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September 27, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-27

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One hundred nine years of editoialfreedom


CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

September 27, 2000

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Protesters attempt to block setup of
the Genocide Awareness Project as a
Department of Public Safety officer
I ks on.
tempt to
lock IDiag
i Splay
y David Enders
aily Staff Reporter
Interim Dean of Students Frank
ianciola spoke for nearly an hour
esterday morning with students
rotesting an anti-abortion group
efore Department of Public Safety
'cers moved in and threatened to
rrest the protesters.
"I was simply stating the position
hat there was a student group who had
ollowed all the proper procedures to
ecure the Diag" Cianciola said
A group of about 10 students sup-
orting a pro-choice stance attempted
o block members of the Genocide
wareness Project from setting up a
isplay decrying abortion on the Diag
md 7:30 a.m. It was the second day
he two-day exhibit.
University spokeswoman Diane
rown said officers had reached the sec-
nd warning of a three-warning system
bven prior to arrest in protest situations.
The students occupied the space
ntended for the display of 30 mounted
ix-foot by 13-foot photographs graph-
cally portraying aborted fetuses next
images of atrocities including the
ocaust, racially-motivated lynch-
ngs and genocide in Rwanda.
Members of GAP began setting up
he display despite the protest. "We
ust worked around them," said GAP
ember Gary Rozier of New Jersey.
DPS officers moved inside the barri-
rs erected to separate GAP members
rtanding with the photographs from
hse walking through the Diag, as
11 and increasing the number of offi-
on hand from yesterday. Brown
"safety concerns" for the group
oitivated both moves.
Although protesters remained on the
{iag throughout the day, their actions
ere limited to marching circles
round the display and engaging GAP
nembers in debate.
"Honestly, I was probably expecting
ore protest," said the Rev. Jim Kusher
>f Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, one
le campus groups sponsoring GAP
'can't say I'm disappointed either way,
ut I was expecting that there might be a
ittle more violence in the protest.
"Not so much violence against peo-
le but people taking out anger against
he displays," he said.
At other campuses GAP has visited,
eactions have included tears and van-
alism. A University of Kansas stu-
Sent drove his car into the display.
Kusher also expected protesters to
more heated in their rhetoric."
See GAP, Page 7
Insde: Pro-choice professor lectures at
he School of Public Health, Page 3.

faces students
on MTVforum
By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
Vice President Al Gore answered the questions on
every college student's mind yesterday: He prefers
paper to plastic, he has a Sister Hazel disc in his CD
player and the biggest perk of winning the election
would be the promotion to Air Force One.
Incidentally, he also plans
to make his first act as presi-
dent signing a racial profil-
ing ban, he supports
legalizing same-sex civil
unions and despite MTV's
introduction saying he "even
smoked the herb," Gore
opposes legalizing marijuana
for medical use.
y DuringorD a commercial break
on MTV's Choose or Lose
town hall meeting taped yes-
terday on North Campus,
Gore even quipped, "Did you know that I invented the
environment?" And after a student asked if he could call
the vice president "Al," the candidate simply said,
"Absolutely. You know the Paul Simon song, right?"
Engineering senior Mike Muse, one of 150 students
picked through an audition process to join the audi-
ence for the forum, told Gore he had once been pulled
over and "surrounded by six police cars" because the
officer told him he fit the description of someone
who had committed a crime.
Racial profiling, Gore said, "is a new label for a
very old practice." If elected, the vice president said C A
"a ban on racial profiling will be the first civil rights
act of the 21st Century."
"That is exactly the answer I was looking for,"
Muse said after the show was taped.
Responding to several questions about the mp3-
sharing Websites such as Napster, Gore told students
and the nationwide television audience of young vot- Coning
ers that he supports intellectual property rights.
"It's a great technology, but it can only be used over the Daly's
long term if they find a way to protect the rights of the U Coverage of
artist, Gore said. "Intellectual property is still property" Michigan tomi
For the final question of the event, which was taped U The second
at the Media Union in the morning and aired on MTV issues affectir
See MTV, Page 9 Part two: Higt
Go e campains
toyoung voterzs

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

Common political rhetoric sug-
gests that students are apathetic to
the political process and have histori-
cally neglected to vote on Election
Day. But Vice President Al Gore said
political indifference is not plaguing
youths as much as believed.
"This generation of young people
is the most socially aware and civi-
cally involved generation ever in
American history," Gore told a
group of Michigan reporters yester-
day before he left Willow Run Air-
port on his way to Des Moines,
Iowa. But Gore acknowledged that
"as of yet, they have not been
attracted to the democratic process
in the same way they have helped
out charities and community groups

and social causes."
Studies have shown tiat although
voter turnout among young people is
low, the number of young volunteers
is on the rise. And presidential can-
didates are making efforts to use that
civic engagement to promote politi-
cal awareness and to attract what
could be one of the largest voting
blocks'in the country.
Gore participated in MTV's
Choose or Lose 2000 town-hall style
forum at the University yesterday to
give young people - both voters
and non-voters - a chance to bring
up the issues that most directly and
deeply concern them.
Despite some criticism that the
MTV program was contrived, com-
mercial breaks allowed for a ques-
tion-and-answer period that was
See GORE, Page 9

State unveils university

Grand Valley reneges
on same-sex benefits


kgo license
By Anna Clark
Laily Staff Reporter -----_
Starting Monday. Michigan drivers can take their

plate line
while simultaneously donating money to it.
The state will donate $25 of the specialty plate's
$35 first-time fee to the featured university, Secre-
tary of State Candice Miller said. The annual $10


By Rachel Green
Daily Staff Reporter

about the possibility of same sex bene-
fits at Grand Valley State sparked con-
troversy among university employees,
according to a statement provided by
the university.

sparked much enthusiasm when Miller presented them
to university presidents and representatives yesterday.

Grand Valley State University yes-
terday reneged on its decision to pro-



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