball wanp or a faded Tai Steets jersey dapes iii shloulders, atidIe iears hi tent-like Mihigail basketball shorts slnug right around his knees. Onte ook at the proud Michigan athletic program, atd it's (ie ele- mtentary toi uisceril why any'lon swithi a hlolum til eality swould wati to sport the colors tat symbolize Michtigail. Aiti Arbor is a breeding grounud for hooligaits Aily sef-rspectiing mit who sells crackoilthe street conesiwoud chlerishl the idea of representing teutivliersity t produced le greatest struing-out athlete of all titme, Roy'Tarpley. If a ganlgta is going tip back ott a little wine, ichy ot dt it wearig thle colors of the team that sis led throughlmany iediocre seasons by noled raginlg alcoholic Gary Moeller If a crew of youutg crimillahy minluded yaoos wat to purey to te wsorhl that thley are insoeiti tinder-achieers, all they mlerey eed to doliis thrsts on some matchlini'Wolvierines''btsketball jrsys aid voia, they resemlble to tabFie Thiat way, ifitley ski apperraggueedland debiona'ir it isill be cividentithe banld is lst1(1o thr uaniiaubuncrhlofhaIlfulwitted otdos uho will ieer amlout to antytig resemlbhli' i chamipion The iriic pao theiht uuation s thittmoutigonsiltht doiumisar Wvterinle paraphernia huudititbecauusxt11y5prsumeacits cooil anludhi t1 his inl AnlulArtistsihenutin lli ty this lair city s tlsantitihlesistfsiogue. Ill icier orget honws hiffledlI swaxlsulenI madls11miingural 5ii to AinnlArhoin iNovembehri itfI 198 IIhaud heard Ilhi antrioishossMichu"tiri wsa'Iquiuetelamce"swhere phele ere'iocusontir acadeus cs. Blasphtemys.1Ithioiut. people at Wuicitixs itsre ust ixsituacha cr ullre about tiheir stuiehsxaind stillfinuth tu aise uchieIll Illhe eekenits. Ater sieppiiug"oh the biux, u rtus istinluct isas toiinIaudIa uic' wiaerintg hlne iiithichutouiwcla u cuple tof brews. xI touht I iwioildhavcte no trnue Iindciag a Iaisseent'shuux i ttchigu'" mut i'cau s rkit-clas bnaiou il'closedfclItoisaddouuahid ouicithtIvciris I hiss'I loigectat htcve aconvlliersionia oth a'udiiaaheadt tied Michiu'''ilder 'tilchrae aotut he IRed \i'ugs aundhenag'''e ittjosvil lupanh'ashuiu''le"ause ax se ll kuotanaud crisve Mitchi'''ni triacuce isIquait podaicti. Buiiiiiuchutoumyiisthxutayitty xeichfocua ialiiim upitiemtyil. I pont- dditheItibius hut ccisidentltIy tke nseItoSalt Lk (ils: lu I asci remindedhsh byythisodoruchi-U ll hibsithuat I sis stll i iruhig"ani. Well tlestiiiI sicId ihsclac n ,a punrty,uecer til AnnmiArbcr cntilbe hisrIbhhindchMadisoin iite hlcuse-prty siuitsiwire aydull'tsit- pecig scideit is priviy to t lIstiiissel hirtieus isithit last seeti biarres oh beer psrida i g h t. But occsa'giluty sachtillamellsupemtpy exceptitloncts'stude'nititao ,lcane ii up th yalolhl-starit cnih cl daint and mliad toild us tia stt' denutti sun ty witihieerItis wsortds rlled Oftiitil sushi zest thact it scutitt- cc like Itiews esposingithl le wss 'cucc dicc, hut itisixas thly'just direc- tiosltoi a siltall get-togethe. tispaty wis isnot ll tha itc, excepti ot this ash that eiry hiersonilI met wetn t tantiuherlcushtolcth ter tailMichligan. I madeicsmitall tlkiwiti thle three atracivfalesh and fcunmd ui thilat tey weit to Micigant State aind 'Westernt Michigan. Iias also lambasted by a thug ci ills keg. iho sas wearingclhii els, a Michligaul seatband, sill keyed mi'ntou the valutable fact that Fit comelss real Aitu I thought Efint only seth its jerks iii hash Lansinlg. As I hake tyiay ack tt Annu Arbor Irithis year Michigan- Wisconsin contest, I sai olyiuhopeIthat imys tutions of whtat kiudtf school U-M is iwill turun a comlpete I80. But who ami I kidding, all I Ihave to do is looksut te windoiw here ii Madisoni and see a punk kid on Ie street wearing a maize amd blue visor. JouhnnYi '[Xit/ t/r c ' e 'ttthuu'uuttcuihr(cr)udenihtmuuesti'.c'um. L ike a slapshot from center ice, the ques- tionh came down the middle to Wisconsin cornterback Jamoar Fletcher on Monday. It didn't knucekle or cuirve, and it certainly would have beenl easy to deflect away. Fletcher's man-coverage toatclutp with Micthigan's David Terrellthitis Saturday lad been discussedt in depth already, to almlost nlauseatinlg proportions. thlen tile ultinmate quesion isas issumed to Fletcher, the star corner. "Whlo do you think is tte best receiver in the B~ig "Ten?" laying alreaudy covered every conlferenlce receiver wvihan~y amout of prestige, Fletchler iwas moore thanu qualified to give an ansiwer-- if lhe ivautted to. ITte mtore diplomlatic approach. anld surety the on~e his coach, Batrry Alvarez, would have pro- mootsd, wuld have been to say, "Thtere are so mlanly gumys in this leagume that are sot talenlted. It's hard to pick just one." Fleic tor opted not to ledge. To play a light- pressure posimiont like cornterback, a rare mlixture oh ctnfidecess'mid braivadlo is required. Alontg ii tilhIl phtysicaitskills, Fletchter possesses itis is well. So hie gave hlisacmli'r, stratight mid simlpe. He picked hits tamimate. I thtink (Churts 'hambers is mte best receiver itt theis' 1gTen.t IFls'tchemsriightinitbhewrtong.I's cm close caltt betweenilITrrelmld C'hambtesrs. (haimberts haits lxedt cll focur ctf MWisconslini's puttes tis seastont recolverinlgfromull mii ury 'mid servit" his Shotes Borx Scanidl-relcated sums- piensionu. stichiigantllthbe ills'first tecaml hes fIccs. tHe is ciii Unkncwn ithuis seclion. thcugh Fletcher tan covered him every day il practice and has moore authority to rate htis grame than anyone else. Terrell hans gained momoentumn ever since hlis 150-yard, three-touchdown performance in the Orange Bowl at the end of last season. A nation- al-televisiont audience look note of No. I that tight. More recenly, 'Terrell Ihelped bring the Wolverines back from the dead last weekend against Illinois scull 104 second-hlf yards and a score. At best, decidiung between ('hamobers anld 'Terrell is a tought call -- even molure incenttive for Fletchler to sidestep thle question. But thIat's lot wh~o Fletchler is. the doesnlt itike thle easy iway outi. Every game, Fletchter covers thle opponlent's top receiver. Evenl bad teamls have one decent Blattler. So eve'n if Wisconlsinl walks assay from te gaine a 42-0 wvinner, Fletchter walks awavcy tired anld sore. Ile says lIts's "nlot Supe'rmlan," butlhe's pretty chose. Wisconsin's tco safeties, Jasont Doerintg antd Joey Boese, can somlechat shade awsay froml Fletchesr's side -- becamuse thley trust hull, becauise itey've seen htim do thle samte contsist'nt joib for thr~ee seasnsit. 'htt's houuIv fhetchter imlpatcts te Ihadgers' enltirs' game plan cu thIe defensiv'e endultechher loucks udcownt onl his man;il5thle safeties shacdue towacrd Mike Echiols, te oppuosite coirnter, to proi- side'tutusuippot; atnd Wisconisinl cati atffordhto ks'ep thus'othesr seventmmninitthets box it strip ths It's this'totacl cackaige. Sutipils tiltrunwithitut saicrificimig tpass udefenise, stud vice sversci. It delfis's thi s' htsic 'y'ou cant ido both" cietutu. It's a coac's dreamu. It's w'hy Wisconsin was second il the Big~_ 'Tent in rushinlg defeinse in 1999, thle same sea- soil it finished first itt pass efficientcy defense. And wile it's silly to credit one player for a team accomlplishlment, Fletcher's dominio impact thas to be acknowledged. "tHe's a greatl player," Michligan's Dre" Ilcetson said. As a quarterback, "you understails htis tlent." Talent is one factor, motivation is antotter Fletcher is clearly htuntgry to beat the Wolverine folr wshat ivoumld be htis first triummph agains' ttem. The way Wiscontint's schedule played out that- urclly alloswed thle Badgers to look to Michigar asi mtme first big game of the season, despite wha' Itppened last weekeuld against Northivesternl Add ilnte recenht history associated cullhittis gaime, and it's easy to see whtyInlechler is rarunk to go. Watchting Michiganl play Illinlois on television a sweek ago got tim eventmoore ready. "Anty eudge I camn gs't, I custs ryinlg to get or Satturdaty night," tFletcher said, amutinhdicauution ci is illigntess is prepare. Fletchusr Itas prepared so itat itere are 10 sur- priss's this tulle. Amid on a basic ls'vel, thts'r swontibe. MWhlent le steps si thte field cur thc- hirst pousse'ssiuon, he'll tie stairing' rigtat 'T'srrellh mte mantwsiltsbsteid hlimlitttheir tostichup lIss'r Terrell siltihtritusv every lmt'ov e listssca ltesr. Amid Fls'tcher il be resudy. the lusy of umayno l tiins ltshesmathtlnSautaurdacy. IitSater stalmas'tes. Onthi n(igis ceritin: hFletchesr-scwon'ht dge tcm Its' ii fra ir u io ' ' r}4"eru E ik l A j YAA Wisconsin corner Jamar flethrcloses off his half of the field - is'fadtooe i othD hi u, NDlySpotsE k They have: Camembert They have: Brooks They have: Ricotta They have: Survivors Sue Haok and Dark Beeni They have: Cheddar They have: Joseph McCarthy They have: Romano They have: Dairy farmiers They haves American WH-EN WISCONSIN HAS TH-E FOOTBALL 29BenettTB 41FulFB " 41 Kuhn 221 caixs(1B 88 Cambrs SE FL 71 iant 70 Rasoda 72 colasut 9t0hr aufo 64 Jonason 85 Sigumund 56 Jowers 69 Don 70 nab,3c 67 iuinn 76 Jakuowski 87 Retlaff RT RG c LG LT TE DE NT DT 92 nun shck 60 Bowmuan 96 Petui ello . SCB 90 Boeer 90 Boebert 97 Lazaruus CB 12 Wiliams OLB .~c"~'. RLB 21 Leueur 42 Spuytk' 39 Colmn ILA 't, 95 Kushata SS 45 P. rue n i28Jordan F 26 Drakv 15 Patmton 24 Stat34 iFargas vs. THE BADGER HERALD WEEK 4 SELECTIONS Au. PICKS MADE AGAINST THE SPREAD. HOME TEAMS IN CAPS. MICHIG AN ('7.5) vs. Wiscnsin Purdue ('13) vs. Penn State MINNESOTA (-4) vs. linois MICHIGAN STATE (-11.5) vs. Northwestern INDIANA (-14.5) vs. I1w Florida (.5) vs. MISSISSIPPI STATE Knsas State (-5.5) vs. COLORADO OREGON (-3.5) vs. Washington tdCLA'(-7.S) vs. Arizona Stat MISSISSIPPI (-.5) vs. Kentucky Geogia ('4) v.ARKANSAS Southern Cal (-5.5) vs. OREGON STATE Tennes(9) v 0.0151 NA STAT ALABAMA (-7)vs. SuhCarolina Florid aState (-28.5) vs, MARYLAN Best bet Record last meek (Best bets) Record to date (Best bets) David Den Herder VWisonsint Purdue Ilinois Northwestern Inina Florida Kansas Stat Oregon Arizona State Kentucky Gergia Trojans Ten ese South Carolina Flor'daState Illinois 7-B8(1-0) 16-29 (2-1) Chris Duprey Wisconsin Purdue Illintois Michigan State Indiana Florida KassSte Washington UCLA Kentucky Gergia. Trojans Tensse South Carolina Flda State Illinois 9-6 (0-1) 23-22 (0-3) 'ancescurtti Michigan Purdue Ilin I Northwestern Indiana Florida Colotado Oregon UCLA Maississippm Arkasas Beavers Tennsse South Carolina Florida State Michigan 8-7 (1-0) 25-20 (2-1) Wisconsin Purdue Imi1-i Northwestern Indiana Florida Kansa Stat Washington UCGLA Mississippi Georgia Trojans Tennrese Alabama Florida State Illinois 7-B8(0.1) 17-28 (1-2) Johnny Daly Andy Bitter Badger Herald Badger Herald Wiscoutsin Wis consn Purdue Purdue Michigan State Northwestern Indiana Iow Florida Florida Colorado KansasStat Washington Oregon Aizona Sae lCLA Kentucky Kentucky ArkarisesGeorgia Beavers Trojans Tenflse Tetnes Alabama South Carolina Florida State ' Flor'daStt Beavers Wisconsin - Find out which paper picks better in SportsMonday.