_-- _- - __ _ ._ The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 13A T/ Kacor made a valiant effort at reach- ing a ball, sprawling across the court; W"We waited for them to lose the ball fell inches from her fingertips. game instead pf trying to beat them," T hat image is an appropriate syiri- By Mike Bloom dominated the spring with a 7-3 singles secret, better down the road."- Michigan coach Mark Rosen said. bol for Michigan's performance- the For the D~aly record. In addition to Wright, Michigan "Those three are really going to have Hoping to build on last years '6-4 "We got tentative and unaggressive match was just beyond their grasp. loses John Long, Brad McFarlane and to step up and provide the leadership' record in the Big Ten and overall Fourth and let them come back. When you "I'm pretty confident with our team The first serve of the Michigan men's Ron Nano, taking their combined 1y-11I Mees said. "All three of them are very place finish, Mees is counting on 'his get a team in a situation like that, you in game five's," Rosen said, "but if tennis season will be struck this weekend record with them, aware that I'm expecting them to really players to return with their game nreed to close the door." you don't start quickly, all of a sudden at the Notre Dame Invitational. The The Wolverines can forget about look- take charge of this team." improved afera hardworking offseason. .Katrina Lehman was stuffed at the you're behind and can't get back. All annual exhibition held in South Bend ing for new senior leadership. Like an With such a young team, the opportu- "For us to take the program ahead to net to kick off game four, but that of a sudden we're down 2-0, our does not count toward the teams overall available Macintosh in the Fishbowl, nity to gain much needed match play where we want to go, people are going to seemed like the last time the ball hit offense deteriorated, the pace of our record, but second-year coach Mark there are no seniors to be found. experience in exhibitions is vital. Mees, have to make sure that they comec back *e Michigan side of the court, and the offense got slower and playing a big Mees will be using this time to evaluate With the lack of a senior presence, the a former Michigan All-American tennis (this year) and are better' Mees~1d , t ol verines went on to a convincing blocking team with a slow offense is his young team. team's experience and leadership must player, believes the purpose of the fall is With only nine years of varsity xpei- l5-6 victory, never a good idea." The Wolverines lost key contributors comec from three juniors: Ben Cox, to, provide us with the opportunity to once between them, building on this "Game four was a perfect example All things considered, Michigan put from last year's squad, including two- Ilenry Beam and Danny McCain. Coach really work on each individual person's summer's improvement will be essential of how we can play," junior Katrina up a respectable conference-opening time All-Big Ten star Matt Wright, who Mees' expectations of this trio are no game and do some things to make them for the Wolverines' success. Lehman said. "We passed well, served performance. well and hit well, and that's what we The Big Ten "is the best conference nee~d to do ." in the country," Rosen said. Michigan. "We didn't make any mistakes," State "is very big and they did very Rosen said about game four. "But to good things offensively at a much 4 be able to play a match at such a high higher level than we've sien yet. 1, Je 4ivie m /if c Ot/ Live music, reat food, fun people and lb laantsc odopnn, Falling short of victory "shows us a *incredible art.. In'sFriday-it's wat you've --1 ,ne od hteeysnl on" lto hnstcial htw edt 6Y Nbe atn o l ek But ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ r Mihgndd'.Tefnlgtbte t"Rsncniud aigLgWxn eptember22 in dubt- th "Tat'swhyI lie payin god opo- ikin * ull* Club Friday music: Gene Parker &Steve wooey game was never i ob te "htswylkpaigodpo Wxn Wolverines were annihilated. nents, because they expose our weak- (jazz)OCAMP(6:3H0LENT:30FREP.M.)NG Mi hi an sfr st aio w se pto i ed ne s s nd l t s n w ha e ee3 * REE tour: The yes Have it (645 P.M.) Michgan'mfrstraion aspinealelusknowwha5we5eed* FREE concert Academy Brss Quintet(P.M.) by the look on Nicole Kacor's face to work on. We learned a lot about our 5FrRE ro-i Kd tdiy(:31830P.. becase e wre frce ino U* Retrpi Reads Staduoet:3 (8P.M.) after a particularly ruthless State team bcuew eefre no*otyedns tnu ot 8.. .L Toedo ymponyOrchestra Concert: block. With the Spartans up 1 2-4, those situations." rdre 'Mdradozart (8P.M.) Open every Frday6-10 P.M 419255-8000 ~2445 Monroe Street Toledo, OH 43620 Made possible by o ifthThird Bank L y .:. we,, e y m..."r+, vsti. e 4 .4 4 ,.4444., ..4. 644w ., n.,.~ ",4" ,,, . _ , ,.,, ,.... ,,. . ,. ,4 .~ .. m , ...44 I T 9 , r wiry ...w, '44 ~. 44~p , _, , e... ,gir44'. 44 44 .44, . . ,. _,..o ", ., . .,.u. .. .-c4444. .,. .4>,,, : ,ro ..,rc ..4 r.., r y , * .. m.-' , -'. .. , ,.,,.4..4, ,.,, -. .4, . .,m. ,. ., .4 .,..4. 4 .4~ 44>~4~. .444.,,...' 44~~ , ,>^ ,. .- ,.aoG} e 444444 .-.:...,w. 44, ,444 4 4. , .. : 4,nr . ,,, 44 , > 4.. , 4. n....I-,.... . .. . . 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Il _ _ . ._._.. , . , 1 . .- . ..... .m..-..444>4.4> ....-4 .......4>4.., -,>4~,4~>> _4 4.-4 w.4444444.44> m4,4..> 4444 4+ A r ,, ..44 .>4 444..,..'. , w en i y urf..r T 4.4. .4.............4.r.4..- ...4>4. 44 44 44-. . a_ 4 .,, . __._~ *4~~~~-" -_,", ... o l e q migh be you firs chanc to li e with someone e e or maybe yo-v bee shrin- -4 11 a-ro m'a lyo ul i f .E it hr-w aat h ee"a r-c o m p o m i ss t ha-m uswb e md e_ wen..Oh a v s h a r e s p a c e w ith_ a. -L , ,-, . s tr a n g er.,,, . .H r e ae.o m h i g stnk e pi.mn.t.mk.te.e r o-mo tl The most important thing to keep in mind is this: To have a good roommate. e yumust be a good roommate. 4' .4 It's true. Pads feel so much like diapers. r?;Beon .; a F4.. Be respectful ofon another's schedules. If you don't like her friends' post -midnight .:: 4 <'1 ,./ /visits, chances are she doesn't like you turning on the TV at 6 a.m. 1~4.4 ' >1> .Decide upfront how you will split up bills and stick to it. Money issues can cause4, >4; s arguments, make living together stressful, and ruin even the best friendships.r 44Vith Playtex Gentle Glide If possible, get separate phone ines. Then you won't worry about getting your mes- 1 4<41> < 4 ll yu fel i comortale.sages, and she wont mind when you tie up the phone all night. 4' Even if your roommate always lets you borrow her CDs, it never hurts to say thank ~ you. Also, just because she lets you borrow her CDs doesn't mean that her favorite r f = . .4. sweater, last cookie, or anything else is also fair game. Always remember to ask ._: before you borrow ( 4~>~>4<' '4Some Roommates Share the Oddest Things! - .4' Although no one can explain why, it is true that women who live together often have >i td} lf Y 7 ,y ;; I~lP t>~ hX;,wm enstrual cycles that coincide. So m ake sure you have plenty of Playtex tam pons on /4< 4<4< ,~ 4 4.444444'.4.44hand to share with your roommate. That way if your periods do coincide, you'll both 1 ,>>~> Ye, evn te tinnet pciscan iveyoube really comfortable - and easier to get along with. this weird, uncomfortable feeling, like 4 yo're earng adiapr. ho nedsHave fun together. Encourage each other to get out and explore your surroundings. protctin lietht? laytx~etleGo for a walk, study in a local park, or catch a concert or museum exhibit.Take pic- 4.14Glide tampons give you a more tures of your adventures - because college only happens once! ,y. comfortable way to deal with your period.