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September 20, 2000 - Image 1

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Wed nesda
September 20, 2000

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1 1 1 1.1


grabs gold
*m 200 fly
By Benjamin Singer
Daily Sports Writer
While most of Ann Arbor slept early yesterday, former
Michigan swimmer Tom Malchow set a new Olympic
record on the way to a gold medal in the 200-meter but-
After setting a new standard in the Olympic games
with a preliminary time of 1:56.02, Malchow bettered
himself and everyone else again in the finals, finishing
in 1:55.35 in the final heat.
Not only did he improve his times, but also the color
of his medal. Malchow earned the silver in the 1996
Summer Olympics in Atlanta.
Malchow lagged behind in fifth place after the first




VP's daughter
campaigns on
MSU campus

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

Tom Dolan (World record) - USA
Tom Malchow (Olympic record) - USA
Gustavo Borges - Brazil

lap, but a strong finish put
him in first.
"That's kind of typical
of Malchow to come back
at the end of the race,"
Michigan diving coach
Dick Kimball said.
Even after trailing early,
Malchow kept his cool.
"I stuck with my wits,"
he said. "When you're a
competitive person, it's
hard to sit back and watch
people ahead of you, but

Karenna Gore-Schiff, daughter of Vice President Al Gore, mingles with students at Michigan State
Auditorium after addressing the crowd on the importance of student political participation.
Free colncert aims to
-raise st-udent turnou"st

/ou've got to pick your moments.+
"You don't want to get too far behind in the game. It's
not an exact science. I still do some dumb things, but it
usually works out well."
Malchow missed his own world record by 17 hun-
dredths of a second. He swam 1:55.18 in June at a meet
in Charlotte, N.C.
"I'm sure he's disappointed in missing the world
record," Kimball said. "In the Olympics, coming in first
is all that matters."
Malchow is the second former Michigan swimmer to
vin a gold medal at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney,
ustralia. Tom Dolan won the gold medal and beat his
own world record Sunday in the 400-meter individual
Former Wolverine Gustavo Borges earned a bronze
medal for the Brazilian team in the 400-meter freestyle
Assistant Michigan coach Eric Namesnik - an
Olympic silver medalist for the 400-meter individual
medley in 1992 and 1996 - has been keeping in contact
with Michigan head swimming coach Jon Urbanchek,
'ho is an assistant for the U.S. team in Sydney.
"Down there, swimming is extremely popular,"
Namesnik said. "Everyone is talking about it.
(Urbanchek) says that's fun to be a part of."
Namesnik not only learns results a little early from
Urbanchek, but also hears about Michigan senior and
1,500-meter freestyler Chris Thompson, who has yet to
"From all indications, he's in good spirits and training
well," Namesnik said. "I don't know if lie can get a
medal, but he could finish third."
The success of former Michigan athletes at the
*) lympics hasn't overshadowed practices at Canham
Natatorium but the swimmers still pay attention to the
action in Sydney.
"We've been pretty much going about business,"
Namesnik said. "We've been posting articles up on the
wall and these guys have been soaking it all up. I tell
them to use it as motivation for this season."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

EAST LANSING - The roped-
off empty seats and band of students
on stage could hardly get a cheer out
of the crowd of almost 300 people
yesterday as Karenna Gore-Schiff
visited Michigan State University to
advocate the importance young vot-
ers in the political
Gore-Schiff, the old-
est daughter of Democ-
ratic presidential
candidate Al Gore,
came to Michigan State
Auditorium yesterday to emphasize
the changes young adults would be
able to make merely because of the
large numbers of people in their age
"We must face the fact that our
action or inaction will have profound
consequences on all of our lives,"
Gore-Schiff said to the crowd.
But in a school with more than
40,000 students, turnout seemed
low with only about 300 in atten-
"Well the thing is that I don't
really expect young people to show
up at political events because so
many young people are turned off
to politics and want nothing to do

i i'

with it," Gore-Schiff said after the
"But I think that just making the
effort to say that we're reaching out,
we respect their voices, we want to
hear from them and we want to talk
with them is important," she said,
"and hopefully down the line it will
make a difference."
Gore-Schiff heads GoreNet, a

tion has been

By Jane Krull
Daily Staff Reporter

network for 18- to
24-year-olds to
gather political
"The pundits say
that we are apathet-
ic and our genera-
dismissed as being

The rock band Guster will give a free con-
cert this afternoon on Palmer Field with
more than the purpose of giving University
students good tunes to jam to - they're pro-
moting voter registration and political
The Voice Your Vote Commission of the

Michigan Student Assembly decided to book
Guster to perform on campus to "promote
voter registration and appeal to students who
might not ordinarily stopped to register to
vote," said Voice Your Vote Chairwoman
Shari Katz, an LSA junior.
The University Activities Center office
decided to co-organize the'concert with Voice
Your Vote.
See GUSTER, Page 2

too self involved to deal with pub-
lic life," she said.
"It is easy to underestimate the
impact of elections on our lives,"
she said. "It's true that all of our
lives are affected profoundly - our
dreams, our relationships, our very
family experiences take shape with
the support or break under the pres-
sure of a thousand politicians' deci-
Some students present at yester-
day's rally said they were frustrated
Inside: Green Party candidate Rafph
Nader visits campus tomorrow.Page 3.


places emphasis on

life science exploration

By Anna Clark
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's College of Pharma-
cy is ranked third in the nation. The
department of biomedical engineering
has climbed to number 11. The Medical
School is 12th.
According to the 2001 U.S. News and
World Report rankings, the University is
already doing quite well in many of the
life science departments. In fact, it's the
top public university in many of the cat-
So what has motivated the University
Board of Regents to pledge hundreds of

millions of dollars to
develop the Life Sci-
ences Initiative?
To broaden and
deepen life science
study on campus as
well as attract top
research scientists to
Ann Arbor, the
regents have commit-
ted more than $200
million toward major

First of a three
part series

Palmer Field.
In addition,new interdisciplinary pro-
grams and concentrations in the life sci-
ences are being created, including the
Program in the Life Sciences, Values
and Society, which was launched this
So although the University's individ-
ual life science departments are success-
ful, associate biomedical Prof. Ray
See LSI, Page 2
Inside: LSI construction bids are on
the agenda of the University Board of
Regents for their meeting tomorrow.
Page 3.

additions, most notably the Life Sci-
ences Institute. The institute will feature
high-tech research facilities and will
soon be built across the street from

Street poetry

Third student jailed in
FSU alcohol fatality

By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
A third Ferris State University student was sen-
tenced Monday in the drinking-related death of an
FSU freshman last year.
Nineteen-year-old Stephen Petz of Gaylord died
from alcohol poisoning March 15 after drinking at
an off-campus apartment, which served as a house
for the underground fraternity called the Knights of
College Lore or the Knights of College Leadership.
In June, Ferris State student Erik Bannister, 22,
pleaded guilty to two counts of furnishing alcohol
to a minor, a misdemeanor. Monday he received a
sentence of 45 days in jail, 120 hours of communi-
ty service and $2,060 in fines. He is the third to be
sentenced of six people charged.
The drinking was apparently part of initiation
activities for the fraternity. Petz's blood alcohol con-
tent was .42. Brad McCue, the Michigan State Uni-
versity student who died in 1998 after drinking 22
shots, had a blood alcohol level of .44. Fraternity
members took Petz to the hospital the morning after

Prosecutor's office.
Tabachki is charged with involuntary
manslaughter, conspiracy to furnish alcohol to a
minor and furnishing alcohol to a minor. Gardner
is charged with furnishing alcohol to a minor caus-
ing death, conspiracy to furnish a minor with alco-
hiol and furnishing alcohol to a minor.
Already sentenced on similar charges are 20-
year-old Robert Markjha of Southgate and 19-
year-old Barry Bradley of Flushing. Markjha
received 10 months in prison, 36 months of pro-
bation and $1,500 in fines. Barry was sentenced
to six months in prison, 36 months of probation
and $1,000 in fines.
Twenty-one-year-old Mitch Swoish is awaiting
sentencing after being convicted of one count of
furnishing alcohol to a minor causing death.
No court dates have been set for any of these
Ferris State spokeswoman Christine Williams said
the university has had little to do with the investiga-
tion except for readmitting one of the students this
semester after he appealed the court's decision.

Ruth Thornberry of the Centers for Disease Control was a
featured speaker at yesterday's National Conference on
Genetics held at the University.
Conference on
genetics brngs,.&
exp7 %erts to A2
By Natalie Plosky
Daily Staff Reporter
The third annual National Conference on Genetics and
Public Health wraps up today after a two-day exploration of
the impact that genetic information and technology have on
the field of public health.
The conference began yesterday, following the School of
Public Health symposium on genetics Monday.


IN ' I

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