Tuesday in Daily Arts... - lBreaking Records will featurc a review- of Madonna's nw release, 'Music,swhich not only makes the people come togeth- er, but makes the ourgeosie and a rebel. MONDAY nihigandadiy.com/arts SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 J.L 'Final Cut' sequel should have been left on editing room floor Perlman gives virtuoso performance atHl By Jim Schiff Daily Arts RWriter By'yl'e Henretty Day Arns Writer All right, I know, what exactly did I'Cexpect? It wasn't as if the world had been' waiting with haited hreath for the return of Reese Wilson (Loretta Devinef, the - only character held over ftrom Ubn the original Uregen "Urhan Le'gend." inaI Cut She played thxe Grade: D- head of security, Ashwae remember'? No, ant SQuase1 neither did I, not un a~yS until her charac- ter reminded me by retelling the original story. But I checked, and shte really was in the first one. She should have takett the hint. When Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund is too busy to do a sequel, it's time to jump ship. It is often the case, though, that most horror ntovies, even the good ones, get pont reviews. Even 'Halloween" and "Night of the Living Deaxd"sscre written off as trash when thcy first debuted. Allow me, thetn, to justify nty response to 'Urban Legcnds; intal Cut. I truly enjoy horror movies, even ones most people write off' as badf (hcck, I own a copy of "Wishmaster 2").Antd I still found this film sos offensively bad that I almost walked out (as about 1 5 people did at the screenitng I scent to), and ottly thxe writing of this revie'w prevented me from doittg so. The basic rutndowvn is thtat a filtm studett(Jenni fer Morrison) at a prestigious film schtool decides to dox Ier thesis film ott (as suggested by her friettdly tteighborhood security gTuardf urban legends. Thett people begitt to die. Itn fact, the ottly sue- prise inth le enttire tmovie' is thtat tone Courtesy ofCoxtmba/Ponxx A masked maniac stalks hapless college students in 'Urban Legends: Final Cut.' of the killittes (outside' of tite one excruciatttnly tacked on otte thxey shtow in thte prevtielhav anythittg tox do witth urbatt legentds. Thaxt is basically it, a lot of pcoplc die. Int an utgly attcttpt to squeeze thte last drotp of ( sotrtyv blotod romtthtle "Scrv'am"ttilogythte ftlmx atte'ttpts t pintthe ctrttmts ott scsveal scape- goats, keepitg the axudiettce gutessintg unxti tte vctry cttclAppatcently te fi lntnaketrsssetre gotttg ontthle' assutoption thtaxtnoxtne in thte audi- ence tad seett a htorrtr film. Itf yout cattt guess the killer by thte ettd of thte first act, thaett ithter yttum're nt payitng attentiontx futncerstatncably) i-et yttuve tever heard tof R. L. Steitt. If'you still thintk thtat thtis filtmt may be wvorth your titte attd mone'y, pleatse consider the folloswittg. The Cast: Rettember how thxe first movie was full of up attd cotmers front fine WB progrants'? Yeaht, well esventthley rcfmused to return for thte sequel. ITe ottly tecogtnmzable face is Joey (wsho 5i t atpttentlv tosw'goittg by Joseph) Lmuwtettce. Whtettsse left thte thteatetrttmy ftrtcttccttttntted ott tows "that guv ftremtx Blossotm' is a real Itottie,"buxtsee both axgreed thxat he shoutld go batck to stttgttg. Int fact, by thte titme Rebecca Noxzema Girl" Oxtycheart tmakes a sutrptrtse camneo durittg the fitnal credttsthte audiente seas glad to finally see t treal" actor. They kept invokittg Hitchcoack: Yes, seetal movis c have chttte thtis before, but tthistfttm tctual ly admit- ted tiftc.heftiltttstudcttts intthe tmovie atre cotmpetintg'for thxe coveted H-itchcock taswttd.IThe filmtxtschooxls creepy bell towertis right out ttf 'Veetoomand they esvett played thIe "AlfredHilttchcock lttcsettts" thxeme toser tte cttd cteditts.IThis is (rndtis fcor executtott,tttd xx', studenxtctf thte suspette1acttt -tt swilprotbablv try tot tear out thteit ossnttvs vsif' they hppenx tutpottthts tot c. iTe M-ustyic:Tefitltt's.cotttptoser (JohntttOttttttttsstivo Ialto Iappens tot Ite thte cditrectort) steals icrottt "IlallOsecxx sto xxuclh thxat Ikept topin"g= elshmel Myers seotuld shtot uip anxd just put att end to thte sehtole fiasco. I undetstamnd paying Itontage to a patttculart stylIc but I thtittk thtat insvolves chtangtng tlse origittal itt sotme way. Thte dialoue: iTe film tctuatlly contattted thtclitne "I'mtax TrettIt rt I'tt htts tdetttcaI twin Trits." Anxd thte spyaket wss nttt t3 So, setriousl', asoithtfi'ttsmove.It mtakes Kle ttmtoes' Eat France'"lotok like I"Te Maltese Falcotn. ITte ottly treamstot"Urtbamt Legetxds:inttal (Cut" escapcd att I ssas I ssatedtt s-mes-csxtmethtttg"form thte Blatr Wttcht sequcl co~mingt out nes xtonttht Artistry. Sty'Ie. Grace. Emotion. Thxese are setrds that describe the world's great- est virtuoxso of the viotin, Itzhak Perlmnt. In "A tribute to jaseha EtIeifetz," commemorat- ing the 100th a: ' anntiversaryof lts birth, Perlman delivered xa delight- Itzhak fitl and versatile Penman perforxtanee shtts- ittg tnce again why Hill Auditorium hses the mmaster Fomur notes into Septenber 20. 2000 the ttpenitng piece. a giant gesp ertpt- s ed fretm the amd- ettce. The large vase otf floswers set oxn the stage totp- pled moer, settimng xflssaves of laughxter bhtontt stage and off: Instead tof' Iositng Itis cotncentratietn, Perlmanx simply sltotok lts heaxd atnd said "thtesv are determtined t stal" Thittcidett set the totte fxorswhat ssould he fourteemn aices'emll tf jtty atndhumotr Aftet the false start, lterlmanaa's hrillianmce shotssn thrttuglh in this first nuttber, "Chlaconmnme" Its' Thxxennasxt Vitali. "Chtactttntc" like tmuchtofthte otther swotrk~s prtescttted, tssvexy romatxic and syrieal itt natre.Iterltman hanxdles lotnghetssitng ssell, attd is tne ts superittr to antythintg Ive he'r dotn a strtnged instament. Eater in the ptece, Perlmanm hxndles the short notmeswith tincredthle ease, altertng betes-en sixtenths and thtrty-secttnd notes with his nimble fingers. Next, tn Bachamed Strauss's "Sotnata in E- flat Mator fttrNtttlttt and Piano," Perlmans futhlet demxonsntrtes his ability ttt feel the ttusic. One can see hts facetal expressionxs chtange ssith tmovtetaents tn thte muste Itt thte 'allegr-o' sectito hts esebrttss ate raised. anxd in the "and-woe catntabtle" see- tiott he plays into his svtolit, swsayttng ssth eacht ststained totte. Tfhe poswerful "finale" alterntes betsveen a fest-paced, call and answer sessittt, amd franttc svtoltn swork frxxmn Perltmanm. Thxroughot, he tnakes thse difficult look effitless. Itzhak Perlman put on a masterful violin performance at Hill Auditorium yesterday ic remaimtder tof thte concert wssm dedi cated ttx Jascha Heifetz, a Russian- ealil legenxd feoinmth le earlytwventtcth cuf Perlttatn chotse t honttr thttt by seleoln: Itieces thsat seere wrxtttettbyItshxler posers and arrantgedf bsy 1-extemstzor a t put it,'Ctloredf itt tsxtle s% vv."Als Perlmn chtose thte pieces as thte ctottei protgressed, mtakinxg tokes ttt hms piatno plusy er and te audience abtout lhttsedsorg' nixed he is. Like "Chacttmne" aet "Stnt xa,"-Pelngai largely selected pieces tha t reflected hi persoxnal xxy atd ad i on tttfore mnum% "Ronmdxx" is the onlys'tunmber thcat mvolst a cadenza sectiont, ttn swhtchhb shxxsve6 lxis short, rapid bowttng techntque. ,t Mozart's "Mintuet," the tudtence could se+ the hutaxor in his taee as he dtd the pityc't to seork. The othetrtntne tn the set -W fxolloweed the gleefuml tone but thxe w'r twso ntxable exceptuitns. Debussy "Bxxnssxa" sas surprisingly tqutetmaystT ous, andt a tit daxtkexthautntterest. 0On.. the Ilst pxeces by IFtster textured a repexi tive, xxxeepinxg thxette clharacteritictt taovte sectres.* Like Ixerltaaxccddtomtxtist RxxaImai Silsva broughta mgreat deal of sO tin to ta cottere. Hms pmitno swotk xxas y pec lbackdroxptontthe xviolit, tevcc overcoming tins partner but alwsays mangmh'isx presegc+ felt. Isthat Joey, excuse me, Joseph Lawrence getting his sass on? Ahhhhhhhhhh!!