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September 22, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-22

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September 22, 2000

f .C,8

n rape,
y Caitlin Nish
aily Staff Reporter
Questions of on-campus safety for
,ale and female students were raised
fter Tuesday's rape in the Alice Lloyd
esidence Hall.
The Alice Lloyd resident, who had
ceived medical treatment for the
s it, reported to the Department of
ublic Safety that her ex-boyfriend
ad forced her to have sexual inter-
Alicia Rinaldi, education and train-
g coordinator for the Sexual Assault
evention and Awareness Center, said
at a majority of crimes against
omen involve men the victims know
nd trust.
"There is an establishment of trust
a relationship that people have, so
*the idea of being hurt is so far
moved that the thought of preventive
ps is alien. That trust is being used
ainst them," Rinaldi said.
Rinaldi said this applies even to stu-
ents who are in relationships.
She added that one of the main
1yths of sexual assault is that the
oman did something to provoke the
omen have sexuality and like
they are interested in pursuing
lationships. But going home with
me6ne doesn't necessarily mean that
ou are agreeing to have sexual rela-
ons or intercourse," Rinaldi said.
"Even if you are in a relationship
ou are not giving up your choice to
ecide each and every time. If they
rce you, it is still rape," Rinaldi
. n Arbor Police Department Sgt.
ael Logghe said that alcohol
elps students to lose their inhibi-
ons and can make men more
"In my years here, that's where I've
en the most problems. If a male and
male are intoxicated, she is not as
are of her surroundings and she
n't use her defenses as easily as if
e hadn't been drinking," Logghe
_gghe said that there are certain
les all students should follow to
ecrease the risk of being harmed.
"Obviously, we would like to see
dents not walk by themselves. They
ould make sure that they walk in
elI-lit areas and to stay out of build-
igs without many people late at night.
Iso, always let someone know where
ou're going" Logghe said.
Logghe also said to make sure that
nts are aware of their environ-
e s, especially at night.
To ensure students increase their
wareness of their vulnerability, the
ichigan Student Assembly Campus
afety Commission is beginning an
vareness campaign titled, "Light Up
0o 'Hood."
"We are going to distribute flyers to
ncourage people to keep their porch
on and to keep an eye out for
ious characters in their neigh-
orhoods. We also want people to be
iendly and responsive to those who
eed help," said Rishi Narayan, co-

hair of the MSA Campus Safety
Bill Zeller, director of housing, said_
1at feedback from students shows that
tudents feel safe in the residence
"We've done a lot over the past
rofour years to manage building
ccas effectively as we can. Now-
ver, the card readers are only as effec-
ve as the residents of the building
iake them. Propping doors open or
atting someone in who is not a resi-
ent jeopardizes the safety and integri-
/ of our building access systems,"
eller said.
While Zeller stressed not letting
rangers into the residence halls, Log-
h so said students need to keep an
ye out for suspicious people.
"Always scan and look for things
hat are unusual when walking
lone," Logghe said, adding that
Icohol makes dangerous situations

By Jen Fish
Daily Staff Reporter

ashes campaign for funds

The University administration is hoping for
lightning to strike twice when it begins another
massive fundraising effort in 2002.
Campaign for Michigan, the five-year cam-
paign that netted $1.4 billion, shattered
fundraising records in 1997 for public uni-
versities, who typically do not collect as

much money than their Ivy League counter-
Now, the University wants to do it again.
University Vice President for Development
Susan Feagin announced the new campaign to
the University Board of Regents yesterday at its
meeting this month.
The campaign, which is still in its planning
stages, is critical to the University's development,
several administrators said.

"We absolutely have to have this to be a great
University," University President Lee Bollinger
"We're not raising the money just because it's
out there," Feagin said earlier this month. "There
are key initiatives that cannot be funded without
private gifts."
It has not yet been specified what programs
will be the beneficiaries of the campaign.
Feagin said she hopes to have more informa-

tion in this area in the spring.
The new campaign will be co-chaired by alum-
ni George Perrin and Rich Rogel.
Rogel is not only the chair of the campaign,
but the donor of a $22 million gift to the Univer-
sity in April, which is being used to kick off the
In an emotional speech to the regents, Rogel
asked for the regents' support in the campaign.



Ralph Nader of the Green Party speaks at the Michigan Theatre yesterday afternoon along with Phil Donahue and Michael Moore.
Studenlt makes run fior regent

to campus
By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
Green Party Presidential candidate
Ralph Nader brought his campaign -
and his entourage of high-profile sup-
porters -to Ann Arbor's Michigan
Theater yesterday afternoon.
In front of a crowd that packed the the-
ater, Nader, Michael Moore, director of
the film "The Big One," and former day-
time TV talk-show host Phil Donahue
told students and Ann Arbor residents to
vote against the two major political par-
ties. Nader has been targeting students -
the demographic least likely to vote.
"We aim to bring out the biggest col-
lege and university student vote in Amer-
ican history," Nader said, emitting cheers
from the crowd. "He is the one to try to
do something to make things a bit better
for them; Moore said after the event.
The speakers all addressed the com-
mon slogan among Democrats that "A
vote for Nader is a vote for Bush" by
arguing that voters should not feel forced
to choose "the lesser of two evils" and
vote for a third party candidate.
"This idea that the Republicans are
worse than the Democrats - well, they
both flunk and when they both flunk at
different degrees, it's time to replace
them with a major civic movement
across the country," Nader said.
See NADER, Page 2

By Usa Koivu
Daily Staff Reporter

In a rare move, LSA senior Scott Trudeau has
announced that he will pursue one of two open
seats on the University Board of Regents this
November, on the Green Party Ticket.
Trudeau said he wants to run for a spot on
the board because he feels that he represents
the student body better than the current regents.
"When I look at the regents, I see CEO's and
those working with big corporations. I don't see

students, faculty or campus workers," Trudeau
said. "As a student, as someone who lives, studies
and works here; I have much stronger connections
to what's happening than the typical regent."
LSA junior Elise Erickson, who led the
Michigan Student Assembly's Student Regent
Task Force last year, said she thinks it is
important that the board of regents have a stu-
dent member.
"I always thought a student regent is a vital part
of the student involvement process," Erickson
said. "The process for running via a state election

is very time-consuming and any student who
wants to do that is tremendous:'
Trudeau said he'd like to fight the privatization
of jobs within the University hospital, work to
support an environmentally sustainable campus
and become a pro-active candidate of affirmative
Trudeau's competition for a place on the
board includes current regents Rebecca
McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) and Laurence
Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills).
See REGENT, Page 7


Ticket to ride

MTV, Voice

Your Vote

to bring Gore to campus

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

University students who want to ask
Democratic presidential candidate Al
Gore a question will get their chance.
The vice president is coming to
campus Tuesday for a taping of MTV's
Choose or Lose 2000. The program
aims to give college aged young adults
from the community the opportunity
to address their concerns.
The taping is scheduled for Tuesday
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Media
Union Audio Studio on North Campus.
It will air nationally Tuesday at 8 p.m.

MTV and Time Magazine are spon-
soring the event and working with
Michigan Student Assembly's Voice
Your Vote. The University was chosen
by MTV and the Gore campaign partly
because of its "national reputation and
incredible student body," MTV Vice
President of Communications Jeannie
Kedas said.
MTV invited Gore to hold the forum
during the Democratic National Con-
vention. The event will be hosted by
MTV News correspondent John Norris.
Voice Your Vote Task Force Chair-
woman Shari Katz said she was contact-
ed earlier this week about having the

Choose or Lose program in Ann Arbor.
Katz said MTV officials told her
that they chose the University for
three reasons. First, she said Michi-
gan is a swing state of great elec-
.toral significance. Second, Katz
cites the extensive outreach efforts
of campus groups to register stu-
dents and third, because of the Uni-
versity's reputation for being an
"active school inside and outside the
political system," she said.
"If we're going to put college students
on the map, U of M is the place to start,"
Katz said.
See GORE, Page 2

RC Junior Elizabeth Jarpe looks at the ride board in the ground level of the
Michigan Union.

Sciences attract state funds


By Robert Gold
and Jodie Kaufman
Daily StaffReporters
The University is looking beyond the city limits of Ann
Arbor in its dedication to life sciences.
Trying to establish the Life Sciences Corridor, the Uni-
versity is working with Michigan State University, Wayne
State University, the Van Andel Institute and pharmaceuti-
cal and chemical companies, to make Michigan a leader in
The collaboration stems from the possibility to claim a
stake in $1 billion that the state is offering over the next 20
., -4 A t, __, a;-.t 4 .

been submitted for a portion of the $1 billion.
"This will make expert equipment available to all of us as
a joint collaboration effort," said Robert Huggett, Michigan


State vice president for research.
"This is a great opportunity to put
Michigan in alignment with the biotech
states. With the Life Science Corridor we
will hopefully make West Michigan the
biotech capitol instead of the furniture
capitol," he said.
Lee Katterman, assistant to the Uni-
versity Vice President for Research, said
while no submission have been selected

Memorial Stadium, Champaign
7:30 p.m. tomorrow
The 17th-ranked Fighting Illini have won
seven straight games and are looking to
repeat the upset win they took home from
the Big House last year.
The Wolverines open the Big Ten season
against the team that leads the conference in
rushingg offense. Injured Michigan quarterback
Drew Henson will ikely start, although Lloyd
Carr is still mum on the subject.

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