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September 20, 2000 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-20

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13 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 20, 2000

.Mskating, hitting
itself into shape

Ice time
The Michigan hockey team opens its
exhibtion season neat week with the
annual Blue/ White scrimmage.
Here's the fuli schedule to clip and
put on your refrigerator.

State provides 'M' first Big Ten test

By Ryan C. Moloney
Daiy ySorts Writer
'To the untrincd ohsersci'. thc first
v days of thc M ichigan hockcv
team's captains' pr'aciicc tightn look
like an NhLl all-star gameic intentsity
lapses, odd-itani rushecs anid shtowsboat-
ng galorc.
But awithi tnt seck's lltic ad
Whttc gamec list approachtingt, the
atnmosphecrc is iansthin" bitt lick-
adaisical -- the past wecek olfptractice2
htas been chaatrized by in7 ip-
tcmpo pac, soilid checckittg 'and
exceptional plivitakin.
* Wei wcant to simuat a gainttpc
situation," assistat captain Scott
Matzka said. "We really wati to bc
prcparcd for itie Ice [Brakcr
Tournamttct comin" up so "citing
rcady curly is dclfinitely ati imtpotati
part of our prcpatatiittt"
Miclhiguan will host three N(' AA
TIourntamtent tcamis --Ncw Hamtpshirc,
North Dakota anid Colg ate.- in thc
*tson-opening itiurny
TRAINING ROOM: Mintainintg prac-
ice Inteict is ito, easy task lot the
Wolverines, cotnsirlerin" kcv plaivcrs
such as Andy H-ilhert, Maik Kosick itnd
Dane Huntzicker ire siceidily imakitny
their way back iti gamte speeul 'aftcr
dealittg with injiti is ivci thie suittmttr.
"I didnti expect Hluntzicker to bc
buck skatitne hut he looks likc hc's
rcady to got, attd Kosick's skatitig likc
hr was at ithc cud of' last scasotn,'
*atzka said.
I-'luutzickcr sustainecd a kntcc spraini in

M'ichuigan's 4-3overititttr aitt ovcr
Colgtec in the ir tst roiund of last sea-
soit's Nf AA Tournamient.
Koisick Itad a knee scope earlier itt
ther summer'o~ and is dealingtig t titi-
mttl side effects.
"So lit so 'ool," Kosick said. "It's a
litle swollent tight now aud I'tn a little
Wtorieid ahout it. Hopefully I ran kcep
ithc swecllitng down. Whten it is tot
swoillen it liels unbehlievahle so the kcy
is ii to trotl the swvcllinguu
ICEBtREAKE RS:It'sbhint Just lutur
dua's, hut alrcady incitminig freshmtnt
AttdyvBurncs, Mike. Komnisarek, Joe
Kautz anid Hisid Wkyzgowski are mak-
itty an ittpression with thirto net-
"Komnisarek and Barnes are going to
be a big part of the team Matzka said
ofthei two dckensrmnn"Komtsarek is a
bigo guy and lie'sgnte out theie and hit
a couple of guys tard"
Komisarek is 6ft oot-4 and "ices the
Wuolvriesanotahcr totughi physical
Matzka also ptaitsedisKautz anid
Wyzgowski lorthirtphysical play.
believing it wtill catty overintito itic
Bucrnes intherterdlNot 4,lis stuont hr
defetisemtati Mike Viin Rytn dutritg the
1998-99 seasotnt Kautzer is Nit.I11,
sornt last scasontiIts'the io'-graduated
Atidreiw Menrick. Nit24, wotrn hrlast
scason's senitti raptinitSeaitPeach,
tiou bclontgs to Wyzgowski.
lKomiisar'ck tiok Nito. swornt last sea-
situ bty soiphiomotre Brad Fraser. Frascr
nowtr weats Not. 7.

Fri., Sept. 291
Sat., Sept. 30
Fri., Oct. 6
Sat. Oct. '7
Fri., Oct. 13
Sat.. Oct. 14
Fri., Oct. 20
Sun., Oct. 22
Oct.' 27-28
Sat., Nov. 4
Fri.; Nov. 10
Sat., Nov. 11
Nov. 17-18
Thur., Nov. 23
Sat., Nov:25
Dec. 1-2
Dec. 8-9.
Tue., Dec. 12
Fri., Dec. 29
Sat., Dec. 30
Jan. 5-6
Jan. 12-13
Fri., Jan. 19
Sat.. Jan. 20
Tue.. Jan. 23
Sat.. Jan. 27
Feb. 2-3
Feb. 9-10
Fri., Feb. 16
Sat.. Feb. 17
Thur.. Feb. 22
Sat.. Feb. 24
Fri., March 2

Blue/White levi
Wkilfhid Larier leni
'Colgate (IBT)
Game 2 1IBT1
vs. Merrimack
vs. AK-nchorage
at Bowling Green
at Bowling Green
Miami (Ohio)
Michigan State
Ferris State
at Ferris State
at Wisconsin
-at Minnesota
at N. Michigan
St. Lawrence'
NTDP U1B levi
Michigan Tech IGLII
Game 2 (GLI)
Lake Superior
at Ohio State
W. Michigan
at W. Michigan
Notre Dame
vs. Michigan State
N. Michigan
Notre Dame
vs. Michigan State
at Lake Superior
vs. Lake Superior
at Michigan State

By Kristen Fidh
For 'ThecDailt'
As the Itrecontferntce seasont comtes to
aii cud, the Michtigan viollcybtall i tt
begitis the Big Tent seaisont tonigttt
Michtigant State with high lhopes.
iTis pas~t Saturday.,iti. Wolverires
were all smiiles as they emttetrd cliaitpi-
cots of the Fiyetteville Itsvitatiita.iLerd
by seniors Sarah Behntkreitid Alija
Pittenger. the teamt hit over .313 'igainst
Arkanisas and averaged 17.7 kills.
Nowth.enteim mtust fice tic fierc.
tess of thr 17th-rantkrd Spartans.
Alttlounli No. 21 Michigain's I8-1
'ecoird is slightly more imprssrivetani
Michitgan State's 7-2,itir Woveriners
enter thr matrctis thc utiderdogs.
It's "a very big tea,.a vcryrexpcti-
eticed itamatid a very skillrd iceim,
Rosetisatid. We still try to stay witin
our system and if we cotntrol the bill

owell tieestill tic stati ptosititversutis"
Addinto ipositivcebiotes is tBrtttkc'
'apidly imtprovingi"etih.i
"it tas greit to sceherct omicbark
afitrinr injutrittnlduditsitwellt 'itist
IHisusittntiin I irttrs llest Rotesi d.
Berhnkc itas quirteabit ositalet n th-tl
reitrismtito hr ibletrontadcapt tolinutp
changtes sitce shteIris ben .ibsenit.
Also recrrntly ictuttinti"is seiort
Jontita Firl slii who iradstitcicra
shulrutctinitity. Iniirdditiontoihertin-i
court ibiliticsl'iclrdrr is especially ntote-
oruthy ini bet citipatabitity stithticttcr
Katrina ILretmtan.
"Thcy plais ihirsatme positiion and play
wtoethr heuibilintg the ueamtit (thet a
guoorhitythm,"tRuosren said.
Lerhtmtatisaithtwistare autle iti lcoou
to ech othrliiortotisvtion and surenigub
on aund off thur court.
"Brcacusc you tired another persont
who knows your piosition and swhat you

cu thrurcg hswe drcided that wusoul
keep eairk othier goung;ILehmaun si'.
-011 this.rcurt, wekrrp each othercon.-
stintt atichrady for thec next phlty. Joanna
is allu amimt1"phayetatid when shte is n,
stir is ulitucppahI"
If Lehmaniiiandtuieulder findthdat
rhyhmutricrr thir trimthc WboNvenne
tn itud tchemhtselves tocugh to ba
tonigoht ini Iast Lansin'. But to give
thermsrlvtesaicbanc at an upset of t'
Spatans, Michtiganutsill hi-ue to fne-
tune a lens key sk'lls
The teamit's 'irsi oeurnce pratic
contsisuedh umostly of ball cotrol. Bu
irow Rouseni 'ocuises isntchoreographd
plays anud exact dills
''Ity beat Statetsrestill hasc to pas
welrl atid rut a fast offensr;Lehma
said. "We alsonteed to scretogI
becuise, if or get thiem off bbtlance-i
stilt be hurd~er lotrtmto reii their

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