Wednesday, September 6, 2000 - The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition - 763 MIND IF I By Josh Wickerham Dtaly Editrialrsi tr by outlawingy nature. MariJuana is a Schedule One drug, wehicth, by definition, means it Itas no IBoh Dylan prosbatbly bad it ri ght nsedicinal use and carries the hsarshet wh en It. satid, I"sveiylbody must get legal pensalties. Drugs in Schedulc Onl stonted" And in collesec most ofi von are also supposed to carry a higl probably w ill at Clons ie or anmther propensity for addiction, althsough, mari intd time to (2xpetttoent. Althought you Juana is tot physically addictive att etc told tttto)u 2lboui yourt lotrimative carries very low potential for abuse. years by tetchers, thte D.A.R.EI pro- Thse Drug Etsforcemsent Agency Iha gitts and ce cit ale s oet IV tha t all recenstly utndertaken an investigation o din"s tie batd loimb x). it's fairly obvi- the medicinal claims of marijuana. Otis to titeyine ss Io has iOtenthelieu feet which could hump the plant h