6-- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 20, 2000 AASU R'LUB.COM Have xvoueseens" AVA ILI NOWt: ceff. apt. -E. William & I )ix stm- Gallatin keality Co. 944-1202 X23 AVAILABLE FALL. 2001: Great location, newer kitchens, parking, Indry, etc. 6 bdrmn: 1020 Church. $3550: I1018 Church, $3300: 1016 MIchican. $3400:, 5 bdrm: 954 Greenwxood, $3000: 1016 S. Forest, $3000: 4 bdrm: 1026 Church. $2400. 994-3907. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ;ceat one bdrm. apt. Fits two comfortably. Furnished. All utilities incl. Parking avail. 665-8825. BUY FORECLOSED HOMES: from S1 99/too.. 41/ doxx n. for listings and payment details 1 -8010-7 1-3001 ex. h884 CONV ERTED ISTORICA L house. Unbelievable 2 bdrm. apt. 91t. ceilings- hardwood floors. 6i68- 1100. I NI MEDIATE OCC(UPANCY hasemnent apartmfent in house. 833 F. University. 2 hdrin, furnishing optional. Ianundry and parkin. Lease avail thin 4/28/1. 665-5620. LOO)KING; FOR a place to live? xww'houlSn Vl01.ne... Your move oui tff cnns REFRIG;ER.ATOR-imini dorm sine. 525.00. 714 944-1017 THE 1DIS H DO.ICTORS Aquari umi Showroom: 9) Gallon $39.99 29 Gallon525.99 It) Gallon 57.99. 434-1031. 93 GEOC( N1IE;-1O()51.000 miled.im~anual tranMi"ision, cood nechanlical repair S"'1000( tirin. (Call John at (734) 930-2227. CARS FROM $5(K0 Police impounds. For listines call 1 -8001-3 19-33?23 ext. 4494 TOYOTA COROLLA, 1990, 110k, Runs Great. Fxe. Condition 3500/13est 47-9307. '91 (;E() METRO convertible. Fun ear' Gir d conditioni very clean- A/C and cassette, iiexx ies and exhaust. wxell nmaintai ned. 125.9001 mi.. S1 7(00 or 130. Must see:. 665- '98X NV CL'ASSIC BUG tortnal body si'. le Biand neux -only 3.70(1 miles. Lcoally i3looid Froili Mexico S15,00(0 or best offer NMwst sellt7,~474-824. 41 $-i 744 computers PARKING, AVAILABLE Great Cainpus Locations 668- 1100. PARKING; SPACE FOR RENTr: N. State and E.Huron 60/in obo call mgr. 330-5040. P~ERFEC'TFOR GRAD) STLDENTS-_2 bedroon apart ments on Old West S ide. Furnishted with heat and Water included. Some with balconies tan(] A/C. Parking and laundry axvailable. 668- 11(10) SINGLE ROOMS Very tiiCeSnper location. Lease. Call 741-0170 or 971-319 TERRI FIC EFFIC IENCY at 7(12 Tappanl- S795/Movinth. Great location acroiss fromt Business and Law Schools. (248) 332--4444 AVAIL. JAN. 2011)1.I bdrm._ in great hise. with 5 otirIs. Frn. private ciiirance. prk =. Idry. private shower. Fenn. pref. Rent neg. 623-1 106 or sfrancisQn'uiich.edu GREAT SUBLET AVAILABLE Packard and State St. I bdrin. Fr'ee parkinig/Indr'y. Call 734-761I-6402. LOOKING FOR A SUBLET? [)urine Winter Term - Spring/Suminer. Emil Icaiolyn.adains @ intai lcity.conii or call 801-364-2937. Pets Prefer red! DATABASES 1Alffoidable cusotniWC[e database desitin/host in" db 3 ('niCic hedtu $BA RTENL)ERS NeededS ;No exp. iecessary. Traiinig/Certif-ication avail. Imimiediate ~ob placeimeint. x wwbarcaireeirs conm 8(0-806-0083/ext 445. EXECUiTIVE RESIDENCE- Wait stall needed immediatel y to work Fall term.1Ftee foodxwillI pay the righlt candidate up to$9/lir. Breakfast. lunch, and dinner shifts avad. Call 763-7819. ask f'or John or Kim alter I I a n. or leave inse,. Caring, reliable individual wxithi an Cxctelleiit d('11vin)«t4coid and oxx n tranisportatilon. Responsible for pickinw-up I I & 13 yir. old alter school at Tappan School. theni escorting them toafhcr school actixvities. Also be involved in assisitne with hoitte~ork Hour's are fronm':301)m to 6:30pm., Mon-F'ri. 01rJust a coitlle (ays Comtpetitive pay. Call Mr Tyler today at (734) 769-8520 ext. 221 I BDRM. APT: remodeled. 3 min. walk to S. Quad. Prkg. heat Mcl $6611/mo. 973-7364. A MOTOR G;OPHER waned lI Automobile Magazine. NI -F toinI-5. Good driving record and ability to drive a iranual trans. a mrust. $*6/hr. Fax resume,. xxith twxo references to 17~4) 994.1 153N. Ann: Monie. A WEL.L-PROPORTIONED. li u\ preferr'ed lot' ile-dt'awxing s'4b11ct bh established ait ist . 51I2.5(0/hr. couple hi's/xeck C(all 761-41433( 8:301 am to It1On.m AA PS COMMNIUNITY EDUCATION & Recieation is hi'ing stall (ccitt ication not necessary) for their Art. I )rama. Basketball. Sxx ili and 'eTiiius progr'amls ..hItrsehool. E ciing andtxweekend bouts ax atlable- Classes begind nlof Septemb er 99-4-2 300t cxi. 233 ot ext 228 .F01: ACCEPTIING APPLIC'A'TIONS lot- P/T counter pos. in downtiiown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeal svc .-ole nte( i ndi x. Lastei Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. tat Lihcrty) ANN ARBOR BIOTrECH R &D CO. Novel drug delivery device Our tean needs lull or flexible pattiine pecsple siarting Nov.: p-cheminPharmnacy/olovy . accen g/ttt t. inagitu..naeh/materials-poly merci'engine rica: ( 34 6 5 0 4 I.mail: beCOhanamutniCh cdii. ASST. IN HOME STUDIO: oi eani/e. tile. clean, errands. mail . MAC. F/Il or PM s- It1/hr. Car req. (near train statioti1. 996-40);0V. AUDITOR[FEAM SUPE'RVISOR RG IS Inventory tioxxhittit. Anit Aibor ofI lce.- 5,9+/hi'. paid triaing. b~tcts ax atlable. Must be 18+ with access to icliable trans andc pihonte.Itmmediate openings 734-971 -R(15. BARN HELKIP -4- 7pm Sn one ail ndceret ic ('lose to to"x n.99 -0i092 BORD)ERS BOOKS MUtSIC and (ate NOw hirintg full time bookfiii1usix. sellers and cafe stall'. Fails amr cleaning positionti(2(- hirs/xwk.) also needed. Call 668-7652 or com to fill out a apiplication 612 F. I-iberiy CANIPUSNUT.COM 1SEEKS xx 'tiers: ;e paid/putblished Iforntional xx ebsite (i col lceestudents J01( Scati 12wsnut co iii CASHIERS I ays/Lves, flull/part. xei'v I cx lhrs. *Good pay. ideal lot stuideiits & homemakers (ex: IW(ain- 2pm ot' Spin -101((Pil) ('all Mr. Pita (73-1) 623-0)7t00. F~OREIG N ILANGU AGE instructors atid translaiois needed. Call 734 662-043~4 FOTIO-I1 IMAGING - seeking mature. Ir nendh people for fill anid hart-litme counter' help. Photography hackgrounid a plus SOIIIe retaitl experienice preferried. (Great lpay :ndl Ilis ibehoiiis. ('all Ik)on 0 734-665-368(tx I-1 FRAT1ERNITrIES, SORORI'IIS, CLUBS11, STUDENT1 GROUP'S Earni , 1,00-,o$'2.00(0 this qularter wxith the easy 'ainlixislundraiSe r. cxi i three houtr lutidratsintz; event. No sales required. Fundlraisinli dates are fillitig quickly. so call today!(Contact Caliusfutidraisercoinat (\88) 923-?__S. or visit i x'. cainpusf und 'aisercoinn. FREE ROONI Near 1,1 of' N1. Overnuzhi supervisain ii xehatige for haritler work. Please call (7 34) 761 -144(0 for information. FRONTi' DESK CLERK: P/T custiunci seix ice. Coimputier usage. Free bus pass. bonus piiteniial. Mved-inn Hotel. Call Site at x)36-011(1(11-4. G;ETI'PAID! D o you read Maximii. FHMNI or P1 ayboy*' IfI so. shied 'ci' Because here colles SIZZLE. the hiot test inew itieln s IrnagaZltne inl thle country. We're looking for college stuidetits to joit '1'li Siuie Commandos Promotional Team," Earni cash, prizes. friee gear and norne. To beioiiic a Sizzle (ioitninando. call out' Nexx York offlice at (718) 3W-22219 or emnail its at Ed tiir 0 'Siz/temnaaccoin. GLOBAL PHOTOG;RAPHY is lookirt ne forattractive leinalc modelsIlot nu rde and semi-nude photography. (.ireat pay,- flexible hours, 734-741-7487. GY NI NASTICS INSTRUCT'ORS -All levels-E x periencearid own t ransportat ixoi nieeded. Eveiitieclasses-Interviewv now Gvrt America (734)971- 1667. HEAL.TH CARE ASSIS'TING chiropractor xwith panients. billing. & ty pinge. $8/11r. F/T or PIT. T. W. Thi &/or Sat. Flecx. liis. 99-4-5960. ICE SKATIING INSTRICT'ORS. Day titlle &~ciL hxiiielonur, available. No teach ing extliitee 'eequiried. Call 761-7240(1 IF YOU LIKE FUN, PEOPLE, itusic, daiicie. .xx're for you. ('all 994-4600. Applications beitig acce'pteid fortraiinig class Arthur NIUrm'a- IMVNIEI)IATE OPENINGS: (Customer service. ;cencial office, and data einiry)I For career planiing aiid pl acemienit work stuxdy poisitionis. Fle~x iis./ gr'eat pay. Stop by 32)1( SABth oicall 76--7460. JOB OPP'ORTIUNITIY for energetic peopile or mlajor' credit card prorwtions. Mle excel lenit money xx omktne part tiite. Call Fitti loin imove details at 806-572-4438 or e-mtail 'KFRSHF.A W (oWCIN'V_.C()M LAWY ER'S CLUB diniiig is noxw liring liot all positions. S8.25-$9. 15/h1r. to start. Catering opportuiItIeS. Imeal bhieelims &. flex. selied. Apply ini po'n 1( Lawyer's Clubi. 551 S. State Si. Call 764-Ill1S. LOV 'e111MSIC? Wanmt lice tickets'tunmexork ,it MNlile*' miost e Ciing lliseiitc'r. 'h I mii\cisli s N usical Society. Work sitity positions axvailabile. ('all koii at 7h.; -3:; 3 or 763 -3'1100. N1I ICIII(AN 'lELEFUND Noxx liiniii s uideii tIttr fic xible nighlt aiid xx ekx'nx "JI.ltles Fuin xxork .ltixslthietc aiid e,tt oh exlictie. 1)i tt $8/hr.111115 itightlx boinuses. Apply online or stopli by 611 Churicih. Suite -4F. wxw xx.telel nod u niel.edu ()()87-120 WT/1 OR Ff1' eveniiigaiid day kitchien jobs avail at The Earl. We xxill irain. Work hiaid. eat well, iirice peoiple. Afpply ii peisotinI-F. 5-6 p t 121i\>h'W Was,iieitm PAID LISTENERS NIEI)I) ltot seincsicr- bung study, at Kiesee I earnmie Rescaich liistitine. uonCi 'iiiilcli cxli P~ART 1 1 NI 1K: T1eachiers ncedcld foi national ly accredlitedcl i d car'e ccenter \V: xx ill xxork ai'ouiidl x'oit clasis s'hieduxle ;8.I} i ri/hr . PleaseC('all ()3) l761-? 576 PARTI-TIME )RIVEA Personal erraiixs iii Annt Arhor on a ri lar se fiexl xil ,It flitI 73-4-662-5451 PHYSICAL ASSISTA..NT1'NEEDE!) Ioi xlsahlexl male laxv studemit. Pay' totiablc xill timin. Call Chi's 761-9551. PLAY A GAME, GE"[ PAID) f154$30. P'aid subjects iicededl for explerimtenits this fall and w\inter. GuarIanteed S I) t/li'r miroe ftim' l -2 hxour experimtenits. F lexible seliciliiti including evenling and xvcekenix timtes. Get omn out' mailing list for dates and times? Sent s oumin tamne anixphone on ir mto: experiments.' Q'unicf .ec~i. PUPPY SITTIER/JOGG;ER NVI'DEI): 8 I Slim/wxk please call .A\sllex222.') 122u RA(:KHANI GRADUATIE School is iitx hI'ig qualified iMAlxwork-studsxl\sudents. ('all 76--8265. eil IkemimexvaLx0 imAuiecdii ROMI '1.1S S('IOIS 21ST ' 'cimiiix Prtoet'aamiiis untx.'rxix.wllw for tallers'vchtol teaxlmne iiixtis. teclilioli'te utttrs. anidlaclixits leaxders. SI0t/hr. ('all I ceanna Stronmu 734-711 150 cxi. 273 tm sttiexltrtt ittiiulims k 12 liiiiu, SCOREKEEPERS is iitx!hrimie rli nkttii shiort order cooks. Nom exp~er'iee neces"saty -31(0 Maynard. 995-t010 SEMINAR ASSISTFANT!S-ex'cniigs. -8/hr. P'lease call :Allan 1)90- 1IIt1W. SPANISH TUTOR foar a 101 yr. oldl girl bee~mnit level. Please Call 668-I .331 SPRINGN BREAK 2001 Jamaica Cancun, Florida, Sarbabos Bahamnas. Now HfI~'ng Campus Reps. Earn 2 Free Tips. FrbMas. Boost by Nov. 2nd. Call for FREE info pack or visit on-line sunsplashtours..com 1 -800-26-77'10 SPRING lBREA\K RIEPS nieededt rmt 'itndeiit trips. Ealiiiti travelfrt'.No o \ill immtitWtk only'our oxxniitime. Il-8(10l- 12,"-lxx_'xx xx spil iiebeakdmm'ect.ctom 1'TI)EN'I' FINANCIAL. Assistant: I:ill!\\mitct 20010. ci'eetic xn'eaiit.ed. detail - of idled stuidetit ncedcdl loin checkinig p a~ahle'5 pay ittlI. elpitie xwith pturchases. lcut'. .Iindfilin, Fiiaticial cxf~riicCea pln I lexilile h~ o. I-) itt I5 pet xx cek. Pam I) Hoiid l 1 ulanitai .A\ssistaiit. \l Stuixdent l'Le..Amtii .\rb r. A1l. 4,,-,1)19-I '7. SitI~'INI'help neexlcxl. :L-Nil 'dc lt ('1-let icalStalxmit aiea. S7 to stat. \ci lc's d. ied(alLisa x998-730. 5'!'I.'I)ENTiS ncexdcxi ftr 4 vi. tld ant islec bt'x No ex.'ncc. ILookintg for xdedicated tloplc Titi' Ii:iiiii tmox'. 7 A-F(6 2-89)4S OFFICE11HEL .~P I'amid 1lime xbl lrs shoxmug a pts, to stuxleti. (iteat xx ork xiitn stiidetis (all 761-80)))) OFFICE STAFF I"ASS IS'I'AN'I' $8/H 2: wvor k-stutidivSituxdenti. lierfom hia scle tfcx duties iii a pllxxi~iii. uphcat lucalihaute cmxtxl uemit Flex ihieluohtiiis 01lice: espertete hlllilul. Respitosible andx 11106 xaced students call C'arol 93 6-4785. ATTENT4 ION- GROUNDSKEEPERS WANTED Help maintain alt that is green on campus: Assist in planting, fertilizing & pruning trees, shrubs & flower:r Duties also include daily litter pick-up, lawn mowinh trimming & weeding flower & shrub beds. Pay start at $8.50/hour.," Self-motivation, dependaili enthusiasm, desire to learn, "genuine interest in caring for the earth are essential. To apply calt 763-5539 or visit our website- www.plant.bf.umich.edu/groundsEmployment ppc tunities~ftmt or stop by UM Grounds Dept office between 7 am. and 3 p.m. weekdays. Grounds & Waste Management, Plant Services Building (first floor) 1110 Palmer Dr. (behind the Power Center). An equal opportunity; f irmAt'r action employer. 4VN"I \LD'l: lDO )SONIV F 01'O1 H[tmli puttIi "dx .niatt1 NI oil gc'tletcs isiiokiit L an S's Cll 71-763 1)000t. Sib?3II. l'ael Al ii .rhix oit ncessars W 1FORK S'IUY ASSISIANT'Iteachers neccd to xxcork'vxili outi chcliden. ltnmittieor tinrmotsS8-K_2/i'.. Cont~ct firt :Aniiat . oNI (Childens Cnet 'oi UX tkitne Famllis. 716 S.1Poest 99-7i600. XV ORK STIUD)Y STUDE)1NS ;ARE Itt sex eiDt! 0 licipotmomismat Stuxhtit. 'tLlttuon'iiA WC c lx'kiii''tilx pii hiilRl. znine) ci tu stiust issstim uh xm~isome or ,uio tutil.lot s, til ig- cash recipr. dmb~t: h .xca Ca00i'odin itin. classfid pisle ''p andtlauleiisimi''tearmmdowx'n. Va'iou hours axmlabl. Pa\ 56.75 o S7 pen ho. m';i ulx Ic'lI lxii'inlimatotior aipifyat 761 5(.2 10 E. Stuxeit Pumicatioti ' / 't.IBONI DRIVER' w' SIthim 7t: -740. child care Ai11'11 SCI 10(0(1. '1RIKXANk.E l.'petuxnhlc et i. lemitale i'. 'or' child tehithccar to ake clidemitoIcssms Call S I"'ERSCIIOOL ('CHILD)(ARE iedexd I mr'v ,culs. ac (s aiim!'9 T1u'cc ultetnxmit pi vrck 2 3(1 - 5:3if)1.. ii my .\ninAbor hiiC 'mle (lxiraspo'taion adxl mecines rcicdl.iix'tl mnki'.$8 1/huou. Call Kaici at 1-'7; 04(fi16h I tr 7-x-97 1-71)4xha t AN'ESOIE 1AUGH'T'ERS! For (0 and \Is. olx 'I'xo ti. I'n Camlpus. hi. vc- lxx .. bittoxxcn ar neC. Call 936111(1 or44' 7269 (I)xl or ti9)4301 tves. BABYBS I'II'ER hIto. 5 yr& 17 i. gi'ls. 2 thax - sxkSouth cast .:A2. 11.477-0-45. BA BYS I'II'ER N EDED [f r11 v. uld iml 11car selitol. Flex s cd..'rool pay. Ca tedcxl(allI66-I332 B3ABYSIT'I'IR NEEDED loi 3notrolh ov''urs, 2:0 -7001( in ot'NW AitiAt'o ho mie. nonisink. Re . OxniiTraspotat ion. (all lDaa 734-424-13 4(1. BABYSI'TELR NEEDED for 7 & I I ',m moixstly wekenid bhrs66-3062. BABYSITTER NEEDED) FOR 7 motold i llii-ate.mnon-smokem, in AtniArhor hoti Refemeilce. (all (73.11 Q71-"1123. BABYSITI"ER NEEDED) egulaibouWt.1 'Iliuts and ulSa. For 2 ad 6 yin. old ;all Kalita or Lelamnxl741723. - BABYSI'"I'R-NEEED: fuo'I Ccat in. xld l o lixtna plyobcan tg. 'csllttisic adullt." at :evs xxeC'klx. II1tit.' lx n' apits. cal 2 1:_'957.9 iPPfr3 Ex BABYSITITER IVANTE fo 77Z77c+ II my homte fom' 7 amd I I vi. old. Huron 'adx 7th xiciitv.NS. res God Pay. 66 -110(. CHILD ('ARE nedd in our ho me. Ill- IS his/xxk. Flx. schd. I miiieIcfomi camiplus Plase call 7(1-1-I3(6. EN ERG E'HC baysiter nedd I'r 3 12 r. old & 7 miii) old 1-15 ht's./vk. NI-F. Flex. chexl.Ownuramsl N-snikr. 668-972. "EXPERIENCED NANNY to look aler 2 v. Old 1frm tSept. txo Coil 01I (ct.. ull mm' pal time. Refs. and CPR required. Call 994-470. N'AU RE, CARING ; lcsuttineeded to cae lxt- onr I yr. old old son iii our home, .5 hi./xvk Nom-smitokein xwitIion i t 'ais. K tclcetces. 181486-444._ NEED) BABYSITTER for childmeni I t - 4v+'s. oldl Situmomins Im ti0-1(1 I 3taiiu- 515I/Sui. Cahh Iisa Refint 440229 RESP)ONSIBLE PERSON nto xhnme mxxx chlri i to amid fr'om Hebrewx schiool in Anti. Arbor friomiiIDexter', Monidays & Wednesday.. Timne: 3-6 pinm.S50(/ k. 38-4625. AFFORI)ABL.E COMPUTIERS 5>400,00tt)anixlclss xx xx xx .;il Iiirdabllh~ilittthis.dxrtii furniture I'1II.-SIZED PILLOW tp miattress. 4 yrns. olxl. Pete. 623-1124(1 'TWIN SI/El) SEALY' umattress xxithi box ha-ute: FACncttmxmion. Yessica 91 3-5.34. for rent MNII '1 SF1':(6$8-1I (0(1 .75(1/mutt602-4446. RO AIRPORTI $40. locals tot) VISA. AMEX (1k.AimiiArborin 'axi 741 -9)0) ??' GRAD S'l'UDEN'T'Al Side. I andxhdbnitis, MI'S 2 BE1DROOM (CAMPI Ax amlale i~smmneilatel . S7 A VEFRY QU'IET''I place Ifxr [ ll I'(1( Prf'ect loin MBA's anixlgiaxd stuidenuis. I bedm'oo it apartmi ents xxmi t hose special toumlcxs lot 'ctualits ixmite ( lxt,.c' tt camtipts (68-IIt)(. AVAIl. NOW! F1-n.CHlI-mat mit. Hill wnd F.- tIitx. Heat Naxx ttem'itcl. 5'_'trtm c e.FC AVA\IIL 00 Ci: kRotmi xx' Ici i'11lx'pIanelcd.I -Je cst. loi s ti xmulttxxs.3)lks itt.ip'iitm'ih ,'.itiilusG(alhanutI'kais (xt.99x){. I X'.'\ AVAIL.. NOW- 2 bdimtu. apits.. Ken'-ytoxx i aica. IOwshm. cai'bage dlispoxsal. A/C. Heat 1120(N &pike m.ic. 8511/mto.734-668-2817T ANN ARBOR'S BIOGEST! SPORTISBA R is nowxxhirimne cooiks. xaitstaf . anixildtxirmemi for fall teent iHardx-xxxrkmme pxunctxiah aplhlicatits slutld apply {0' Scxmtkeepci's. 31() Mayniardlacr ironitt Borders. )O5-()100.( $1 ,000'S WEKLIY! ! Stuiff enivelopes fttr $2 each + ottuises FI'. P/F. Make 5800+Ii xx ckly. gutaateed'. Free suplie is: Fon xhtail. scenix!lIstampil to: N-1I22. PMIB 552. 12)021 Wilshire BIl., Lo.ts Ankcles. CA 9(1(1>. $1 50(0 WEEKLY: potential miailinug otm circulars. For iiitfo call 2013-977-1720. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 "Back in Black" band 5 Bullet-against- metal sound 9 70s TV family name 14 Milne bear 15 Spoken 16 Variety show 17 1993 Nobelist Morrison 18 Weighty volume 19 Mandate 20 Salon staple 23 Teacher's favorite 24 "Jingle Bells," e.g. 25 Shade for a lifeguard? 28 Stacked wood 31 Fashions 35 Popped up 37 Bounding gait 39 Calhoun of "The Texan" 40 Theoretical physical concept 43 "- small world" 44 In this place 45 Pt. of AAA 46 Bounce back 48 Big bag 50 Chicago rumblers 51 i-of Eden" 53 Subtle tone 55 Surfing film of 5 Chip source 6 It's pumped in gyms 7 Parents' choice 8 First American to orbit Earth 9 Beer maker 10 Warnings of imminent attack 11 Tel - 12 HI -: Mussolini 13 So far 21 Free-for-all. 22 Carved symbol 25 Long-snouted beast 26 Rugged ridge 27 Swedes' neighbors 29 Modieling need 30 Flies like an eagle 32 Kind of pollution 33 Show great pleasure 34 Makes harmonious 36 Dazed and confused 38 Guilty, for one 41 "- Were the Days" 42 Caulking fiber 47 Astronomer who studied comets 49 Buddy-buddy 52 Nicholas II et al. 54 Contact in cyberspace 55 Fencing weapon 56 Eggy drinks 57 Prepare for company: perhaps 58 Burn 59 Choice word 60 Island spirits 61 Fast flier, briefly 64 Bumped into (T ICA RI'I ASST. Ittr itedicall oflice. Flex hoturi. Irletem da lly (Clttw' t Camuls. LxAcx'I 'ii iaxy(CaihI990-8757 (L'I.'RICAI, PART'T'rIE, IS-2))lii'. lien xx CA Ck " '.mli thlinug, basic botikkccptig. Rttt'\%lce tl , M Fx\cl. \Wotrxl helpful. 1 xicxx s hi\ apo it memt ScxtteC'epc's aitt \l,,uiaix]. ;",4)4i 9-1)0 C'I.RKJMIESSENGER $7.2/ir. I0-2t0 Im N/\x k NI 1-SIt.lDiverIncciisrequied, I NI (Cinittal caimluis. ('all 'lautuii".764-7312 sxxt t catlitcau varsity coach. If'imnterested] all Jtohn ttbintson. Athletic I luextom'. )73-11 ( 'O\('II NNAN'TED: 'Flue IDexter Ctmtiluty Aqumaimes ('lull)tislookinig for an :ts.stailtt Shxiii] coachi lot' its a2Le emoump icamt. .$x mlviiii ieslieu ,N cCis C i, cqum mdl. cixuliinc Ceheri'n'C , prC1efe-c. -lHt.ii'saic Stit. 'Minil. \1: txl ii1:1 .Fri Iim iS)t0- ' :3t] lpm and lSat 1 (tOt . 6))0)1)[11 D I\s xxttkexh arc' tiexlil. sIlin ,,laIN i'I (i/Itt. (I Inmterestedl ettltact Irn Kciue'.lx oin7(01 -5I X2 thin I sa((tie t 's 20l tins t)Gtttdlpay . Flex. liis.SMuist haxyc xli. wx VlIS tillice amid XW'il '95/1NT For ime uii Itand lluiv tt apll> xx xxx sitreuinlitieliuli/Ielp CO(MIPUTE'R SALESPERtSO N ,:C1,, ll l and part tunliCc dxulixr ,,I,tlc'.tt'thIle Lxlic'in'ic xxithi Ctiilpuite'i I:Iln oloc ; net. ssanx as xxcll as sales Crt.''nic . Il an ilild. Fle.xible c' Clulni cI fot r lt hite tueIti ! CSucesul Catidxates xill h~C uc'xamxhexh xx1tub ase xagic lplus ettiuiui~i. ('all Mwr. IDouglas atl7-4-7 1 - 10I ' )t$ Lx 12 or FAX mesuimm iextlicoxer Icm tx t t73- bh) 848S DELIVERY AND RECEIVING personI' lot itntn dc'sieuu Stumdixi aiid lurnitumuc ,Iioxx mimuIulhl or pairtmtie.(Gotd xwor'king et.' n tcnt. ctttlxtrtablc hoxumrs. Retail1 e ct tlt~c' a plus. Seud mstumne tt 3ax I aesic n 6O I ctitiSt. nnmi..Xhiotm.Nil 4itin ~t ax i( 17 -1-41)1)-1 10 IlIIIN'E:I.R PERSONS Pint u (mIic.: :M- 1)lit tr--t 11mm) Ideal 211dl jotbGreat cash. ('all Mr, Pita tI73-I in2 -07(1(. D1.1 WANTIED): ILookitig loin o(1i2o11L. lii tCtnxsital '& respontisiblelpexople to) jo~ill itumi CmICrilatinoc't i ttii. Must have suitahle x dude. Ntt xxlidrmcce.nmecessamy- tritig pop mil d 7341) 665-5554. D10 X'Ot'LIKEK WORKING xx itlichildrenim I ixt 't ninumtts Schtotls is hiri'igt t.tcdmttnti i:tu. ('all 73-4-420-5540 NEEDED): RAPID NOl'IE'AKER at Lmx Schixoul S1I2)1(1 per 1itt11' usc' ttu1' laptotp Tuiesxax'-'Ihsxdax Itl_)tf)- I_'a))itbomn I) 'lakecComtputerci' mi ousItr a stuemit xx\it1i hiearinigloiss. Call Ittan Smithtli763- 1(18ittr bhette': joittuiii0u1iiuihi eului NOWiA ACC'EPT'ING APPILICA'TIONS Itt Ilmmihi Suitpmxismors andu a certifiedh ifIeeuarmIt the 20001i-2101I schixutiyecar, Please call Hontic'\ Crck ('xtitmnit School at 994-2636. NOW HIRING; FO(R FAL.! Studtxti muc( 0 it xxok lunmch slit1("sMit heic thticati Ilfce Iuilft . (J0ttoxl\. i'. 'c (iia. ls x 1ok studyh Atk Call 9'_-t)';y:tll1\ in1hcrstit a) 911 N I'mxcists tt1 n iitil mi -'taits (an imithiexh T11IIlI.! 'K FRONT. IDay' cashiernighit stuck xx aiitc'd. I15-2(1 hlex. lirs. Apply alter 1tiit (t0i-7777. 'TU''TOR NE';)ID: lor iniih Schiool student. I helpin ng itlishi. Science homtnesou'k. 01,1 N848 v CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION phone 734-764-0557 fax 734-936-1054=V4 Mon.-Fri. 9am.-5p.m. : fi: :,;+" nS+± ;>' ;iE> v : . di 't . ? k> :G A;' ': ~} . ;?i": ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: DSELES RETREA C LEER TRADE T XENTL OS OA I R E A L R9/20P/E O " Walk-ins receive 20% discount with valid V of M student 1.D.' {non-o~rganiza- tional, non-business ads only) " All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established. " The liability of TMD for failure to publish an advertisement for any reason, or for publishing incorrect ads in a specified issue shall be limited to publishing in a subsequent issue and not for more than the cost of one incorrect inser- tion. TMD will be responsible for classified advertisement errors only if noti- fied by 5:00 p.m. on the first day of publication. " No personal checks will be accepted from April i to May 1. Classified Advertising Rates " $3.35/line for the first day, $1.15/line for each additional, consecutive day " Frequency/Bulk contracts available :, . I '?<> x ,: : r : ,;,,.:. ::::r:: * s; i: .v } i' i hv}{;J:. vv.M1 '?'iii-h' -. y ti._ . Vi ' ' '< : :Z : L. t$: +;}2 : n ti Stumped? Call" 141 1-900-933-5155. 99 cents a minute 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 1 day 2 days 3 days 2 lines 6.70 9.00 11.30 ' 4 days 5 days 13.+60 15.90 ,I