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September 26, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-26

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 26, 2000


Yugoslavia anxiously awaits new president

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Tens of thou-
sands of jubilant opposition supporters celebrated
yesterday their apparent electoral victory over Presi-
dent Slobodan Milosevic, who was seeking to force
a runoff despite calls to accept the end of his 13
years in power.
Chanting "Kill Yourself Slobodan and Save
Serbia," more than 40,000 people jammed a
downtown Belgrade square to celebrate the pur-
ported victory of the pro-Western opposition
challenger, Vojislav Kostunica. Thousands also
gathered in the Serbia's two other major cities of
Novi Sad and Nis.
But the lack of any official results more than 24

hours after polls closed Sunday raised fears that
Milosevic would rig the results to force a second
round of voting.
The United States and more than a dozen other
countries said they would not accept fraudulent
claims of victory. The United States also pledged
yesterday to lift sanctions against Yugoslavia once
Milosevic accepts defeat.
Kostunica, a 56-year-old law professor, demanded
the State Election Commission release official
results within the next two days and warned if Milo-
sevic tried to tamper with the vote, "we will defend
our victory by peaceful means and we will protest
for as long as it takes." His party said. its own unoffi-

cial count gave him around 55 percent of the vote.
In the absence of official results, Milosevic's left-
wing coalition insisted yesterday that the president
was ahead in the vote count but not far enough to
guarantee that he would avoid a runoff with Kostuni-
ca on Oct. 8.
At a press conference to bolster morale among
the president's shocked and demoralized followers,
Gorica Gajevic, Milosevic's party general secretary,
said that with 37 percent of the ballots counted,
Milosevic was ahead by 45 percent to Kostunica's 40
"This result gives us optimism that we can win in
the first round," Gajevic said.

Continued from Page 1
"It was a great experience," he said.
Instead of waiting up to two
hours for an audition, Ann Arbor
resident Matt Baughman was
approached as he left work Sunday
by MTV staff members who asked
him if he had questions on issues to
ask Gore.
"I was surprised" to be chosen, he
Baughman said this is the first time
he will vote in an election.
He is, as yet, undecided on who he
will vote for president.
Baughman said he looks for one
quality above all others.
"It would have to be character," he
said, but "it also has to- do with the
Zapata said though he was not asked
in the interview, he is a Gore support-
"I feel like he hits on my issues for
the most part," he said. "I trust in what
he's doing."
But Zapata said his question will
challenge the Vice President. Zapata
is looking for clarification of the

Vice President's plans on the issues
of higher education and the environ-
"It's not explained well enough;' he
said. "This is a good opportunity to
find that out."
From an airport in West Virginia,
Rebecca Lieberman, daughter of
Vice Presidential nominee Joe
Lieberman, said that the forum is a
great opportunity for young voters to
get in touch with her father's running
"I think it's going to be a free-flow-
ing discussion," she said. "Everyone
will get a chance to see what a funny,
warm man he is."
While Kedas said that MTV sug-
gested a topic for students to focus
as they were notified of their par-
ticipation, LSA senior Elizabeth
Jablonski said she was asked to use
her one-liner, which she said is
comparable to the "Boxers or
briefs" question that reverberated
after Clinton's town hall meeting in
"In one way I was kind of disap-
pointed because I don't get to
sound intelligent on the issues," she

to le'ave Pri
top post b
Continued from Page 1
lity to analyze a problem when
Shapiro served on a faculty committee
as an economics professor and Flem-
ing was president. Fleming served as
president from 1968 to 1979 and as
interim president in 1988.
"I was so impressed by his abilities,"
Fleming said. He added that he was
not surprised that Princeton selected
Shapiro as its leader,
Shapiro's days as the leader of the
University came during a time of
decreasing state funding and he
responded by allocating less money
for certain programs including the
School of Education and the School of
Natural Resources. He also dissolved
the geography department during his
Many students and faculty protested
his moves at the time. Others protested
the drop in minority enrollment during
his term.
Continued from Page 1
appointed Chief Financial Officer
Robert Kasdin to advise me on the
financial and governance status."
"High weight is placed on the Board
in Control. The degree to which the
board's advise is taken varies,"'

' "
inceton s'
University officials who worked
with Shapiro during his presidency
said he handled the financial crises
"I think he was one of the best pres-
idents we had," said former University
regent Deane Baker, who was on the
committee that selected Shapiro as
"He had a camaraderie with the stu-
dents. lie was genuinely interested in
their welfare."
University historian Robert Warner,
also the former dean of the School of
Information, said Shapiro's back-
ground in economics paid off during
his years as president.
"It's very difficult to contract funds,"
Warner said, who was director of the
Bentley Library during Shapiro's pres-
During Shapiro's presidency at
Princeton, the university's endow-
ment increased from about S2 bil-
lion in 1988 to more than S8 billion
Bollinger said. "My final responsibili-
ty is to see that we're running well."
In response to questions about the
lawsuits challenging the University's
use of race as a factor in undergradu-
ate and Law School admissions,
Bollinger said "all we can do is articu-
late principals of what the University
has stood for for decades."

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Senate approves Everglade legislation
WASHINGTON - - The Senate gave overwhelming approval yesterday to wha
lawmakers called the largest environmental restoration project in history - a S7
billion effort expected to take three decades to rescue the Florida Everglades.
The legislation, which must still be taken up by the House, calls for a massiv
federal construction project to restore the historic water flows through the 300
mile long Everglades ecosystem.
Despite bipartisan support in Congress and the White House's backing, t i
measure could still encounter problems in the House with adjournment fas
approaching. Supporters are hoping to speed it to the floor in the next two weeks
If passed, the Everglades rescue is likely to be the only maior environmenta
bill to clear the 106th Congress.
The Everglades project was included in legislation that also authorized tw
dozen various flood control, waterway navigation and environmental restoratio
project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which also will be in charge of th
Everglades restoration.
The bill passed 85-1.
Environmentalists for years have pushed for a comprehensive, long-term pro
gram to repair the damage caused by decades of flood-control efforts that
rupted the Everglades' natural water flow. An estimated half of the ecosystei
already has disappeared.
Verizon pushes for irafc within their local calling region
The firms say they could help speed th
less regulations rollout of high-speed Internet access i
they were freed from the restriction.
WASHINGTON - The president Seidenberg expressed confidence ii
of the country's top local phone and the marketplace on other matters
wireless company said yesterday that including the impact of the pen
U.S. regulatory policy has stifled the merger between America Online
development of new technologies, Time Warner.
hampering investment in the telecom p .
industry ennsylvana A ve .
Ivan Seidenberg, Verizon president
and co-chief executive officer, warned
that outdated approaches to regulating WASH INGTON --- It is oftei
the communications sector threatens called "America's Main Street," bu
to leave U.S. businesses behind their for the last five years, only foot traffi
global counterparts. has been allowed on Pennsylvani
"Public policy may not concern Avenue in front of the White House
itself with stock prices. But it should That would change under a p
concern itself with attracting the unveiled yesterday.
investment that will fuel economic Officials in the nation's capital sai
development and job creation," Sei- thousands of vehicles could drive pas
denberg said, at a luncheon at the the White House each day withou
National Press Club. His company endangering the safety of the presi
was formed by the summer merger of dent and his family.
Bell Atlantic and GTE Corp. "We can figure a way to reclain
Verizon and other Bell operating America's Main Street from the fea
companies have been pushing for a of terrorism," District of Columbia
relaxation of federal rules prohibiting Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton sai
them from carrying long-distance data at a news conference.
- TOf
W orld econom ic market, though they drifted higher a
the session went on. North Sea Bren
leaders set goals crude for November delivery was o
by 42 cents, at S30.83 per barrel, ir
PRAGUE, Czech Republic - late dealings.,
World finance leaders savored fragile The euro held firm, bringing b
victories yesterday in their efforts to cents late in the day, compared to 87.
cut oil prices and boost the shaky cents late Friday, after the coordinate
European currency while pledging to support effort was launched an
double the number of poor countries pushed the euro about 2 cents higher.
getting debt relief by year's end.
Finance ministers and central bank Middle Eastpeace
presidents found themselves breaking
away from the annual IMF and World Slowed by Jerusalem
Bank summit to get updates on world
markets concerning the price of oil JERUSALEM -- The Israeli
and the exchange value of the euro, Palestinian leaders met in Israel on yes
the currency used by 1I1 members of terday, under U.S. pressure to comc u
the European Union. with a permanent deal, but with little t
The news through the day was pos- show after two, months of massagin
itive, showing their strong words over the dealbreaker - Jerusalem.
the weekend on coordinated efforts to Prime Minister Ehud Barak and
push oil prices lower and the implied Yasser Arafat met for three hours latc
threat that rich nations might inter- Monday night at Barak's home in the
vene to buy more uro% on currency town of Kochav Yair in central Isral,
markets were having the intended Barak spokesman Gadi Baltiansky
impact. said in a statement.
Oil prices dropped $1.35 per barrel
early yesterday on the London futures -- C'omnpiledtiovn Daily iiire reports

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