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September 21, 2000 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-21

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6B6 The Michigan Daily - Akend, etc. Magazine - Thkday, September 21, 2000



The Michigan Dais- Weekend, etc. Magazin Thursday, September 2 000.,- 11I

eO Weekend, etc. Column

Before delineating the specifics of
"sketchiness" in general, I should ana-
lyze some of the different derivations of
the word "sketchy." In the simplest
terms, the word refers to an unnerving
feeling, usually inspired by an event or
the actions of a person, but can be
extended to almost any situation: Food,

movies, phone calls, restrooms, house-
hold pets and librarians can all be sketch.
First and foremost, sketchy and all its
variations stem from a state of being:
The disposition of being sketched out.
As I proceed to describe sketchsters and
their environments, I'd like to remind the
reader that getting sketched out is an atti-

tude projected onto an individual or a sit-
uation and thus belies no perversion save
for the sketchee's own insecurity. The
moment that a sketchy encounter
becomes more than risky, it has moved
beyond the realm of sketchiness: This is
called dangerous.
"Sketchy" is used interchangeably as a

noun, verb or an adjective. Example of
an adjective, for use after the hairy dude
with cashed eyes tells you he's the
Wizard of Oz and that you look sexier
than Dorothy:
"That was
sketchy." Example
of a verb: "I got all
sketched out the
other day after I
ate some acid and
my mitten turned
into a rattlesnake"
Example of a
noun: "There were
too many sketch-
ers in my- house
last weekend! l
Nouns are actually
the funnest, sim- Noth'g
ply for the catalog and Like
of variations that
can be formed by using "sketch" as a
prefix: sketchball: sketchmonkey:
Sketchy people and sketchy circutt-
stances can generally be broken dow
into three categories: I)Kinda sketch':
2)Definitely sketchy: 3)Very sketchy.
The first classification isuenerally
reserved for guys and predicaments that
would only be uncomfortable for
females; kinda sketchy guvs won't both-

er a guy, unless they're hitting on his girl-
friend. They don't do anybody any harm,
they're just awfully sleazy and relentless
when trying to pick up chicks ...
"You know, you're the most beautiful
girl I've seen all night.You think I'm kid-
ding, but I'm not." (*The exceptions to
the aforementioned rule are gay bars.)
A definitely sketchy situation is often
one that is detetmined to have been pre-
carious upon later evaluation...
"Hey, did you realize that we just
smoked that joint on the front steps of
the Royal Oak poltce staion.'
"Yeah, that was definitely sketchy.
Although it depends on the seediness
of the bars and clubs you frequent
sou're not likel to find a second-classt-
fication sketcher in public; he s just too
damn sketch. It s more probable that
he'll wander ito one of your house par-
ties off the street. This guy might be on
his wav from Vsrmont to the "Wcst
Coast' or lie miit just be homeless.
le's as harmless as a kinda sketchv nu,
but musch more raing. IHe'll rant aout
his "native"heritage and tell you that he
Just had a pow-wow in the bathroom.
Occasionally one of these cats has
money and enoUgh sell-awareness to
know that he's definitelv sketchv.
Perhaps he's the heir to a loal clothing
See SKETCH, Page 10B

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e Restaurant review
No pocket too li 6t
By Darren Ringel Pit also has you covered with its
Daity Arts Writer "Garden" pita. For those who aren't, my
recommendation list includes the chick-
Look out, NYPD and Pizza House, en, chicken Caesar, steak and black for-
because a new competitor in the late cst ham with sauces such as Tzatziki
night delivery business has come to (garlic-cucumber), honey mustard, hot
town. The Pita Pit is located at 1317 sauce orsThe Pita Pit's very own secret
South University Avenue across from sauce.
The Bagel Factory. For those who have The regular pitas have a price range
not yet had the pleasure of tasting a pita from S3.75 to S5.25. These prices are
from this new hot spot, you are defi- quite modest, but so are the portions.
nitely making a huge mistake. This is why I recommend this restaurant
The Pita Pit supplies its customers for anyoneswho wants a quick lunch
wvith a healthy and light meal. The best before class or has the munchies for a
part about itsis that the customer gets to late night snack. For dinner, one regu-
customize his or. her Pita with the lar-sized pitt wouldn't be nearly enough
choice of nearly 15 different types of to satisfy my hunger. The Pita Pit's
meats and seafood. 10 diftsrent vegeta- response to this small portion problem
bles and 10 different sauces. Not to is allowing its customers to double the
msention. iftoure a vegetarian, The Pita meat for an extra 52.00.
Taekwondo is a Korean Martial Art.
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Han Won Lee, the head coach of the
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31t, CLASS'*
2275 CCRB
""Il (Central
- Building)
This course is offered through:
U-Move / Department of Kinesiology
Class' Schedule:
Div. 884/Course 145-167/001 (BEGINNER) TUE/THU 5:00-6:00pm
Div. 884/Course 145-168/001 (INTERMEDIATE) TUE/THU 6:00-7:00pm
Who can attend: Men and women of all ages. Please
register for the beginner section unless you have prior
martial arts experience. Students may test for their next
belt rank at the end of the semester. Class may be
repeated indefinitely, for full credit each time.
To join: REGISTER at the U-Move Office (1271 CCRB)
from 8:30am until 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. The
cost is $90 for this 1 credit hour course. Contact U-Move
at 764-1342 / u-move@umich.edu if you have questions
about registration.

too' small for the Pita Pit to fill

Another mistakes is that the grill in
the restaurant is about 2x2 feet in size
and cannot handle a heavy rush of
orders. This can push delivery time up
to about an hour and make in house
orders, an annoying wait.
Another flaw in the restaurant is the
lack of seating. The maximum capacity
for seating is about four people. This

hasn't yet posed a problem because dur-
ing sunny fall days, many like to eat
outside. But in the winter, this lack of
seating could take a huge toll on the
lunch sales.
Although The Pita Pit does have its
functional problems, the restaurant has
more positives than negatives. To make
up for these few problems, the restaurant

has added a few perks for its cusomer:
First of all, any student who picks up
pita in the store gets a 10 percent studet
discount. Secondly, The Pita Pit punc
card allows its customers to get the
1th pita for free. Between the health
concept, the student discount, and th
occasional free pita, I am expecting th
new competitor to be a hit in Ann Arbo

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