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September 29, 2000
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The Michigan Daily has survived
through centuries ofchallenge and
change, and today we mark our
/110th birthday with a tribute to the
spirit of the Daily and some of our
great moments throughout the
years. Seepage 14.
&Lsa Hoffman
Wily Saff Rteps ter
Members of the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics have
recently questioned their role in ath-
letic department decisions, saying
the University administration is
bypassing them on important mat-
ters due to governing bylaw defini-
t ons.
'The controversy centers around
the historical statement about the
Board in Control and how it has
evolved over time," said Education
Prof. Percy Bates, who sits on the
Originally, the Board in Control
held all power and control over athlet-
ics, according to the University Board
of Regents' bylaws.
Over time, the bylaws were
nged to say that the Board in
ontrol's role is to advise the Uni-
versity president and the athletic
director rather than act as the deci-
sion-making body.
"The (Board in Control) meeting
last week was the first meeting with
the new athletic director," Bates
"People were waiting to essential-
- see how the new athletic director
uld operate with the board lie
But Nursing Prof. Bonnie Metzger
raised concerns-at a Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
meeting last month that there is a lack
of communication with Athletic Direc-
tor Bill Martin.
Metzger said Martin disputed the
Board in Controls role in budgetary
Martin could not be reached for
"The role of the board is strictly
advisory," University President Lee
Bollinger said at Monday's SACUA
"The degree to which the advise of
the board is taken varies.
Financial matters are important, but
the ultimate responsibility of the board
is to define what is required academi-
y of athletes.
Once Bill gets acquainted with
the issues, he'll come back to the
committee to see what to do,"
Bollinger said.
Bates said the board currently
does not follow the rules set in the
regents' bylaws and suggested that
either the bylaws needed to be
changed or the University needs to
See BOARD, Page 7
FD A pp0v r es abortion pill
By Robert Gold
and Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporters
Three days after the Genocide
Awareness Project visited campus with
its anti-abortion display, the Food and
Drug Administration approved RU-
486, commonly known as the abortion
While Ann Arbor's chapter of
Planned Parenthood plans on supply-
ing the medication, the University
Health Service will not offer the drug.
The pill has been available in the
United Kingdom, Sweden and other
European countries for more than ten
"This is not based on a moral judg-
ment," UHS director Robert Winfield
said in a written statement. "It is our
opinion that its use is outside the scope
of the clinical practice at the Universi-
ty Health Service. We do not feel that
we can offer the necessary medical or
surgical support to use this drug in a
responsible and safe manner." UHS
does offer the drug often known as the
morning-after-pill, given up to 72
hours after unprotected sex.
Winfield said UHS staffers help
women with unplanned pregnancies
who ask for information.
"This includes alternatives such as
adoption services or referral to other
medical facilities in the community,"
Winfield said.
Robyn Menin, Planned Parenthood
president for mid-Michigan said the
center will offer the medication "sev-
eral months" after the staff is trained
and the FDA formally ma4s it avail-
"We think this is a historical deci-
sion for women," Menin said.
The FDA's decision brought con-
trasting reactions from student groups
on campus.
Students for Life president Andrew
Shirvell said the group was not sur-
prised with the FDA's decision but was
very disappointed.
"We feel it's another injustice,"
Shirvell said, calling it the same as sur-
gical abortion.
"We feel this is going to be another
facet of the pro-abortion culture," he
Shirvell said the organization will
object to the use of the pill with prac-
tices including letter writing and
Students for Choice president Jen-
nifer Anderson said the group is
pleased because the drug may become
available in clinics that do not offer
surgical abortion.
Anderson said the pill gives women
See FDA, Page 7
Eastern Michigan University students Jordan Conn, Nikki Suttles and Kelly
Teachout hold signs in protest of the Center for Bloethical Reform's anti-abortion
exhibit. CBR visited the University earlier this week and was at EMU yesterday.
New fiscal
year brings
budget bik
* Gov. John Engler is expected to sign
the higher education budget next week
By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
After nearly eight months of political wrangling, the state
higher education budget will go into effect as the Fiscal
Year 2001 begins Sunday.
The budget, which is $116 million dollars larger than last
year, has been passed by both the House and Senate and is
expected to be signed by Gov. John Engler within the next
"We've remained pleased," University Vice President for
Government Relations Cynthia Wilbanks said of the 5.7
percent increase that has now been officially allotted to the
"Overall the legislators are supportive of higher educa-
tion," she said.
The budget will give the University $358 million, plus an
additional $10 million from a supplemental bill to the previ-
ous year's budget.
Central Michigan and Grand Valley State universities will
both receive a 10 percent increase, the largest of the state's
15 public universities. Michigan State University will
receive a 5.7 percent increase.
"The University of Michigan was treated very fairly - as
were all the other schools," said Sen. John Schwarz (R-Bat-
tle Creek), who chairs the Senate Appropriations Higher
Education Subcommittee.
Despite the fact that the 6.5 percent average increase is 4
percent more than Engler's original proposal, Department of
Management and Budget spokeswoman Kelly Chesney said
the governor approves of the finished product.
"We're very pleased with this budget because it provides
a very generous increase," Chesney said. "Many of the ini-
tiatives that the governor had proposed were supported by
the Legislature."
While the budget usually is signed by the beginning of
the new fiscal year, disagreements between the House and
Senate over the presence of the so-called tier system
delayed a conference committee report from bcing signed
until after the Legislature adjourned for the summer.
Schwarz drafted the Senate version of the bill without the
tier system, which groups schools together and designates a
minimum per-student funding level. Rep. Sandy Caul (R-
Mt. Pleasant), who chairs the House Appropriations Higher
Education Subcommittee, reinstated the tiers, and they
remain on the final bill with all but two schools reaching
their funding floor.
Engler first proposed developing the tier system in the budget
for the current fiscal year.
"We're pleased with Representative Caul's efforts -her
See BUDGET, Page 7
Rabbi Alter Goldstein practices blowing the shofar at the Chabad House yesterday. The shofar is made of an animal horn and is used on
many different occasions including Rosh Hashanah.
Jewish LI
By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily taff RepOrter
Although many members of the Jewish
community celebrate Rosh Hashanah by
dipping apples in honey to bring sweetness
to the next y'.ar, ISA junior Eric Feldman
said he thinks his family's tradition is a lit-
tle different.
"We always go apple picking at Irwin's
Apple Orchard, which is about 20 minutes
away from home," Feldman said.
f'eldman said his family has made the
trip from their home in Farmington Hills as
long as he can remember and enjoys it
because it allows them to spend time
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year,
begins tonight at sundown and lasts until
sundown on Sunday. Rosh Hashanah marks
the beginning of the religion's High Holi-
days, which co
Rabbi Altert
the Jewish Stu
is an opportuni
"Rosh Hash
inventory. It m
back on what w
see what we h
"It's import
place to rethink
our life,"Golds
Rabbi Rich
for Hillel fo
Hashanah is a,
"We don't kn
in the coming
Holidays bgi
ncludes on Oct. 9 with Yom acknowledge our ability to change,"
Kirschen said.
Goldstein of Chabad House, Although Rosh Hashanah is a time of
dent Center, said the holiday celebration of a new year, it is diametrically
ty for making resolutions for opposed to the traditions that take place on
ent. New Year's Eve, Kirschen said.
anah is the time for taking "It's interesting that alcohol plays such a
narks a time when we look big part in New Year's Eve because the
ye did the year before and we message there is being unconscious," he
ave to improve," Goldstein said. "We go into Rosh Hashanah very con-
scious and thoughtful of who we've been in
ant for a person to have a the past year and more importantly who
aand plan what we'll do with we'd like to be in the coming year,"
tein said. Kirschen said.
Kirschen, who has worked Goldstein said eating apples and honey
r five years, said Rosh with the meal is one of the customs of the
time to also think about the first night of Rosh Hashanah and is symbolic
of the sweetness to come in the new year.
now what is going to happen The holiday places an importance on
year. We acknowledge our family dinners and companionship.
s and on another level we See NEW YEAR Page 7
Michigais Stadium
Noon tomorrow
O ichael Bennet, th stest back in the
Bimg Te, lei ahe 17th7aard iadr ito theftts
Big Hmusc. Ws onsin aiO'A thre straightin 7
the series.
The eatur 0 ic a will ikey bn.eMichiga
rcee iar]_Id Te'.rrel a inSt Wiscorusio
co-rse b kr J;amar doeir ! !c.MichIi-air quartrback
rew- n H sos will aiss)Ikefly si at oath. iar tim
in his career."
Previously usdoteatealWiscoriklst aiidouble.
overtime thrill-a to lorthwe r, s400
Michigan cameor aur t unt l lotIllinois,
Lecture focuses on playwright Miller
By Natalie Plosky "He's our greatest living playwright and that's just
Daily StdfReporter for starters," Brater said. "He's our gr ts living
"Second of all, his theater is always about thean
He may now be regarded as question of social responsibility, the responsibility playWright andthat's Just
one of the University's most dis- that individuals have to a group larger than them- oy
tinguished alumni, but as a selves,"he said. fo sartrs
young man playwright Arthur Miller began writing plays under the direction of - Enoch Brate
Miller had to fight to become a English Prof. Kenneth Rowe, author of "Write That
Wolverine. PEnglish professor
After being rejected from Miller's work at Michigan earned him two Avery
the University in 1933, Miller Hopwood Awards. Crucible," won a Tony Award in 1953.
reapplied and wrote a letter to Miller also worked as an editor for The Michigan Brater teaches English 417: a senior seminar titled
the dean assuring that he Daily and established the Arthur Miller Award to aid "The Stages of Arthur Miller" and authored a book
would work much harder than aspiring University writers with their studies in of the same title.
his marks in high school indi- Brater 1985. He is also the director of the upcoming sympo-
cated. Miller is best known for his play "Death of a sium in honor of Miller, which will be held on
English Prof. Enoch Brater shared stories about Salesman," which won a Pulitzer Prize in 1949 and Oct. 26-28 in honor of the playwright's 85th birth-
the author's time as a University student during a the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award. day.
lecture yesterday at the Pendleton Room of the Itsis considered one of the most famous American Miller will be speaking and is expected to attend
Michigan Union. plays of its period. Another influential play, "The See MILLER, Page 7
Tonight Increase the peace Keeping it real Bowled over
Mostly clear. The youth organization Victory Over Violence will Dar Williams rocks the Michigan The Michigan men's soccer team
8 sponsor a week of events focusing on hate crimes and Theater with her crafted, loses 2-0 to Bowling Green
Tomorrow domestic abuse. PAGE 3. folk-stylings. PAGE 8. University. PAGE 11.
nny Partly Sunny. High 70.
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